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Level Two Department of Magical Law Enforcement

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Old 06-02-2021, 09:28 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Work Areas

At one end of the department you will find the work areas for MLES, Aurors and Security employees. Most don't spend too much time at their desks as they are likely out on assignment or patrol duty. Each of the division heads has an office should you need to stop by for a word. If you can't find who you're looking for, ask Muriel over at the reception desk to help you.

During major investigations the area is flooded with employees and perhaps witnesses who have been brought in to wait. On one wall there are many pictures and documents pinned with information from current investigations. Another wall and above many of the desks are moving posters showing the most wanted criminals in the Wizarding World. When they are caught they are magically marked with a large red X.

Every Auror, Hit Wizard and MLES Officer has their own desk here. YATIs do not have desks, but will earn them once they have completed their training. The Head of Security, the Event Security Liaison Officers, and the Internal Investigations Liaisons have their own permanent desks, while the Ministry Sentinels, Security Officers and Wand Weighers work between this office and the Security post in the atrium and do not have personal desks of their own; plenty of spare desks are available for hot desking.

Please be aware of your surroundings in this area. No one likes a snoop. You don't want to be top of the list if things go missing.

On the opposite end of the department is an even larger work area with wide open spaces and lots of apparent natural light. The enchanted windows have a beautiful view that occasionally changes. The divisions here are in separate areas but are not too far of a distance from each other.

Each of the division heads has an office. Every member of the MMAO, CMEC, and IUMO has their own permanent desks. The Wizengamot are based here but spend much of their time down in the courtrooms. However, they each have their own secure locker and you may on occasion find one or two of them working at a spare desk or going through a stack of court files and case histories.

The Forensics lab, a large storage room, the Evidence and Pensieve rooms, as well as the direct floo access aren't all too far from here. The conference room and the Department Head's office are a bit more of a walk. Make sure to keep a map on hand in case you lose your way the first few times in this department.
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Old 08-31-2021, 02:04 AM   #2 (permalink)

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On his way out of the department from his office, and having just sent off a patronus, Jake stopped by the work areas, hoping to grab someone not currently tied up in urgent work. Someone from MLES, the Auror Office, or Security would be best suited, or so it seemed, so it was largely the north side he addressed from where he stood at the midway point. Not that he would say no to anyone's help, stretched as his department currently was.

He said it calmly enough, though loudly to reach the ears of his employees, and was not lacking in urgency either. "Need some of you to come with me, there's a situation downstairs." Which was really all the detail Jake had time to give, as evidenced by the fact that he was already continuing on his way out. Those who joined him, however, would end up following to the break room on Level Three.
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Old 04-24-2022, 08:28 PM   #3 (permalink)

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Gabriel had a spring in his step and not one but two cups of coffee in his hands as he made his way to the Aurors' desks area. One coffee for him, one for Missa. She'd seemed like she might need a warm beverage last time he saw her. He was hopeful she might be at her desk when he stopped by his own. Well, hopeful enough to get a coffee. If she wasn't there, he could charm it to stay warm and leave it for whenever she did stop in.

Though now that he was here, he realized leaving a cup of coffee unattended on someone else's desk was probably not the brightest idea. Hmm. Maybe he should have thought of that before he'd purchased it.

He rounded the corner to his own desk, wondering what to do. He supposed he could wait a little while longer, if she wasn't there. Maybe she'd show up. Or he could drink the coffee himself.

He wouldn't mind that option.

But. Still. Hopefully Missa was in.
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Old 04-25-2022, 02:41 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Gabriel had a spring in his step and not one but two cups of coffee in his hands as he made his way to the Aurors' desks area. One coffee for him, one for Missa. She'd seemed like she might need a warm beverage last time he saw her. He was hopeful she might be at her desk when he stopped by his own. Well, hopeful enough to get a coffee. If she wasn't there, he could charm it to stay warm and leave it for whenever she did stop in.

Though now that he was here, he realized leaving a cup of coffee unattended on someone else's desk was probably not the brightest idea. Hmm. Maybe he should have thought of that before he'd purchased it.

He rounded the corner to his own desk, wondering what to do. He supposed he could wait a little while longer, if she wasn't there. Maybe she'd show up. Or he could drink the coffee himself.

He wouldn't mind that option.

But. Still. Hopefully Missa was in.
Oh Missa was there alright. She had actually gotten in early, and seeing as no one had been around - she had decided to rest her eyes a little, since she hadn't been able to get any sleep at her dorm. Only the little bit of 'eyes resting' had now turned into a tiny nap.

Head pressed against her arm on the desk, she was passed out.

And considering how exhausted she had been recently, the smell of the coffee alone might not wake her.

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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Old 04-26-2022, 02:01 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Oh Missa was there alright. She had actually gotten in early, and seeing as no one had been around - she had decided to rest her eyes a little, since she hadn't been able to get any sleep at her dorm. Only the little bit of 'eyes resting' had now turned into a tiny nap.

Head pressed against her arm on the desk, she was passed out.

And considering how exhausted she had been recently, the smell of the coffee alone might not wake her.
Gabriel set his own coffee down on his desk before checking in on Missa's desk nearby. He heaved an audible sigh of relief when he saw she was there. Things were going according to the plan. His plan to do something nice for his friend.

Something nice like...waking her up.

He cleared his throat, holding the coffee a little closer to her face in hopes that the smell of it would wake her gently. Everybody liked waking up to the smell of coffee, right? But, come to think of it, if she was tired enough to fall asleep on her desk...maybe she'd need a little more than a pleasant smell. "Missa," he muttered, not wanting to be too loud in case anyone else heard and caught on she was sleeping. He raised his voice to his regular indoor talking level. "I brought you coffee."
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Old 04-26-2022, 10:54 AM   #6 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Gabriel set his own coffee down on his desk before checking in on Missa's desk nearby. He heaved an audible sigh of relief when he saw she was there. Things were going according to the plan. His plan to do something nice for his friend.

Something nice like...waking her up.

He cleared his throat, holding the coffee a little closer to her face in hopes that the smell of it would wake her gently. Everybody liked waking up to the smell of coffee, right? But, come to think of it, if she was tired enough to fall asleep on her desk...maybe she'd need a little more than a pleasant smell. "Missa," he muttered, not wanting to be too loud in case anyone else heard and caught on she was sleeping. He raised his voice to his regular indoor talking level. "I brought you coffee."
No, sir, the smell of coffee was definitely not doing the trick. And neither did his indoor voice - she was out like a light. These power naps in between her hectic schedule was probably the only thing getting her by, and seeing as how uncomfortable she usually was at her dorm. This desk felt as comfortable as a bed.

Maybe it was because this place was the safest besides Eiji's apartment - or maybe she just wanted to believe so. Anyway --- sorry, Gabriel. Try harder.

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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Old 04-27-2022, 12:43 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Samia View Post
No, sir, the smell of coffee was definitely not doing the trick. And neither did his indoor voice - she was out like a light. These power naps in between her hectic schedule was probably the only thing getting her by, and seeing as how uncomfortable she usually was at her dorm. This desk felt as comfortable as a bed.

Maybe it was because this place was the safest besides Eiji's apartment - or maybe she just wanted to believe so. Anyway --- sorry, Gabriel. Try harder.

How was she so soundly asleep? Gabriel did not think he could ever sleep that soundly, not at work, on a desk. He cleared his throat again, and set her coffee down just out of reach. He crossed his arms, wondering what would work to wake her up. Or maybe he should just let her sleep? He could leave a note with the coffee.

But that was really back to the leaving suspicious things around the office--she'd never know if the note was really from him. He'd have to wake her. Somehow. Without getting hexed.

Gabriel racked his brain, trying to think of charms that would be annoying enough to wake a slumbering Auror, but that he could do so from a safe distance. He decided that, since he didn't want to be loud and draw attention, he'd have to settle for something else that could wake someone. Personally, he always woke up if it started raining or if it was too cold, so he supposed he could start there. Without thinking too long or hard about it, he drew his wand and cast a rain spell that summoned a raincloud about the sleeping Missa's head.
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Old 04-27-2022, 02:50 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post

How was she so soundly asleep? Gabriel did not think he could ever sleep that soundly, not at work, on a desk. He cleared his throat again, and set her coffee down just out of reach. He crossed his arms, wondering what would work to wake her up. Or maybe he should just let her sleep? He could leave a note with the coffee.

But that was really back to the leaving suspicious things around the office--she'd never know if the note was really from him. He'd have to wake her. Somehow. Without getting hexed.

Gabriel racked his brain, trying to think of charms that would be annoying enough to wake a slumbering Auror, but that he could do so from a safe distance. He decided that, since he didn't want to be loud and draw attention, he'd have to settle for something else that could wake someone. Personally, he always woke up if it started raining or if it was too cold, so he supposed he could start there. Without thinking too long or hard about it, he drew his wand and cast a rain spell that summoned a raincloud about the sleeping Missa's head.

It was a definite shock to the system as she jerked awake, looking up with blood shot eyes -- at the rain pouring down her head. For a moment, she was completely frozen on spot - unaware of where she actually was -- before it all registered. And then she saw Gabriel, standing there - wand in hand.


Internally cursing, and getting very vivid flashbacks of hogwarts when one Trinetta Gladin had done the same to her for days - she shot Gabriel an annoyed look, "What the hell, Gabriel?"

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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Old 04-29-2022, 02:30 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Samia View Post

It was a definite shock to the system as she jerked awake, looking up with blood shot eyes -- at the rain pouring down her head. For a moment, she was completely frozen on spot - unaware of where she actually was -- before it all registered. And then she saw Gabriel, standing there - wand in hand.


Internally cursing, and getting very vivid flashbacks of hogwarts when one Trinetta Gladin had done the same to her for days - she shot Gabriel an annoyed look, "What the hell, Gabriel?"
It wasn't until Missa practically glared at him that Gabriel realized... rain had not been the right answer to his dilemma. He cast a quick Finite and gave Missa an embarrassed shrug. "I... that was...not smart. Huh," he stammered. If Gabriel was a man who blushed, he would have been blushing. Instead, his broad shoulders hunched slightly, as if he was trying to take up less space.

"I," he said. As if that explained anything. He gestured at the coffee, which had serendipitously stayed out of the raincloud. "You were asleep." Truly, it was more an attempt to explain his thought process than it was a logical explanation for his actions. He'd clearly skipped one or two logical steps and attempts to wake up Missa that did not involve invoking weather phenomena indoors.

He winced as he put his wand away. He'd offer to help her dry off but... maybe he needed to leave her to the coffee.
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Old 05-08-2022, 08:46 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
It wasn't until Missa practically glared at him that Gabriel realized... rain had not been the right answer to his dilemma. He cast a quick Finite and gave Missa an embarrassed shrug. "I... that was...not smart. Huh," he stammered. If Gabriel was a man who blushed, he would have been blushing. Instead, his broad shoulders hunched slightly, as if he was trying to take up less space.

"I," he said. As if that explained anything. He gestured at the coffee, which had serendipitously stayed out of the raincloud. "You were asleep." Truly, it was more an attempt to explain his thought process than it was a logical explanation for his actions. He'd clearly skipped one or two logical steps and attempts to wake up Missa that did not involve invoking weather phenomena indoors.

He winced as he put his wand away. He'd offer to help her dry off but... maybe he needed to leave her to the coffee.
It took her a moment -- but she sobered up eventually, realising what had happened and why it had happened. It wasn't ideal and he may not be her favourite for at least the next hour, but she also noticed the coffee, so she forcefully relaxed her shoulders and shook her head, "You could have just shaken me or something"

Waving her wand to dry herself off, she pushed back on her seat and summoned a nearby chair for him, before simply adding: "sit"

"Thank you, I really needed this" She finally said with a bit of a sigh, the weariness returning to her voice.

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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Old 05-10-2022, 02:41 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Samia View Post
It took her a moment -- but she sobered up eventually, realising what had happened and why it had happened. It wasn't ideal and he may not be her favourite for at least the next hour, but she also noticed the coffee, so she forcefully relaxed her shoulders and shook her head, "You could have just shaken me or something"

Waving her wand to dry herself off, she pushed back on her seat and summoned a nearby chair for him, before simply adding: "sit"

"Thank you, I really needed this" She finally said with a bit of a sigh, the weariness returning to her voice.
"I am very, very sorry," Gabriel muttered again, feeling a bit like a child who'd been put into time-out for trying to cook dinner and instead making a mess of the kitchen. Except unlike a child, he really should have known better.

He was lucky to have a friend like Missa who put up with him, honestly. Most people, well his older siblings at least, would have sent him away, not pulled up a chair. Which he sat in, immediately.

"Have you been sleeping enough?" he asked gently. Of course he knew the answer- most people who got enough sleep didn't fall asleep on their desks at work. But still, it seemed responsible to ask. A well-rested Auror was a good Auror, and a sleepy Auror... he didn't know many sleepy Aurors. Just Missa.
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Old 05-12-2022, 04:34 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
"I am very, very sorry," Gabriel muttered again, feeling a bit like a child who'd been put into time-out for trying to cook dinner and instead making a mess of the kitchen. Except unlike a child, he really should have known better.

He was lucky to have a friend like Missa who put up with him, honestly. Most people, well his older siblings at least, would have sent him away, not pulled up a chair. Which he sat in, immediately.

"Have you been sleeping enough?" he asked gently. Of course he knew the answer- most people who got enough sleep didn't fall asleep on their desks at work. But still, it seemed responsible to ask. A well-rested Auror was a good Auror, and a sleepy Auror... he didn't know many sleepy Aurors. Just Missa.
Once the coffee was in her system, her senses regained just a little bit more - and shook her head again before offering him a friendly grin,"You got me coffee, think I forgive you entirely"

And of course she wanted him to sit, how could she not? But she wasn't keen on that much was his next question. Taking another sip of her coffee, she shook her head yet again, "not as much as I'd like to"

"It'll get better though, hopefully - maybe, soon - I don't know. I just really need to find myself an apartment"

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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Old 05-13-2022, 04:10 AM   #13 (permalink)

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Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE!

Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Once the coffee was in her system, her senses regained just a little bit more - and shook her head again before offering him a friendly grin,"You got me coffee, think I forgive you entirely"

And of course she wanted him to sit, how could she not? But she wasn't keen on that much was his next question. Taking another sip of her coffee, she shook her head yet again, "not as much as I'd like to"

"It'll get better though, hopefully - maybe, soon - I don't know. I just really need to find myself an apartment"
Coffee, and all was forgiven? Gabriel could get used to that kind of friendship. He grinned at Missa and leaned back in his chair.

"You still haven't found a place? Can't Eiji help you find somewhere?" She seemed busy, which he concluded meant she was too busy to look for a new apartment. But wasn't that what friends and family were for? Helping to juggle all of life's demands?

Suddenly serious, he crossed his arms. "It's probably not a great idea to sleep at your desk, at least--what if Upstead had found you sleeping instead of me?" he said quietly. He didn't want her to get in trouble.
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Old 05-17-2022, 05:13 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Coffee, and all was forgiven? Gabriel could get used to that kind of friendship. He grinned at Missa and leaned back in his chair.

"You still haven't found a place? Can't Eiji help you find somewhere?" She seemed busy, which he concluded meant she was too busy to look for a new apartment. But wasn't that what friends and family were for? Helping to juggle all of life's demands?

Suddenly serious, he crossed his arms. "It's probably not a great idea to sleep at your desk, at least--what if Upstead had found you instead of me?" he said quietly. He didn't want her to get in trouble.
Shaking her head, Missa took another sip of that coffee - which felt heavenly right now, which was maybe much needed considering the mention of Eiji, "I crash at his place whenever I can - but no, I haven't really had any luck yet" It wasn't entirely a lie, but that was probably the best way she could explain her situation without getting into ... how complicated the matter had gotten.

"I know, I know" She agreed, looking around to make sure their department head wasn't around - it was certainly not how she ever wanted to be seen by the man. "I am trying though - I just need to figure a few things out -" she said, her expressions weary.

"....what about you though? how are you? I feel like I haven't spoken to you in forever" Was she trying to casually deflect the conversation away from her? Yes.

......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless
...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment

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Old 05-27-2022, 02:18 AM   #15 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Shaking her head, Missa took another sip of that coffee - which felt heavenly right now, which was maybe much needed considering the mention of Eiji, "I crash at his place whenever I can - but no, I haven't really had any luck yet" It wasn't entirely a lie, but that was probably the best way she could explain her situation without getting into ... how complicated the matter had gotten.

"I know, I know" She agreed, looking around to make sure their department head wasn't around - it was certainly not how she ever wanted to be seen by the man. "I am trying though - I just need to figure a few things out -" she said, her expressions weary.

"....what about you though? how are you? I feel like I haven't spoken to you in forever" Was she trying to casually deflect the conversation away from her? Yes.
Gabriel listened quietly, figuring he owed Missa at least that much after drenching her in his poor judgment call attempt to wake her. He briefly opened his mouth, to offer again to find a two bedroom flat together, when she redirected the conversation to him.

Very suspicious.

But he obliged, because he owed her, and shrugged. "I'm well, there's not much to tell," he said casually. "Brody got promoted," he added, feeling the urge to brag and not even about himself. He peered over the top of the cubicle and down the way. "I've been slacking on my running...too busy. Well, we get exercise on the job at least." At least a little.
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Old 08-07-2022, 05:04 PM   #16 (permalink)

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A silvery crow patronus burst into the room. It came to rest on top of an empty desk where it flapped it's wings twice before delivering it's orders. "Any available staff, please report to the Atrium.". The crow repeated it's message once more before flying off.
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Old 09-06-2022, 02:39 AM   #17 (permalink)

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Somethings never changed and for the most part that included the work areas of Level 2. Granted the possession of the various desks changed hands over the years and Simon could no longer send paper airplanes over the room dividers to Sabel but it was some sort of comfort as he worked. The security man was taking a break from his rounds and headed towards the desk that had been his for a majority of his time in the department. His previous one from his starter years belonging to one of the YATIs he believed.

Simon tried to ignore the sounds made as he sat down on his chair, his wand almost automatically out of his pocket and moving to remove his wards. Old habits died hard even if his older body wasn't always keeping up.
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Old 09-07-2022, 08:03 PM   #18 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Somethings never changed and for the most part that included the work areas of Level 2. Granted the possession of the various desks changed hands over the years and Simon could no longer send paper airplanes over the room dividers to Sabel but it was some sort of comfort as he worked. The security man was taking a break from his rounds and headed towards the desk that had been his for a majority of his time in the department. His previous one from his starter years belonging to one of the YATIs he believed.

Simon tried to ignore the sounds made as he sat down on his chair, his wand almost automatically out of his pocket and moving to remove his wards. Old habits died hard even if his older body wasn't always keeping up.
Sookie felt like she appeared as if she'd been licking her wounds since the Gala event, not having ventured much around the ministry. It was her first year as acting Head for the Department of Economical Regulation and an event under the sea turned into... a disaster. She had concluded it was not, in fact, better down where it was wetter.

The only defense she could give herself was that with the loss of some her staff at the event, there was a LOT to do to keep up with daily demands of the department, plus the additional research she had been trying to do into both brushing up on her language skills from the days of studied Mermish past. She'd been often popping into DIMC just to peruse if they had any books available for her to study further - should her assistance be needed further. Or at all.

In the mean time, she knew MLE in addition to the Minister's own offices were pertinent to information between the loved ones of the Mernapped and the ministry, and she was feeling the need to check on the families and figured this was the best place to do so. Heading towards where all of the desks where situated, Sook let her eyes roam before landing on a man sitting at his desk and heading his direction. "Good day!"
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 09-07-2022, 11:20 PM   #19 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Sookie
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Sookie felt like she appeared as if she'd been licking her wounds since the Gala event, not having ventured much around the ministry. It was her first year as acting Head for the Department of Economical Regulation and an event under the sea turned into... a disaster. She had concluded it was not, in fact, better down where it was wetter.

The only defense she could give herself was that with the loss of some her staff at the event, there was a LOT to do to keep up with daily demands of the department, plus the additional research she had been trying to do into both brushing up on her language skills from the days of studied Mermish past. She'd been often popping into DIMC just to peruse if they had any books available for her to study further - should her assistance be needed further. Or at all.

In the mean time, she knew MLE in addition to the Minister's own offices were pertinent to information between the loved ones of the Mernapped and the ministry, and she was feeling the need to check on the families and figured this was the best place to do so. Heading towards where all of the desks where situated, Sook let her eyes roam before landing on a man sitting at his desk and heading his direction. "Good day!"

Good day!

The auror turned security man looked up at the greeting, almost expecting it to be for someone else. But the approaching woman’s attention was on him and there was only a limited presence in the office that wasn’t him. The aurors must all be out on all sorts of other duties.

It had been an alright day so far for him, but Simon wasn’t sure what her presence meant to whether or not it stayed that way. Department heads, even acting ones, didn’t exactly see him where he worked. It was usually the other way around, unless one was a friend. Or like the one visit from Mariel, something of a more personal nature that needed his help. “Good day,” he echoed, the security man doing his best to keep his suspicious mind at ease…for now.

“Can I do something for you?” he asked, placing the file he had been looking at closed and down upon the wooden surface of his desk.
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Old 09-11-2022, 12:11 AM   #20 (permalink)

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The man's suspicion was not noted, though given the history of... well, magic in general she would have respected it entirely. As it was, Sookie merely offered a smile to the employee - who she was sure she'd seen around but had yet to memorize the name of. "I'm Sookie Baek." Sometimes it was easier to just introduce herself in the order that Brits were accustomed to, despite how weird it felt to her to do so. "And I was hoping to trouble you on something."

Pulling out the list of the mernapped from her department, she set it down and smile slightly at the man. "I know your department has been essential in communicating with the victims loved ones. I was wondering if it was possible to get contact information for the family's of these individuals." Though now that she was asking, she was perhaps wondering if this was something she should have been taking directly to Hugo. No matter, it was worth the question and if the man were not comfortable - no harm, no foul.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 09-13-2022, 12:42 AM   #21 (permalink)

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Sookie Baek

It took him a moment as the name was given to him, but then it clicked. Right…the environmental head, the security man having always done his best to keep apprised to the names of various persons with the Ministry, especially the department heads which he’d likely have interactions with during his rounds and other duties. It had been weirdest upon his return to fill in those who had left in his absence, though at least he had known of Victoria’s retirement.

“Simon Bennett,” he returned, before listening to her request. His gaze briefly flickering towards the other side of the office where the YATI resided with the aurors thinking on the missing man the MLE themselves were missing before focusing on the woman. He felt caught between a rock and a hard place. Torn between thinking that a boss looking into supporting her employees’ loved ones while they were captures was a touch gesture and wondering if he truly had the right to reveal such private information when she didn’t have it already. Perhaps done differently on other levels, MLE was one of those where next of kin knowledge unfortunately had purpose at times.

“I’m not sure I’m the one you want to talk to about that information,” Simon settled on. Which was true. He wasn’t one of those directly handling that situation. “I'm sorry...Mr. Bumble would be a better bet.” The man stumbling on adding the mister given just last names tended to be the norm of reference….first names if familiar.
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Old 09-17-2022, 02:20 AM   #22 (permalink)

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Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Sook smiled at the man's introduction, giving a polite nod of her head in acknowledgement accompanied by a, "Pleasure to meet you." She really needed to make more rounds herself to meeting her colleagues. The best way to have a positive work place, was to know as many individuals as one could meet and treat with respect. Naturally, there were instances in which conflict would arise - as it did in all aspects of life - but healthy relationships prior generally came to smoother conclusions later. That was something she'd always tried to employ in her work ethics, and yet she couldn't help but feel she had failed tremendously upon her integration here.

Good thing there should still have been plenty of time to remedy that later. Starting with Mr. Bennett.

His refusal was noble, and truthfully now that she'd considered the fact it might be rather... uncomfortable to have supplied personal information, she was realizing she really shouldn't have asked. Her smile remained in place as she inclined her head again in a short nod. "Not a problem. I completely understand your position. I'll check back in with Mr. Bumble." But... this man looked like he potentially had been with the ministry for awhile, so she also couldn't help but ask... despite what she'd already known from papers. "Tell me, do fiascos such as this often happen?"
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 09-18-2022, 08:50 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Oh goodie…she wasn’t too disappointed in his refusal to take action with her request. Simon had a mixed bag of history with department heads and he much preferred when they didn’t have problems with him. Much easier to do his job when he had to worry about his presence being either forbidden or a chore to them. And with his return, it was a set of relationships he needed to continue to work on. Though her latest question could be a tad worrisome as well, making him wonder.

Was it better to warn the woman or hide the habit the Ministry had to make their lives more than a little interesting? The security man finally opting not to do his companion a disservice and tell the truth. Let her be prepared to make sure her employees were prepared and safe…or at least try to be. Less headache that way. “It would be easier to take note of when fiascos DIDN’T happen.” Sure, the kidnapping of ministry employees was on the more serious end of the spectrum and started the new year with a bang.

A bang he had had to be concerned as a negative on his division and his previous absence.

“Though thankfully not always quite so serious,” he assured her to soften the blow of concern. Not everything was like the war or the locking out of the ministry by chizpurfles.
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Old 09-22-2022, 07:41 PM   #24 (permalink)

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"Just a few vampire attacks, loose dragons, enchanted ministers, Wizarding War Three......" Ronan drawled with slight humor in his tone. Yes, he was at the point where he could joke about his experience with Bain, halle-freaking-lujah. Anyone else who tried it was still likely to find themselves at the opposite end of his wand, depending on the joke and the person though.

"Hey, you're that new Ecological Protection head aren't you?" Yeah, seeing as he'd just walked in from tracking down a witness from another case, he hadn't heard the woman's introduction, so he wasn't sure, but he was pretty sure. Which meant that she was the head of one of the departments responsible for the current mess, but he wouldn't hold that against her. For now. "Ronan Carter, auror."
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Old 09-23-2022, 12:35 AM   #25 (permalink)

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His answer truly was not the most surprising thing to her, given the small history she'd indulged in prior to her relocation. She supposed she'd just, foolishly, been hoping that her first year would be quiet. Perhaps just a couple of trials here and there, maybe a petty thief escaping in the atrium prior to having to face the Wizengamot. That was what she'd been leading herself to expect.

She was quite certain this was the first time she was disappointed her low expectations had been far surpassed.

"To attempt to look on the brighter side, what is the more minuscule Ministry... ordeal that you've seen during your tenure?" A new place to set her bar once her people were properly back in their positions and they could hopefully never ever have an underwater event again. Although... that was unfair to think, the event really was quite lovely prior to the abductions. And the wonders of Atlantis were truly a sight to behold, though... perhaps only in passing.


The arrival of a new voice and their response had Sook turning to face the newcomer, a small sigh escaping her lips. Yes, those were some of the instances she was quite aware of - particularly the war and the terrible impact it had across the globe with all ministry and wizard kind. No one had been nearly as impacted as the British ministry and Hogwarts, but the ripples had truly been felt everywhere. "Certainly sounds like there is a never dull day in your positions, particularly." The comment was addressed to both men, and she gave a soft smile. "Thank you for taking up that mantle." They truly didn't get enough appreciation for their services.

Once the newcomer had introduced himself, Sook offered her hand in greeting and a nod of her head in affirmation of his prior question. "That is correct. Sookie Baek. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carter."
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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