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Level Two Department of Magical Law Enforcement

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Old 02-08-2024, 11:15 PM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Office of Franklin Paton, Department Head

Accessible from the reception area and located beside the entrance to the main work area is the office of Franklin Paton. As the silver placard on the door suggests, this is where the Department Head of Magical Law Enforcement can be found if he is not already somewhere within the department or elsewhere in the Ministry. Should you have a meeting scheduled with him or wish to drop by for a casual conversation, a simple knock on the door is all that is needed.

Once you have been invited inside the office, you will observe the minimalist design featured throughout the department has not evaded the walls of this space; however, wooden accents are present here. The office is graced by large glazed windows that allow abundant 'natural' light to stream in and illuminate the room with an enchanted view of the Hogsmeade valley. A leather sofa and armchairs accompanied by a coffee table provide a comfortable seating area for informal meetings or casual conversations. Several Dark Detectors are scattered about as a precautionary measure.

The focal point of the office is where a stained desk stands with a pair of chairs placed in front of it. Behind the desk tall shelving units, hosting a large collection of books about defensive magic and magical law and policies, bookend a fireplace. On the desk itself are framed photographs of family and close friends, though those will appear empty to those the department head is not well-acquainted with. Completing the relatively sparse desk is a notepad featuring a list of scribbles, a tray containing a growing pile of paperwork, a two-way mirror, and an intriguing reflective but transparent glass orb.
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Old 04-14-2024, 09:49 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Tomasz wasn't the type to get nervous. For if he were to feel nerves, he was never one to show it. So it wasn't nervousness he felt as he made his way to Mr. Paton's office for their scheduled appointment, but an adjacent feeling - as close to nervousness as one could get without the clammy hands and dry throat.

This conversation was one he had rehearsed several times over. Both with his wife and on his own, in front of their bedroom mirror. He had put it off for far too long. In fact, he had been wanting to have this conversation since he first joined the ranks of the ministry. He had studied for it since the day he stepped through the magnificent atrium and took his oath as a security officer. He just- Well, he hadn't ever felt worthy of his aspirations. He didn't feel it now either, to be clear, but the guilt and unrest had finally pushed him over the edge.

And so, despite his better judgement, he stepped forward to knock firmly against the door.
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Old 04-18-2024, 03:54 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

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Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

As much as he preferred to not be inside of his office, today was one of those days Frankie absolutely needed to stay within the room and tackle that pile of paperwork that was only growing with each day that passed. It was a part of the job he always dreaded, even when he was an Auror. However, duty called, and he couldn't ignore the less exciting responsibilities that came with his role. Slowly but surely, file after file was examined, signed, and/or forwarded onto the appropriate person.

He was about halfway through the stack when the orb on his desk suddenly flashed. Having caught his attention, blue eyes diverted from the current file to the projection of Tomasz Łaska. It was then he remembered that they had a meeting scheduled, the note reminding him of such a thing now buried somewhere in the sea of paperwork that surrounded him. Thank Merlin for that ever-handy glass tool of his; always reliable and not easy to misplace, it was.

Glad to take a break from the paperwork momentary, the department head set the file in his hand aside and rose from his seat. By the time he had made it around his desk and started making his way across the office, the knock echoed from the other side of the door. Seconds later, the door was swung open and the two men were now face-to-face.

"Hello, Tomasz," Frankie greeted the man with a warm smile before adding, "Come in and make yourself at home." The blond stepped aside, gesturing for the younger man to enter and choose a seat.

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Old 04-20-2024, 04:23 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
As much as he preferred to not be inside of his office, today was one of those days Frankie absolutely needed to stay within the room and tackle that pile of paperwork that was only growing with each day that passed. It was a part of the job he always dreaded, even when he was an Auror. However, duty called, and he couldn't ignore the less exciting responsibilities that came with his role. Slowly but surely, file after file was examined, signed, and/or forwarded onto the appropriate person.

He was about halfway through the stack when the orb on his desk suddenly flashed. Having caught his attention, blue eyes diverted from the current file to the projection of Tomasz Łaska. It was then he remembered that they had a meeting scheduled, the note reminding him of such a thing now buried somewhere in the sea of paperwork that surrounded him. Thank Merlin for that ever-handy glass tool of his; always reliable and not easy to misplace, it was.

Glad to take a break from the paperwork momentary, the department head set the file in his hand aside and rose from his seat. By the time he had made it around his desk and started making his way across the office, the knock echoed from the other side of the door. Seconds later, the door was swung open and the two men were now face-to-face.

"Hello, Tomasz," Frankie greeted the man with a warm smile before adding, "Come in and make yourself at home." The blond stepped aside, gesturing for the younger man to enter and choose a seat.
Tomasz held punctuality in high regard. It was something instilled at him at a young age. Punctuality showed respect of one's time. It was for this reason he always showed up when he said he would. He also appreciated when others did the same. So when Mr. Paton promptly opened the door to welcome him inside, Tomasz bowed his head politely and offered his Department Head a kind smile. "Hello, Mr. Paton," he replied, taking a step inside.

He looked around for a second, before deciding to sit on one of the armchairs. "Thank you for meeting with me. I- Yy, I am sure you are very busy," he leaned back in the seat, before deciding against it and scooting forward so that he was sitting on the very edge of it instead, his knees jutting out and his hands wresting on either side of his thighs.

"I am grateful for your time," and he was. Tomasz was so grateful. He knew he was lucky to have this job. He was lucky to work with good people. He was lucky to have a boss who took the time to speak to his employees. And he felt guilty for still wanting more.
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Old 05-01-2024, 11:46 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

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Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

The polite bow of the head, the offering of a smile, and the slight hesitation paired with deciding where to sit did not go unnoticed. It was an instinct that happened naturally for the department head at this point in his career, and not noticing such little things was a skill that was rather difficult to turn off. He did not let his thoughts linger on analyzing every movement Thomasz made as he made his way toward the armchairs. Frankie knew he was a good egg.

"It's not a problem at all," the blond assured as he closed the door, his genuine smile remaining. "And don't worry about you interrupting anything. I can always make time for my team. And, to be quite honest, I welcome any opportunity to step away from paperwork." A chuckle escaped him as he moved to join the younger man in the seating area. The files on his desk could wait.

Taking a seat across from Tomasz, Frankie couldn't help but notice the other's posture. One edge, yet composed. Such a thing was something that the department head did not bring up. Instead of addressing it directly, he opted to lean forward slightly to convey his attention.

"Is there something on your mind, Tomasz? Anything I can help with?" Frankie's voice was gentle, inviting, allowing Tomasz the space to share at his own pace.

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Old 05-06-2024, 02:38 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
The polite bow of the head, the offering of a smile, and the slight hesitation paired with deciding where to sit did not go unnoticed. It was an instinct that happened naturally for the department head at this point in his career, and not noticing such little things was a skill that was rather difficult to turn off. He did not let his thoughts linger on analyzing every movement Thomasz made as he made his way toward the armchairs. Frankie knew he was a good egg.

"It's not a problem at all," the blond assured as he closed the door, his genuine smile remaining. "And don't worry about you interrupting anything. I can always make time for my team. And, to be quite honest, I welcome any opportunity to step away from paperwork." A chuckle escaped him as he moved to join the younger man in the seating area. The files on his desk could wait.

Taking a seat across from Tomasz, Frankie couldn't help but notice the other's posture. One edge, yet composed. Such a thing was something that the department head did not bring up. Instead of addressing it directly, he opted to lean forward slightly to convey his attention.

"Is there something on your mind, Tomasz? Anything I can help with?" Frankie's voice was gentle, inviting, allowing Tomasz the space to share at his own pace.
Tomasz usually picked up on these things too. But today, he seemed to be so in his head that he wasn't paying as close attention as he normally would. Instead, the bulk of his focus went to reading lips, even though he wore his earcuff today. He rubbed a palm against his thigh before clasping his hands together. Perhaps they would keep from moving this way. He always found movement to be distracting and he tried to keep his to a minimum as a result.

"Hheh." When Mr. Paton chuckled, Tomasz joined him. Thankful for the context clue.

But was there something on his mind? "Yy, yes, Mr. Paton," he started, nodding his head. Tomasz wasn't one to beat around the bush. Perhaps this was to a fault, but he kept his words to a minimum. The ones that he shared were ones that he meant. Anything else, well, that was not so necessary.

"I have-," he started slowly, but cut himself short to begin again. "I am grateful, Mr. Paton. I like my job. I like the ministry." In case there was any doubt. Tomasz knew the chance that the Ministry had taken on him. He was not so sure he would have had many opportunities elsewhere. "But," he swallowed thickly, always thinking through his words before speaking them out loud. "I am feeling stuck in security. I-" They had practiced this. He and Demi. "I would like to know if there is a chance for me to do YATI, to become an Auror." Security was what he needed when he first left Hogwarts. It gave him a chance. It helped him to become more confident. To improve his english. He loved it. He did. He loved it for a time. Now it had been so much time. Too much. He wasn't feeling fulfilled. He was holding Demi back. He was holding them back from the opportunity to expand their family. He-

"I have studied," he didn't have the examination scores from Hogwarts to show for it, but the past five years, he had spent rigorously learning. Tiring himself out after work. Piling on the exhaustion, hoping that he could have a chance. "I would be a dedicated trainee." He would be the oldest in the program, he knew, but he was willing to go through with all of it. He was.

But he stopped himself there. He wouldn't beg. And if the answer was no, then maybe it would be his time to step away. He had finally come to peace with that.

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Old 05-08-2024, 02:19 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Logan Paton
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gillyweed Beery
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Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

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Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

Frankie listened attentively as Tomasz spoke, noting the sincerity in his words and the underlying tension in his demeanor. There was a weight to Tomasz's request, one that he respected. He could sense the conflict within the younger man, the gratitude for his current role mingled with a desire for growth and change.

"I appreciate your honesty, Tomasz," Frankie began, his tone sympathetic yet measured. Leaning back slightly in his seat, Frankie waved one of his hands, his gaze steady on Tomasz as a cabinet by his desk opened and a file labeled 'Łaska, Tomasz' floated over. "It takes courage to express these feelings. And wanting to grow and evolve in your career is natural."

The blond then went silent to take a moment to glance through the contents of the file and considered his next words carefully. He understood the significance of Tomasz's request and the implications it held. "Your NEWT scores don't quite meet the requirements to become an Auror. It is a rigorous path, as I'm sure you are aware," he said aloud. Another pause occurred as he flipped through another page before closing the file and allowing it to return to its original place.

"But your experience in security would certainly be an asset in an Auror role, and your determination and willingness to learn are qualities that will go a long way," the department head continued. "The transition will require hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. If this is truly what you want, then I'm here to support you every step of the way."

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Old 05-08-2024, 03:40 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
Frankie listened attentively as Tomasz spoke, noting the sincerity in his words and the underlying tension in his demeanor. There was a weight to Tomasz's request, one that he respected. He could sense the conflict within the younger man, the gratitude for his current role mingled with a desire for growth and change.

"I appreciate your honesty, Tomasz," Frankie began, his tone sympathetic yet measured. Leaning back slightly in his seat, Frankie waved one of his hands, his gaze steady on Tomasz as a cabinet by his desk opened and a file labeled 'Łaska, Tomasz' floated over. "It takes courage to express these feelings. And wanting to grow and evolve in your career is natural."

The blond then went silent to take a moment to glance through the contents of the file and considered his next words carefully. He understood the significance of Tomasz's request and the implications it held. "Your NEWT scores don't quite meet the requirements to become an Auror. It is a rigorous path, as I'm sure you are aware," he said aloud. Another pause occurred as he flipped through another page before closing the file and allowing it to return to its original place.

"But your experience in security would certainly be an asset in an Auror role, and your determination and willingness to learn are qualities that will go a long way," the department head continued. "The transition will require hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. If this is truly what you want, then I'm here to support you every step of the way."
He held his breath. Concentrating every ounce of his being on his department head and the words he said. For the courage, he had Demetria to thank. She was the one who helped to encourage him. After years of wanting something so badly, only she was able to convince himself to take the step he needed to move forward.

Doing well to remember what they had spoken about at home, Tomasz kept his nerves at bay even when Mr. Paton summoned his chart. The one he knew did not contain enough contents in favor of his request. So when Mr. Paton started again, Tomasz tried not to let his disappointment show. He would find something else. He would start fresh. He would be fine. He did not need to do this to feel fulfilled. There was another path for him, he--

He was not being rejected outright?

Blinks, as if in disbelief, so much so that he leans forward as he replies. "It is what I want," he nodded to confirm. It was what he had wanted for a very long time. "I will work hard, whatever is needed, I will do everything it takes, sir."

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Old 05-10-2024, 03:52 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

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Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

Frankie at this moment couldn't have taken notice to any disappointment if it had shown on Tomasz's face. He head was very much focused on the contents of the file before it was sent back. Now the department head offered Tomasz an encouraging smile, reassured by the younger man's determination and resolve. "I have no doubt about that, Tomasz," he said, his voice warm and supportive. "Your dedication speaks volumes, and I believe in your abilities."

Leaning back in his chair, Frankie folded his hands on, meeting Tomasz's gaze with a sense of camaraderie. "To make this transition go smoothly, I think it would be fair to suggest that you continue with your security duties until the end next week," the blond carried on. "That would give enough time for files to be taken care of and give Simon enough to wrap up anything security-related with you. Plus I'll need to brief Carter on a new trainee being added to his roster so he can prepare accordingly."

There was a moment of pause. "That is, if you wish to transition to being an Auror trainee at the present time. I don't foresee any problems with that, especially with some of the training overlapping with security and the patrol squad. But we could wait until the new year if you prefer to take that path." As it stood, the gavel was in Tomasz's court... or whatever that Muggle saying was.

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Old 05-14-2024, 03:44 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
Frankie at this moment couldn't have taken notice to any disappointment if it had shown on Tomasz's face. He head was very much focused on the contents of the file before it was sent back. Now the department head offered Tomasz an encouraging smile, reassured by the younger man's determination and resolve. "I have no doubt about that, Tomasz," he said, his voice warm and supportive. "Your dedication speaks volumes, and I believe in your abilities."

Leaning back in his chair, Frankie folded his hands on, meeting Tomasz's gaze with a sense of camaraderie. "To make this transition go smoothly, I think it would be fair to suggest that you continue with your security duties until the end next week," the blond carried on. "That would give enough time for files to be taken care of and give Simon enough to wrap up anything security-related with you. Plus I'll need to brief Carter on a new trainee being added to his roster so he can prepare accordingly."

There was a moment of pause. "That is, if you wish to transition to being an Auror trainee at the present time. I don't foresee any problems with that, especially with some of the training overlapping with security and the patrol squad. But we could wait until the new year if you prefer to take that path." As it stood, the gavel was in Tomasz's court... or whatever that Muggle saying was.
Tomasz couldn't have imagined the conversation to go any better. He had thought the conversation would be a difficult one. He had assumed he would have to fight tooth and nail for this. Why had it taken him so long to muster this courage?

"Thank you, sir," he bowed his head gratefully. These compliments were not ones that he took lightly. Every single one pierced the depths of his heart.

"Yes, I am-- that sounds good," he had assumed he would stay with security for a little while longer. What he hadn't considered, however, was being able to transition to YATI so soon. Perking up even more, Tomasz's eyes flashed with some sort of passion he hadn't felt for work in a long while. "Yy, yes, present time would be great. I am happy to transition as fast as you see fit." And again, in case he hadn't mentioned it yet. "Thank you, sir."

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Old 05-20-2024, 12:50 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Logan Paton
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gillyweed Beery
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

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Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

The department head could sense the immense relief and newfound determination radiating from Tomasz. It was clear that this opportunity meant the world to him, and Frankie was glad to be a part of facilitating this important step in his career.

"You're very welcome, Tomasz," Frankie replied with a sincere smile, feeling gratified by the positive impact this decision had on his colleague. "Excellent. I'm glad to hear that you're ready to make the transition. Let's proceed with that plan, then. I'll inform Simon about the transition, make sure Carter is prepared for your arrival, and get everything in order so you can start your Auror training as soon as possible."

Frankie then leaned back slightly, his demeanor still warm and encouraging. "If you have any questions or need any support during this process, my door is always open." But, just in case there was something that needed addressing at the present moment, he added, "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss while we're still here?"

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