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South Side From Gringotts Wizarding Bank to Madam Primpernelle's, there are numerous shops to visit and places to socialise.

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Old 10-05-2022, 12:47 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Espresso Patronum

Located on the South side of Diagon Alley in London, past a number of other shops you notice a quaint building. It is a café in this fairly busy part of section. What makes this different from the other shops? Their logo for one, resembling a wispy stag that moves every now and then in the window, illuminating from a quite distance in the evenings. One can't help but chance a glance as they pass by.

Approaching the café you get a large sense of security as a warm haze falls over you upon entry. There were tables outside the place, where diners could have their meals and chat among themselves as well as indoors. Heading on the inside you are greeted with the sight of many Patronuses floating throughout the walls behind the other stag logos of the café. The flooring a pleasant velvet red, further emphasizing the pleasant warmth one would experience whether for a quick stop or a romantic scenery.

Floating around you see the wispy forms moving around the walls featuring creatures such as phoenixes, zebras, otters, horses and many other magical creatures. Perhaps your own will join the walls if you stay long enough? The tables are compact and decorated with candles that automatically light up keeping the darkness at bay. Along with additional small booths near the back for more privacy. The Menu illuminates right behind the counter as you approach to order. As soon as you sit, you can't help but feel as if you're right at home.

Text Cut: menu

Breakium Emendo
*items served all day
- Apple & Berry Bircher Muesli - 11 Sickles
- Cheese / Chocolate Twist - 12 Sickles
- Croissant - 13 Sickles
- Fruit Salad - 14 Sickles
- Porridge - 12 Sickles
- Yoghurt - 13 Sickles, 10 Knuts

Deluminating Delights
*side choice of chips/crisps/rice
- Bacon, Brie & Cranberry Panini - 1 Galleon, 2 Sickles
- Dragon Feast Handcrafted Panini - 1 Galleon, 2 Sickles
- Ham & Chimera Spiced Chutney Sandwich - 1 Galleon, 5 Sickles
- Pigs on Blankets Totalus Melt - 1 Galleon
- Veggie Fidelius Flatbread - 1 Galleon

Felix Felicis
*choice of cream/sugar/milk
- Cappucino - 11 Sickles
- Caramelatte - 13 Sickles
- Cortado - 12 Sickles
- Espresso - 12 Sickles
- Hot Chocolate - 10 Sickles
- Latte - 11 Sickles
- Mocha - 11 Sickles
- White Chocolate Mocha - 12 Sickles, 1 Knut

Salvio Sweets
*choice of sprinkle/syrup topping
- Lemon Posset - 13 Sickles, 9 Knuts
- Mince Pie - 16 Sickles, 5 Knuts
- Salted Caramel Cake - 14 Sickles, 6 Knuts
- Salted Caramel and Hazelnut Brownie - 14 Sickles
- Tiramisu - 15 Sickles
- Torte - 14 Sickles

This shop is owned by an NPC and is a part of the IC Shopkeeper initiative. For details, please see this thread.

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Old 01-17-2024, 07:25 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Kayne
Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post
He couldn't help but smile at the fact that the former Hufflepuff student was at least having some fun after their time at school. It made Kayne remember that while the two of them did share some moments, overall the experience there still was slightly rougher than most. Specifically recalling that incident with the mirror and her brother. Through the smile, he'd say "Oh, that does sound like a really enjoyable time, can never go wrong with a beach trip, good pasta, and good art. All right up your alley as well, it's good to see you're finally getting to start to truly enjoy these things."

It was also good to see in Kayne's eyes that Ash was also getting to finally express herself through the various means one actually could, such as style and body modifications like tattoos. The former had some himself, but none of them were currently visible, most being positioned along his upper forearms and legs. "But of course, dearie." The words would start to spring forth, before continuing onwards "And why thank you, I'm honored to be praised with such a high compliment considering it's coming from a Queen such as yourself. These old things are simply some vintage Doc Marten's I got at a thrift store. Went on holiday there last summer, you really should have been there, it was oh so-" Clear pause for dramatic effect "Divine."

He'd casually lean back in the chair and watched as his friend joyfully opened the present he gave; another sight for sore eyes that she was beyond ecstatic to have it. "I'll put them on your tab." The remark came out, being sheer and fun banter alone. There would extra emphasis on this as he'd then also add "In all seriousness, don't mention it. And also just know that moment can be shared as I'm more than thrilled to be getting to add these to my wardrobe now." These obviously referring to the gorgeous purple pieces of clothing. While he didn't wear the color often, this would certainly give him an excuse to start wearing it more.

Kayne would then listen to the Queen of the Swamp go through what's happened in her life in these past few years. Most were extremely relatable. Especially both the part about there being equally good and bad things which had occurred. "I say, if men keep dumping us and we're both still single at 25; we get married for the tax benefits." Another witty retort to start things off. "Sorry to hear about some of that though. On the other side of that coin, congrats! Those are marvelous things to occur indeed. Here's to many more awards that you're assuredly destined to win in the future. As for myself, I have stuck around with both those; but unfortunately not as deep as you're saying. Currently publishing a small blog for fashion, no awards though..." He'd let out a small exasperated and exaggerated sigh. "...yet at least. Divination on the other hand, I've been practicing enough to hopefully go back to Hogwarts as a Divination Professor one day. I've helped some locals back home with it on occasion as well, but nothing like helping the Ministry with cases or prophecies and such. There's also been some downs, particularly within the love and family life." Kayne would give a simple shrug to his own last sentence. "As the French say, c'est la vie."

The former Ravenclaw smiled. She was glad to be finally free of both school and home. It was obviously good for her: while at first she'd struggled to function independently as an adult, she greatly enjoyed the choice and the peace that she got when making her own decisions. Especially when getting tattoos... of which she had nine. Those made her feel amazing. She would have totally died to know he had tattoos! Too bad she couldn't see them.

See, Ash felt like her present for him wasn't as good as the obviously amazing art supplies he'd got her, but she reminded herself that he liked his present and they were both happy, so there was no reason to stress. It was just- she liked her present a lot a lot. She would probably go to sleep tonight with her new sketchbook in hand, passed out after a long session of drawing or painting.

Ashley sighed wistfully, shoulders slumping a little as her face scrunched. Love was a sensitive subject, you see. "I hope men won't keep dumping us when we're 25." Getting married for tax purposes was an interesting idea, but Ash wanted love and a family of her own really bad. But right now, after her self-esteem had been crushed so many times, she worried that it wasn't even possible to love her. She hoped Kayne wasn't feeling as lonely in his single-ness as she was. She always was concerned with how her friends were feeling, you know.

"I can't wait to follow your fashion blog. I bet you have great ideas. Do you have an internet page for it?" Like how muggles advertised. She smiled a little, genuinely meaning it. She did want to see his blog, award or no award. "And you would make a great divination teacher. Hey, I've been getting pretty good at divination since I left Hogwarts. I want to show you the stuff I learned recently." She'd never taken the subject at Hogwarts, but it turned out that she had some untapped talent for it that she was only recently discovering. She frowned a little when Kayne mentioned the 'downs' of his life. "I understand. That can be pretty hard. But..." She smiled a little, looking... hopeful. "Things will get better someday for us. I hope." And then, hopefully, all the bad parts wouldn't feel so bad all of the time.
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Old 01-19-2024, 02:34 AM   #127 (permalink)

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"Here's to hoping."

The comment was made to men not still dumping the two of them. Kayne was sure that would be the case, they'd both manage to find someone. But, never knew. As someone who prided themselves in a lot of things regarding divination, the former Slytherin knew that it was something yet to be seen. The future was a vast mystery yet to be explored after all.

"Remind to write it down for you before we leave then. I've been told they're pretty great ideas at least." Look at Kayne, making an offbeat attempt at trying his darndest to stay humble in the moment. Emphasis at attempt, for he made a (faked) dramatically pained face upon saying it. "Thank you, you're much too kind. And oh? Is that so. Please, do tell all the juicy details on that cause last I recalled it wasn't necessarily your forte. Also, you must tell me about those awards you got that." He was genuinely intrigued by both of these things, slightly jealous of the latter. He'd take a brief pause then, before going on

"And meh, I've been against worse things. Thank you for understanding at least, and you are almost certainly right on that. Things will get better for us, eventually."

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Old 01-19-2024, 02:34 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post
"Here's to hoping."

The comment was made to men not still dumping the two of them. Kayne was sure that would be the case, they'd both manage to find someone. But, never knew. As someone who prided themselves in a lot of things regarding divination, the former Slytherin knew that it was something yet to be seen. The future was a vast mystery yet to be explored after all.

"Remind to write it down for you before we leave then. I've been told they're pretty great ideas at least." Look at Kayne, making an offbeat attempt at trying his darndest to stay humble in the moment. Emphasis at attempt, for he made a (faked) dramatically pained face upon saying it. "Thank you, you're much too kind. And oh? Is that so. Please, do tell all the juicy details on that cause last I recalled it wasn't necessarily your forte. Also, you must tell me about those awards you got that." He was genuinely intrigued by both of these things, slightly jealous of the latter. He'd take a brief pause then, before going on

"And meh, I've been against worse things. Thank you for understanding at least, and you are almost certainly right on that. Things will get better for us, eventually."
It was evident, from Ashley's expression, that she was hoping quite hard. She was lonely. There were few things she wanted more than a relationship that didn't end in hurt feelings and a deeply unhappy and insecure Ash. Not that she liked to think about such things. "Yes. Here's to hoping."

Ash shook her head at the suggestion of reminding him. "Knowing me, I think you should just write it down right now. I'm terribly absent minded." She was really very interested in his blog, and she knew she would forget if he didn't tell her now. She smiled and even laughed a little at his poor attempt to stay humble, which was quite endearing. She decided to show him her divination skills later, perhaps somewhere where there was actual equipment, and talk about her book right now. "Well," she said, turning slightly pink (she still couldn't believe she'd won anything), "I wrote a book about the war. It won an award for best debut novel and another one for best novel of the year." She was pretty proud of it, actually, though it really made her miserable to write. "Do you want a copy? I can even sign it..."
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Old 01-19-2024, 10:32 PM   #129 (permalink)

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Default Remembered to actually quote it this time lol

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
It was evident, from Ashley's expression, that she was hoping quite hard. She was lonely. There were few things she wanted more than a relationship that didn't end in hurt feelings and a deeply unhappy and insecure Ash. Not that she liked to think about such things. "Yes. Here's to hoping."

Ash shook her head at the suggestion of reminding him. "Knowing me, I think you should just write it down right now. I'm terribly absent minded." She was really very interested in his blog, and she knew she would forget if he didn't tell her now. She smiled and even laughed a little at his poor attempt to stay humble, which was quite endearing. She decided to show him her divination skills later, perhaps somewhere where there was actual equipment, and talk about her book right now. "Well," she said, turning slightly pink (she still couldn't believe she'd won anything), "I wrote a book about the war. It won an award for best debut novel and another one for best novel of the year." She was pretty proud of it, actually, though it really made her miserable to write. "Do you want a copy? I can even sign it..."

That was all well and fine too. At the shake of her head, an eyebrow of inquiry started to, but it would stop dead in it's tracks as soon as she started to elaborate on the shake. Kayne's response then would be to grab a pencil from his own bag, and write it down on one of the napkins that was at the table. It wasn't an exciting name really, just a generic, insert-fashion-blog-title here kind. It was a start at the very least of things, and quite frankly things could only go up from there. Sliding it across the way to Ash, he'd offer the same hopeful-for-the-future expression as she. "There ya go, can't be forgetting it now then."

And then his face would turn slightly more passive. Smiling still of course, but more neutrally than before. Ears perked upwards, listening as his royal highness went on about the book she wrote, then promptly the listing both awards attained by it. If there was one thing Kayne certainly knew by the way she described it mainly the passion behind it, even in just its short detail, it was the reason in which she won said awards in the first place. "Presumably non-fiction then?" The question would ring out pondering over what kind of book it was exactly. And he knew, that wasn't to rule out the possibility of it still being fiction. As anything could be turned into a work of fiction, even real life events such as the war. Many people followed that form. But, he'd still go with the assumption. "Regardless of whether it is or isn't non-fiction, it sure does sound lovely. By the way, isn't it obvious? Of course I'd love a signed copy!" He'd add rather ecstatically.

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Old 01-24-2024, 01:53 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Kayne
Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post

That was all well and fine too. At the shake of her head, an eyebrow of inquiry started to, but it would stop dead in it's tracks as soon as she started to elaborate on the shake. Kayne's response then would be to grab a pencil from his own bag, and write it down on one of the napkins that was at the table. It wasn't an exciting name really, just a generic, insert-fashion-blog-title here kind. It was a start at the very least of things, and quite frankly things could only go up from there. Sliding it across the way to Ash, he'd offer the same hopeful-for-the-future expression as she. "There ya go, can't be forgetting it now then."

And then his face would turn slightly more passive. Smiling still of course, but more neutrally than before. Ears perked upwards, listening as his royal highness went on about the book she wrote, then promptly the listing both awards attained by it. If there was one thing Kayne certainly knew by the way she described it mainly the passion behind it, even in just its short detail, it was the reason in which she won said awards in the first place. "Presumably non-fiction then?" The question would ring out pondering over what kind of book it was exactly. And he knew, that wasn't to rule out the possibility of it still being fiction. As anything could be turned into a work of fiction, even real life events such as the war. Many people followed that form. But, he'd still go with the assumption. "Regardless of whether it is or isn't non-fiction, it sure does sound lovely. By the way, isn't it obvious? Of course I'd love a signed copy!" He'd add rather ecstatically.

Ashley happily took the napkin from Kayne, and proceeded to magically stick it to her arm. She did not explain why, but figured it was obvious that she couldn't forget it now! "I'll check it out as soon as I get home. And I might just have some of my friends look at it too." She carried a small amount of influence in certain circles, you know. She knew people who knew people. If they liked Kayne's blog... it could be good for his career!

"No, my book is a fiction novel. I... couldn't handle writing a story from my own point of view." She didn't like the thought of people knowing every detail of what she'd been through, so she'd made up a character instead. "But everything in the book really did happen. I didn't exaggerate or make it less bad or change any of the important details. It just... isn't me being the main character." It was important to her that he knew she wasn't making things up. Not that he'd think she was, but she'd been accused of it before. "I don't know that I'd call it lovely. But I think it's pretty good and I'd be happy to send you a signed copy." He could expect it in the next week or so. "I'm writing a short story collection right now, in between my art shows. I mean, if people were moved by my novel... I have so many more things I want to say." She was a better writer than talker. She had so many ideas that she needed to share... "I want to touch people's lives with my art and writing, Kayne. It's my way of giving back." She looked at him with a very particular expression of hers, one that was a bit scary to look at because of its intensity. Crazy, a little. But Ashley truly thought she was capable of big things with the time that she had been granted.

"So anyways, Divination. I particularly like methods that involve water, or observing the sky and certain birds." It was an abrupt topic change, but Ashley Fox's mind was a quite abrupt place and she did not always remember to have a segue between different ideas.
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Old 01-31-2024, 02:45 AM   #131 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post

Ashley happily took the napkin from Kayne, and proceeded to magically stick it to her arm. She did not explain why, but figured it was obvious that she couldn't forget it now! "I'll check it out as soon as I get home. And I might just have some of my friends look at it too." She carried a small amount of influence in certain circles, you know. She knew people who knew people. If they liked Kayne's blog... it could be good for his career!

"No, my book is a fiction novel. I... couldn't handle writing a story from my own point of view." She didn't like the thought of people knowing every detail of what she'd been through, so she'd made up a character instead. "But everything in the book really did happen. I didn't exaggerate or make it less bad or change any of the important details. It just... isn't me being the main character." It was important to her that he knew she wasn't making things up. Not that he'd think she was, but she'd been accused of it before. "I don't know that I'd call it lovely. But I think it's pretty good and I'd be happy to send you a signed copy." He could expect it in the next week or so. "I'm writing a short story collection right now, in between my art shows. I mean, if people were moved by my novel... I have so many more things I want to say." She was a better writer than talker. She had so many ideas that she needed to share... "I want to touch people's lives with my art and writing, Kayne. It's my way of giving back." She looked at him with a very particular expression of hers, one that was a bit scary to look at because of its intensity. Crazy, a little. But Ashley truly thought she was capable of big things with the time that she had been granted.

"So anyways, Divination. I particularly like methods that involve water, or observing the sky and certain birds." It was an abrupt topic change, but Ashley Fox's mind was a quite abrupt place and she did not always remember to have a segue between different ideas.

There was no comment made on the High Head Witch of the Hogwart’s Marsh sticking the slip of paper to her arm. In a certain aspect or another, it was relatively punk to a certain degree; in the sense of just not giving two cents about what another person might think on it. Much like the collection of tattoos in which Ash now possessed as well. However, he would give cheers to her sharing his fashion blog to her friends. The more people who read it, the better. So long as they were respectful when reading or commenting on it, but if they were anything like his friend, they most certainly would be.

However, Kayne would listen as the other would recant a bit more about the book she wrote. He did find it extremely intriguing. Writing was an art form in and of itself, so to hear that she was able to do something which made her happy and gain success off of it at the same time was just truly amazing. There was no other way to put it in all honesty. "Call it what you will then, but I personally will still be expecting said signed copy. Let me know when you drop some more stories then as well, and you'll be assured to have another person in attendance at your signings for those." The words would flow out, briefly pausing for but a mere moment, then picking right back off where it was left "Judging from the sounds of things, you have already touched the hearts of many. But why stop there, there's a whole world you've yet to conquer still from the sounds of it, in that same breath. So here's to your future endeavors in all of those fronts. Just don't go about conquering it like how Lucian attempted to, we see how well that turned out for him." There was no stutter in the utterance of the dark wizard who tried to send the world into a tizzy, and succeeded for a short time. Ultimately though, it was true. Men and women like that would always fail in their attempts. And that's the sole reason the Mordrake didn't have qualms speaking on the experience of it either.

Going from that though into the change of topic, a smile would purse his lips. "So it seems you've at least carried some of my knowledge with you after all these years then. Good to know I've made such an impact. Obviously my forte still remains seen in smoke and mirrors, but omens read in birds and the clouds are still as true as those read in the looking glass."

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Old 01-31-2024, 03:34 AM   #132 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Kayne
Originally Posted by natethegreat View Post

There was no comment made on the High Head Witch of the Hogwart’s Marsh sticking the slip of paper to her arm. In a certain aspect or another, it was relatively punk to a certain degree; in the sense of just not giving two cents about what another person might think on it. Much like the collection of tattoos in which Ash now possessed as well. However, he would give cheers to her sharing his fashion blog to her friends. The more people who read it, the better. So long as they were respectful when reading or commenting on it, but if they were anything like his friend, they most certainly would be.

However, Kayne would listen as the other would recant a bit more about the book she wrote. He did find it extremely intriguing. Writing was an art form in and of itself, so to hear that she was able to do something which made her happy and gain success off of it at the same time was just truly amazing. There was no other way to put it in all honesty. "Call it what you will then, but I personally will still be expecting said signed copy. Let me know when you drop some more stories then as well, and you'll be assured to have another person in attendance at your signings for those." The words would flow out, briefly pausing for but a mere moment, then picking right back off where it was left "Judging from the sounds of things, you have already touched the hearts of many. But why stop there, there's a whole world you've yet to conquer still from the sounds of it, in that same breath. So here's to your future endeavors in all of those fronts. Just don't go about conquering it like how Lucian attempted to, we see how well that turned out for him." There was no stutter in the utterance of the dark wizard who tried to send the world into a tizzy, and succeeded for a short time. Ultimately though, it was true. Men and women like that would always fail in their attempts. And that's the sole reason the Mordrake didn't have qualms speaking on the experience of it either.

Going from that though into the change of topic, a smile would purse his lips. "So it seems you've at least carried some of my knowledge with you after all these years then. Good to know I've made such an impact. Obviously my forte still remains seen in smoke and mirrors, but omens read in birds and the clouds are still as true as those read in the looking glass."

Ash did somewhat care what people thought of her... but she wasn't always aware that many of her actions were unusual, unconventional, or bizarre. If he thought she was being strange now, he should hear about the living-room-floor-picnics. And the see-through-hat. She sometimes worried that she was too much weird in one person... but other times, she reflected on society and wondered if it was truly weird to make a picnic on the living room floor or whether everybody else was simply unimaginative. If they actually TRIED these things, just once...

She stuck the paper to her arm so that she wouldn't forget it, of course. Every action had a reason.

"Every time I release a book, you can expect a signed copy straight to your doorstep. Though I always do love signing things in person..." It made her feel special when someone actively sought her out. No problem with sending things by mail, though! "I certainly don't plan on stopping. I don't think I even could if I wanted to, to be honest." It was... her purpose, she believed. What would she do other than this?

Ashley flinched at the mention of Lucien Rosier. Her boggart, most of the time. She had wrote a whole book about the Neo-alliance takeover... but that didn't stop her from recoiling from that man's very name. "Hah. I don't plan on killing any people. Or using unforgiveables. So you needn't worry about me." She smiled... well... she gave a poor attempt at one. Thinking about Rosier took away all her reasons to smile.

"I still can't look in mirrors. Even after all these years. But I'd like to see your technique with smoke divination." She'd tried exposure. She'd been exposed to mirrors by accident or by having no choice, too. And it hadn't improved past the point of panicking and needing to leave the room and take an hours-long break. Smoke... was fine. She was interested in that.
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Old 05-22-2024, 01:33 AM   #133 (permalink)

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There had been a bit of a tantrum back at home, when she had told Willoughby that he couldn’t come along with her on the trip to Diagon Alley, but Ava had promised to bring him a treat. The four-year-old had begrudgingly acquiesced, as usual. Gifts usually did the trick, as she had learned over the years dealing with her half-siblings. Besides, she had known he wouldn’t have found it quite as fascinating as he’d thought, given she mostly had needed to see if the music shop could tune her guitar for her. It hadn’t quite been sounding right lately, and given she was trying not to court nepotism by letting her uncle recruit her for the family label, she needed her equipment to be working properly and sometimes it was better to not try to tune it herself.

Granted, she’d also had thoughts of moving out of her mum’s and Lenox’s house too and that was a whole other can of worms she would rather not court by bringing him along. But first, coffee, which was what brought her to the coffee shop after dropping her guitar off, and the brunette settled into a seat at an open table after ordering a latte and tiramisu. Sweets were never a bad thing. Maybe her half-siblings had a point.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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Old 05-27-2024, 02:07 AM   #134 (permalink)

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Ece Arslan
Nesting Occamy Rentals
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
There had been a bit of a tantrum back at home, when she had told Willoughby that he couldn’t come along with her on the trip to Diagon Alley, but Ava had promised to bring him a treat. The four-year-old had begrudgingly acquiesced, as usual. Gifts usually did the trick, as she had learned over the years dealing with her half-siblings. Besides, she had known he wouldn’t have found it quite as fascinating as he’d thought, given she mostly had needed to see if the music shop could tune her guitar for her. It hadn’t quite been sounding right lately, and given she was trying not to court nepotism by letting her uncle recruit her for the family label, she needed her equipment to be working properly and sometimes it was better to not try to tune it herself.

Granted, she’d also had thoughts of moving out of her mum’s and Lenox’s house too and that was a whole other can of worms she would rather not court by bringing him along. But first, coffee, which was what brought her to the coffee shop after dropping her guitar off, and the brunette settled into a seat at an open table after ordering a latte and tiramisu. Sweets were never a bad thing. Maybe her half-siblings had a point.
There was only so much of living with a couple that Pabu could take. He used to think he was quite the ladies man, with a penchant for flirting. But as he got older, he realized that had simply been a young boy's foolish dream and that he was actually quite rubbish at it. Had it limited his enthusiastic attempts? Not in the slightest, but it didn't make him more aware that perhaps it wasn't as easy to find someone to date as he had originally hoped. Though... he was learning to be okay with that too. Once a young boy obsessed with the idea of a relationship, he was okay without one now.

Especially when he was surrounded now by couples who were so sickeningly sweet that made him want to vomit. Listen, he was happy for them all - just did he always have to have a front row seat?

That's what brought him to London that afternoon. He'd fled the scene of his home in Greece and his normal run away was where his sister, brother in law and their spawn resided which meant it wasn't a great sanctuary either. So... to the Leaky it had been, though what he was going to do with his time while here he hadn't the foggiest.

Coffee was an excellent place to start, however. Pushing his way into the coffee shop of the alley (having long since tired of that at the Leaky Cauldron), Pabu ordered himself a latte with plenty of sugar added, before stepping out of line to wait for it. Spotting an open seat, he didn't pay much mind to other inhabitants before sliding into the spot opposite them. "Pardon me." He said softly, still staring at the counter. He was really in need of the life giving sustenance called caffeine.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 05-29-2024, 12:53 AM   #135 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
There was only so much of living with a couple that Pabu could take. He used to think he was quite the ladies man, with a penchant for flirting. But as he got older, he realized that had simply been a young boy's foolish dream and that he was actually quite rubbish at it. Had it limited his enthusiastic attempts? Not in the slightest, but it didn't make him more aware that perhaps it wasn't as easy to find someone to date as he had originally hoped. Though... he was learning to be okay with that too. Once a young boy obsessed with the idea of a relationship, he was okay without one now.

Especially when he was surrounded now by couples who were so sickeningly sweet that made him want to vomit. Listen, he was happy for them all - just did he always have to have a front row seat?

That's what brought him to London that afternoon. He'd fled the scene of his home in Greece and his normal run away was where his sister, brother in law and their spawn resided which meant it wasn't a great sanctuary either. So... to the Leaky it had been, though what he was going to do with his time while here he hadn't the foggiest.

Coffee was an excellent place to start, however. Pushing his way into the coffee shop of the alley (having long since tired of that at the Leaky Cauldron), Pabu ordered himself a latte with plenty of sugar added, before stepping out of line to wait for it. Spotting an open seat, he didn't pay much mind to other inhabitants before sliding into the spot opposite them. "Pardon me." He said softly, still staring at the counter. He was really in need of the life giving sustenance called caffeine.
Somewhere she had acquired a music magazine, which had occupied Ava rather more than she ought to have been, considering she was a single girl sitting alone. Odds were her uncles would have lectured her had they been aware, but they weren’t around. Thankfully. There was only so much she could take of her uncle trying to convince her to change her mind and allow him to sign her to LakeStar before she knew she’d either snap or cave. Honestly, she wasn’t sure which result was more likely, hence her trying to work behind their backs. If she could manage to get signed elsewhere before anyone was aware of it, the better. Better to ask forgiveness and all that jazz.

Either way, the magazine was probably what had kept her from initially noticing that someone had joined her at her little table. Not that the darkness in the shop also wasn’t likely to be the culprit, but she looked up from the pages upon hearing the soft apology, using the same movement to take a sip of her own latte. “It’s alright”, she murmured, setting the magazine in her lap as she focused on the stranger. Better a stranger than a family member who had sussed out her location. Probably.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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Old 06-03-2024, 12:45 AM   #136 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Somewhere she had acquired a music magazine, which had occupied Ava rather more than she ought to have been, considering she was a single girl sitting alone. Odds were her uncles would have lectured her had they been aware, but they weren’t around. Thankfully. There was only so much she could take of her uncle trying to convince her to change her mind and allow him to sign her to LakeStar before she knew she’d either snap or cave. Honestly, she wasn’t sure which result was more likely, hence her trying to work behind their backs. If she could manage to get signed elsewhere before anyone was aware of it, the better. Better to ask forgiveness and all that jazz.

Either way, the magazine was probably what had kept her from initially noticing that someone had joined her at her little table. Not that the darkness in the shop also wasn’t likely to be the culprit, but she looked up from the pages upon hearing the soft apology, using the same movement to take a sip of her own latte. “It’s alright”, she murmured, setting the magazine in her lap as she focused on the stranger. Better a stranger than a family member who had sussed out her location. Probably.
His eyes continued to remain fixed upon the counter, waiting for the call of his name to retrieve his own order. But somewhere between his apology to the other patron, and her acceptance of such, he realized that this was probably a 'watched pot' sort of situation and he was better off averting his attention elsewhere. Which happened to leave the tablemate that he'd forced his company upon. Brown eyes turned towards her, which he hadn't even initially realized it had been a her, and he gave one of his usual charming smiles. His flirty tendencies had calmed a lot considering how often they had been unsuccessful, but he often times still couldn't fully curb it.

Figuring conversation was the best distraction, he examined the girl across from him for a moment and scanned her appearance and items for something to comment on. When his eyes caught the magazine, he gave a nod towards it. "Anything interesting happening in the music world?" He liked to listen to whatever was popular, but if you asked him to say names of any bands that sang a song... you were out of luck.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 06-20-2024, 01:28 AM   #137 (permalink)

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Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
His eyes continued to remain fixed upon the counter, waiting for the call of his name to retrieve his own order. But somewhere between his apology to the other patron, and her acceptance of such, he realized that this was probably a 'watched pot' sort of situation and he was better off averting his attention elsewhere. Which happened to leave the tablemate that he'd forced his company upon. Brown eyes turned towards her, which he hadn't even initially realized it had been a her, and he gave one of his usual charming smiles. His flirty tendencies had calmed a lot considering how often they had been unsuccessful, but he often times still couldn't fully curb it.

Figuring conversation was the best distraction, he examined the girl across from him for a moment and scanned her appearance and items for something to comment on. When his eyes caught the magazine, he gave a nod towards it. "Anything interesting happening in the music world?" He liked to listen to whatever was popular, but if you asked him to say names of any bands that sang a song... you were out of luck.
It didn’t bother her that her new tablemate had seemed more focused on the counter and presumably his order. As it was, Ava’s curiosity was only at surface level at the moment. She’d been trained to be polite, after all. Beauxbatons generally frowned upon their students being impolite, and she remembered that even after graduation. Not to mention she knew rather intimately what could happen in the real world no matter what she wanted or not, and it was easier to stay safe. Although the flirty smile could have come as a surprise, given the previous inattention.

She had merely smiled back, following it up with a shrug as he’d asked about the contents of her magazine. “I guess it would depend on what one considers interesting?”, she replied, setting the magazine down next to her plate, picking up her cup to take a sip before continuing. “Mostly the usual gossip, to be honest. What bands are releasing new albums, rumors about others.” It paid to stay aware of these things, whether or not she had a familial connection or not.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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