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Ollivanders The wand chooses the wizard. Come inside and let one of our finest magical instruments select you today.

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Old 01-08-2021, 02:31 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Wand Fitting

Just as you enter the shop, in between all the chaos that may or may not have been going on, is a rather open area with a measuring tape that seems to be hovering in mid air. It wiggles and flies around, ready to measure the next customer to walk into it's range. The measuring tape will eagerly measure your height, the reach of your arm, and maybe even other strange measurements to help the wandmakers find the best wand for you.

In front of the counter there is the empty space that is designated as the fitting area. Here is where wands are fitted. After being measured by the magical measuring tape, you will be assisted by a worker who will then endeavor to fit you with your perfect wand and start pulling boxes from the shelves, which stretch back impossibly far and up so high that even the tallest people have to tip their head back to see the tops.

Long sliding ladders are attached to every stretch of shelves, and the wandmakers make great use of these to reach those wands which are tucked away high up. There seems to be a filing system of sorts, some kind of method to the madness, though most of the boxes are unmarked. Is it a colour code? Or is it shape? size? smell? Something else? Well you'll never know unless you get a job here. Luckily, and out of sheer necessity, these shelves have been bespelled so that wandboxes are not in danger of flying everywhere due to errant spells cast by children wielding their new wands.

Text Cut: wand fitting instructions

⌦ In order to receive a wand, please take the WAND QUIZ ONCE for the character who is here for a wand. Then, post your character being measured by the "magical measuring tape" ONCE in this thread. This thread is not one where you should interact with others, one post here please! It serves as our queue!

See the example post below, or look at other posts in this thread from previous terms.

Text Cut: example post
Jessica went into Ollivanders with more than her share of nerves, it was time for her first wand! The eleven year old made her way over to the measuring area and waited for her turn. Soon enough the measuring tape reached her and began zipping about, straightening with a snap and measuring out her height and, when she held her arms out, she watched it take a measurement of how long they were too. Fun! Did that mean her wand would be as big as her whole arm?

The girl stepped away from the measuring area and she eagerly waited for the shopkeeper to find her wand.

⌦ Please take the SORTING QUIZ first and wait to be placed in your house before taking the wand quiz! Your house effects your final wand in our quiz! This goes for current members who are re-sorting too, though you may take the quiz in advance if you know what your new house will be.

⌦ You may role play the magical measuring tape, but you may not role play for the shopkeepers. Ollivander does not work here!

⌦ After submitting the wand quiz and posting in this thread, please wait for a shop worker to assist you and your character in finding their perfect wand match. You do not have to RP to get your wand, but it is highly encouraged as a part of enriching your RP experience.

⌦ Please do not stretch the wand fitting experience out too long, it should not take more than three tries at an absolute maximum to find your character's match.

⌦ If we run out of time to complete the RP with you by the end of the RP summer, we will PM or VM your wand result to you, provided you have posted in this thread and responded to our efforts to interact with you.

⌦ If you have any questions, feel free to PM Felixir or one of the Diagon Alley Proprietors and they'll try to answer your questions as quickly and efficiently as they can.

⌦ Have fun!
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Old 04-29-2024, 08:28 PM   #201 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Felixir View Post

"Thank you very much," Zeke replied. Yes, there weren't many who had congratulated him on that. In all fairness, there weren't many who asked, and his husband and children had already been keeping count of their Ollivander years alongside him.

With the second wand-trying underway, Zeke commenced his keeping an eye out for any early signs of a match... noting again how the girl aimed at his windows. Within a few moments, however, he couldn't take note of much at all, because suddenly... darkness. Or smokiness, to be a little more exact. Zeke coughed slightly, having inhaled some of the smoke in his surprise, and then drew his own wand.

"Yes, and the wand likes you too, I see. Well, in a manner of speaking," Zeke added, because actually, he could no longer see anything. He gave his own wand a twirl, and all too soon it began hoovering up the worst of the smoke, giving them some more visibility so that they might finish this transaction a little easier. He did prefer to see what was going on, especially as money was yet to change hands. "Now then! Congratulations are in order, and I have a little information for you."

Information about the wand, naturally. And useful information it would be.

"Your new wand is eleven and a half inches of strong walnut, and the core is dragon heartstring. Swedish Short-Snout, to be precise. A very handsome wood, known for its unusual versatility and adaptability. It tends to match with highly intelligent over-achievers." Did Zeke suspect that that applied to this customer? Hard to say in only a short meeting, but he did tend to trust the wands' judgement. "Good for cleansing and purification spells, and for reversal magic, known to amplify focus and intent, and will perform any task its owner desires, if the wielder is brilliant enough." Which, well, could be disastrous depending on the characteristics of the owner, but the wands would choose who they wanted to choose. "Dragon heartstring cores have a lot of oomph and raw power, and lend themselves to quick mastery of new spells. A very versatile core, much like the wood. You'll find that powerful spells, the ones which require a bit of oomph, will come easier than subtle, delicate spellwork, so more intricate spells may be more difficult. I'm happy to report also that dragon heartstring wands bond closely to their owners."

And that, as they said, was that. Plenty to be getting on with. "The wand by itself will be 10 galleons, and we also have a range of other products and services that might interest you today."


[11½ inch strong walnut w/ dragon heartstring [Swedish Short-Snout]]
Sydney would have loved to see the look on everyone's faces, but the smoke prevented her from doing so. Instead she listened for a reaction, noting the wandmaker's slight cough.

The more she heard about her new wand, the more she liked it. Highly intelligent over-achiever? That sounded quite a bit like her. She had no doubt she would be brilliant enough to make the wand perform any spell she wanted… once she actually learned some spells. The core was interesting too! She liked the idea of powerful spells and the wand bonding closely to her. She wouldn't want someone to be able to take her wand easily!

As she processed the information the Wanamaker gave her, her thoughts turned to the dragon that provided her wand core. ”Was the Swedish Shortsnout still alive when its heartstring was harvested?” she asked. Probably not, she guessed, though it was interesting to think about.

Sydney's eyes darted about the shop, taking in the array of products. She considered buying a bundle, but leather holsters seemed a bit boring. She wanted something more distinctive, like a dragonhide holster. Maybe a Swedish Shortsnout, to match her wand core? Or- ooh, an alligator holster! That was probably the closest she'd find to a swamp monster. ”I'd like some wand polish, conditioning oil, and an alligator hip holster, please,” she replied.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 04-29-2024, 10:59 PM   #202 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Zeke! <3
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
"I am very glad to hear it," Zeke said, in response namely to the comment about taking very good care of the wand (naturally), but it was a statement that also applied to having confidence in his studies. See? These spiels about the wands had their uses.

And, of course, he had expected a few extra purchases. Zeke smiled, nodded, and retrieved the velvet holster and the tub of wand polish. "That's 18 galleons, 8 sickles, then - ah, excellent," he added, seeing the money already on offer. He bundled up the items, took the coins from the boy, and dropped them into his cash register, before looking up with another smile. "Thank you very much. The best of luck to you and your new wand."

Johnny beamed. It seemed that he had gotten his maths correct. His parents would be very pleased to hear about this. “Thank you too,’’ he said quite enthusiastically, pushing a bit of his curly hair out of his eyes. The purchases were collected and they were hugged to his chest. Yep! Jon was going to take very good care of his latest belongings!

“Bye! It’s been lovely shopping here! I’ll be back for sure for more supplies!” Giving the Shopkeeper a wave, he bounced back over to his parents. Hopefully his sisters didn’t have him waiting for long. As much as he loved this shop, Jon was excited to move about in Diagon Alley.
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Old 04-29-2024, 11:13 PM   #203 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Zeke was very good at keeping his expression schooled and refraining from reacting when his customers produced their various magical effects. He'd seen so many over the years that very little could surprise him.

That still held true right now, though he couldn't quite help from wincing ever so slightly. With some difficulty, Zeke turned away from the shelves, making a mental note to check over the wands that had fallen once he was done here.

"Yes, I think you are quite right," Zeke said, nodding in agreement and putting the lid back on the box. "Not to worry. That does narrow things down somewhat." After considering the shelves for a moment (and hoping the one he was thinking of wasn't in that pile on the floor) Zeke stooped down to pluck a wand box out from where it lived in a tucked away corner. He returned to the girl and smiled at her, offering the second wand that sat inside its box. "Let's see how you get along with this one."
Before Tiffany took the second wand, she found herself pondering what the shopkeeper had said to her brother about being honest and compassionate. She knew he was a big ol' softie even if he loved to tease her and Ari. And then there was Ari, getting a wand with a Laurel core, how ironic considering their mom's name. And interesting about the fire spells, considering their brother's first wand interaction. It made her curious to see what this wand would do and how it might connect to her family.

Biting her lip as she watched him ignore the pile on the floor to get her another wand, she blinked. "I'm really sorry ... if there's anything ..." She could almost hear her mum reminding her to pick up after herself. Gingerly she picked up the second one, wondering how she'd know if the wand chose her. Would she get butterflies ? Or some other sign?

Before she could question it any longer, stars emitted from the tip, glowing and hovering for around thirty seconds before dissolving into the air. "Does that mean this is the one?" she asked curiously of the shopkeeper, looking back at her parents and siblings for reassurance.

Aaron smiled when Johnny's wand selected him and he paid for it along with getting some polish too. And then it seemed Ari was all set with hers too, which left only one to go ... Such immense fatherly pride watching each of his children get their first wand. What a shame that parents weren't allowed to watch their kids get sorted too, but he knew they'd receive an owl with their results. He shook his head at his wife's delusion in thinking Floreans would be quiet during the summer, but he wasn't about to argue with that. Also, one can't get upset with ice cream in front of them.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem

Last edited by PhoenixRising; 05-02-2024 at 11:30 PM. Reason: this should be more clear <3
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Old 05-04-2024, 06:33 PM   #204 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: MadMadamMalfoy
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post

Sydney would have loved to see the look on everyone's faces, but the smoke prevented her from doing so. Instead she listened for a reaction, noting the wandmaker's slight cough.

The more she heard about her new wand, the more she liked it. Highly intelligent over-achiever? That sounded quite a bit like her. She had no doubt she would be brilliant enough to make the wand perform any spell she wanted… once she actually learned some spells. The core was interesting too! She liked the idea of powerful spells and the wand bonding closely to her. She wouldn't want someone to be able to take her wand easily!

As she processed the information the Wanamaker gave her, her thoughts turned to the dragon that provided her wand core. ”Was the Swedish Shortsnout still alive when its heartstring was harvested?” she asked. Probably not, she guessed, though it was interesting to think about.

Sydney's eyes darted about the shop, taking in the array of products. She considered buying a bundle, but leather holsters seemed a bit boring. She wanted something more distinctive, like a dragonhide holster. Maybe a Swedish Shortsnout, to match her wand core? Or- ooh, an alligator holster! That was probably the closest she'd find to a swamp monster. ”I'd like some wand polish, conditioning oil, and an alligator hip holster, please,” she replied.

Zeke was prepared for the question; it was one he got a lot, either through concern about the creatures they harvested from or just from plain curiosity. "No, it wasn't. The heartstring is taken after the dragons have passed." His phrasing was deliberate; the dragons weren't killed for the making of the wands, or at least, he personally didn't use cores obtained that way. But that was a whole different conversation.

He gave her a smile, said, "Absolutely," and went to collect the items that the girl wanted. When he returned to the counter, he bundled everything up. "That's 26 galleons 8 sickles in total then, please."

SPOILER!!: FearlessLeader19
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Johnny beamed. It seemed that he had gotten his maths correct. His parents would be very pleased to hear about this. “Thank you too,’’ he said quite enthusiastically, pushing a bit of his curly hair out of his eyes. The purchases were collected and they were hugged to his chest. Yep! Jon was going to take very good care of his latest belongings!

“Bye! It’s been lovely shopping here! I’ll be back for sure for more supplies!” Giving the Shopkeeper a wave, he bounced back over to his parents. Hopefully his sisters didn’t have him waiting for long. As much as he loved this shop, Jon was excited to move about in Diagon Alley.

Charming young man. "Happy to be of service," he said, and returned the boy's wave with a smile before off his customer bounced. Zeke did not bounce anywhere, though it was true that a job well done did put a pep in his own step.

SPOILER!!: PhoenixRising
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Before Tiffany took the second wand, she found herself pondering what the shopkeeper had said to her brother about being honest and compassionate. She knew he was a big ol' softie even if he loved to tease her and Ari. And then there was Ari, getting a wand with a Laurel core, how ironic considering their mom's name. And interesting about the fire spells, considering their brother's first wand interaction. It made her curious to see what this wand would do and how it might connect to her family.

Biting her lip as she watched him ignore the pile on the floor to get her another wand, she blinked. "I'm really sorry ... if there's anything ..." She could almost hear her mum reminding her to pick up after herself. Gingerly she picked up the second one, wondering how she'd know if the wand chose her. Would she get butterflies ? Or some other sign?

Before she could question it any longer, stars emitted from the tip, glowing and hovering for around thirty seconds before dissolving into the air. "Does that mean this is the one?" she asked curiously of the shopkeeper, looking back at her parents and siblings for reassurance.

Aaron smiled when Johnny's wand selected him and he paid for it along with getting some polish too. And then it seemed Ari was all set with hers too, which left only one to go ... Such immense fatherly pride watching each of his children get their first wand. What a shame that parents weren't allowed to watch their kids get sorted too, but he knew they'd receive an owl with their results. He shook his head at his wife's delusion in thinking Floreans would be quiet during the summer, but he wasn't about to argue with that. Also, one can't get upset with ice cream in front of them.

"Oh no, not to worry at all. No need to apologise," Zeke said, giving a reassuring smile and a wave of his hand to indicate it was perfectly fine. "We see all kinds of magical reactions in here. All par for the course."

What mattered most in that moment was narrowing down their choices and finding the right wand for the girl - that is, arranging things so that the right wand would be in a place to choose her.

Aaaand... yes? Yes. There it was, unless Zeke was mistaken (and he prided himself that his mistakes were few and far between, especially where wandlore was concerned). "Yes, that's exactly what it means. Congratulations." Lovely little magical effect there too, if he did say so himself.

"Now then, your wand is eleven and a half inches of unyielding ebony, with an augurey feather core." One of those woods people often wanted to try for the aesthetics if nothing else. Jet black and attractive, and comfortably heavy in the hand to boot. "Ebony has a particularly lustrous reputation in magical combat as well as in transfiguration magic; well-suited to defensive and protective spells, and to dispelling dark magic, and suitable for all elemental magic. An ebony wand may be used for most any purpose, but it can take some time for spells to be mastered, so you'll need to be willing to put in the time and the work." But Zeke wasn't too worried about that; he doubted the wand would have chosen her if it didn't detect that kind of commitment in the wielder. "Augurey feather wands are very particular about who they choose, but they make for extremely loyal wands. Very hardy too. Wands with this core also become especially responsive on any day that rain is due to fall, particularly when casting non-verbal magic." Something to keep in mind for those later years of schooling and beyond. "This core is particularly suited to Divination magic, as well as charms, especially those which silence or raise the alarm."

Well then. That was that. Zeke smiled again. "The wand by itself is 10 galleons, plus anything else you are interested in buying today."


[11½ inch unyielding ebony with augurey feather]
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