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Term 62: September - December 2022 Term Sixty-Two: The Gift of the Peeves (Sept 2108 - June 2109)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2022, 11:23 PM
MadAlice MadAlice is offline
Default Greenhouses Grand Reopening!

It's a bright, sunny October day, the weather crisp with autumn but still warm and mellow. A perfect day for a party at the Greenhouses!

All five of the Hogwarts greenhouses have been thoroughly cleaned and their panes of glass are sparkling brightly in the sun. Garlands and wreaths of greenery, herbs, and flowers (but no vines, thank you very much!) hang around the entrances, as if to invite one in to have a look. Out in front of Greenhouse Five there is a long table set up with light refreshments--finger sandwiches, nuts, fruit, cookies, and little frosted cakes, and pitchers of lemonade, pumpkin juice, and cold herbal tea. On another table to the other side of the door, there are small containers with various herb plants in them, each with a ribbon tied around its rim.

Professor DeVries is waiting by the tables, very excited about the fact that the greenhouses have finally been fully repaired and restocked after the disastrous attack of the Pharoah's Triumph a few years ago (well, except for a few rarer plants that he hasn't been able to replace--yet). He can't wait to show all of Hogwarts how lovely all the greenhouses look this year.

[OOC: Welcome to the event--please feel free to play your character(s) arriving and mingling and Tapio will be moving things along tomorrow afternoon.]
Old 09-19-2022, 12:10 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

“Professor DeVries certainly knows how to throw a party,’’ Jude remarked, slipping his left hand through Keighley’s right. He was, of course, thinking of the other time{s} the Herbology Professor had thrown festivities. “The Greenhouses look better than ever,’’ he continued. As he and his sister approached greenhouse five, his eyes lit up further at the sight of the food; that herbal tea was calling his name loud and clear. He’d have a glass {or two} after greeting DeVries.

“Hi, professor! Loving the look of everything so far!’’ Indeed he did! Actually, he was in an extra bright mood today. “It’s nice to have the greenhouses back in their glory.” Look, even the pretty butterflies seemed to think so. Jude watched blankly as a few dozen {Peacock} butterflies rustle gently past him to mingle among Keighley, DeVries and the others gathered so far. One landed on his mop of dark hair but he was quite oblivious to it.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 09-19-2022, 12:36 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Oh, this was beautiful. Ash genuinely smiled in greeting to everyone there so far. "Hi, everyone... Hi Jude and Keighley, hi professor." She wandered off towards the refreshments table, a few purple flowers growing in her footsteps(she still didn't know what was going on, but this seemed like a place in which nobody would notice a few extra flowers), before she was stopped in her tracks by a butterfly that landed on her nose. She couldn't move, there was a butterfly on her nose and she didn't want it to fly away.
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Old 09-19-2022, 12:34 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Caiden Denholm
Fifth Year
x1 x2
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.

The Gryffindor arrived at the party with her trusty camera hung around her neck, clothed in a thick brown sweater with orange fall leaves embroidered on it and black pants. She also wore her Gryffindor robe over it in case she became cold on the way back to the castle.

"Good day, Professor DeVries!" She greeted him by waving both of her hands at him before turning to see Jude, Keighley, and Ashley, who were already there. "Hi" she said to the two Hufflepuffs before noticing a butterfly settle on Ash's nose.

"Ash, you're The chosen one!"

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Old 09-19-2022, 02:53 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sage Ransom-Kruus
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Perhaps today would be the day that he finally tucked away the little glimmers of guilt he still harbored over kind of being the instigator of the decimation of the greenhouses by fire. A lot of Atlas' guilt had been more related to the fact that for a while he had felt no guilt at all, incinerating the cursed plant had been a necessary means to an end...but he could have maybe been less enthusiastic about it. It was almost embarrassing how long it had taken for the empathy to Auntie June's absolute devastation to sink in...but he supposed the important thing was that it had. Now, armed with motivation to do right by his aunt AND help his brother (who he felt himself desperate and frantic around these days) get better marks in the subject, the sixth year had been genuinely applying himself more to the subject...even if he still did not have the hands for it. He was trying though...barely severed any plants in half on accident and had only overwatered one plant this year.

So far at least.

The plants had fared better than the mirror in his dormitory at least, the pieces of it still on the floor by his bed since he had not the time to clean up after his shoes had inexplicitly flown across the room and crashed into it when he had reached for them. This...had been happening a lot recently. Things moving entirely on their own when he looked at or reached for them...sometimes he only need consider an object and it was springing into action. Literally.

Hands shoved into his pockets, hoping that that would prevent from happening. Atlas found himself a spot over by the food and was just going to stand RIGHT HERE with his eyes closed and mind blank. Though, of course, whenever he tried to clear his mind he thought about entirely too many things. The plate holding all the quaint little cakes began to rattle and the Gryffindor shut his eyes all the more tightly.

Not today...not today...not today...not now...

The rattling ceased and Atlas peeked open one eye to look at the table...and breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. That had been the first time THAT had worked.


Mitsuki's sniffles were back and no amount of warm honey, ginger, and yuzu seemed to be able to remedy it. It was a curious thing, seeing as those ingredients had always worked for her before, and Mitsuki was begging to suspect (to her absolute delight) that other things were afoot. She had poured salt into her socks that morning, just in case. Doing so had done nothing to ward off the terrible pains in her stomach that seemed to come and go. Grated ginger in hot water had been doing the trick, for the most part, for those pains. The sniffles and its curious side effects she was content with. It was this other that had her less enthralled.


Eyes shut and shoulders jostling with each sneeze the Ravenclaw performed, each sneeze produced a different flower crown atop her head for a total of seven thus far. These particular arrangements came with particularly potent aromas, though not unpleasant to the nose unless one had an aversion to any of the smells. There was a crown of daisies and rosemary, another of pure lavender, another of eucalyptus and chrysanthemum, two consisting of baby's breath and a variety of colored roses, and one of wild thistles. Another sneeze (and a little bouquet of stitchwort appearing in her hand) had the petite Ravenclaw stumbling forward a bit, bumping into someone and all the flower crowns to fall off her head and to the ground.

Adornment, anyone? They were in abundance here.

Mitsuki did notice the little trail of purple flowers, since she was crouched down to pick up all the flora that had fallen from her head, but did consider it much further than she enjoyed the color and would like to capture it with her watercolors sometime.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 09-19-2022, 09:04 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sloane Aubrey Knott
Second Year
Default Sneezy McGhee, Aka Mitsuki

With the sun bright and the morning air surprisingly warm, Hooper Ridley-Rush was walking down towards the Greenhouses, his mind already on the party. He’d never actually been to any sort of Wizarding party before. Sure, he’d went to the ball last year but to him, but that wasn’t technically a party.

As he arrived greenhouse five, even he, as unobservant as he was, noticed that the place had been given a little bit of a spruce up almost as if someone has tried to spring clean in autumn. The tables full of delicious food also didn't go amiss on the third year either. Not stopping to say hello to Professor DeVries, Hooper wandered straight over the tables and began stocking up on food allowing only for the briefest of smiles and greetings for the people close by (Ash and Meredith).

Turning, Hooper surveyed the greenhouse briefly before quickly deciding to head over to where Mitsuki was sneezing as though her life depended on it. “Are you okay?”, his sea blue eyes roaming over her in search of some kind of weird plant that could be causing her to sneeze. Or maybe, just maybe, someone had poisoned her too like they did him and that was why she was sneezing.
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Old 09-19-2022, 09:45 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadia Atreyu-Rehman
Sixth Year
x8 x8
Default Professor, Meredith and Ash
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Having seen the notice of the new grand opening of the greenhouses, Raj made sure to make an appearance. It would be nice to see it returning to a better place, having enjoyed lessons within and just being around the plants. Well the ones not trying to cause harm or damage. He couldn’t help but take in all the lively greenery that resided around the nearest one as he entered to see a number of others already there.

“Good day, Professor,” he greeted the man as he spotting him by the table of refreshments. “Certainly looks beautiful,” he added as he picked up a goblet of lemonade. A great improvement from its broken status. Both plants and butterflies seemed to agree…of the greenhouses…AND Ash. Rajesh would have to agree with the unfamiliar Gryffindor’s proclamation.

“It definitely seems to like you,” he agreed, wondering if her flowers had anything to do it with it. She still seemed to be making them, whether purposefully or unconsciously though out here, they had companionship with the rest of the living green things.
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Old 09-20-2022, 01:55 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hope Archard
Fifth Year

Tapio beamed to see so many people coming out to celebrate their greenhouses. "Good afternoon, Mr. Anders, Miss Anders. Yes, it is nice to see the greenhouses back in shape again." Tapio smiled to see how Jude always seemed to be taking care of the younger Anders girl. And at the butterflies. Not everyone knew it, but October was a prime time for the insects, as they made their fall migration. Poor things, probably wouldn't be here in a few weeks, with November coming on.

"Miss Fox", welcome and thank you. Please help yourself to food. Oh, and please watch where you're g-... ah, never mind, carry on." Tapio had been about to caution the girl about stepping on the flowers, but realized that the purple blooms weren't any of his plantings, just growing wild, he supposed. Hmm, curious...he wasn't sure he recognized those particular flowers offhand. He'd have to take a closer look later. But for now, he had social duties to take care of.

"Greetings, Miss Rowle; good, you can take some pictures for us," he added, noticing the camera. "Mr. Flamsteed, good you could make it, please help yourself to some food," because Tapio could not but help seeing the boy's eyes straying to the refreshment tables. Atlas was doing much better in class, Tapio thought; he seemed to be less nervous than the previous year, and that was always to the good.

"Mr. Ridley-Rush, Mr. Atreyur-Rehman, thank you and welcome! So glad you could make it down."

Tapio looked around to see who else was arriving, just in time to see Mitsuki on the ground picking up the flower crowns. "Ah, Miss Rasting, I see you brought some more decorations. Here, let me help you with those." Tapio knelt down and began to help her pick up the wreaths, which were very nice. My, there certainly were a lot of them! And...more of the butterflies, floating around their heads. Curious--the greenhouse area must be in the middle of one of their migratory paths.

Handing the flowers to Mitsuki, Tapio straightened up to his full (and very tall) height and made his way over to the entrance to Greenhouse Five. He cleared his throat, then turned to address the crowd. "Thank you, thank you everyone for coming down to celebrate the Hogwarts greenhouses. For those who don't know, all the greenhouses had to be burned a few years ago due to an infestation of an invasive species." Tapio didn't add that it had been more of a deliberate attack. The older students would be well aware of what had happened, but he saw no reason to cause the younger ones any anxiety over something that was done and over with. Besides, knowing the Hogwarts gossip-mill, the younger ones would no doubt hear all about it before bedtime, if they didn't know already.

"However, due to the tireless work of your former Herbology Professor, June Flamsteed, the many students and staff who have volunteered over the past few years, and some small efforts by myself, I am pleased to announce that, with a few exceptions, the buildings and their contents have been restored and replaced to their full glory once more. This event isn't meant to be a formal occasion, but I invite you all to tour some of the greenhouses and admire our work. Greenhouses One and Two are open to all, but any younger students who want to look at Greenhouses Three or Five should be accompanied by one of the older students--year five and above--and please, don't touch any of your fellow students' projects in Greenhouse Five. You can also go with a staff member, and I will be happy to escort small groups who wish to look at the restricted areas.

Please help yourself to the refreshments, and before you go, you're welcome to take one of our small plants here as a gift."
Here he gestured over to the table with the little plants in their beribboned pots. Otherwise, enjoy the plants, the food, and the outdoors on this fine autumn day!"[/b] Tapio nodded his head in a slight bow in conclusion of his speech.

Last edited by MadAlice; 12-07-2022 at 12:58 AM.
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Old 09-20-2022, 12:06 PM   #9 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

There was a bounce in Keighley's step as she walked out across the grounds towards the greenhouses with her brother Jude, her small hand in his slightly larger one. In the wake of some of her footsteps rose pink and white flowers from the ground that some of the butterflies seemed to enjoy landing upon.

"Sometimes I wonder if the Professor's have a game where they try to one up each other with these parties," she laughed softly, her voice holding a tone that stated she was very much only joking. Keigh loved how the professors put together parties and special activities throughout the year. "Good afternoon, Professor." Cue the warmest smile ever on her face because she was indeed in the best of moods.

"Hello, Ashley, I think that butterfly really likes you." she giggled softly. How lucky the older girl was to have one have landed on her nose like that.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 09-20-2022, 04:35 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Fourth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

There was a chuckle at Keigh’s comment. “That would be an awfully fun competition to have!” The boy definitely had to take care of Keighley; it was his duty as her older brother. “We’re glad to have them back, professor!’’ Surely he was speaking for many of his fellow students?

Jude watched the butterflies for a bit more, the tiny creatures which seemed to be doing their own thing. The Greenhouses really did seem the perfect place for them to be. Oh, there was Ash! He gave her a huge smile. It was amazing how quickly they had bonded in such a short time. “Hey, Ash! Er, nice flowers?” The Hufflepuff nudged Keighley; flowers suddenly appearing was something he had seen a lot of recently. “Hey yourself!’’ he greeted, seeing Meredith join them. “I agree, Meredith!” There was that quiet laugh from him. “Sort of like having fairies land on you huh, Ash?” He was, of course, referring to their time at the dance the term prior.

Jude had been about to say more but at that moment someone bumped right into him. It hadn’t been his fault but he turned around quickly to check on the person. It was Mitsuki, and he immediately asked, “Are you okay?” Looking down to the ground just by sheer chance, the sixth year noted the flower crowns. “I hope you don’t mind me taking one?’’ came his comment to Mitsuki. He bent to grab one - before Professor DeVries had gotten to all of them - of the baby’s breath and coloured roses crowns. They were so pretty! It was the various coloured roses that had drawn his attention because Jude LOVED colours! Almost immediately, he fixed the crown atop his head. In the process, the butterfly roosting there had taken flight at the disturbance but had returned to perch on a random rose. Where was Aria McLeod? Surely she would appreciate this choice in fashion?!

Uh huh. Jude doubted he would forget all the happenings with the ‘invasive species’ of plant that had taken over. He doubted anyone who had been around at the time would. He supposed all that mattered now was that thing were returning to normal for the Greenhouses; Professor Flamsteed should have been around for this moment, he thought. With DeVries giving them the go ahead to look around, the Hufflepuff tugged his sister’s hand with a grin. “Want to check out Greenhouse three or five? You get to enjoy the perks of having an older brother.’’
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 09-21-2022, 01:29 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Default mentions
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

For a brief moment, Ash felt wonderful and she made a slightly awed face. A whole butterfly landed on her nose... it liked her... and butterflies always had good taste. She wouldn't go as far as Mere to say she was the chosen one but... something chose her and it made her infinitely happier. "This is definitely like the time were were looking at the fairies, Jude and Keighley. Only none of them landed on me then." She watched in delight as the butterfly stayed for a little bit longer, then flew away(to investigate her purple flowers, and then to Keighley's). Smiling genuinely, she stepped over to grab a refreshment and a plant. Waving at Raj along the way, of course, in case he wanted to talk further or just say hi. The flowers trailing from her slightly increased in number and started being light pink, in reflection of her good mood. A butterfly had landed on her and that was definitely one of the top three greatest things to ever happen to her.
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Old 09-22-2022, 05:55 PM   #12 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Third Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

"Wouldn't it? Imagine if they were all really trying!" Keighley laughed. Each party could get more and more elaborate. "This is amazing, professor! I can't wait to be able to have a real good look around." What she meant by that was really taking her time walking through the greenhouses and looking at all the different plants, flowers and things inside each one.

The nudge from Jude made her smile as she had taken notice of the flowers as well. "Hi, Ashley!" Weren't they the lucky ones today with all these beautiful flowers growing at their feet and the pretty butterflies flying all around them? And the fairies from the dance! Keigh remembered them! In fact she looked around right then to see if any were around at the moment. Wouldn't that be a sight to behold?!

Keighley had been checking out the tables of food and drinks while Jude chatted. So the tug on her hand earned him a warm smile as she turned all of her attention onto him. "Hmm, how about as my big brother you choose? Which greenhouse is your favorite?" Lead the way, Jude!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 09-22-2022, 07:39 PM   #13 (permalink)

Pygmy Puff
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoenix Marchbanks
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wiley Whittebrook
Second Year

x12 x5
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent

Of course Karleigh loved a good party and she was brimming with positive energy when she arrived at the greenhouses, just in time to hear Professor DeVries thanking everyone for coming today. She had been sad about the greenhouses being destroyed a few years ago, but she was so pleased that they were now fully restored. She had been happy to offer some of her assistance the past couple of years too.

Karleigh paused to snap a picture for her 7th year Hogwarts scrapbook, then looked over at the table of plants that the professor mentioned. "Oh that's so nice, thank you Professor!" she said as she picked up a pot of rosemary for herself. "I can take anyone to Greenhouse Three or Five, if anyone wants," she offered to the collective group, well the younger ones at least, as she turned to look at who was already here. She gave Jude a friendly wave, then quickly turned away as she spotted Atlas, trying to avoid him for the moment. He had really kind of hurt her feelings and she was trying to not think about it.

And not that she considered herself a Herbology expert or anything, but she was a seventh year and she really did like to help, considering Professor DeVries asked the older students to help as escorts for the younger ones. But maybe a refreshment first.


Phoenix had no reason to miss this party, even if he wasn't the most sociable second year. (That honor likely went to Vera). But he always at least tried to be friendly, and who was he to pass up free snacks? He just remembered last term when Professor DeVries had a party, he felt a little overlooked by his peers - invisible, even. And maybe it was that thought that made him basically invisible today as he walked into the party.

Phoenix hadn't immediately realized that he was completely disillusioned, of course. Even though he knew that the phenomenon had been happening here and there, he wasn't always aware until he looked down at his feet or noticed his hand was blended in with his surroundings. And here he was, completely camouflaged with the environment as he headed towards the refreshment table, blissfully unaware that likely no one would be able to see him. He had paused when the professor addressed the assembled group, then reached for a cookie from the table.

"Hi, Ash," the disillusioned boy greeted the older girl, noticing her by the table too. Then he turned in the direction of the sneezing girl, Mitsuki. "Bless you," he told her as he thought it customary, then glanced at the flowers fallen all around her. "Are you allergic?" There were a lot of flowers. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make flower crowns, if she was allergic.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________

______________________don't you worry I'll be fine
_________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
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Old 09-22-2022, 10:05 PM   #14 (permalink)
Peeves's Avatar
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Resident School Poltergeist | Unruly & Malicious

Anyone hear that? That was the sound of a proverbial gate being crashed.

"Hope you're all enjoying Peevesy's little gifts." And that was the sound of an unproblematic little poltergeist, emerging from a nearby shrub and wearing his most devious innocent expression. Still he had his precious book with him. "I've been enjoying myself very much."

Oh, and... congratulations to... the greenhouses. Or whatever the point of this party was. Peeves had his own reasons for being here: the entertainment, and extending the entertainment even further! Floating above the swarm of students, Peeves paused only to send a VERY obvious spell towards one of those he'd not had the chance to get yet (Hooper), and cackled as only Peeves knew how to cackle.
You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.

P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
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Old 09-24-2022, 09:01 PM   #15 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hope Archard
Fifth Year

Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Karleigh paused to snap a picture for her 7th year Hogwarts scrapbook, then looked over at the table of plants that the professor mentioned. "Oh that's so nice, thank you Professor!" she said as she picked up a pot of rosemary for herself. "I can take anyone to Greenhouse Three or Five, if anyone wants," she offered to the collective group, well the younger ones at least, as she turned to look at who was already here.
"You're quite welcome, Miss Creed. And thank you for offering to help the younger students." Tapio gave her a nod and a smile, but his attention was starting to wander toward the increasing number of wildflowers that seemed to have sprung up suddenly in the grass in front of the greenhouses. Purple, and now pink. He watched the students milling around for a few moments, looking faintly puzzled. Those flowers--they seemed to be springing up in the paths of certain students. But...that couldn't be possible. Could it? Tapio was quite sure he hadn't seen that many flowers earlier when he was setting up the party (and he would have noticed such a thing). There also seemed to be really a lot of butterflies in the area...

Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Phoenix hadn't immediately realized that he was completely disillusioned, of course. Even though he knew that the phenomenon had been happening here and there, he wasn't always aware until he looked down at his feet or noticed his hand was blended in with his surroundings. And here he was, completely camouflaged with the environment as he headed towards the refreshment table, blissfully unaware that likely no one would be able to see him. He had paused when the professor addressed the assembled group, then reached for a cookie from the table.
"Ah, good day Mr. Marchbanks! Tapio greeted another guest, then stopped. He could have sworn he's seen Phoenix Marchbanks arrive, but...perhaps he'd been mistaken...No, there he was heading toward some other students. Wasn't he? Tapio blinked his eyes several times, because now he wasn't sure he'd seen Phoenix or not. The puzzled frown on his brow deepened into one of concern.

Originally Posted by Peeves View Post
"Hope you're all enjoying Peevesy's little gifts." And that was the sound of an unproblematic little poltergeist, emerging from a nearby shrub and wearing his most devious innocent expression. Still he had his precious book with him. "I've been enjoying myself very much."

Oh, and... congratulations to... the greenhouses. Or whatever the point of this party was. Peeves had his own reasons for being here: the entertainment, and extending the entertainment even further! Floating above the swarm of students, Peeves paused only to send a VERY obvious spell towards one of those he'd not had the chance to get yet (Hooper), and cackled as only Peeves knew how to cackle.

"Peeves!" Tapio whirled around at the sound of the poltergeist's voice. "You're welcome to join the party, but I hope you're not planning on causing any trouble." Because that would not be welcome, and Tapio had much less patience with the school poltergeist than some of his British colleagues. The folklore where he had grown up included beings that were decidedly not cute and friendly, so he was inclined to view Peeves's antics with caution. And...did he perceive a current of magic flowing from Peeves toward one of the students? What was going on here? Peeves's appearance just as Tapio was starting to notice some odd things going on made him immediately suspect the mischievous being of something...even if it wasn't yet clear exactly what.
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Old 09-25-2022, 12:01 PM   #16 (permalink)

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Default I've left the bottom part open if anyone wants to be the person Hooper asks for help

As his eyes roamed around looking for some kind of plant that could be causing the sneezing and the greenhouse filled with more and more people, it took Hooper a moment to clock that a certain poltergeist had been hiding in the greenhouse this whole time.

Hooper turned swiftly towards the sound of his innocent voice and frowned. “What are you talking about?”he asked, slightly confused as to what he meant by gifts. Was he actually giving gifts to people or was he tricking people again?

Looking around for someone who had received a gift, Hooper didn’t see the spell that had been sent his way until it was too late. Blinking, Hooper felt a small tickle in his nose as he felt something envelope him. “HEY NOW!!!” he called out as he took a step back, almost falling over something in the process, his eyes still on the silly little poltergeist. “WHAT was that all about? HUH?”. Somehow, he had a feeling that he may have just been given some kind of gift

Hooper quickly turned towards the nearest person by him, his face somewhat panicked as he asked, What did he do to me? Is there anything different about me?”
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Old 09-26-2022, 05:54 PM   #17 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Ash looked so happy. It was a nice site; probably it would make up for the time a fairy hadn’t landed on her. Spotting Karleigh waving at him, he returned the wave and gave her a cheery smile. His older friend was definitely going to have her hands full with that offer she made. It seemed that Keigh was enjoying the view of the flowers as much as he was. He liked that his sister could do such a pretty thing despite the origin of her picking up such a thing still a mystery.

Jude rolled his eyes when Hogwarts’ one and only {fortunately} Poltergeist showed up. Honestly, the pranks were getting annoying and he wished to avoid the trickster. Also… gifts? What gifts? Not that he made the time then to pay attention to Peeves who had already acquired a victim. The sixth year snagged a couple of colourful cheese sandwiches then regarded his sister. His favourite greenhouses? “Greenhouse three! Those Gravity Resistant Trees are quite the sight! Come on, Keigh! You’re in for a treat. We’ve got to be careful though, there’s also Flesh Eating Fir in there.” Aside from that, she shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Plus, she did have a protective older brother with her. Jude began leading the way to Greenhouse Three. And away from Peeves.

As he headed off, biting into a sandwich, butterflies of the same kind from earlier fluttered about. Yes, it had appeared a few more had joined the previous ranks.
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Old 09-26-2022, 06:18 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

"Hi there, Phoenix." Ash grabbed a flower crown from Mitsuki's stack and put it on her head. "Need help with these?" The younger girl had way too many flower crowns, and it seemed like they were being a nuisance. Totally unconcerned by Peeves' arrival, she mostly ignored the poltergeist until he was shooting a spell at Hooper... who looked fine to her. She went back to happily picking out her free plant, deciding to keep an eye on him. If something terrible started happening, she'd come over. Deep purple flowers followed in her footsteps wherever she went.
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Old 09-27-2022, 04:56 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Her attention may have been turned elsewhere but who could miss an entry like Peeves? Seriously. Was it her or did he seem to be.. everywhere lately? It was a little strange but weird things had happened around here. Where happening around here. Like her random flowers and Jude's butterflies.

Speaking of Jude, Keigh swung her attention back onto her big brother. "Ohhhhh, I want to see!" She wanted to see everything in all of the greenhouses but did they really have time for that right now, probably not. "Don't worry, Jude, I'll be careful. I always aim." There would be no touching anything or getting too close to things she was unsure of.

Taking one of the small sandwiches from the table for herself, the fourth year turned around on her heel to follow alongside Jude leaving a trail of colorful flowers behind her.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 09-28-2022, 01:08 AM   #20 (permalink)

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Default Hooper, and others

Originally Posted by aRogueOne View Post
Looking around for someone who had received a gift, Hooper didn’t see the spell that had been sent his way until it was too late. Blinking, Hooper felt a small tickle in his nose as he felt something envelope him. “HEY NOW!!!” he called out as he took a step back, almost falling over something in the process, his eyes still on the silly little poltergeist. “WHAT was that all about? HUH?”. Somehow, he had a feeling that he may have just been given some kind of gift

Hooper quickly turned towards the nearest person by him, his face somewhat panicked as he asked, What did he do to me? Is there anything different about me?”
Tapio turned to Hooper, his face now serious with concern. He studied the young Gryffindor intently, looking for anything amiss, but saw nothing. "I don't see any change, Mr. Ridley-Rush, you feel any different? Anything strange, that you didn't notice before Peeves arrived?" While he waited for a response, Tapio looked around the gathering, trying to determine whether the other students were all right. He saw Jude followed by a line of butterflies, Mitsuki, now laden with an even greater number of flower crowns, and Ashley and Keighley followed by their trails of flowers, and suddenly everything clicked--all the small oddities that had been going on ever since his gathering began.

Turning away from the crown, he drew his long beech wand and fired off the Patronus charm, sending a tiny silvery hummingbird off with a message for the headmaster: "Need to see you at earliest convenience--Peeves is up to something at the greenhouses!" He then turned back to his gathering and began to try to see what he could do to control this situation, which seemed to have already gotten out of hand.
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Old 09-28-2022, 04:01 PM   #21 (permalink)

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Can't say that she intercepted the patronus to the headmaster, because while Leanne Mancini had skills, she wasn't rude enough to intercept messages designated for other people. It was merely coincidental, since the healer slash charms professor was planning to make a visit to the greenhouse party regardless... feeling the urge to show appreciation for the tremendous efforts of both June and Tapio, but also the students.

Until, she heard the cackle of Peeves.

"Peeves, don't you have someplace better to be?" She said sternly. She was in no mood for the poltergeist's games, but some reason he seemed more mischievous than his usual this year.

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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Old 09-28-2022, 04:15 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Javier was ALSO not privy to the knowledge that the Herbology professor had sent a message off to Kaz, but coincidentally just as Leann showed up - so did Javier. He WAS the Groundskeeper after all, it'd be quite rude of him not to make an appearance at the event that took place ON the grounds, right?

Of course, the second he showed up, the first thing he saw was PEEVES. AGAIN. This poltergeist was, quite literally, HAUNTING him this term. Why was it every time he turned around he seemed to be there??

"PEEVES! What did I say about messing around out here?" he snapped. Did Peeves need reminding that as Slytherin Head of House, he could get the Baron to come wrangle him in an instant? "Is he giving you trouble?" he asked Tapio, turning to his colleague and raising an eyebrow.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

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Old 09-28-2022, 11:27 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
"Peeves, don't you have someplace better to be?" She said sternly. She was in no mood for the poltergeist's games, but some reason he seemed more mischievous than his usual this year.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
"PEEVES! What did I say about messing around out here?" he snapped. Did Peeves need reminding that as Slytherin Head of House, he could get the Baron to come wrangle him in an instant? "Is he giving you trouble?" he asked Tapio, turning to his colleague and raising an eyebrow.
Tapio breathed an inner sigh of relief as he heard the voices of some fellow faculty. "Peeves cast a spell at one of the students--in fact, there seem to be a number of odd things occurring," he began, looking around again at the out of place flowers and butterflies. Tapio turned back to Hooper Ridley-Rush. "Mr. Ridley-Rush doesn't look any different, but I'm sure I saw...felt...a burst of magic directed toward him. Professor Mancini," he continued, looking over at the school healer, "Perhaps you can help figure out just what Peeves did to him." Tapio stepped back to Leann could get a good look and cast a stern glance over at Peeves.
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Old 09-29-2022, 02:09 PM   #24 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Looking over his shoulder as he arrived at Greenhouse three, Jude saw that once again Keighley was leaving flowers in the path in which she had walked and that there were the arrivals of Professors Mancini and Hernandez. The three professors seemed to be having a discussion about Peeves which Jude thought was a good thing because that Poltergeist was getting to be a bit too overbearing now.

But that wasn’t his concern right now. There was a sister who wanted to see Greenhouse three. He held the door open for her before he himself made his way into the said Greenhouse. Yes, the older Hufflepuff knew that Keigh would be careful. If there was one thing he knew about his younger sister, it was that he could always trust her. After all, she still kept his secrets about his feelings even though he had confided them all to her so long ago.

Despite the Gravity-resistant trees being pretty easy to spot, he nodded in their direction. “Look! There are the Trees! You know, even though I’ve seen them so many times before, it’s still difficult to believe they exist.” Like… Jude was in awe!
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Old 09-30-2022, 01:37 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Keighley did take notice of the other Professors arrival and how they were now speaking with Devries about Peeves. Was something going to be done about the way he had been acting recently and what were these 'presents' he was giving out?

The fourth year turned her attention onto her older brother as she was escorted towards Greenhouse three. With a warm Keighley smile on her face, she slipped past Jude into the Greenhouse, waiting for him to lead the way. This was his tour so she would allow him the pleasure of showing her all around. They had always had one another's back and this was just another thing they did for each other, this was Jude's moment. He was older and allowed inside here so, this was all him.

Taking up stance right beside him, she turned her blue eyes onto the tree they had come in here to see. "Look how big they are." Obviously because TREES! But still. It was really cool to see Gravity-resistant trees inside the Greenhouse and such large healthy ones too!
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