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Term 39: January - April 2015 Term Thirty-Nine: Mapping Hogwarts (September 2085-June 2086)

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Old 02-06-2015, 01:20 PM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default Charms 2 & Transfiguration 2 - Bigger is Better

Upon entering the Charms Classroom, you find the desks neatly arranged as they usually are at the start of a lesson with rows evenly spaced and providing access should the Professor be forced to walk around.

Due to the rare presence of a brilliant morning sunshine at this time of year, the windows have been thrown open letting in the bright light and crisp winter morning air though it doesn't get too far thanks to the heating charms in place. There isn't much to be seen at the moment with the chalkboard blank and the Professor's desk looking organized...except maybe the cages placed on each student's desk.

The bars aren't very thick or secure looking, leaving one to only hope this lesson won't get anyone killed.

To the front of the room, the Professor stands leaned against his desk waiting for the students' arrival with his head buried in a book; an obvious tactic to ignore the other Professor in the room, you know, the one that couldn't keep her mouth shut about his Transfiguration Dilemma.
Be sure you read the rules before posting in this lesson. We'll be officially starting in maybe 10-12 hrs?

And the rules here because Professor Bellaire will eat you.

Class had begun!
Question 1
First Activity You have until Monday, 6pm GMT -5
Field Trip
Old 02-10-2015, 04:25 AM   #226 (permalink)

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Well, this had been a pretty awesome class, Kate had to say. Not that it was over, but it had been pretty cool so far. Kate had a dragon in her hands, which she couldn't wait to write home and tell her mother all about. Her dad would be interested, too, but her mother especially would.

So apparently they were meant to pick up their caged dragons and follow the professors out the room. Kate checked the latch on her cage and then, seeing it was secured, picked up the cage and headed out.

Were they supposed to name their dragons? If so, Kate was totally callings hers Iggy. That just sounded like a fun name.
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Old 02-10-2015, 04:35 AM   #227 (permalink)

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"Ella... Ella... get in the-... Ella, get in-... get in the ca-... Ellapleasejustgetinthecage." Toby was having a real time of it, trying to herd his little dragon into that cage. He could have just picked her up (because he'd designated the dragon a 'her', because he figured she didn't really mind what he called her) and placed her inside, but Toby wanted the Opaleye to at least sort of obey a LITTLE BIT so he knew the spell hadn't been totally botched.

When Quigley spoke up, Toby looked up to pay attention to him properly, feeling his mood pick up a little when he learnt they were going outside. Class outside was awesome, even in winter, because it meant NOT being stuck in a classroom, because classrooms were just... less fun than outside or something.

So Toby started packing up his things, before going back to coaxing Ella inside her temporary chambers. But when he looked at here, she was................ already inside.

"Errr..." O...kay? OKAY. THAT WAS GOOD. "Thank you Ella. Good tiny dragon." Petpetpet.

And, after closing the cage and carefully picking it up, Toby followed the rest of the class out of the room and down to the grouns.
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Old 02-10-2015, 04:35 AM   #228 (permalink)

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Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when

Cilla packed away her things and placed her bag over her shoulder. She then looked at her dragon, which was currently fast asleep in its cage and carefully picked up the cage. Cilla then followed Professor Quigley out the classroom.
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Old 02-10-2015, 05:09 AM   #229 (permalink)

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Field trip time! Austin was excited to get some fresh air. He remembered Ancient Runes his first year, when he trekked out in the snow. It was not a pleasant experience, so hopefully this one will be better. He packed up all of this things into his messenger bag, and grabbed the cage that held Thrasher. "Let's go buddy!"
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Old 02-10-2015, 05:35 AM   #230 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

"Of course I do.'' Adi winked again. Nah. He did thought a lot of himself but not so much to be stuck up. "Maybe. But I still got a dragon before you.'' Cue a playful smirk.

Seeeeee? Adi's playful ribbing helped. Well, not at first but it did eventually. He waited patiently until AJ got her dragon and when she did, he was so pleased for her. "Great job!'' AJ's dragon was a beautiful one too.

But Quigley was speaking again. "See you in a few, AJ.'' Adi headed back to his desk to re-pack his bag and grab the cage. "Come on, Toothless.'' It was the first name that had come to him. He happened to like that dragon a lot, anyway. Annnnd what were they going to be doing outside? Adi was wondering that as he followed his classmates out.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 02-10-2015, 07:10 AM   #231 (permalink)
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Okay, something about that apple obsession was just a bit... Obsessive, right? Like it wasn't just Zander.... was it? No. So completely abnormal. Totally. Someone was definitely the apple a day thing WAY too far. Apple a day keeps the healer away. Not five hundred a day. There is a clear distinctive difference and even Zander Adair of all people knew that. Maybe that's what got the man in such a foul mood always? Maybe he'd just been eating some bad apples?

Anyways. They were MOVING?! Gah.

What was the point of this whole stand up, sit down thing if standing up to move to another spot was inevitable anyways? Zander Adair had some complaints, yo. But choosing to keep them to himself, the Gryffindor packed up all of his belongings and made a grab for the dragon cage.

Hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to the grounds they go. Ahem. Yeah, he was following along. La la la. With a dragon. It's casual. Just another day in the life. Four for you Hogwarts, you go Hogwarts.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Lemon!
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Old 02-10-2015, 08:53 AM   #232 (permalink)
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Still thinking of a name to give the chinese fireball dragon, Kevin looked up when he heard the other Gryffindor's question about having to find out if their dragons were males or females. Well, he did know that female chinese fireballs were more common so he probably had a female dragon?

And they were all getting up from their seats and moving out of the classroom. What? what he missed? Grabbing his cage with the dragon in it , Kevin hurried after the rest of the group.
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Old 02-10-2015, 08:57 AM   #233 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Whitty
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Grayson scowled. He just wanted a dragon already, c'moooooon spell. Give him this chance!

"Draconifors!" Nothing. "Draconifors!" Still nothing. This was getting ridiculous, you know. He even took a moment to look at his wand but OBVIOUSLY, the wand wasn't at fault here. No. It was all down to this spell and how he was executing it off. Probably. All his Potions spells worked out well enough so what was wrong with this one? HMMM????

They had to usher their dragon into their cages already? LOL what dragon?

Stressed and panicking slightly, Grayson tried the spell out a couple more times. "Draconifors! Draconifors! Draconifors!" The last one seemed to have done the trick because, before he knew it, there was a burst of red flame that had him staring in awe at the sight in front of him. To be honest he even forgot where he was because he was so intent on staring at the flame.

And then?


Smiling wide, the boy bent down to take a closer look at it. MAN. How awesome was THIS? Ushering the creature into the cage didn't take nearly as long as it did to cast the actual spell. Maybe the dude was tired and wanted somewhere to rest. Shrug.

Yeah. Yeah alright, he was gonna follow the others into the grounds but THIS WAS FREAKING BRILLIANT, MKAY? BEST. DAY. EVER.

"Pack." said the son of a portkey maker who'd be ushered around from continent to continent for more than half his life. Cutty had gotten good at that spell and had used it to great effect whenever he needed to make a quick getaway such as now. The class was moving to the great outdoors presumably. They were going to charm their dragons in front of Merlin and Hogwarts and the big, blue sky.

Cutty then gathered his things including his dragon. Catching up to Grayson, Cutty called to his friend and said the following terrible thing, "Yew've got a Chinese Fireball. I've got a Chinese Fireball. Maybe we could mate them and sell off the offspring." Eyebrows followed. Was this one of those times Cutty was being totally not serious? Let us hope so. Let us all hope so.
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Old 02-10-2015, 11:59 AM   #234 (permalink)

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So now they were going to bring their dragons outside? Brooklyn had looked up from her cage, and the still slightly miffed dragon inside, as Professor Quigley had spoken. They had another charm to learn? Of course, the spell that had made Balerion probably was Transfiguration, but she still felt like learning two whole spells was a lot. Especially if they were going outside, since it would be harder to maybe write the spells down out there. She didn’t complain, though, not when the announcement had actually stopped the small jets of flame that had kept coming from her cage.

She took that to mean her dragon approved of going outside, and quickly slid her textbook and everything else back into her bag. Distractions were good, if they kept Balerion from trying to escape. Once she had everything, she stood, her bag over her shoulder, and collected the cage containing Balerion before following the professor outside.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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Old 02-10-2015, 12:16 PM   #235 (permalink)
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Angel listened to what the Professor said, so it was field trip time, okay so it was just to the school fields but it was a field trip though should they really be taking dragons on the field even if they were so small, she still wasn't keen on having a dragon but she packed everything away and took her dragon with her as well obviously though she had been thinking about leaving it behind but she had a feeling she'd get into trouble.
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Old 02-10-2015, 04:39 PM   #236 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
In any case it was time to move on with the lesson. "Right then." Maddox vanished the core of the fourth apple he'd crunched his way through then cleared his throat. "Excellent work everyone. I like the detailing." Some real fancy looking dragons if he did say so himself. Could he have pulled that spell off back when he was some of their ages? Hah, probably not. Transfiguration was just a NO.

"For those of you who haven't already, please coax the dragon into the cage then we'll take a little trip out onto the grounds." The classroom was hardly conducive to his part of this lesson and he didn't fancy having to pull off a fixer upper job on his classroom just for trying.

Maddox waited a moment for those who had any last minute things to work on while he helped himself to a fifth apple. Crunch. Finally, when he thought they were nice and ready he launched off his desk and grabbed a rock. It was a quick 'draconifors' later that he had a Hebridean Black crawling up his hand on onto his shoulder. "If you'll all follow me," He said, heading for the exit, "we have a charm to learn." And some fun to be had. "Take your things."
They were going outside, then. Dante was wondering what sort of activity they could do with tiny dragons indoors. The possibilities were all lame But now that they were going outside, it opened up more possibilities. Though the dragons were still tiny. But actually that was maybe the point. How else would they be able to move them. Dumb thinking, even he had to admit that.

So without hesitation, the snake packed up his things, swung the bag over his shoulder then picked up the cage then followed the Professor outside.

I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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Old 02-10-2015, 07:26 PM   #237 (permalink)

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Puck was playing with her dragon and watching as it curled up in her hands. “Hey buddy” she grinned at the little dragon as she held her and chuckled as it curled up again. Oh wait did they say they were leaving? Maybe it was time to put the dragon into its box?

And wait…wasn’t that apple number four? Eh, she just carefully put her dragon in its cage and collected her things to head on the field trip. Yep. She was bringing apples with her because yeah she wanted to see how many he would eat in the class period. Packing up her things she carefully got up and headed out of the room.

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Old 02-10-2015, 09:43 PM   #238 (permalink)
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curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

Now THIS was the type of dragon that Caleb liked hanging out with. They were made out of stones, and if you thought they were going to turn on you - BOOM, back to stone with a single swish of his wand!

Grabbing a rather large rock, Caleb hurried back to his desk. How were people already moving on to the next part?? Oh man, he had to hurry...

He placed the rock on his desk and cleared his throat. Forget practice, he had to just jump right back in. "Dragonifor!" he exclaimed, slashing his wand from left to right over the rock. He watched as the rock started to stretch, creating a slender body and a long tail...

And then it stopped. WAIT. DUH. He didn't envision the dragon in his mind! He stopped and shook his head. He had to focus, he had to remind himself he wasn't going to be that far behind, that quality was much better than hurrying up to try and catch up...

Ok, he could do this...
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Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:03 PM   #239 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Caleb
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Now THIS was the type of dragon that Caleb liked hanging out with. They were made out of stones, and if you thought they were going to turn on you - BOOM, back to stone with a single swish of his wand!

Grabbing a rather large rock, Caleb hurried back to his desk. How were people already moving on to the next part?? Oh man, he had to hurry...

He placed the rock on his desk and cleared his throat. Forget practice, he had to just jump right back in. "Dragonifor!" he exclaimed, slashing his wand from left to right over the rock. He watched as the rock started to stretch, creating a slender body and a long tail...

And then it stopped. WAIT. DUH. He didn't envision the dragon in his mind! He stopped and shook his head. He had to focus, he had to remind himself he wasn't going to be that far behind, that quality was much better than hurrying up to try and catch up...

Ok, he could do this...

Pausing with a ready-to-snort sort of laugh between his remarks to Whitty and preparing to head out with the rest of the class, Cutty caught sight of Caleb trying to make a dragon happen.

"Fohwkiss, Newell." He teased lightly. Perfectionist that one. Sheesh.
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:10 PM   #240 (permalink)
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curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post

Pausing with a ready-to-snort sort of laugh between his remarks to Whitty and preparing to head out with the rest of the class, Cutty caught sight of Caleb trying to make a dragon happen.

"Fohwkiss, Newell." He teased lightly. Perfectionist that one. Sheesh.
Of COURSE Cutty saw that. Frowning, he turned to him and stuck out his tongue. "I knooooow!" he responded with a small chuckle. Ok, he REALLY had to focus.

He wanted to make a Hungarian Horntail like Bellaire had...because if you were going to make a cool dragon, why not make it the COOLEST dragon? Ok, focus...he stared at the rock, focusing and thinking of a majestic dragon in his brain. Alright, he could do this, he could do this...

"Dragonifor!" he exclaimed again, slashing left to right over the stone once more. This time, the stone transformed much faster, and viola, he had himself a little dragon! That wasn't too hard once he put his mind to it! "Haha, see Cut--"

Oh, wait, he was gone. Oops.
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:23 PM   #241 (permalink)
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If only he'd brought Ramsey, he could have just used him! Ramsey was the best, and he already listened to Dima and behaved so well. Would training another dragon be hard? But he hadn't known of this spell before, and maybe he could use it to make Ramsey more friends than Sora and Scottie-Flamel! That would be AWESOME.

Hopping up, he went to fetch a rock.

And he moved with a spring in his step because this lesson was AMAZING.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________

__________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:29 PM   #242 (permalink)
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curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

He had the cutest little Hungarian Horntail everrrrr! Caleb was super excited that he'd gotten it right - FINALLY - and the fact that the stone dragon didn't seem to be...well, vicious or anything. "Hey buddy...what's your name? I think I'll call you...Spike," he said. Not super original, being a Horntail and all, but hey, it worked, yeah?

"You're so awesome!" he squealed. Why didn't EVERYONE do this is they wanted a pet dragon? This was so much easier than hatching an actual dragon. Way safer too. Spike seemed to agree, as he nudged his way towards Caleb's hand and started motioning for him to pet him.

He was just like a big stone puppy, wasn't he??
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:38 PM   #243 (permalink)
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Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button

Alright. Once he had gotten a rock and a cage, Dima made his way back to his desk. First was practice, yeah? He murmured the incantation to himself a couple of times. "Draconifors. Draconifors. Draaacoooonifoooors." It SOUNDED right. And the movement was a slash from left to right?

Dima practiced that too, but without the words. Didn't need a dragon JUST yet.

That was the next bit.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________

__________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:41 PM   #244 (permalink)
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curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

Alright, now to get the little guy in the cage. "You wanna go outside? Huh? You wanna go outside?" he said with excitement, using the same kind of voice Caleb used when he wanted Baldwin to go outside and do his business. It seemed to work - Spike got really excited, bouncing up and down and making weird gurgling noises that Caleb assumed was its attempt at making a flame.

"Let's get in here," he said, opening the cage for his dragon. Spike obliged right away. Onto the grounds!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
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Old 02-10-2015, 11:02 PM   #245 (permalink)
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Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button

Real spell casting now. Focusing intently on a beautiful Chinese Fireball who was obedient and good and JUST like Ramsey, Dima raised his wand made a slashing motion from left to right in front of his rock. "Draconifors!" At once, the rock began stretching and morphing until it took on the form of the exact creature Dima had imagined.

He'd done it right, then! Beaming, Dima politely ushered the Ramsey lookalike into his cage.

Now to catch up with the classmates that were already filing up at the door. Oi vey.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________

__________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
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