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Term 30: January - April 2012 Term Thirty: Bowtruckles, Acromantulas, and Blast-Ended Skrewts, Oh My! (Sept. 2076 - June 2077)

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Old 12-11-2011, 12:35 AM
Cassirin Cassirin is offline
Default Hufflepuff House Table

by Alyssa Potter (FireboltAvis88)

The glittering night sky is clear and visible through the enchanted ceiling, and the floating candles bedeck the entire hall in a warm golden light. All seems well with the world, aside from the empty plates still waiting for food to appear.
Old 01-02-2012, 04:31 PM   #151 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva couldn't help smiling she shook her head. "I really think that with you three always around me." she made sure to look at Ame when she said this as well. "I might not need my medicine after to long." she really did feel more at ease when they were around her. Minerva took Harvey's hand knowing he was going to be shocked at what she would say next. "Justin I hope we do find time to speak I think that all of us need to talk about some hidden pieces to this summer to better understand everything." she looked away breathing a bit to calm down again. She was going to tell them what she told Harvey and she hoped that both Ame and Justin would talk more to her as well she hated feeling like they were keeping things from her or feeling threatened by her. When Ame called her Highness she blushed a bit "I'm far from that." she looked at Ame what was going on with her friend. One minute she was so upset and acting mad at her the next she was her best friend again. Minerva was so confused by this.
She leaned over to Minerva and smiled she began to whisper in her ear, "You know...I apologize for ever blaming aren't the reason we broke up." She giggled softly. "Perhaps the Waterfall?" She smiled. That was her favorite.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left.
..______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back.

..___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
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Old 01-02-2012, 04:32 PM   #152 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Too late. Had she mentioned the Muggleborn bit at first, then he'd sat and explained a whole bunch of things. He loved Muggleborns. Like Conan. It's too bad Conan wasn't here right now...the boy who didn't believe in magic...and yet Treyen had wanted him to.

Seemed like he should do the same with this girl. But he didn't.

He shrugged. "You should've asked." Seriously. No excuses. Plus, THAT WAS ANOTHER REASON FOR NOT BEING A HUFFLEPUFF! Hufflepuffs are good finders, and she couldn't find any information on the one house that was now hers? Not cool. "Hufflepuffs are good finders too." He said, smirking again. There. He said the other reason as well.

Ah! But she was mistaken. "I'm not. However, as Head Boy, I still have the obligation to welcome you to Hogwarts." True, and very mean of him. He almost sounded as Evelyn. Not that he knew, for he rarely listened to whatever she had to say.

And...oh. She wasn't used to...oh. Okay, well, he was more than embarrassed now..., "Oh, well, that makes sense." Kind of.

His smile changed into a small but sweet one. "I hope it's nice to meet you." He shook her hand...but he planned on keeping an eye out for this one.
Okay that was it she was done with this kid! "Well I'm sorry that I don't live up to your Hufflepuff expectations and I'm sorry that I didn't know to ask the sorting hat. I don't know a lot of things about this world okay?" Adeline started freaking out at him and she knew that he deserved every little thing.

"Well the way you welcomed me wasn't very nice in my opinion. Did you always want to be a Hufflepuff?"

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa looked at the first year who seemed to be shocked that she had been sorted into their House. "Oh dear, just from your facial expression, I can tell that you expected to be sorted into another house. But don't be unhappy. The Sorting Hat is never wrong. You will soon learn to love this house as much as we do."Alyssa comforted the girl. "My name is Alyssa. If you need help in anyway, you can always ask me, okay?"
Adeline wanted to hit her head against the table everyone was saying that to her. The sorting hat is never wrong but what if it was for once. Everyone makes mistakes so what if the sorting hat.

"But what if the hat made a mistake? Everyone makes mistakes. Nice to meet you Alyssa. I'm Adeline Holiday."

Originally Posted by samthehpfreak View Post
OH. Sammy still probably would've taken it back BECAUSE IT WAS HER DAMN FOOD but obviously Adeline was like Nessie and didn't have the same love for food as Sammy did. Food was amazing. If she could marry food, she would. It was a true fact. "Did they have their own food?" Sammy asked, not realising that she may be intruding. Because maybe that was their barbaric way of asking Adeline to share her food. Maybe
Adeline nodded. Sadly they did have their own food and the wanted hers and they also wanted her money. "Yes. They did have their own food." Adeline frowned. She wished that she had been asked to share anything really by those muggles but they never asked they just put her down and made her feel bad about herself.

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Hm. She didn't want to be negative, but Arya couldn't help think that for a Hufflepuff firstie, who should be excited about this, she was being a bit cynical. It was possible she was starting to understand Treyen's reasoning for saying what'd he'd been saying.

But Arya wasn't gonna give up hope just yet. "You don't and you never will. Kinda like you never know if you'll be a good student here or not." Or if you'd not die. "You'll just have to have faith and hope, and work, for the best." Because that's what Puffs did.

"I'm starting to get that." She admitted in a low tone. Was she really that disheartened about being a Puff? The girl must not know about all the awesome that came from their house. "I think... we'll just have to show her." Their qualities of course. Arya grinned and glanced at her best friend. "Like we show all the students every year." The young woman was also starting to get that he was serious as well, but certainly he could do this.

They did it every year!
Adeline looked at the girl and wondered if she knew anything about being on the Quidditch team.

"By any chance do you know if first years can try out for the Quidditch team? " she asked the girl.

She felt like she was slowly starting to feel at peace with being a Hufflepuff but not totally yet. "I think it's gonna take be a while before I know what they are. " she frowned. Adeline really wanted to fit in but she just couldn't. She new she couldn't

Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Tyler slowly made his way to the Hufflepuff table, head hung and reluctance in every step. This was not happening to him. He did not want to wear stupid girly yellow ties and be a sissy badger. He was suppose to be in Slytherin! The hat had gotten it so very wrong, yet he said he was never wrong, he was making a very big mistake...very very big mistake. His bottom lip quivered as his big blue eyes looked at the table he was suppose to be sitting at. Chatting sissy people wearing yellow. His eyes clouded over with tears.

"I don't want to be a stupid badger!" She muttered angrily as he plopped down on the bench. It was official..he hated Hogwarts and he wanted to leave now, right now! His mother would be receiving an owl tomorrow.

Tyler looked back at the sorting hat and scowled at everyone who got placed in Slytherin...bloody show offs.

"This is stupid!" He said pushing all the silverware in front of him to the floor.
Adeline looked at the other first year that was freaking out about being in Hufflepuff.

"You're in the same boat that I'm in." she told him

She looked at the boy and tried to give him a smile.

"Whatever you do don't listen to that Hufflepuff over there..." she said pointing to Treyen.

"He's way to negative and he'll make you think that you don't even belong at Hogwarts."

i got a heart like a truck, it's been drug through the mud, runs on dreams
& gasoline & that ole highway holds the key, it's got a lead foot down when it's leaving

lord knows it's taken a hell of a beating, a little bit of love is all that it's needing
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Old 01-02-2012, 04:33 PM   #153 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by porkpie View Post
louise walked into the great hall, it was great to be back, she had missed Hogwarts, it was no fun at home she could not do magic, she could not even fly, she sat down at the table, and looking around at her house, she was going to try and make friends this year
Oh wow. This hall was so HUGE!

And the Hufflepuff table was so far away from the Sorting Hat. So he had to actually get past so many people - fellow students now - to reach it. Okay, he could do this. Deep breath. It was right in this moment that he wished nothing more than to have a friend next to him. Or at least his cat Vanilla. But she was probably already safely snuggled up to the fireplace in the Common Room.

Keeping his gaze down at his feet, Lewis quickly walked over to the Hufflepuff table, trying to run into too many people. It felt like everybody was looking at him. They probably weren't, but he was just so nervous it certainly felt like it.

Finally reaching his destination, the fifth year took a seat at the first available spot...and bumped right into the person he had sat down next to, in his haste to blend in. "Sorry 'bout that." He muttered, glancing at the girl next to him for a moment before quickly averting his gaze towards the plate in front of him again.
I just wanted you to know that this is me trying

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Old 01-02-2012, 04:37 PM   #154 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory stared at the boy. "They're not going to switch you over. Once you're sorted into a House you have to remain there. The Sorting Hat's never wrong,'' he said. "Talk about mental,'' he said to himself.
"Do you have to be so rude?'' he asked aloud as the first year turned way from a friendly gesture.
They had to switch him over. What was one boy switching house going to cost anyone? It wasn't like Hogwarts would collapse on itself. No, they had no reason for keeping him in this girly fruitloop house, he wanted out.

"Oh yeeeeeeeeeeah?" He frowned at the boy. "Just you wait and see, they cant keep me here."

Tyler glared at the boy. Didn't he have some older kids his age to bug. He was trying to scout out a seat at the slytherin table here..jeez.

"I'm not rude, I'm busy." Enough said.

Originally Posted by Augree View Post
Chasery just came into Great Hall when she heard someone complained about her new house. "what's wrong with that boy? Isn't being Hufflepuff isn't too bad" she thought. She walked to that boy straight away. She couldn't sit when someone called her new house like that.
"Yeah..why don't you tell them soon?so, they can switch you over now?We don't need people like you anyway.." she said to the boy who was about in her year. She was going to leave them but then she turned again.
"Who are you think you are?Don't be such a silly boy. Sometimes we don't always get what we want. So, face it.." she said. She left them alone again and began to find her new friends.
What was wrong with girls at this school? They were all bloody mental. Every single one of them..and clearly the ones in this house would be more batty than the rest....He loved Rhea..but she was crazy too.

He blinked at the girl's retreating back then shook his head. He would never understand girls.

Originally Posted by BowtiesAreCool View Post

Adeline looked at the other first year that was freaking out about being in Hufflepuff.

"You're in the same boat that I'm in." she told him

She looked at the boy and tried to give him a smile.

"Whatever you do don't listen to that Hufflepuff over there..." she said pointing to Treyen.

"He's way to negative and he'll make you think that you don't even belong at Hogwarts."
Once again he was brought out of his deep thoughts by someone addressing him about house issues. He really didn't want to talk about it. He just wanted to finish his plot..err..plan. But at least he wasn't being attacked by this one.

"Technically we're in the same house." He answered, not taking his eyes off the slytherin table.

"And I'm sure you don't hate it as much as I do.."

When she mentioned something about not listening to someone, Tyler tore his eyes away from the other table to look at the person speaking to him then the person she was talking about.

Oh no..another girl...gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...

Last edited by Davvy_Wavvy; 01-02-2012 at 04:43 PM.
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Old 01-02-2012, 04:41 PM   #155 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Elliot smiled pleasantly at the girl. They had met at the ice cream shop, and Elliot had taken a liking to the girl. She seemed nice enough, and from a good family.
"So, you got sorted into...Hufflepuff. how...charming," she commented with a slight smirk.
Pem nodded her head, she didn't know what was so bad about being in Hufflepuff. She had heard that the House to stay away from was Slytherin, why would it matter to be in Hufflepuff? Just hang in there Pem. she thought to herself. Just a little bit longer and then you can escape. "Are you ready for classes?" Pem asked lightly, changing the subject from Houses to something that ddin't require Pem feeling like an outcast.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________

"all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
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Old 01-02-2012, 04:42 PM   #156 (permalink)
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Sniveling Snitch walked into the hall only to hear one name "Stevie Paprock" 'Oh no it's my turn' he thought " HUFFLEPUFF" the hat on his head shouted. He was just glad it didn't shout SLYTHERIN!

Last edited by SnivelingSnitch; 01-02-2012 at 04:51 PM. Reason: no real words
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Old 01-02-2012, 04:49 PM   #157 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169 View Post
Amethyst smiled and waved at Minerva and Harvey. She giggled when Minerva asked to speak with her. "Anything for you, your Highness." She smirked, winking at her.

"Hiya, Harvey!" She smiled, nodding to him.

"I'm just fine, Buddy. Just fine," She nodded, smiling. She blushed as she spoke, "And how are you, Mister Wellheart?" She flashed this gorgeous smile no one had ever seen before.

Amethyst smiled, giggling. "Like I said before, Miss Wheatborn, I'm at your service this term." She looked at all of her friends, "You all too." She wasn't thinking her at all now. Not that she ever did.
Justin smiled as she did. Maybe they could work on things once he had his head on straight , but right now.... It was not the time for that. " Glad, to hear it . Say, would ya like to take a walk with me later. I have alot that we need to talk about. Including why I sent that letter. " Justin said as he placed his hand on her's and smiled as he kissed her on the cheek. " I still love you ya know. Nothing's changed with that. " he whispered into her ear.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva couldn't help smiling she shook her head. "I really think that with you three always around me." she made sure to look at Ame when she said this as well. "I might not need my medicine after to long." she really did feel more at ease when they were around her. Minerva took Harvey's hand knowing he was going to be shocked at what she would say next. "Justin I hope we do find time to speak I think that all of us need to talk about some hidden pieces to this summer to better understand everything." she looked away breathing a bit to calm down again. She was going to tell them what she told Harvey and she hoped that both Ame and Justin would talk more to her as well she hated feeling like they were keeping things from her or feeling threatened by her. When Ame called her Highness she blushed a bit "I'm far from that." she looked at Ame what was going on with her friend. One minute she was so upset and acting mad at her the next she was her best friend again. Minerva was so confused by this.
" Sure you are . " Justin joked. He hadn't felt this good in weeks. Like he was a twelve year old boy again. " Yeah, you know we'll be talking....As always. " He smiled broadly

Originally Posted by EW_FAN View Post
Text Cut: Justin, Ame and Minnie

Harvey smiled as Minnie and Justin talked about meeting in the library "Well I might join you sometimes.." he said smiling. Then he listened Ame speak to Minnie before Minnie spoke and he then beamed as she said she may not need her medication "Well thats.. great" he said to her beaming.. she then took his hand into hers and gave him a shock as she said that she would fill in the hidden pieces of the summer.. he then gently squeezed her hand.. he would support whatever decision she made.. "Mins are you ready to tell them?" he whispered into her ear... if she was,, then he would by her side when she did.. he smiled as she blushed at being called Your Highness "Well you are not far from that in my eyes" he said to her.. as he looked at her.. she was his Princess and would always be that to him
" Come join us. There's alot we all need to sort out. We've all got to remain strong this term....For each other." Justin said as he patted Harv on the shoulder.
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Old 01-02-2012, 04:52 PM   #158 (permalink)
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After thinking about it a moment...Yea! HUFFLEPUFF RULZ! "sniff"
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:03 PM   #159 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by EW_FAN View Post
Text Cut: Justin, Ame and Minnie

Harvey smiled as Minnie and Justin talked about meeting in the library "Well I might join you sometimes.." he said smiling. Then he listened Ame speak to Minnie before Minnie spoke and he then beamed as she said she may not need her medication "Well thats.. great" he said to her beaming.. she then took his hand into hers and gave him a shock as she said that she would fill in the hidden pieces of the summer.. he then gently squeezed her hand.. he would support whatever decision she made.. "Mins are you ready to tell them?" he whispered into her ear... if she was,, then he would by her side when she did.. he smiled as she blushed at being called Your Highness "Well you are not far from that in my eyes" he said to her.. as he looked at her.. she was his Princess and would always be that to him
Minerva looked at Harvey keeping herself as calm as possible she shrugged. "They have a right to know what my crazier issues have been lately. Why the medication and that stuff." she tried to smile at him to reassure him. She looked at her friend happy to see them acting normal and like a group again.

Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169 View Post
She leaned over to Minerva and smiled she began to whisper in her ear, "You know...I apologize for ever blaming aren't the reason we broke up." She giggled softly. "Perhaps the Waterfall?" She smiled. That was her favorite.
Minerva looked at Ame "What is going on with you?" she couldn't help but ask. "Yes the waterfall would be great and I understand if you do think it is my fault I know Justin and I are good friends and it might come off wrong."
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
Justin smiled as she did. Maybe they could work on things once he had his head on straight , but right now.... It was not the time for that. " Glad, to hear it . Say, would ya like to take a walk with me later. I have alot that we need to talk about. Including why I sent that letter. " Justin said as he placed his hand on her's and smiled as he kissed her on the cheek. " I still love you ya know. Nothing's changed with that. " he whispered into her ear.

" Sure you are . " Justin joked. He hadn't felt this good in weeks. Like he was a twelve year old boy again. " Yeah, you know we'll be talking....As always. " He smiled broadly

" Come join us. There's alot we all need to sort out. We've all got to remain strong this term....For each other." Justin said as he patted Harv on the shoulder.
Minerva smiled at Justin "I can't wait to go to the common room, I wish Harvey could join us, but I have been dreaming about my favorite chair for weeks." the comfort of that common room made her smile.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:06 PM   #160 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Miss Dee View Post
Pem nodded her head, she didn't know what was so bad about being in Hufflepuff. She had heard that the House to stay away from was Slytherin, why would it matter to be in Hufflepuff? Just hang in there Pem. she thought to herself. Just a little bit longer and then you can escape. "Are you ready for classes?" Pem asked lightly, changing the subject from Houses to something that ddin't require Pem feeling like an outcast.
Elliot merely smirked. She took an unused glass of water and took a sip. She was so thirsty this evening!
"Yes! Oh, Pem, you must be excited, too! How is seeing Hogwarts for the first time?" She asked, trying to be nice to her. Afterall, she got sorted into hufflepuff...such a tragedy. She glanced around the Great Hall trying to ignore that PERSON at the Ravenclaw table. Stupid, stupid Jayden .
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

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Old 01-02-2012, 05:07 PM   #161 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
Justin smiled as she did. Maybe they could work on things once he had his head on straight , but right now.... It was not the time for that. " Glad, to hear it . Say, would ya like to take a walk with me later. I have alot that we need to talk about. Including why I sent that letter. " Justin said as he placed his hand on her's and smiled as he kissed her on the cheek. " I still love you ya know. Nothing's changed with that. " he whispered into her ear.
"Sure think, Bud." She smiled, nodding. Of course, he didn't have to explain if he didn't want to. But she'd see how it will all even. She blushed when he kissed her cheek. She couldn't help but kiss his nose. "I know," She smirked, winking at him.

Originally Posted by Bazinga
Minerva looked at Ame "What is going on with you?" she couldn't help but ask. "Yes the waterfall would be great and I understand if you do think it is my fault I know Justin and I are good friends and it might come off wrong."
"I've learned that a mother loves her pups." There was meaning behind that phrase. Something that the other three wouldn't understand quite yet. She smiled at Minerva, brushing her hair from her face. "I don't think that, Doll!" She giggled.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left.
..______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back.

..___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.

Last edited by PhoenixAuror169; 01-02-2012 at 05:11 PM. Reason: Added Minerva.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:15 PM   #162 (permalink)
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After hopping off the stool, Alec made his way towards the house that had... cheered for him? Something along those lines. He would have cheered for every person that got sorted into his new house.

Hufflepuff. It was a nice word. Huff-le-puff! See? A very nice word! And everyone seemed so friendly, judging by the way people were greeting other people. And there were so many smiles around the place. It made him happy!

If only Anya had been sorted into this house as well. But he wasn't going to complain about that. She could be in that red house. He was now closer to the kitchens and food, according to that book. She was the one missing out now.

Alec continued walking until he reached a fairly empty spot on the table. He squished himself into it and looked around. Now that the Sorting nerves were gone, he could finally see how big it was! Sheesh! Was it always this huge?And... when was the food getting here? He was starving!

SPOILER!!: Lyssie!
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
'Oh wow! I'm the first one here,'Alyssa thought to herself. 'Yay, I can actually pick anywhere to sit,' Alyssa smiled to herself, looking around before choosing somewhere nearer to the head of the table. She wanted to be able to see who the new Staff members were.

She sat down, made sure her dress robes were clean and her cap was sitting properly on her head, and waited for the rest of the students and staff to arrive. She was excited to see who the Sorting Hat would pick for her house.

Oh look! Wasn't that girl... familiar? Yes, she was! If Alec remembered clearly, it was that girl he had met on the train. The one who was crying. But then he remembered her getting happier afterwards. Yes, it was that same girl.

Alec stood up and wandered over towards... what was her name? It began with an 'A' hadn't it? Amy? No. Anna? No. Al... It was Al-something. ALYSSA! That's it! Alec grinned as he squishes himself down on the empty seat next to her. "Hey train buddy!" he said, giving the girl a single wave of his hand, "Looks like we're in the same house now!"

SPOILER!!: Adeline! Who's screaming her head off!
Originally Posted by BowtiesAreCool View Post
She was sorted! She couldn't believe that she was finally sorted. She wasn't a Ravenclaw.



"No I can't be in Hufflepuff! NO!" The first year freaked out. This house wasn't meant for her! No! This was for her. No!

What the heck is a HUFFLEPUFF?!

Adeline looked around at the other Hufflepuff's at the table around her she must've looked like a loon.

"Hufflepuff is not for me I don't even have any friends. How can I be loyal and just?"

And then this happened.

Alec blinked. Was that Adeline? Adeline Holiday? The same girl he had met in the ice cream store down Diagon Alley? And then again on the platform? And then again on the train corridor. Man, that was an awkward meet-up.

Oh right. The girl had wanted to be in Ravenclaw and now... here she was. In Hufflepuff. Well, it wasn't so bad! Everyone was nice! And that's exactly what she had wanted hadn't she? She wanted to be around nice, friendly people. How much nicer can it get than the house she had been sorted into?

But Alec wasn't going to say this to the girl. Instead, he ruffled up his hair slightly and grinned at the girl. "Turns out you do have friends in Hufflepuff..." Yes, that was his way of greeting her.

SPOILER!!: Oscar!
Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride View Post
Oscar sat down at the Hufflepuff table, slightly worried about what his dad would say. He knew his dad had been a Slytherin, as had most of his family that had attended Hogwarts. But now Oscar was a Hufflepuff?!
He huffed and sat down, not noticing next to whom he had sat, he could hardly lie about what house he had been put in to, could he? But dad would be more than just disappointed.
Perhaps he should just write his mother, she had no idea about Hogwarts houses anyhow, so she'd be JUST FINE with it.

He then looked up and saw a lot of students he didn't know. Oscar smiled carefully, 'hi everyone.. I'm Oscar.'

Hearing someone introduce themselves to anyone and everyone made Alec turn his head. He looked at the boy carefully. Wasn't this the same boy who had been sorted alongside him? Yes? He distinctly remembered the boy being sorted and Alec wondering how someone so tall can be an eleven year old.

Alec grinned at the boy as he walked up to him and sat down in a seat opposite him. The boy seemed nice. But then again, he was in the nicest house there is. "Hey!" he said, "Nice to meet you Oscar. I'm Alec, Alec Summers."

SPOILER!!: Nessie!
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
Same old, same old. Nothing much about Hogwarts had changed from the last year. The only change was some of the people, seeing as there was new firstbies and excitingly so new staff. Nessie sort of missed Hogwarts over the summer, and she couldn't help but put a small smile on her face. Even though she got homesick pretty easily she still loved the place.

Plonking herself down, Nessie took a seat at the Hufflepuff table. She was starving and the first thing she wanted to do was eat, but when she looked properly at the table she realized that there wasn't any food yet. Meh..she'd have to wait. Her stomach grumbled and she imidiately started blushing. It was so embarrassing, she didn't need the whole world to know how hungry she was. Trying to ignore it, she looked around the table to see who was already seated.

Most of her friends were there, but she was too lazy to get up and walk to them. After she had eaten she'd greet them all properly and have a proper conversation. Now all she wanted was for the food to apear but clearly it wasn't, so instead she watched as one by one each new comer was sorted. She sort of crossed her fingers as she watched hoping that the little boy she had met on the train was not in Hufflepuff. He was too much of a nuisance.

Alec sat there, getting slightly bored. True, he wasn't around some of his old friends or his bestest friend in the entire world... but there were plenty of people he could meet right here. New friends. People he had never met ever before. Only problem was... he didn't know who to say hi to.

Alec's grey-blue eyes searched around until... they rested on a girl sitting on her own. She seemed a bit older than him, unless she was one of those people who looked older than they actually are. Either way, he was going to pluck up the courage and go up to her.

So, the eleven year old stood up and walked over towards the girl. He sat down opposite her and smiled. Yes, she could be in his year but just look older. "Hey!" he said, giving the girl a single wave, "Erm, i'm Alec, Alec Summers."

SPOILER!!: Tyler! Hope you don't mind!
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Tyler slowly made his way to the hufflepuff table, head hung and reluctance in every step. This was not happening to him. He did not want to wear stupid girly yellow ties and be a sissy badger. He was suppose to be in Slytherin! The hat had gotten it so very wrong, yet he said he was never wrong, he was making a very big mistake...very very big mistake. His bottom lip quivered as his big blue eyes looked at the table he was suppose to be sitting at. Chatting sissy people wearing yellow. His eyes clouded over with tears.

"I don't want to be a stupid badger!" She muttered angrily as he plopped down on the bench. It was official..he hated Hogwarts and he wanted to leave now, right now! His mother would be receiving an owl tomorrow.

Tyler looked back at the sorting hat and scowled at everyone who got placed in Slytherin...bloody show offs.

"This is stupid!" He said pushing all the silverware in front of him to the floor.

Alec blinked again. There was another person who didn't seem to like that manky old hat's decision. Weird. He had thought everyone wanted to be in this house. Maybe people just needed some time to adjust. Either way, it was wrong wrong wrong to be shouting off about it here.

But he was going to show this boy that it wasn't so bad to be a... badger? Did Hufflepuffs turn into badgers at night? And the other houses turned into their own animals as well? But he didn't want to turn into a badger! He wanted to be a normal human boy!

Alec ruffled his hair before walking up to the boy. He recognised him from the Sorting Ceremony. He had just got Sorted alongside him, hadn't he? He did look young enough to have been sorted right now. "Hey, it's not so bad being a badger," he said, smiling at the boy, "We're all nice people here!" Yes. Everyone had been nice to him here already.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:16 PM   #163 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169 View Post
She leaned over to Minerva and smiled she began to whisper in her ear, "You know...I apologize for ever blaming aren't the reason we broke up." She giggled softly. "Perhaps the Waterfall?" She smiled. That was her favorite.
" It really has nothing to do with anyone except myself...Why I decided to break things off for now. I got alot going on in my head that I need to deal with before anything happens. " he said gentlely

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva looked at Harvey keeping herself as calm as possible she shrugged. "They have a right to know what my crazier issues have been lately. Why the medication and that stuff." she tried to smile at him to reassure him. She looked at her friend happy to see them acting normal and like a group again.

Minerva looked at Ame "What is going on with you?" she couldn't help but ask. "Yes the waterfall would be great and I understand if you do think it is my fault I know Justin and I are good friends and it might come off wrong."

Minerva smiled at Justin "I can't wait to go to the common room, I wish Harvey could join us, but I have been dreaming about my favorite chair for weeks." the comfort of that common room made her smile.
" I know. My chair has been calling my name as well. I can't wait to sink into it. " Justin smiled broadly.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:17 PM   #164 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Once again he was brought out of his deep thoughts by someone addressing him about house issues. He really didn't want to talk about it. He just wanted to finish his plot..err..plan. But at least he wasn't being attacked by this one.

"Technically we're in the same house." He answered, not taking his eyes off the slytherin table.

"And I'm sure you don't hate it as much as I do.."

When she mentioned something about not listening to someone, Tyler tore his eyes away from the other table to look at the person speaking to him then the person she was talking about.

Oh no..another girl...gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
"I know that!" Adeline told him. "I wanted to be in Ravenclaw and I'm clearly not in Ravenclaw." she told him.

"You must've missed my little freak out earlier."

i got a heart like a truck, it's been drug through the mud, runs on dreams
& gasoline & that ole highway holds the key, it's got a lead foot down when it's leaving

lord knows it's taken a hell of a beating, a little bit of love is all that it's needing
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:18 PM   #165 (permalink)

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Text Cut: Ame, Justin and Minnie
Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169 View Post
She leaned over to Minerva and smiled she began to whisper in her ear, "You know...I apologize for ever blaming aren't the reason we broke up." She giggled softly. "Perhaps the Waterfall?" She smiled. That was her favorite.
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
Justin smiled as she did. Maybe they could work on things once he had his head on straight , but right now.... It was not the time for that. " Glad, to hear it . Say, would ya like to take a walk with me later. I have alot that we need to talk about. Including why I sent that letter. " Justin said as he placed his hand on her's and smiled as he kissed her on the cheek. " I still love you ya know. Nothing's changed with that. " he whispered into her ear.
" Sure you are . " Justin joked. He hadn't felt this good in weeks. Like he was a twelve year old boy again. " Yeah, you know we'll be talking....As always. " He smiled broadly
" Come join us. There's alot we all need to sort out. We've all got to remain strong this term....For each other." Justin said as he patted Harv on the shoulder.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva looked at Harvey keeping herself as calm as possible she shrugged. "They have a right to know what my crazier issues have been lately. Why the medication and that stuff." she tried to smile at him to reassure him. She looked at her friend happy to see them acting normal and like a group again.
Minerva looked at Ame "What is going on with you?" she couldn't help but ask. "Yes the waterfall would be great and I understand if you do think it is my fault I know Justin and I are good friends and it might come off wrong."
Minerva smiled at Justin "I can't wait to go to the common room, I wish Harvey could join us, but I have been dreaming about my favorite chair for weeks." the comfort of that common room made her smile.
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
" It really has nothing to do with anyone except myself...Why I decided to break things off for now. I got alot going on in my head that I need to deal with before anything happens. " he said gentlely

" I know. My chair has been calling my name as well. I can't wait to sink into it. " Justin smiled broadly.

Harvey smiled as Justin said that they needed to talk as well.. to be strong ... yeah well thats what he was trying to be for all his friends... no he was strong he would get through this and help every single one.. even Ame.. if she needed it.. he could do this.. he was strong.. then Minnie told him that they needed to know.. "Ok.. if you are ready then I will be there by your side when you do tell them.. I will be your support column" he said to her as she then talked to Ame and Justin.. yeah he too wished he could join them in the common room.. but he couldnt ... but he was ok with it now... sometimes it was good for Minnie to be away from Harvey for a while.. it would allow her to trust others and be ok around other people other than Harvey... it was good training and practice..
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:23 PM   #166 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
" It really has nothing to do with anyone except myself...Why I decided to break things off for now. I got alot going on in my head that I need to deal with before anything happens. " he said gentlely

" I know. My chair has been calling my name as well. I can't wait to sink into it. " Justin smiled broadly.
Amethyst glance at him. She knew that. But perhaps he didn't remember him tell her that? "I believe you, Wellheart." She smirked at him giggling. "We all have our own problems, even me. But I have a job to do." She was referring to Minerva. Even though she was only twelve, she still had a responsibility, and it was Minerva, Harvey, and even Justin.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left.
..______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back.

..___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:25 PM   #167 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Essay a la Kita ;)
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
After hopping off the stool, Alec made his way towards the house that had... cheered for him? Something along those lines. He would have cheered for every person that got sorted into his new house.

Hufflepuff. It was a nice word. Huff-le-puff! See? A very nice word! And everyone seemed so friendly, judging by the way people were greeting other people. And there were so many smiles around the place. It made him happy!

If only Anya had been sorted into this house as well. But he wasn't going to complain about that. She could be in that red house. He was now closer to the kitchens and food, according to that book. She was the one missing out now.

Alec continued walking until he reached a fairly empty spot on the table. He squished himself into it and looked around. Now that the Sorting nerves were gone, he could finally see how big it was! Sheesh! Was it always this huge?And... when was the food getting here? He was starving!

Oh look! Wasn't that girl... familiar? Yes, she was! If Alec remembered clearly, it was that girl he had met on the train. The one who was crying. But then he remembered her getting happier afterwards. Yes, it was that same girl.

Alec stood up and wandered over towards... what was her name? It began with an 'A' hadn't it? Amy? No. Anna? No. Al... It was Al-something. ALYSSA! That's it! Alec grinned as he squishes himself down on the empty seat next to her. "Hey train buddy!" he said, giving the girl a single wave of his hand, "Looks like we're in the same house now!"

And then this happened.

Alec blinked. Was that Adeline? Adeline Holiday? The same girl he had met in the ice cream store down Diagon Alley? And then again on the platform? And then again on the train corridor. Man, that was an awkward meet-up.

Oh right. The girl had wanted to be in Ravenclaw and now... here she was. In Hufflepuff. Well, it wasn't so bad! Everyone was nice! And that's exactly what she had wanted hadn't she? She wanted to be around nice, friendly people. How much nicer can it get than the house she had been sorted into?

But Alec wasn't going to say this to the girl. Instead, he ruffled up his hair slightly and grinned at the girl. "Turns out you do have friends in Hufflepuff..." Yes, that was his way of greeting her.

Hearing someone introduce themselves to anyone and everyone made Alec turn his head. He looked at the boy carefully. Wasn't this the same boy who had been sorted alongside him? Yes? He distinctly remembered the boy being sorted and Alec wondering how someone so tall can be an eleven year old.

Alec grinned at the boy as he walked up to him and sat down in a seat opposite him. The boy seemed nice. But then again, he was in the nicest house there is. "Hey!" he said, "Nice to meet you Oscar. I'm Alec, Alec Summers."

Alec sat there, getting slightly bored. True, he wasn't around some of his old friends or his bestest friend in the entire world... but there were plenty of people he could meet right here. New friends. People he had never met ever before. Only problem was... he didn't know who to say hi to.

Alec's grey-blue eyes searched around until... they rested on a girl sitting on her own. She seemed a bit older than him, unless she was one of those people who looked older than they actually are. Either way, he was going to pluck up the courage and go up to her.

So, the eleven year old stood up and walked over towards the girl. He sat down opposite her and smiled. Yes, she could be in his year but just look older. "Hey!" he said, giving the girl a single wave, "Erm, i'm Alec, Alec Summers."

Alec blinked again. There was another person who didn't seem to like that manky old hat's decision. Weird. He had thought everyone wanted to be in this house. Maybe people just needed some time to adjust. Either way, it was wrong wrong wrong to be shouting off about it here.

But he was going to show this boy that it wasn't so bad to be a... badger? Did Hufflepuffs turn into badgers at night? And the other houses turned into their own animals as well? But he didn't want to turn into a badger! He wanted to be a normal human boy!

Alec ruffled his hair before walking up to the boy. He recognised him from the Sorting Ceremony. He had just got Sorted alongside him, hadn't he? He did look young enough to have been sorted right now. "Hey, it's not so bad being a badger," he said, smiling at the boy, "We're all nice people here!" Yes. Everyone had been nice to him here already.

Daisy looked up, smiling; a new arrival had joined the table, this time looking a lot more happy than the last ungrateful little boy who in Daisy's opinion, probably didn't deserve to be in Hufflepuff with the nice people if he was like that. She recognised the boy a little, probably from the train or the platform.

He sat down in an empty spot nearby Daisy, who had picked a spot not close to anyone in particular, but that was filled up quickly. She leaned over and grinned to the new arrival, whose face reminded her of her own cousins a little.
'Hey,' she smiled, fork still in mid-air, 'welcome to Hufflepuff, the best house,' she laughed, holding out her free hand, 'I'm Daisy Tucker.'

Skiving Snackbox? A Headless Hat?
Only one place you can get all that...

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Pranking just got professional...

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Old 01-02-2012, 05:28 PM   #168 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169 View Post
"Sure think, Bud." She smiled, nodding. Of course, he didn't have to explain if he didn't want to. But she'd see how it will all even. She blushed when he kissed her cheek. She couldn't help but kiss his nose. "I know," She smirked, winking at him.

"I've learned that a mother loves her pups." There was meaning behind that phrase. Something that the other three wouldn't understand quite yet. She smiled at Minerva, brushing her hair from her face. "I don't think that, Doll!" She giggled.

Minerva looked a little confused at her and then brushed it off. "Well I have seen it in your eyes lately the way you have been looking at me." Minerva thought for a second maybe she was just being crazy about the way they were all looking at her, maybe they weren't looking at her in anyway..

Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
" It really has nothing to do with anyone except myself...Why I decided to break things off for now. I got alot going on in my head that I need to deal with before anything happens. " he said gentlely

" I know. My chair has been calling my name as well. I can't wait to sink into it. " Justin smiled broadly.

"Well hopefully we can go there soon and chat awhile like old times." Minerva smiled it felt good to smile and mean it.

Originally Posted by EW_FAN View Post
Text Cut: Ame, Justin and Minnie

Harvey smiled as Justin said that they needed to talk as well.. to be strong ... yeah well thats what he was trying to be for all his friends... no he was strong he would get through this and help every single one.. even Ame.. if she needed it.. he could do this.. he was strong.. then Minnie told him that they needed to know.. "Ok.. if you are ready then I will be there by your side when you do tell them.. I will be your support column" he said to her as she then talked to Ame and Justin.. yeah he too wished he could join them in the common room.. but he couldnt ... but he was ok with it now... sometimes it was good for Minnie to be away from Harvey for a while.. it would allow her to trust others and be ok around other people other than Harvey... it was good training and practice..
"Harvey I have been really having anxiety about this common room thing, well until now." she looked at Justin knowing she would be ok if he was there. "You have been with me all summer and the thought of you not being allowed where I am had me worried. I will have to face it sooner or later though."
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:30 PM   #169 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
And then this happened.

Alec blinked. Was that Adeline? Adeline Holiday? The same girl he had met in the ice cream store down Diagon Alley? And then again on the platform? And then again on the train corridor. Man, that was an awkward meet-up.

Oh right. The girl had wanted to be in Ravenclaw and now... here she was. In Hufflepuff. Well, it wasn't so bad! Everyone was nice! And that's exactly what she had wanted hadn't she? She wanted to be around nice, friendly people. How much nicer can it get than the house she had been sorted into?

But Alec wasn't going to say this to the girl. Instead, he ruffled up his hair slightly and grinned at the girl. "Turns out you do have friends in Hufflepuff..." Yes, that was his way of greeting her.
Adeline heard a voice that she was getting to know very well and she didn't know if she should talk to him because of her mother.

Adeline was starting to warm up to the Hufflepuff house and instead he had to walk up and start talking to her and now she just felt all bad. It was all his fault. If he was in this house then so would his best friend that hates him. She didn't want to deal with what's her name and be hated for clearly no reason at all.

"I'm not suppose to be talking to you."

i got a heart like a truck, it's been drug through the mud, runs on dreams
& gasoline & that ole highway holds the key, it's got a lead foot down when it's leaving

lord knows it's taken a hell of a beating, a little bit of love is all that it's needing
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:35 PM   #170 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva looked a little confused at her and then brushed it off. "Well I have seen it in your eyes lately the way you have been looking at me." Minerva thought for a second maybe she was just being crazy about the way they were all looking at her, maybe they weren't looking at her in anyway..
She smiled apologetically. "Perhaps I have...but I didn't understand then what I do now." She nodded to her, and then hugged her.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left.
..______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back.

..___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:35 PM   #171 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by porkpie View Post
louise walked into the great hall, it was great to be back, she had missed Hogwarts, it was no fun at home she could not do magic, she could not even fly, she sat down at the table, and looking around at her house, she was going to try and make friends this year
Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
Oh wow. This hall was so HUGE!

And the Hufflepuff table was so far away from the Sorting Hat. So he had to actually get past so many people - fellow students now - to reach it. Okay, he could do this. Deep breath. It was right in this moment that he wished nothing more than to have a friend next to him. Or at least his cat Vanilla. But she was probably already safely snuggled up to the fireplace in the Common Room.

Keeping his gaze down at his feet, Lewis quickly walked over to the Hufflepuff table, trying to run into too many people. It felt like everybody was looking at him. They probably weren't, but he was just so nervous it certainly felt like it.

Finally reaching his destination, the fifth year took a seat at the first available spot...and bumped right into the person he had sat down next to, in his haste to blend in. "Sorry 'bout that." He muttered, glancing at the girl next to him for a moment before quickly averting his gaze towards the plate in front of him again.
Its like a hundred times Messer looking towards the empty plate in front of him. Where's the food? He was hungry for Merlin's sake. He could hear his stomach making another growl. Ugh!

Then he looked up when an older looking boy accidentally bumped into a younger girl who happen to sit not far away from where he's sitting. First there's a screaming girl who refused to be a Huffie then there's another boy who threw the silverware because he wanted to be a Slytherin and now a clumsy older boy. But at least he's not screaming or throwing things. "Are you okay?" he asked the girl. "Maybe you should be more careful when you walk, sir." Messer told the boy.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________

I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:38 PM   #172 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169 View Post
She smiled apologetically. "Perhaps I have...but I didn't understand then what I do now." She nodded to her, and then hugged her.
Minerva hugged her friend "Good can you help me understand what's been going on with you too."
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:41 PM   #173 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PhoenixAuror169 View Post
Amethyst glance at him. She knew that. But perhaps he didn't remember him tell her that? "I believe you, Wellheart." She smirked at him giggling. "We all have our own problems, even me. But I have a job to do." She was referring to Minerva. Even though she was only twelve, she still had a responsibility, and it was Minerva, Harvey, and even Justin.
" You know that I consider it to be my job as well. " Justin said after he read her thoughts." We all need to spend some much needed fun times together. " he said with smile.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva looked a little confused at her and then brushed it off. "Well I have seen it in your eyes lately the way you have been looking at me." Minerva thought for a second maybe she was just being crazy about the way they were all looking at her, maybe they weren't looking at her in anyway..

"Well hopefully we can go there soon and chat awhile like old times." Minerva smiled it felt good to smile and mean it.

"Harvey I have been really having anxiety about this common room thing, well until now." she looked at Justin knowing she would be ok if he was there. "You have been with me all summer and the thought of you not being allowed where I am had me worried. I will have to face it sooner or later though."
" We'll all get back to normal. so some time to talk alone as a group ?I think would help us all. Now thatt he's out of my head..."
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:42 PM   #174 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva hugged her friend "Good can you help me understand what's been going on with you too."
She couldn't help but laugh. "You want the basics, or do you want the full fledge details?" She shook her head at herself. Well, of course she'd tell her. As long as she told her about the things going on with her.

Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
" You know that I consider it to be my job as well. " Justin said after he read her thoughts." We all need to spend some much needed fun times together. " he said with smile.
"Well put, Wellheart. Well put." She giggled. She smiled. New emotions mean new dialect, right? She smirked at herself. She was going to love Herbology this term. She just knew it.
I'll miss my breath; there's no more left.
..______________________________I'll miss the sound of the wind up my back.

..___________The Depths have a number, they call you by name; fall asleep.
Davy Jones calls you, so fall asleep and dream.

Last edited by PhoenixAuror169; 01-02-2012 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Adding Justin.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:45 PM   #175 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
After hopping off the stool, Alec made his way towards the house that had... cheered for him? Something along those lines. He would have cheered for every person that got sorted into his new house.

Hufflepuff. It was a nice word. Huff-le-puff! See? A very nice word! And everyone seemed so friendly, judging by the way people were greeting other people. And there were so many smiles around the place. It made him happy!

If only Anya had been sorted into this house as well. But he wasn't going to complain about that. She could be in that red house. He was now closer to the kitchens and food, according to that book. She was the one missing out now.

Alec continued walking until he reached a fairly empty spot on the table. He squished himself into it and looked around. Now that the Sorting nerves were gone, he could finally see how big it was! Sheesh! Was it always this huge?And... when was the food getting here? He was starving!
Keefer turned to see a new Hufflepuff boy join the table. But he had not sat near anyone. Not wanting anyone to feel lonely so soon in the term, Keefer left his seat and walked down the table. What did the Hat say his name way? A-something. Maybe Alex? No, that's not right. Alec? Yes.

Coming to a stop by the new Puff, he made a gesture toward the open spots around him. "Hi Alec, I'm Keefer. Welcome to Hufflepuff! Mind if I sit here?" he asked, giving the boy a warm smile.

Thanks, Kitakins <3
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