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South Side From Gringotts Wizarding Bank to Madam Primpernelle's, there are numerous shops to visit and places to socialise.

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Old 10-05-2022, 12:47 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Butterbeer Cart

Has all of your shopping worn you out and left you in need of some hydration? From the south side of Diagon Alley, the Leaky Cauldron is quite a trek, especially when the cobbled street has exploded with witches, wizards, and children alike. Do not fret, however. A crimson red cart, stationed between Janus Galloglass and Noltie's Botanical Novelties, with golden lettering spelling out 'BUTTERBEER' is here to save the day! For many years, an old witch has been taking advantage of this spot and has provided many with a refreshing sugary butterscotch concoction and even a tasty snack. Sadly, this lovely old witch passed away during the attack on Diagon Alley but her photograph sits proudly on display on the cart.

Early in the morning, the grandson of the old witch rolls out her cart and remains at the usual spot until the sun goes down. For just a Galleon, you can enjoy an all-you-can-drink mug of the finest Butterbeer in London. During the summer months, one can purchase a frozen Butterbeer; whereas in the frigid winter it can be bought warm. But drinks is not all that there is to offer -- for just a handful of Sickles, some Butterbeer-flavoured fudge, potted cream, or ice cream can be enjoyed.
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Old 04-18-2024, 02:28 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Diamond
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Exposure. That was the name of the game this summer and weaseling her way into sitting in on one of mum's WWN broadcast meetings had given her infallible insight to the industry. Her quidditch announcing game was STRONG this summer too with her managing to book herself for a majority of the U-17 matches (as a co-host along with some other professional or another BUT it was very important that they have younger perspective so things did not get too dusty) and she had even been given the opportunity to plug her podcast during the last match THANKS to her co-host actually taking the note to ask some personal questions about herself.

Also an OBVIOUS shoutout to podcast regular and bestie, Amatheia because DUH.

Yes, Diamond was ranked...well...numbers didn't REALLY matter in the tween market anyway...and on her way UP.

Which was why she was hitting the streets of Diagon Alley today to slap a few more of her trademark stickers around, DUH! And everyone was always keen for a cold glass of butterbeer come summertime sooooooooo the back and side of the butterbeer cart were bedazzled. Swinging around the front of the cart, the Gryffindor eyed the framed photo of some old witch and decided that back when she was not all old and wrinkly the woman would have obviously been a listener and subscriber TOO so Diamond slapped a sticker over her hideous knitted sweater. A vast improvement to her look, seriously.

And while she was here...maybe she would get herself a butterbeer too...surely SOMEONE had dropped some coins around here to she could make up the difference with what little allowance she had left after hitting up Madam Primpernelle's earlier.

Not-being-perceived was the name of Phoebe's game this summer. She would have preferred to spend the summer not being seen or heard from by kids from school, but sometimes the other kids at Stemp House were too loud and Pheebs was forced to come out here. So it was dark sunglasses, baggy hoodies, short shorts, and new makeup, because then she would be harder to recognize. There were specific people she was avoiding, but she also just... wanted to preserve her summer from the influence of her least favorite place, you know?

It was HOT HOT HOT outside, and Pheebs absolutely needed a cold, refreshing drink. Unfortunately, she didn't have much money left right now from what she'd been given, so she too had been collecting coins off the street and also from any grown-up that looked like they could be persuaded to donate a sickle (she was good at that sort of thing by now, having done it often when she'd spent all of Stemp House's money on books). But now she had 13 sickles in her hands, with 4 more to go, and it was hard to hold them all at once. Her hands were small, as was the rest of Phoebe, and she kept dropping them. She kept trying to pick them up, and then dropping them again, and at some point she'd managed to drop them all at once and they scattered everywhere. Phoebe Calypso was clumsy, to say the least. Clumsy and mortified, with her cheeks a shade of bright pink that could not be explained by the very subtle blush she had been wearing.

So yes... there was someone dropping coins around here. In fact, dropping coins was the ONLY thing Phoebe seemed to be doing, despite her best efforts to recollect them.
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Old 04-20-2024, 01:39 PM   #52 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

It sure was a hot summer, Kion could do with a cool drink or treat or maybe both. His parents were off shopping on their own while he walked around, eventually spotting the cart with a serious queue. Suddenly a cold butterbeer
could wait... or maybe not.

Kion walked over to his recognisable girlfriend, "Hey Maria," He smiled at her before planting a quick kiss on her cheek. "It sure is hot, isn't it?" Adding a light convo before asking, "How are you?" He could do with a nice cool drink.

Maria had just bought her frozen butterbeer, and fudge treat for herslef ans was about to take a sip of the cold dream when her boyfriend surfaced by her side. The day just got 1000 times better. "Hey Kion," she greeted back with a warm loving smile, returning his cheek kiss. "We shouldn't complain i suppose, but yes it's super hot." Maria admitted. Gesturing to the cart behind her she asked "Are you getting yourself a frozen butterbeer too?" Taking a sip of her beverage she sighed with relief. The could drink was just what she needed. "I'm good. I was just taking a beverage break after seeing and catching up with Vera...In an hour or so I have to go meet my dads for book shopping. Now though I'm free.." After taking a bite out of her fudge Maria returned the question. "How have you been Kion? Have you seen Logan any?"
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Old 04-21-2024, 08:49 AM   #53 (permalink)

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astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Not-being-perceived was the name of Phoebe's game this summer. She would have preferred to spend the summer not being seen or heard from by kids from school, but sometimes the other kids at Stemp House were too loud and Pheebs was forced to come out here. So it was dark sunglasses, baggy hoodies, short shorts, and new makeup, because then she would be harder to recognize. There were specific people she was avoiding, but she also just... wanted to preserve her summer from the influence of her least favorite place, you know?

It was HOT HOT HOT outside, and Pheebs absolutely needed a cold, refreshing drink. Unfortunately, she didn't have much money left right now from what she'd been given, so she too had been collecting coins off the street and also from any grown-up that looked like they could be persuaded to donate a sickle (she was good at that sort of thing by now, having done it often when she'd spent all of Stemp House's money on books). But now she had 13 sickles in her hands, with 4 more to go, and it was hard to hold them all at once. Her hands were small, as was the rest of Phoebe, and she kept dropping them. She kept trying to pick them up, and then dropping them again, and at some point she'd managed to drop them all at once and they scattered everywhere. Phoebe Calypso was clumsy, to say the least. Clumsy and mortified, with her cheeks a shade of bright pink that could not be explained by the very subtle blush she had been wearing.

So yes... there was someone dropping coins around here. In fact, dropping coins was the ONLY thing Phoebe seemed to be doing, despite her best efforts to recollect them.
Diamond drew the line at begging or at the very least being perceived as though she was in need. Which was why her preferred method was taking just a little bit of coin from her parents' wallets over a couple of day's time. Couldn't do it all at once because then it was obvious. But a little here and a little there worked wonderfully for her. It just wasn't her fault that her eyes were bigger than her pockets and absolutely the fault of all her favorite brands coming up with new product for the summer season - only ONE of which would sponsor her which was just rude.

What wasn't so rude was the sickle that came rolling towards her and spun to a stop after hitting her shoe. "Don't mind if I do," she hummed to herself as she pocketed it. Still was not enough to get herself a butterbeer...which now meant she was debating with herself as to whether or not she really wanted one or if she had just seen the cart and the color and smell had enticed her - that was good advertising. But then she noticed that one of her peers (the one with the purple backpack and was just as likely to fall into a Venomous Tentacula as she was to consider it endearing) was being messy. " trying to lay a trail to catch a niffler or something?" she questioned with her right brow raised.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 04-21-2024, 09:47 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Diamond
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Diamond drew the line at begging or at the very least being perceived as though she was in need. Which was why her preferred method was taking just a little bit of coin from her parents' wallets over a couple of day's time. Couldn't do it all at once because then it was obvious. But a little here and a little there worked wonderfully for her. It just wasn't her fault that her eyes were bigger than her pockets and absolutely the fault of all her favorite brands coming up with new product for the summer season - only ONE of which would sponsor her which was just rude.

What wasn't so rude was the sickle that came rolling towards her and spun to a stop after hitting her shoe. "Don't mind if I do," she hummed to herself as she pocketed it. Still was not enough to get herself a butterbeer...which now meant she was debating with herself as to whether or not she really wanted one or if she had just seen the cart and the color and smell had enticed her - that was good advertising. But then she noticed that one of her peers (the one with the purple backpack and was just as likely to fall into a Venomous Tentacula as she was to consider it endearing) was being messy. " trying to lay a trail to catch a niffler or something?" she questioned with her right brow raised.

Phoebe didn't mind being perceived as in need. It wasn't like she WASN'T in need, because she technically was, and she liked having money for books and other things, so. She could deal with the sympathetic looks of parents who had parents if it meant that there was a butterbeer involved.

Phoebe had finally managed to pick up most of the coins- all but two. One had rolled further away, and the other one was in her classmate's pocket, but Phoebe couldn't find either. She crouched down, looking for her two missing coins.

"What? Oh." Phoebe flushed in response to her classmate's question, which made her feel some type of way. "No... I'm just trying to get enough money for butterbeer. Have you seen my two missing sickles? They have to be around her somewhere." Phoebe was distressed, because she wanted that butterbeer badly!! And yeah, so could always try and ask people for more money, but she'd earned those two sickles fair and square! She wasn't ready to consider them lost just yet.
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Old 04-22-2024, 01:50 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Maria had just bought her frozen butterbeer, and fudge treat for herslef ans was about to take a sip of the cold dream when her boyfriend surfaced by her side. The day just got 1000 times better. "Hey Kion," she greeted back with a warm loving smile, returning his cheek kiss. "We shouldn't complain i suppose, but yes it's super hot." Maria admitted. Gesturing to the cart behind her she asked "Are you getting yourself a frozen butterbeer too?" Taking a sip of her beverage she sighed with relief. The could drink was just what she needed. "I'm good. I was just taking a beverage break after seeing and catching up with Vera...In an hour or so I have to go meet my dads for book shopping. Now though I'm free.." After taking a bite out of her fudge Maria returned the question. "How have you been Kion? Have you seen Logan any?"

"Yep, a frozen butterbeer sounds just right for the weather, " Kion said as he mentally counted the coins needed for the drink. Luckily the line was quick for him to receive his too shortly. "Oh nice, I saw Vera earlier at Gobstones practice. I think we might win another tournament from our good streak so far," Kion said. "How are your dads and little Emari? Is he excited to go back to primary school this year?" Wasn't too long ago he could barely talk when he first met her little brother. "I'm doing okay, well, actually great now with you here," Never mind him still blushing at how he felt about Maria.

"I haven't ran into Logan yet, actually," Though that might change very soon if Maria and Vera were going to hang out together in an hour. "Erm, did you ever get to take your Apparition lesson? I have my next test in a couple days. But I think I'll pass it this time." The last time he splinched with his arm hairs missing. It was incredibly unfair since they could grow back easily.


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Old 05-25-2024, 01:22 PM   #56 (permalink)

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Default Kristin and Lennox! <3
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

While it was still weird for him to consider the fact that baby sister, who was hardly a baby and considering she was only 3 years younger than himself had never actually been that small, was all grown up and graduated and out in the world like himself. It'd already been 4 years since her own graduation, and still he often forgot that he didn't have to wait until the summer months or winter break to mirror her and figure out a sibling hang out. He was trying to get better on that though, considering their get together today was not during a school holiday.

Passing Janus Galloglass, Daire glanced over at it, a small smile playing on his lips as he gave a nod towards it, before his attention turned to his sister. "Remember playing in there when we were younger? I'm sure we absolutely terrified the store proprietors, looking back, but it was the perfect place to envision a route to Wonderland." And considering their shared love of the muggle story, playing Wonderland had been something they had done often. Attention turned to the butterbeer cart as Daire stepped up, reaching for his coin purse as he considered the few options. "I think I'm going to go for an ice cream. What do you want?"
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 05-29-2024, 12:34 AM   #57 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
While it was still weird for him to consider the fact that baby sister, who was hardly a baby and considering she was only 3 years younger than himself had never actually been that small, was all grown up and graduated and out in the world like himself. It'd already been 4 years since her own graduation, and still he often forgot that he didn't have to wait until the summer months or winter break to mirror her and figure out a sibling hang out. He was trying to get better on that though, considering their get together today was not during a school holiday.

Passing Janus Galloglass, Daire glanced over at it, a small smile playing on his lips as he gave a nod towards it, before his attention turned to his sister. "Remember playing in there when we were younger? I'm sure we absolutely terrified the store proprietors, looking back, but it was the perfect place to envision a route to Wonderland." And considering their shared love of the muggle story, playing Wonderland had been something they had done often. Attention turned to the butterbeer cart as Daire stepped up, reaching for his coin purse as he considered the few options. "I think I'm going to go for an ice cream. What do you want?"
While most people would have felt bothered by a lack of direction after graduation, Nox was feeling rather okay with it all. It was entirely likely the blonde was just expecting something to fall in her lap, actually. An adventure, or some sort of thing, which was also the likely reason her parents weren’t bothering her overly much about her choosing not to immediately enroll in uni or anything concrete after she’d graduated. Perhaps they’d just expected it from the former Gryffindor, or perhaps something else was going on.

Sadly, even four years later nothing had stumbled across her path to set her off on an adventure, but one thing it did provide was the ease with which she could see her brother. Whenever Dáire remembered, that is, but today was one of those times. It was odd being in Diagon when school was out of session, but she enjoyed odd. A similar smile graced her lips as she saw the shop her brother was referring to. “Of course I remember, and it wasn’t our fault they didn’t know mirrors were possible entrances to Wonderland.” Which she still believed was an actual place, even as she understood most people didn’t. Their loss, and soon enough they had arrived at the butterbeer cart. Not that she’d known that was their destination, but it worked. “You can get me one too.”
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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Old 06-03-2024, 12:38 AM   #58 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
While most people would have felt bothered by a lack of direction after graduation, Nox was feeling rather okay with it all. It was entirely likely the blonde was just expecting something to fall in her lap, actually. An adventure, or some sort of thing, which was also the likely reason her parents weren’t bothering her overly much about her choosing not to immediately enroll in uni or anything concrete after she’d graduated. Perhaps they’d just expected it from the former Gryffindor, or perhaps something else was going on.

Sadly, even four years later nothing had stumbled across her path to set her off on an adventure, but one thing it did provide was the ease with which she could see her brother. Whenever Dáire remembered, that is, but today was one of those times. It was odd being in Diagon when school was out of session, but she enjoyed odd. A similar smile graced her lips as she saw the shop her brother was referring to. “Of course I remember, and it wasn’t our fault they didn’t know mirrors were possible entrances to Wonderland.” Which she still believed was an actual place, even as she understood most people didn’t. Their loss, and soon enough they had arrived at the butterbeer cart. Not that she’d known that was their destination, but it worked. “You can get me one too.”
Truthfully, the older Grenadine sibling was reaching that territory in which he was becoming self conscious about his lack of direction. Not that he had any plan of outwardly showing as much, or even telling anyone that - dearest sister included. It was sad enough that he had no idea where he was going with his life - he didn't need to whine about it too. He was glad to see how unperturbed she seemed to be with being in a similar situation. And honestly, perhaps a little envious.

As for that adventure she was hoping for? Daire was certain it would present itself soon enough.

As they reminisced, he laughed softly, the storefront getting another fond look from him. "If they had wanted to listen to our explanations, we could have made it quite clear. They didn't always need to call our parents right away." Also shouldn't people applaud a child's imagination? Inappropriate location to exercise those adventures of the mind was inconsequential. At her request, Daire quickly ordered two butterbeer ice creams. It took no time before they were offered back to him and he took one while offering the other to his sister. "Here ya go."
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 06-20-2024, 01:40 AM   #59 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Truthfully, the older Grenadine sibling was reaching that territory in which he was becoming self conscious about his lack of direction. Not that he had any plan of outwardly showing as much, or even telling anyone that - dearest sister included. It was sad enough that he had no idea where he was going with his life - he didn't need to whine about it too. He was glad to see how unperturbed she seemed to be with being in a similar situation. And honestly, perhaps a little envious.

As for that adventure she was hoping for? Daire was certain it would present itself soon enough.

As they reminisced, he laughed softly, the storefront getting another fond look from him. "If they had wanted to listen to our explanations, we could have made it quite clear. They didn't always need to call our parents right away." Also shouldn't people applaud a child's imagination? Inappropriate location to exercise those adventures of the mind was inconsequential. At her request, Daire quickly ordered two butterbeer ice creams. It took no time before they were offered back to him and he took one while offering the other to his sister. "Here ya go."
Perhaps it was simply the Slytherin nature of the younger Grenadine sibling that had kept her from the ennui her older brother was feeling. Perhaps it was something even more particular, but either way she was in fact entirely unperturbed by the fact she hadn’t had an adventure drop into her path as of yet. And she was also entirely aware of the possibility that her brother envied said nature. Not to the point of mentioning it, but she knew.

Just as she knew it was any day now regarding said adventure. It had to be.

The laugh elicited a grin from the blonde, as well. It was better than staying perturbed by things one couldn’t control. “Not our fault they chose the less imaginative path, dear brother. At least mum and dad never really took their sides during any of those instances.” They were absolutely lucky on that note. Some parents might’ve been angry at the many calls. “Thanks”, she added, upon being offered the ice cream. “Where shall we wander off to now?”
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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