Thread: Butterbeer Cart
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Old 04-20-2024, 01:39 PM   #52 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emmeline Vance
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maria Kingstonsdottir Dolph
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
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Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

It sure was a hot summer, Kion could do with a cool drink or treat or maybe both. His parents were off shopping on their own while he walked around, eventually spotting the cart with a serious queue. Suddenly a cold butterbeer
could wait... or maybe not.

Kion walked over to his recognisable girlfriend, "Hey Maria," He smiled at her before planting a quick kiss on her cheek. "It sure is hot, isn't it?" Adding a light convo before asking, "How are you?" He could do with a nice cool drink.

Maria had just bought her frozen butterbeer, and fudge treat for herslef ans was about to take a sip of the cold dream when her boyfriend surfaced by her side. The day just got 1000 times better. "Hey Kion," she greeted back with a warm loving smile, returning his cheek kiss. "We shouldn't complain i suppose, but yes it's super hot." Maria admitted. Gesturing to the cart behind her she asked "Are you getting yourself a frozen butterbeer too?" Taking a sip of her beverage she sighed with relief. The could drink was just what she needed. "I'm good. I was just taking a beverage break after seeing and catching up with Vera...In an hour or so I have to go meet my dads for book shopping. Now though I'm free.." After taking a bite out of her fudge Maria returned the question. "How have you been Kion? Have you seen Logan any?"
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