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This is a key stepping stone into determining your placement in the Curse Tournament so please take this seriously. A list of spells to use can be found HERE while the cost of physical actions can be found below.
Please note that these actions take away from the Fatigue Points section. Also note that these are only taken into account if you're attacking or avoiding a spell. If you're simply moving around the hall, these points don't need to be considered.
Text Cut: Physical Actions
Roll: 5 pts
Sidestep: 5 pts
Duck: 5 pts
Jump: 5 pts
Dive: 5 pts
Climb: 10 pts
Punch/Kick/Physical Attack OR Defense against physical attack: All points remaining are lost
Physical Inanimate Object Damage: 10 pts
Professor Hirsch will be present to oversee the duels and will only interfere if the duel ends or any foul play or unsportsmanship-like behaviour is displayed.
OOC: This duel must be completed by the 30th of October by 11:59pm GMT. You're required to make a minimum of 3 posts each in that time.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate in contacting me about them or posting them in the Dueling Club Rules thread. If you don't think you can post during that time or you don't think you can start/finish your duel, please let me know as soon as possible and we'll try and work something out.
Remember to keep a track of your points both in the title of your post (before any spells have been cast) and at the end of the post (after your charrie has cast a spell). Please refer to this post if you're confused as to how this works or, simply, come to me. Include as much information as you can about the spell in the spoiler section at the bottom of your post, including the directionality of the spell.
Also remember to be as realistic as possible with your charrie's age and ability.
First person mentioned in the thread title is the first person to start off the duel.
Well, didn't that just figure. Nicky stepped into the arena rolling her neck and shrugging her shoulders. It just had to be Zeke Browne, didn't it. Of course it did. After who she faced last term and her... conversation with Hirsch, she couldn't help but feel just the tiniest bit like the Defense professor was trying to put her in her place.
And that just ticked her off.
With a half-hearted bow, she twisted her wand in her hand, narrowing her eyes at her opponent. No banter this time. She suspected that provoking his ire would not distract him and would instead make him more determined.
Also, how come he got his preferred name and she had to be listed as Nicole? Favoritism. Just like she'd said.
Sufficiently annoyed, Nicky decided that that would be her strategy. Annoyance. "Not gonna have your mom's friends arrest me if I bruise you up, right?" She laughed, making sure she was far enough away not to get hit by the blowback of her own spell, and called out a cracker jinx, conjuring them right at his feet.
She swiftly followed up with a non-verbal fulgari, hoping to bind his arms if he was distracted by the crackers.
SPOILER!!: tracking
spells cast
Cracker Jinx: Conjures exploding wizard crackers, which can be used offensively though they may harm the caster and the target
Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: -5 (if in close proximity/greater force of spell)
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: The proximity and intensity of the spell (or redirection) may cause harm to both the caster and target
Fulgari: Binds opponent's arms in luminous cords
Incantation: Fulgari
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -10
Additional Effects: Target must unbind themselves before can cast/move again
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
By now he was desensitised to Hirsch's interesting choices in opponents for him. Naturally it seemed fitting that he faced-off against a former opponent of Maggie's... someone that was clearly asking to be put in their place. Zeke obliged with his customary bow of respect though whether Nicky deserved it remained to be seen... especially with comments like those.
Despite what some thought, he wasn't dumb, he knew she was trying to get under his skin.
And it worked.
"I'd say you're safe, but it's not them you should worry about." Ha ha. She could trash talk all she wanted, it wouldn't make up for her lack of skill----
.... the second her incantation reached his ears his fingers twitched, reacting his wand traced the movements for his defence, his call of "Protego," just falling short of her first attack - instead stopping a second? The loud cracking of the wizard crackers alerted him to the warm stinging sensation at his legs. Thank Merlin for dueling robes, right? But it had his mind racing, she was apt with non-verbals, which made this a whole different ball game. Two could play at that, because despite not showing off the skill, he possessed it.
First thing first though, "You need to chill," ...
Ironically and with a grin plastered to his face, Zeke cast Bluebell Flames in Nicky's direction, flicking them toward her with fervour. Wand still trained on his opponent's form, he was quick to cast his own non-verbal Freezing Spell her way testing to see how well she could handle distractions.
SPOILER!!: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Protego:Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: nil
Directionality: defending himself
Bluebell Flames: Conjures bluebell flames
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Directionality: At Nicole
Glacius:Changes target into solid ice (i.e. Freezing Spell)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20%
M: 0
F: -20%
Additional Effects: For club purposes the spell will NOT transform the target (if human) into solid ice, but will severely restrict movement as if target was mostly frozen
Chill. As she narrowed her eyes, focusing not just on what he said, but how he moved, Nicky found herself assuming Zeke Brown to be the kind of doofus that would pun during a duel.
Especially if he'd watched her previously.
There were two wand movements she saw from him, though only one spoken incantation, and she knew she needed to be quick. "Protego!" She threw up the shield, bouncing the first spell right back at him as she side-stepped the second. She glanced quickly behind where she'd stood, to see the edge of the arena crackle with frost as it froze.
"Well, aren't you hilarious," she called back toward him. She twirled her wand in her fingers, hoping the increase in movement would mean that he couldn't quite tell when she'd cast a non-verbal.
And that non-verbal was going to be slugus erecto.
Working the actual wand movement into the phantom movements of her wand had taken some practice, but she'd had lots of time over the previous holiday. And as soon as she'd cast, she made sure to keep the wand moving. Perhaps he was observant enough to know she'd cast, but she hoped he'd be distracted enough dealing with the reflected fire spell to not really notice.
SPOILER!!: tracker
spells cast
Protego: Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm)
Incantation: Protego (pro-TAY-goh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15 (if deflecting spell back)
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Directionality: at Zeke
Slugulus Eructo: Causes target to vomit up slugs for ten minutes (i.e. Slug-Vomiting Charm)
Incantation: Slugulus Eructo (slug-YOU-lus eh-RUCK-toe)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: -15
F: 0
Additional Effects: Target cannot cast a spell for the post in which the charm hits them
directionality: at Zeke
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
He was definitely a doofus, and one that could appreciate a good pun. As it was, he was a successful doofus where dueling was concerned so his ego might have taken a blow had he known what Nicole thought about his ability. Rude. Last he checked she wasn't the reigning champion.
What she was, was good, and he wasn't underestimating her. Which is why Zeke too kept light on his feet managing to duck Nicky's deflection. It was disappointing his attempts hadn't gained traction - yet, but he was only getting started. His limbs feeling warm and loose in comparison to moments earlier.
Zeke didn't bother retorting to his opponents words, they were wasted breaths. Instead he had his gaze fixed on her wand, and despite her attempts her charm was not concealed. He'd puked up slugs in this arena once before and he was not keen to repeat that experience for all to see. He'd pass. Heart pumping with adrenaline Zeke jumped out of the way just in time, his only counter was an attack of his own with a hushed "Diminuendo."
Chalk it down to his restless nature, or his Gryffindor-ness, but Zeke tended to favour his feet in his defence over his wand - a habit he hadn't yet curbed, and one that often saw him kiss the floor. Elijah would be disappointed. Nevertheless, he cast a feather-light charm on himself to give himself the edge he needed to keep moving with ease.
SPOILER!!: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Diminuendo:Causes target to shrink Intermediate
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20%
M: -20%
F: -4
Additional Effects: The Finite spell may restore the target back to it's original size, but the lost points will NOT be restored
Directionality: at Nicole
Feather-light Charm:Makes a target extremely light
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: +10
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be cast on caster/target to increase ease of physical movement. Can also be cast on inanimate objects to assist with duel.
Blah blah blah reigning champion. Nicky was less than impressed with Zeke's reputation. Sure, he had skill, but the blonde was convinced that far more of it was privilege, grooming, and Hirsch's unconscious bias in his pairings and rankings. She still thought he was a dull-faced pumpkin head. And she wondered how much of the trash she and Echo talked when they had fun with Maggie was stuff that had made it's way to Zeke. Hmm.
She had no illusions about winning this match. She figured it would be called if she even got anywhere close to it. So her game plan was mostly to irritate him into a mistake. Perhaps run out the clock. Deny him, and in some ways Maggie, the satisfaction of a KO victory.
She couldn't hear the spell he whispered and she was already casting her next spell, muttering "avis" under her breath, the birds popping into existence right in the pathway of Zeke's spell and taking the hit. Well. That was unexpected. Blinking at the now shrunken birds, Nicky wondered if they could be more of a distraction as they were now smaller targets. "Oppugno!" There was no need to disguise it, since what else could she have been trying to cast in that moment.
Maybe they'd peck that stupid face of his.
SPOILER!!: tracker
spell cast
Avis: (Bird conjuring charm); conjures a flock of birds from the tip of the wand
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Must be used with Oppugno to cause damage
Directionality: in the path of Zeke's spell
Oppugno: Causes animals to attack at caster's will
Incantation: Oppugno (oh-PUG-noh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Must be used in conjunction with an animal's name. EACH animal must have it's own spell (one spell per animal).
directionality: directing the birds toward Zeke
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
She could think he was a dull-faced pumpkin head all she wanted at the end of the day he was enjoying himself too much to be bothered by her... or her pesky birds. It had been a shame that they saved her from being small enough to step on... but maybe next time. They were hardly done here.
Oppugno was smart especially as it challenged his strategy of agility, but it was VERY predictable so it took little to no time for him to end it with a clear and concise "Finite." Honestly, if this kept up he'd be bored in no time. Perhaps a wake-up call was needed. "Expulso," he cast coolly in her direction, aiming for the floor beneath her feet. A big of a jolt might make things interesting... no?
Because really, what had she expected? He wasn't daft enough to let the pesky birds last.
SPOILER!!: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Finite:Terminates spell effects
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: MUST be directed at one spell at a time (one Finite for EACH spell desired to be cancelled). Will not cancel everything in the vicinity of the caster. (Finite MUST be cast on EACH spell to cancel them. The exception is spells that combine into ONE big spell: like Oppugo and Avis combine into attacking birds. ONE finite would be required to get rid of the attacking and the birds. If it was say, Rope and Ice, however, these are two separate spells that would need separate Finite's to cancel)
Directionality: at the birdies
Expulso:Causes an explosion by pressure
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -40
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
He could think it was predictable all he wanted. Not that she thought it would lull him into a false sense of security, but she was playing with him just a bit. But as he raised his wand to cast expulso, Nicky was already prepared to get out of the way.
Way out of the way.
Casting the transportation spell on herself, careful enough to keep her voice down so he couldn't quite hear, Nicky Ivers popped right out of sight, the floor exploding where she had once stood. How kind of him to create his own distraction.
As she reappeared behind him, the blonde wasted absolutely no time, casting a strong, softly spoken duro at his back.
Maybe she could get his physicality to match his personality.
SPOILER!!: points tracker
spells cast
Teleportation Spell: Causes target to vanish and reappear at another location
Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
directionality: at self, to end up behind zeke
Duro: Turns target into solid stone
Incantation: Duro (DOO-roh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -60
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -100%
M: -100%
F: -100%
Additional Effects: If used on a dueler and is successful, will end the duel (but will NOT kill or severely injure the person). Spell can be used on other targets to assist with the duel.
directionality: at Zeke's back
spells affected by
transportation spell - moved to other side of arena, behind Zeke
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
He wanted things to get interesting... and so they did. Kinda.
As quickly as he had shot off his spell, Nicky was gone... and all he could do was put 2 and 2 together (like duh, he was on an 'O' for Arithmancy for a reason). He knew she couldn't have concealed herself, those wand movements he was extremely familiar with, so it simple had to mean she'd transported herself and he could hazard a guess as to where.
Being feather-light was advantageous because in that moment it meant his reflexes were quicker than she was. Or so he'd hoped.
Casting "Loricatus," on himself, Zeke felt the subtle weight shift against his skin, as if he was donning a light shirt or a second skin. It was thanks to this temporary armour that he wasn't turned to stone, instead deflecting the Hardening Charm back the way it had come. The slight pinging sound it had made coming off his back gave away her location and he found himself spinning on his heel to face her, grinning. "Incarcerous!" was his next move, one that he would take great pleasure in if he succeeded. She surely couldn't allude him much longer.
SPOILER!!: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Loricatus: Creates a temporary armour against magical and non-magical attacks
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Directionality: on himself
Incarcerous: Ties target up with ropes
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: Target must unbind themselves before can cast/move again
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
There was a lot of trash talk in this duel, wasn't there? It made the duel even more fun to watch but the man couldn't help but wonder if there was some kind of personal vendetta between the two. Sure, it was much better than listening to romantic talk but considering how good the two were, it seemed almost dangerous to be standing here, watching the whole thing unfold.
This duel turned out to be everything he'd hoped it would be. Mostly, challenging, to both participants. Why he hadn't paired them up together before, he didn't know. Both participants seemed to be casting some advanced spells he hadn't seen them cast in the club before, as far as he could remember. Huh.
It was a shame that the duel had to come to a close.
That familiar shield went up again, stopping the ropes before they could get further than a few feet. "Excellent! That was an exceptional duel from both of you. I'm really impressed with the spells cast here." Did his face show it enough? "There can only be one winner, unfortunately, and today, you've taken the lead, Zeke. Impressive work on the advanced magic, Nicky."