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Term 44: September - December 2016 Term Forty-Four: Year of the Poltergeist (Sept 2090 - June 2091)

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Old 10-11-2016, 04:01 AM
MadMadamMalfoy MadMadamMalfoy is offline
Default Charms Lesson 1: Weather You Like it or Not

It's a chilly Winter morning, but not to worry! Professor Marchand has placed a strong heating charm on the classroom. Hopefully it'll keep the room warm enough that the students won't wish to use bluebell flames!

At the back of the classroom is a table bearing a plate of snowflake-shaped sugar cookies, pots of tea and hot cocoa, and enough paper plates and cups for all the students. Please help yourself to some refreshments while you wait for class to begin! The desks are arranged in two long lines along the left and right walls, while the middle of the room remains empty. Sitting on each desk is an empty plastic bottle. What's it for? Only time will tell...

As you walk in, you'll find Professor Marchand leaning against the wall at the front of the room, eagerly awaiting the arrival of his students.

OOC: Welcome to the first OOC Charms lesson! Please make sure you're familiar with Professor Marchand's class rules and all SS site rules. Class will be starting in about 24 hours CLASS HAS STARTED!.

Class Progression:

Name something about weather charms
Solis Lucidem / Meteolojinx Recanto
CLASS ACTIVITY: Weather in a Bottle
Old 10-13-2016, 09:08 PM   #51 (permalink)

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Cal shielded his eyes against the sunlight dawning on them during the professor's demonstration. "Solis Lucidum..." He mumbled to himself, repeating the spell incantation over and over until the stutter subsided. The sixteen year old mimicked the movement with his finger. The counterspell was going to be a little harder.

Cal chewed on his lip, preparing the word in his head before actually speaking it out loud. "" Glancing around, he pointed his wand at somebody else's already conjured sunlight and casted the counterspell, "Metolojinx Recanto." Half the effort done.
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Old 10-13-2016, 10:21 PM   #52 (permalink)

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Say what?

Not only did Professor Marchand like her answer, but he gave her house points for it. To say Cassie was taken aback was an understatement but she tried not to show it and make things weird. “Thank you, Professor,” she returned quietly before things moved on and the mention of the spells of the day was given out for them to learn. The first, a sunlight charm…sounded cheery. And definitely one that would work with her mentioned thoughts. Perhaps that was part of the reason the man had been pleased with her answer. She couldn’t help but wonder what the other non-counterspell was.

Cass jotted down the title as well as the incantation and wand movement to the sunlight charm into her notes. The Ravenclaw watching the demonstration with quiet interest. A warm and sunny scene developing in response,.Solis Lucidem… Solis Lucidem. The third year mouthing it, trying to get a feel for the words. And then there was the countercurse… Meteolojinx Recanto. A spell that was even more of a mouthful. “Meteolojinx Recanto…” she spoke quietly over and over almost to herself as she got up to her feet to move to the middle of the room as directed.

Right…not too close.

“Solis Lucidem…” she tried for herself, making the circular shape like a sun as Marchand had. Nothing really happened in response. “Solis Lucidem…”
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Old 10-14-2016, 12:00 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Nat sat quietly as the professor spoke of the spell. She watched as the sun showed above the desks. Staring at it almost mesmerized by the glow. To soon it was gone and she blinked as the spots came from staring into it to long. Blinking around the room she caught sight of Cal and looked back to the front. Today she needed to focus and she liked the sun. In the cold winter months the sun in the classroom was so welcomed.

When it was time for them to start practicing Nat pulled her wand and thought about the spell. She thought about the warmth of the sun and how much she missed it in these cold months. Doing the movement, "Solis Lucidum" The ball of light sat above her and she smiled looking at it. It was warm and she could stand in front of it all day really. Why would she want to do the counter spell when she had a sun of her own.
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Old 10-14-2016, 12:06 AM   #54 (permalink)

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Her quick quotes quill (which had been writing down everything) snapped in half right in the middle of the professor's explanation at weather charms. "Merlin!" she swore quietly as she placed the two broken pieces into her purse. Oh well. The rest of the lesson she'd have to just remember.

Solis Lucidum was the kind of spell Kitty liked learning. It was a comfort spell that didn't seem hard at all. Of course, she understood what the professor meant about not standing too close to someone. Negating the effects of someone else's heating charm spell wasn't all that bad but doubling it could be unpleasant. She stood up and moved into a spot eight and a half feet away from the nearest student. "Solis Lucidum!" First she practiced the incantation. The words rolled off her tongue easily enough so next she moved to making the circular movement with her wand. Then she combined it. "Solis Lucidum!" It worked! A beam of sunlight shone down on her from above.

She looked at the others with their beams of sunlight, and she had to admit: this was pretty cool.
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Old 10-14-2016, 01:32 AM   #55 (permalink)

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Rula scribbled down some notes on weather charms as well as the incantations and wand movements for the first two that were demonstrated. She was actually pretty excited to try the sun one out. How cool was it to have a mini sun inside?! Even if it wasn't really a sun, but it was close enough!

She pulled out her wand but didn't move it as she practiced pronouncing them first. "So-lis Lu-cid-ium. Sol- Wait. Lucidum. Lucidum. Solis Lucidum." Yeah, that was it. Not too bad.

The second one was a bit of a mouthful though. "Me-teo-lo-jinx Re-cant-o. Meteolojinx Recanto. Meteolojinx Recanto." Not too bad once she got used to it though.

The wand movement for the sun was just a circle, and the other was just pointing, so she didn't feel like she needed to practice those separately. So time for the actual practice!

"Solis Lucidum!" She moved her wand in a circular motion, and...nothing.


It took several more tries with varying levels of success - on one attempt, she got the little sun to finally appear, but it disappeared after just a second or so. Then, finally, as she moved her wand in a circle again, the little sun shone down again...and appeared to be staying. Yes!

"Meteolojinx Recanto!" Rula pointed her wand at it, and it disappeared. At least that part wasn't too hard!
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Old 10-14-2016, 02:19 AM   #56 (permalink)

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Jonas got up from his desk and stood where the professor said to. When he was there, he pointed and circled his wand.
"Solis Lucidum!" he called out.
He frowned as nothing happened.
"Seriously??" he said and frowned.
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Old 10-14-2016, 03:48 AM   #57 (permalink)

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Miranda beamed as Prosseor Marchand awarded her 5 points... And was completely relieved she hadn't asked a stupid question... she sat and absorbed about every word the new charms professor was saying about the charms they'd be using during class....

After being instructed to practice a couple she got up from her seat and made her way to the space provided.. Before even taking out her wand she repeated the incantation and it's counter curse in her head a few times until she was sure she'd pronounce it properly... Prepared ... She pulled her wand from it's pocket within her robes.

" Solis Lucidum" Randa said confidently as she pointed her wand.... within in seconds sunlight was radiating out of a little sunball like thing in front of her...

" Meteolojinx Recanto!" Wide eyed and half blinded by the tiny sunballs popping up in front of her face now... She stepped back and blinked the spots from her eyes...
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Old 10-14-2016, 04:08 AM   #58 (permalink)

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Azura blinked in the sunlight that she had created and she hurriedly thought up the countercurse for it! Meteolojinx Recanto. She rolled around the spell in her head a few times. Meteolojinx Recanto.Meteolojinx Recanto. She had her wand pointed at the sunlight as she thought the spell and...

The light flickered..


There was no way.. it was too early for non verbal magic! She had tried last year and failed.. she bit her lip and shook her head..

She aimed her wand at the sunlight and said " Meteolojinx Recanto! "

There! The light went out.. phew.. and weird.
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Old 10-14-2016, 04:47 AM   #59 (permalink)

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Weather charms, though! Olivia had never thought to attempt this type of magic before and it both excited and slightly intimidated her, but nonetheless. She was here to try her best and get it done!

Stuffing her things back into her school bag, the blonde stood and casually made her way to the center of the classroom... before breaking off and finding a space of her own to practice. Professor Gaston had mentioned that this spell could combined and grow bigger with multiple castings, and while that sounded exciting and fun... Well, Liv didn't want to hurt herself today. She hard too many exciting things going on in her life right now to risk it.


Solis Lucidum. It was currently being muttered over and over again beneath her breath. That was the trick, you know? Get the pronunciation down and then the wand motion, and then actually practice it out loud. Well, that was HER process. Everyone could do things a bit differently...

Breath in. Breath out.

"Solis Lucidum!" Maneuvering her wand, she shot the magic up into the air.... but then again, there wasn't... any magic? What? Lowering her wand, Liv regarded the tip of it carefully. The spell hadn't worked... Well, obviously this was okay. First time performing it and all. She just... whew, needed to get her mind in the game. It was probably a concentration thing or something. Huh. She wasn't about to give up, anyway.

With a few more breaths, the blonde poised her wand once more. "Solis Lucidum!" Paired with her wand motions, the tip flickered slightly, but as far as projecting sunshine up into the air... Well, that, again, hadn't happened. And as much as her friends believed her to be kind and lovely, this particular Gryffindor had a temper to rival any other. So, getting just a touch angry, she gripped her wand all the more tightly, eyes narrowing just a little as she refocused her energy and magic.

"Solis Lucidum!" And... FINALLY. LET THERE BE LIGHT.

Flinging it up into the air, Olivia took a moment to twirl and triumphantly pump her fist into the air. AWW, YASS! Did everyone see!? Guh, success was wonderful and it was so awesome finally performing something that would work. Unlike other areas of magic. It was a nice change, you know?

Now, to kill the sunshine... What had that spell been again?

Meteolojinx Recanto?? Was that right?

It wasn't performed right away. No... Several moments passed where she simply uttered the spell to herself and wiggled her wand around appropriately. This was necessary for Liv, as if she didn't get a handled on it from the beginning, disastrous things could happen. It was known. It had happened before. It would probably happen again at some point, but hopefully that wouldn't be today. Hopefully.

.... Aww, but she liked the sunshine. Did she have to kill it right away? Couldn't she just bask in it for a while? It'd been so cold these last several weeks. To finally feel the warmth of the sun on her face again... It was just amazing, you know? Wonderful, amazing, nostalgic. Hehe.

Pointing her wand upward, she half-heartedly said, "Meteolojinx Recanto.".......... and apparently something had went wrong. Instead of disappearing, the ball of sunshine, started growing, expanding outward.... ?!?!?!?!?! What?!?! Er. NO, NO, NOOOOO.

Breath. BREATH. Focus. OMG. FIX IT.

"Meteolojinx Recanto!" POINT!....... POINT!!!!

Whew... Okay, it was... It was shrinking again. Merlin's sock. That had been terrifying. O.O
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Old 10-14-2016, 11:39 AM   #60 (permalink)

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Default Practice post # 2
1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me!

Miranda was somewhat happy with her first attempt , but didn't like that there was a slight hinderance to the charms effectiveness... So , naturally being the little perfectionist that she was she decided that more practice was needed... much more... In fact she was planning on using every second she had in class to get it down perfectly...

Again wand pointed and laser focus on the incantation and it's counter curse ready.. Mentally going over them once more before speaking again...
" Solis lucidum.." It took but a moment and there before her was her little sunball again...

She watched it hover before her for a moment... It was pretty cool how with simple words near everything imaginable was possible... She was in love with the power of words.. But still... To stop the spell she pointed her wand at the tiny ball of light and heat...

" Meteolojinx recanto! " Randa exclaimed and poof went her little ball of light...

She practiced this over and again several times as she waited for Professor Marchand to call order back to the class and resume the lesson.
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Old 10-14-2016, 12:27 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Jonas, Rula, & Liv
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Alright so that was pretty easy. Get out of your seats, blah blah circle wand movement. Any questions? Eh. Just one.
"How would weather charms work anyways?" Jonas asked. "I mean, you cant just create something out of nothing."
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Jonas got up from his desk and stood where the professor said to. When he was there, he pointed and circled his wand.
"Solis Lucidum!" he called out.
He frowned as nothing happened.
"Seriously??" he said and frowned.
Gaston stood beside his desk and watched as his students dispersed, waiting for to answer any questions they had. And it didn't take long before Mr. Emery spoke! How did weather charms work? Well, that was a complicated question to answer... How should he put it? "Weather charms don't so much create weather out of nowhere but change existing conditions," he said. "All the components to create any kind of weather are already in the atmosphere; the charm just helps to bring them out." Did that make sense?

He couldn't help but notice that the boy was struggling with the spell and seemed to be getting frustrated. The thought crossed his mind to offer help, but he decided to let the boy come to him instead. "Keep trying, Mr. Emery," he said with an encouraging smile. "Practice makes perfect."

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Rula scribbled down some notes on weather charms as well as the incantations and wand movements for the first two that were demonstrated. She was actually pretty excited to try the sun one out. How cool was it to have a mini sun inside?! Even if it wasn't really a sun, but it was close enough!

She pulled out her wand but didn't move it as she practiced pronouncing them first. "So-lis Lu-cid-ium. Sol- Wait. Lucidum. Lucidum. Solis Lucidum." Yeah, that was it. Not too bad.

The second one was a bit of a mouthful though. "Me-teo-lo-jinx Re-cant-o. Meteolojinx Recanto. Meteolojinx Recanto." Not too bad once she got used to it though.

The wand movement for the sun was just a circle, and the other was just pointing, so she didn't feel like she needed to practice those separately. So time for the actual practice!

"Solis Lucidum!" She moved her wand in a circular motion, and...nothing.


It took several more tries with varying levels of success - on one attempt, she got the little sun to finally appear, but it disappeared after just a second or so. Then, finally, as she moved her wand in a circle again, the little sun shone down again...and appeared to be staying. Yes!

"Meteolojinx Recanto!" Rula pointed her wand at it, and it disappeared. At least that part wasn't too hard!
As Gaston watched the students practicing, he soon saw that Mr. Emery wasn't the only one having a hard time with the charm. He kept a watchful eye on Miss Botros as she tried and failed to cast the spell. One time he thought she had it, but the sun she conjured almost immediately went out. Oh, so close! When the girl succeeded, he applauded. "Excellent work, Miss Botros! I knew you could do it!"

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Weather charms, though! Olivia had never thought to attempt this type of magic before and it both excited and slightly intimidated her, but nonetheless. She was here to try her best and get it done!

Stuffing her things back into her school bag, the blonde stood and casually made her way to the center of the classroom... before breaking off and finding a space of her own to practice. Professor Gaston had mentioned that this spell could combined and grow bigger with multiple castings, and while that sounded exciting and fun... Well, Liv didn't want to hurt herself today. She hard too many exciting things going on in her life right now to risk it.


Solis Lucidum. It was currently being muttered over and over again beneath her breath. That was the trick, you know? Get the pronunciation down and then the wand motion, and then actually practice it out loud. Well, that was HER process. Everyone could do things a bit differently...

Breath in. Breath out.

"Solis Lucidum!" Maneuvering her wand, she shot the magic up into the air.... but then again, there wasn't... any magic? What? Lowering her wand, Liv regarded the tip of it carefully. The spell hadn't worked... Well, obviously this was okay. First time performing it and all. She just... whew, needed to get her mind in the game. It was probably a concentration thing or something. Huh. She wasn't about to give up, anyway.

With a few more breaths, the blonde poised her wand once more. "Solis Lucidum!" Paired with her wand motions, the tip flickered slightly, but as far as projecting sunshine up into the air... Well, that, again, hadn't happened. And as much as her friends believed her to be kind and lovely, this particular Gryffindor had a temper to rival any other. So, getting just a touch angry, she gripped her wand all the more tightly, eyes narrowing just a little as she refocused her energy and magic.

"Solis Lucidum!" And... FINALLY. LET THERE BE LIGHT.

Flinging it up into the air, Olivia took a moment to twirl and triumphantly pump her fist into the air. AWW, YASS! Did everyone see!? Guh, success was wonderful and it was so awesome finally performing something that would work. Unlike other areas of magic. It was a nice change, you know?

Now, to kill the sunshine... What had that spell been again?

Meteolojinx Recanto?? Was that right?

It wasn't performed right away. No... Several moments passed where she simply uttered the spell to herself and wiggled her wand around appropriately. This was necessary for Liv, as if she didn't get a handled on it from the beginning, disastrous things could happen. It was known. It had happened before. It would probably happen again at some point, but hopefully that wouldn't be today. Hopefully.

.... Aww, but she liked the sunshine. Did she have to kill it right away? Couldn't she just bask in it for a while? It'd been so cold these last several weeks. To finally feel the warmth of the sun on her face again... It was just amazing, you know? Wonderful, amazing, nostalgic. Hehe.

Pointing her wand upward, she half-heartedly said, "Meteolojinx Recanto.".......... and apparently something had went wrong. Instead of disappearing, the ball of sunshine, started growing, expanding outward.... ?!?!?!?!?! What?!?! Er. NO, NO, NOOOOO.

Breath. BREATH. Focus. OMG. FIX IT.

"Meteolojinx Recanto!" POINT!....... POINT!!!!

Whew... Okay, it was... It was shrinking again. Merlin's sock. That had been terrifying. O.O
And another student struggling! Gaston watched Miss Phillips try unsuccessfully to produce a sun a few times, and it looked like she too was beginning to get frustrated. "Don't give up, Miss Phillips!" he encouraged the Gryffindor girl.

He thought her struggle was over once she'd cast the sunlight charm, but more problems followed when she tried the countercurse He automatically reached for his wand when he saw the sun growing instead of shrinking like it was supposed to, poised to react before it grew enough to burn or blind anyone. But before he needed to intervene, Miss Phillips successfully made it disappear. It looked like he'd finally found an occasion to award points to Gryffindor! "See? Nicely done, Miss Phillips!" he said, beaming at her. "Five points to Gryffindor for your perseverance and quick reaction to a potentially dangerous situation."

Gaston glanced at his watch. About ten minutes had passed, which meant it was time to move on. "Well done, class!" he said, again moving toward the middle of the room. "If you still haven't managed to cast the sunlight charm, you'll have another chance later, but for now we must move on..."

He gave the class a moment or two to stop what they were doing before continuing, "Now then, the other weather charm we're doing today produces the opposite effect of the first, namely a rain charm. For the purposes of practicing, everything in this room, except yourselves and anything you brought in with you, has been charmed to resist water. For those of you who wish to cast the same spell on yourselves or your belongings, the incantation is Impervius. Older students, please help your classmates with this if needed. For the rest of you..." With a flick of his wand, rain coats and hats appeared at each desk.

The Frenchman paused to give his students time to cast their Impervius charms and/or put on their rain gear. "This spell is a bit more difficult than the other one, but not exceedingly so," he said. "The incantation is Lluvia, pronounced Yoo-vee-uh." He aimed his wand toward the ceiling over his own desk so the students wouldn't be caught unprepared in the downpour, tracing a teardrop shape as he repeated the spell. A dark cloud appeared, pouring rain over Gaston's desk until he waved his wand again, and it vanished. "I'll give you a few minutes to practice this spell before we move on to today's activity. Go to it!"

OOC: We'll be moving on again in 20-24 HOURS. Happy practicing!
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Old 10-14-2016, 01:13 PM   #62 (permalink)

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Solis Lucidum.

Nodding her head as the professor spoke, Paige practiced the wand movement while she listened with the intent being she work on the fluidity of her movements. And maybe, quite the big maybe really, she could even attempt this one nonverbal after a few rounds...but she wasn't really willing to push her luck. This particular weather charm had caused her a bit of grief back when she had first practiced it when Professor Myers had taken over for Head of House and she was trying to create a bit of a greenhouse environment around her bed.

There were some scorch marks to prove it still on the bedpost.

Focusing her attention on consolidating her sunshine to just occurring above her desk, Paige straightened her posture and raised her wand. "Solis Lucidum," she said calmly and confidently, sunlight shining down on her and her desk and creating a sort of angelic glow around her - warm too. Content, Paige flourished her wand once again to undo the sun. "Meteolojinx Recanto."

Now...should she push her luck and try for nonverbal or...

SPOILER!!: Jonas :3
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Alright so that was pretty easy. Get out of your seats, blah blah circle wand movement. Any questions? Eh. Just one.
"How would weather charms work anyways?" Jonas asked. "I mean, you cant just create something out of nothing."
Originally Posted by 2111jen View Post
Jonas got up from his desk and stood where the professor said to. When he was there, he pointed and circled his wand.
"Solis Lucidum!" he called out.
He frowned as nothing happened.
"Seriously??" he said and frowned.

Professor Marchand had already address the Slytherin's question, but given her close proximity to the younger student, well, she couldn't help but overhear. "Modifying air molecules," she whispered, her tone implying that the scientific aspect actually made sense to her but the reality being that she was merely repeating the words of their former Astronomy professor. "Relax," she added, rolling her own shoulders for emphasis. "Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize the desired effect and try again."

Some unsolicited Hufflepuff advice for you.

Professor Marchand was back again, instructing them on yet another - oh rain!

Bouncing a bit in place, Paige first set to applying Impervius to herself and her belongings - did that mean she no longer required the use of the raincoat and hat? Maybe she would just wear the hat to keep her hair from frizzing to terribly...although the friction from the hat could do that too.

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Old 10-14-2016, 01:29 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

One might think that Natalia Franks-Mundie was in a trance of some sort. She was just staring, staring at the sun. It was so warm and she didn't want it to end, but knew she had to do the other spell. She had no clue what was going on the class around her. She was just enjoying the moment with the spell. Her eyes wondered around the classroom.

Finally they moved back to the sun she created and she pointed her wand, " Meteolojinx Recanto" Way to soon did the sun disappear and she felt the cold come back towards her. She sighed and just sat quietly thinking about how useful this spell would be in the dorm when she needed the sun.

...and it was time to move on. She looked up at the professor started talking again. Rain? Well wasn't that depressing after just having the sun. Looking at her things she protected them, "Impervius" Her eyes moved to the ones beside her, "Need any help with getting the charm on your things?"
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Old 10-14-2016, 03:45 PM   #64 (permalink)

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The class was moving on a little quicker than she had expected. "Meteolojinx Recanto," said Kitty reluctantly, hesitant to give up her beam of sunlight. It vanished, taking the heat with it. Oh well.

And since Kitty most certainly did not want her precious things to be drenched in water, she pointed her wand at her purse and necklace and said, "Impervius!" There that should do it. She was content to take the raincoat for herself. While Impervius might repel more water than a coat, she didn't like the idea of not knowing for sure if her spell worked until getting drenched in water. Maybe it was just being raised like a Muggle for most of her life, but for some things she was still a little more trusting of the Muggle, visible way of doing things. So she took the raincoat and put it on.

"Does anyone need help with Impervius?" asked Kitty, turning to the students next to her.
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Old 10-14-2016, 06:17 PM   #65 (permalink)

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After having practiced the first weather charm Professor Marchand called order to the room. So, of course Miranda stopped and listened to further instruction.

Ooh! Another weather charm?.. This was turning into a great lesson and Randa was all about it... This being her best and most favourite of all classes. It seemed Professor Marchand was a capable teacher... For which Miranda was very happy.

So first she would try the charm to keep herself dry... It was always smart to try new spells whenever you had the chance as far as she was concerned. So.. As before she said the incantation over in head a few times before pointing her wand directly at herself... Oh geeze she hoped she wouldn't hex herself on accident or something... How flippin' embarassing would that be?.... She had to shake the fear of it and settle herself before starting to speak.

" Impervius!" .... she said clearly. At first she couldn't tell if the charm had worked so... She decided to try it out. She took an empty cup from her bag , " Aguamenti.." Filling it with a bit of water and poured it on her sleeve.... ' Holy crap! It worked!' , she thought to herself. Brightening at the thought of having done it on the first go.
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Old 10-14-2016, 06:36 PM   #66 (permalink)

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It didn't appear that any of her fellow students needed her help with Impervius, but since she was a prefect she waited a few more moments to be certain before continuing with practicing the next spell. She adjusted her raincoat and tightened it, pulling the hood up over her head and adjusting her turtleneck for maximum protection.

"Yoo-vee-uh...Yoo-vee-uh..." Kitty practiced pronunciation first. It was an easy enough word to say. She remembered back in her first year when pronouncing words like this made her very nervous. Now she was much more confident. Finally she took out her wand and pointed it at the ceiling over her desk. "LLUVIA!"

A gray cloud appeared over her desk but it didn't start raining. It looked like it might any moment though. "Did I do it right professor?" Kitty asked. 'It's not really raining..."
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Old 10-14-2016, 06:37 PM   #67 (permalink)

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Oh ok magic time huzzah!

Tenacius watched the Charms man pretty intently, because weather charms are cool and being able to control a bit of the weather makes him feel like he's part of the X-Men you know? Teenage boy imaginings mmhm.

But right the sun charm first. And yes he really wants to nail this down quick because this place can use some sun! "Solis Lucidum..." he repeated the incantation several times to himself. And the wand stroke is apparently just a circle in the air. Pretty straight forward right?

He suddenly had recollections of doing the light charm, which he uses pretty much daily. This could be something like that innit? "Solis Lucidum!" he chanted confidently, swirling the wand tip into a circle in the air. And there it was, a mini sun bright and twinkly above his head.

So next would be the counter spell innit? Aww he really didnt want to make his little sun go away, so he practiced the counter spell first several times, all the while watching his little conjured sun starts to wane.... and POOF! is vanished. Didnt need for a counter curse if the spell wasnt that long lasting innit?

And they were moving onto the rain charm. One step closer to becoming like Storm! Ok but first they need to water proof themselves.... The Gryffindor uttered the wand stroke and the spell over himself "Impervius....". Does this work? One way to find out....

So wand stroke looks simple. That rain spell though? Tricky to say "Yoob... Yooveeuh"

++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++

Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++
+++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
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Old 10-14-2016, 08:13 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
It didn't appear that any of her fellow students needed her help with Impervius, but since she was a prefect she waited a few more moments to be certain before continuing with practicing the next spell. She adjusted her raincoat and tightened it, pulling the hood up over her head and adjusting her turtleneck for maximum protection.

"Yoo-vee-uh...Yoo-vee-uh..." Kitty practiced pronunciation first. It was an easy enough word to say. She remembered back in her first year when pronouncing words like this made her very nervous. Now she was much more confident. Finally she took out her wand and pointed it at the ceiling over her desk. "LLUVIA!"

A gray cloud appeared over her desk but it didn't start raining. It looked like it might any moment though. "Did I do it right professor?" Kitty asked. 'It's not really raining..."

Gaston kept a watchful eye on his class as they went about practicing the spell they'd just learned, his hand gripping his wand, just in case anything should go wrong. He beamed at Miss Skeeter, Miss Franks-Mundie, and Miss Valentine as they offered to help their classmates. it warmed his heart to see his students being so kind to one another!

Miss Valentine's voice caught his attention, asking if she'd performed the spell correctly, and he wheeled around to face her... and the gray cloud above her desk that looked like it might start raining any time. "Yes, i believe you have," he replied. "Sometimes these things just take time. Give it a few moments, and then if it hasn't started raining, try again."

OOC: Don't worry! You still have AT LEAST 14 HOURS left to practice
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Old 10-14-2016, 08:29 PM   #69 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Solis Lucidum.

Nodding her head as the professor spoke, Paige practiced the wand movement while she listened with the intent being she work on the fluidity of her movements. And maybe, quite the big maybe really, she could even attempt this one nonverbal after a few rounds...but she wasn't really willing to push her luck. This particular weather charm had caused her a bit of grief back when she had first practiced it when Professor Myers had taken over for Head of House and she was trying to create a bit of a greenhouse environment around her bed.

There were some scorch marks to prove it still on the bedpost.

Focusing her attention on consolidating her sunshine to just occurring above her desk, Paige straightened her posture and raised her wand. "Solis Lucidum," she said calmly and confidently, sunlight shining down on her and her desk and creating a sort of angelic glow around her - warm too. Content, Paige flourished her wand once again to undo the sun. "Meteolojinx Recanto."

Now...should she push her luck and try for nonverbal or...

SPOILER!!: Jonas :3

Professor Marchand had already address the Slytherin's question, but given her close proximity to the younger student, well, she couldn't help but overhear. "Modifying air molecules," she whispered, her tone implying that the scientific aspect actually made sense to her but the reality being that she was merely repeating the words of their former Astronomy professor. "Relax," she added, rolling her own shoulders for emphasis. "Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize the desired effect and try again."

Some unsolicited Hufflepuff advice for you.

Professor Marchand was back again, instructing them on yet another - oh rain!

Bouncing a bit in place, Paige first set to applying Impervius to herself and her belongings - did that mean she no longer required the use of the raincoat and hat? Maybe she would just wear the hat to keep her hair from frizzing to terribly...although the friction from the hat could do that too.

"Solis Lucidum," Jonas said as he pointed his wand picturing light in his head as it would shine through the windows as he closed his eyes. Pretty soon, he could feel the warmth in the air. He had did it! Yay! He opened his eyes.

"Thanks" he said to the hufflepuff.

Last edited by 2111jen; 10-14-2016 at 09:48 PM.
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Old 10-14-2016, 08:44 PM   #70 (permalink)

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A rain charm! That was super cool!

Azura grinned as she pointed her wand at herself and said "Impervius!" There! Now that she was pretty much waterproof she closed her eyes and sounded out the spell in her head. Lluvia,Lluvia. Yoo-vee-uh She sounded out in her head.

The purple eyed girl had a thought and she bit her lip as she raised her wand and made a tear drop movement right over her head. There was no reason to get anyone else wet, yeah?

As she traced the shape she closed her eyes and concentrated hard on the spell, picturing herself saying the spell and a rain cloud forming, but instead of saying the spell out loud..

She thought it.


She opened her eyes and looked up.. not really expecting to see anything.. The Professor had said this was a hard spell.. and sure enough.. Nothing.

Once again she traced a tear drop shape in the air with her wand but this time said "Lluvia!"

A smile formed on her face as she looked up to see the cloud forming and felt water fall on her cheeks..
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Old 10-14-2016, 08:56 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft View Post
A rain charm! That was super cool!

Azura grinned as she pointed her wand at herself and said "Impervius!" There! Now that she was pretty much waterproof she closed her eyes and sounded out the spell in her head. Lluvia,Lluvia. Yoo-vee-uh She sounded out in her head.

The purple eyed girl had a thought and she bit her lip as she raised her wand and made a tear drop movement right over her head. There was no reason to get anyone else wet, yeah?

As she traced the shape she closed her eyes and concentrated hard on the spell, picturing herself saying the spell and a rain cloud forming, but instead of saying the spell out loud..

She thought it.


She opened her eyes and looked up.. not really expecting to see anything.. The Professor had said this was a hard spell.. and sure enough.. Nothing.

Once again she traced a tear drop shape in the air with her wand but this time said "Lluvia!"

A smile formed on her face as she looked up to see the cloud forming and felt water fall on her cheeks..
Harvey watched the students around him start casting the charm. The class was soon filled with the pattering of raindrops.

Great. He was totally going to get soaked at this rate. Knowing his luck he'd end up charming a bucketful of water rather than a cloud with rain. And he really wasn't good with the Impervious charm....

'Impervius!" he whispered, his eyes closed. Nothing.

Reaching out a hand under the cloud of the girl next to him (who had managed this spell, he saw it!) he felt the water on it immediately. Great.

Unless someone took pity on him, he would just end up being soaked and freezing.
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Old 10-15-2016, 02:24 AM   #72 (permalink)

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Okay so Miranda was all water proof and so she repeated the incantation and waterproofed her bag and things as well... Now for that screwie sounding charm that sounded nothing like it spelling... As she did every time she went over the charm mentally until she was happy with her pronounciation.. And for some reason she kept wanting to say the "L" sound in it's spelling.. Actually there were 2 L's and ... She was getting frustrated... she needed to slow her brain down... So she took in a deep cleansing breath and exhaled... Right ... " Yooveeahh, yooveeaahh, yooveeaahh" Mkay... she was ready now...

Miranda got up once more and went to the practice area and pointed her wand again at the space in front of her, " Lluvia"...

Whoa! A tiny rain cloud pouring over and down upon her.. This was definitely the best class so far this term.. Randa had decided that right there and then as she watched her rain for a few minutes before turning it off...

" Meteolojinx Recanto! " And just like that her bit of rain was gone...
She really did like the way this new professor taught... Marchand was no Primeaux , But still as close as they could get... As long as she was learning and interested in classes Randa would be good to go...
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Old 10-15-2016, 02:35 AM   #73 (permalink)
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Her help wasn't needed, not that she was surprised. No one truly needed her help. She looked at her things and pointed the wand at herself. Making sure her own close were protected. Brown eyes moving around to watch the rest of the class a bit before she needed to focus on her own charm. She just wanted to bring the sun back. The sun was warm and bright. The rain was just depressing and she had enough depressing lately.

Looking at the spell and thinking about it first Nat moved her wand like the professor had said, "Lluvia" She watched as the cloud formed and little drops of water started to come down and hit her in the face. She closed her eyes and let the water hit her. She couldn't help but smile that she was able to do both charms rather easily. Most people would just assume a six year would be able to, but Nat knew she had come a long way in just two years.

This was actually kind of fun.
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Old 10-15-2016, 04:59 AM   #74 (permalink)

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“Solis Lucidem!... “Solis Lucidem…”

Cassie practiced and practiced the sunlight spell until she finally managed a small ray of light to appear on the command of the spell. Better than nothing, she supposed, but she’d be working on it to get a better result. However, now would not be the time to do it as they were moving on, with not one but TWO other spells. Well one was an option in how to deal with the outcome of the second, but still. The main focus was on the rain charm which was something that seemed kinda appropriate given rain was sort of an opposite of sun in a way.

As for the optional protection spell, the third year wasn’t all too worried about her person, it was more her bag and supplies. Water could be damaging, especially to parchment and paper items. “Impervius!” she tried, aiming on her belongings after packing them all away in her bag. She tried it a few more times before she was satisfied there was some sort of protection there. Cass then repeated the spell on her head and robes. Now to cause the rain that tested to see if she had done it all right. Else she was getting a little wet.

The Ravenclaw listened closely Professor Marchand explained the rain charm, paying attention to what she needed to know to cast it as well as add to her notes later on. The notes currently put away in safety. Maybe if she had been more certain of her successful casting she would have chanced attempted to protect the sheets outside her bag. But for this, she was memorizing stuff. And then trying it out on her own…just how hard was tracing a teardrop shape above you? “Lluvia…Yoo-vee-uh…Lluvia…Llu-vi-a!” Her lips worked out the incantation even before she added the more trying wand movement.

It took her third try to produce the cloud…the fifth to get precipitation.
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Old 10-15-2016, 05:30 AM   #75 (permalink)

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Jonas then used the spell to make the sunshine go away. So he could move onto rain. Let's see...what was it again?? Oh yeah. Jonas pointed.
"Meteolojinx Recanto." he called out and the sunlight disappeared. Yay! Alright so let's see. Rain, need to make rain.
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