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Term 34: May - August 2013 Term Thirty-Four: Poor in Fund$ but Rich in Ice Cream (September 2080 - June 2081)

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Old 12-27-2012, 10:22 PM
BanaBatGirl BanaBatGirl is offline
quill Staff Dais

The school staff are seated on a high, dusty dais overlooking the Great Hall. You may approach them for conversation, but they deserve a peaceful meal as much as anyone else.
Old 05-27-2013, 03:28 AM   #2 (permalink)
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The Headmistress led the charge to the tables, once she had paid her entry into the Great Hall, of course. She sat down at the table and surveyed the somewhat decent spread with her nose in the air. Not bad for tea time, but still not up to Hogwarts' usual service. Still, it would do, and Toddles, Pinky, and the few other elves that had been donated could hardly be blamed. There was at least tea and hot chocolate, biscuits and cookies of several varieties, and the usual amount of sugary ice cream. She was starting to think that was the only thing Toddles knew how to make since it came out of that machine.... but oh well, she wasn't one to break her diet. Not even on game day.

The redhead pulled a plate of fat-free biscuits her way and poured herself a cup of tea to go along with it. Now then, would the rest of her team be joining her?

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Old 05-28-2013, 01:46 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Default After student/Staff Quidditch match
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Callie payed the 10 stupid knuts to the stupid machine to let her into the Great Hall so she could get something to eat before she went back up to her office.

The Quidditch match had just ended and she had felt bad for changing her mind about playing at the last minute because of her lack of trust in her flying skills the whole time. She had planned on joining her co-workers and the students on the pitch afterwards to congratulate them all the same but she had seen something that had annoyed her; something she didn't really understand why it did.

The blonde sighed again before shoving half a muffin into her mouth.

Last edited by DanialRadFAN01; 05-28-2013 at 01:26 PM.
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Old 05-28-2013, 08:27 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
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Default *drags Medea with us* For Callie & Bunz :3
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Airey was more than happy to paid the ten knut fee to enter the Great Hall and then some. In fact, he was feeling so chipper that he had put in a galleon just so he would not have to waste precious time fishing for coins every single time. NOW he could enjoy the finer things in life.

Like losing a quidditch match, having an ice pack tied to his head with a tie, and skipping through the Great Hall towards the staff dais with Medea's hand in his.

"Fantastic match, Headmistress!" Airey chirped as he skipped by. "It was an HONOR flying with you." Skip skip flash Medea a smile skip skip. "Calista!" HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! "Pity you didn't play with us today. Would have been nice to see you out there."

Airey continued to lead their skipping towards Medea's seat that he then pulled out for her. Eyeing the Divination professor slightly, he leaned over to whisper to the brunette. "What's got her wand in a knot? Reckon she could use some ice cream."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes

Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 05-28-2013 at 12:11 PM.
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Old 05-28-2013, 11:46 AM   #5 (permalink)
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It was only natural to walk around with change in your pockets nowadays at the school, though Medea still had to dig around to find coins to pay the fee. Alas, finding the last coin in her boot, she paid the ten knut fee and hopped passed the turnstile just after Airey.

And all this time she thought it'd been a rock.

Oh gosh, the Headmistress. She skipped a little faster to hide behind Airey until they got around the table. The pieces of red hair just burned through her gloves, it was intense. "Callie!" she beamed, sliding into the seat that was pulled out for her and all around trying to be as small as possible. Despite their seats being so close to the Headmistress, Airey was right! "You should haff played! It vos amazing and exhilarating and not at all like votching from the stands." It was just like gobstones! But... more life threatening.

Her eyebrows raised at Airey's comment, though it did make her REALLY look at Callie. Squinting almost. Hmmm yes...the blonde woman did look somewhat off. Might've been due to the fact that she was eating muffins and not the ice cream.

Squint. "Double scoop?"

Last edited by Roselyn; 05-28-2013 at 06:31 PM. Reason: totally thought he was talking to Callie in that last part >_<
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Old 05-28-2013, 06:02 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Anastasia was calmly nibbling along on a biscuit when her team finally decided to show up and join her. About time! the redhead thought as she watched Flamsteed skip Romanos in.

And watched as he pulled out her chair for her.

Hmmmmmmmmmm nibble nibble nibble.

Hmm hmm.


There wasn't anything going on between these two, was there now? The fact that he'd pulled out the Defense professor's chair was unrelated to why the Divination fogey was looking like she'd sat on a prickly mimbulus mumbletonia? Annie finished her little biscuit and gave a nod to the two anyway.

"Thank you, Flamsteed," she said after a moment. "Same to you. And you, Romanos, good job even though we lost." She eyed the woman suspiciously. "It was.... fun."

And now her hand wanted to go to the back of her head to check for bald spots. Damn snitches, always wanting a grab of the red hair!

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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Old 06-11-2013, 05:27 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Just as she was about to finish the other half of her muffin in a thankfully silent lunch at the Staff table with the Headmistress who seemed to be missing some of her locks a new pair of arrivals made her question her ability to not make herself choke on the pastry.

Did they have to skip together like that? The blonde let her eyes follow the Astronomy and DADA Professors as they made their way behind the table and then sat down--the brunette having her's pulled out for her.

Just lovely.

Callie had been trying her best to ignore all the things her two closest friends on staff had been up to lately but really it was getting to be annoying. She liked them so much but the way they acted towards each other was starting to upset her for reasons. She didn't blame Medea as as much as him.

Now they were going to discuss spots. Joy. Oh it would have been nice? "Thanks Airey, I had hoped to play but I'm afraid we probably would have ended up with fare less points and far more people in the Infirmary if I had joined in." She chuckled dryly before taking a drink of her water.

And then Medea chimed in. She seemed really excited and happy. Good for her. "Glad you had fun Medea."

No words with the Headmistress.
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Old 06-12-2013, 04:32 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Sage Ransom-Kruus
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Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

"Or a quadruple scoop..." he whispered back to Medea.

It was odd, seeing Calista in such a rut. She always seemed to be so carefree and cheerful. Like one of those muggle hippies! Only now she looked as though someone had sucked all the happiness out of her. Odd. Was she really that sad about missing the match?

Taking a moment to grin at the Headmistress, he refrained from making any sort of comments about her hair. Women were weird like that. Caring about how their hair looked and if it was thinning and just how much gel and all that other goop women used. Only he couldn't stop himself from saying something. "Perhaps you should speak with Leobald. I'm sure he has a hair pointer or two."

Yep. Filter was off for whatever reason.

Now back to Calista and Medea. "Don't say that," he said, smile still somewhat obnoxiously plastered across his face. "I would have taken a bludger or two from you if it meant you got to enjoy flying with the rest of us."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 06-13-2013, 05:32 AM   #9 (permalink)
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With a split glance to Airey, her smile reappeared, shaking her head in amusement. If that didn't get Callie back to her ol' self, then, well, she needed time to think. Perhaps it was due to the fact that they lost the match. Oh goodness! Was it her fault Callie was down in the dumps!?

Oh how terrible! She should've tried harder to win!

Speaking of the game, and hair as Airey brought that up, Medea's gaze shifted to the Headmistress. She'd been spotted. "Thank you, Headmistress." she spoke with a hesitant smile, fidgeting in her seat. "You, of course, vere the star of the match."

Slipping her gloves off, she flung them under her seat. Ahem.
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Old 07-08-2013, 06:45 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren View Post
Erik felt a small pinch in his chest when Ivy grinned at him like that, like she hadn't a care in the world and like ice cream was the best thing ever invented. "No," he answered sullenly. How could he be happy when he knew the cause of her faux happiness? And the effects of it?

He sighed and let her drag him along. "Go pick out a table for us." Anywhere but the staff dais, preferably.

Ivy was a happy camper, but she still felt like she belonged at the staff table, regardless of how much ice cream was in her system. So, she tugged Erik along with a little spring in her step, completely oblivious to the fact that he was being a sourpuss.

"Riiiight here," she said walking up to the staff table. OOOooh, she wanted to sit in the Headmistress' chair today. Ivy pulled out the big chair in the middle and plopped herself down in it with a big grin. "That's more like it." She was pretty sure this chair was ten times comfier than the others.

Ivy summoned herself a bowl and dished herself up some more ice cream (man, it was good stuff!), glancing over at Erik. "You want some? It's gooooooooood." PINKY PROMISE.

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Old 07-08-2013, 10:04 PM   #11 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post

Ivy was a happy camper, but she still felt like she belonged at the staff table, regardless of how much ice cream was in her system. So, she tugged Erik along with a little spring in her step, completely oblivious to the fact that he was being a sourpuss.

"Riiiight here," she said walking up to the staff table. OOOooh, she wanted to sit in the Headmistress' chair today. Ivy pulled out the big chair in the middle and plopped herself down in it with a big grin. "That's more like it." She was pretty sure this chair was ten times comfier than the others.

Ivy summoned herself a bowl and dished herself up some more ice cream (man, it was good stuff!), glancing over at Erik. "You want some? It's gooooooooood." PINKY PROMISE.
Of course...of course she would want to sit at the staff dais. And in the Headmistress' chair, no less. Erik trudged after her up the steps and paused just in front of the table.

"I don't vink you should sit there, Ivy," he informed her gravely. "Vhat if she comes along?" The last thing he needed was a confrontation with that woman. And while his only ally in the castle was under the influence of ice cream. No no no no no...

He sat down to her right in whoever's chair. "No vhank you," he declined politely. Well. So this was how all their future conversations were going to go. Lovely.
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Old 07-09-2013, 05:49 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren View Post
Of course...of course she would want to sit at the staff dais. And in the Headmistress' chair, no less. Erik trudged after her up the steps and paused just in front of the table.

"I don't vink you should sit there, Ivy," he informed her gravely. "Vhat if she comes along?" The last thing he needed was a confrontation with that woman. And while his only ally in the castle was under the influence of ice cream. No no no no no...

He sat down to her right in whoever's chair. "No vhank you," he declined politely. Well. So this was how all their future conversations were going to go. Lovely.
Well pfffffffft. Somebody was being a Debby Downer. Ivy rolled her eyes playfully and made herself comfortable in the Headmistress's chair. "Then she can ask me to move, I'll say no, and she'll have to deal with it, because I am a Hogwarts Governor and I deserve to sit wherever I want." Ivy spooned a bite of ice cream into her mouth with a grin and looked over at Erik. Obviously, he should know that.

"Are you suuuure?" Ivy asked, getting another spoonful of ice cream which she then proceeded to bring closer to Erik in sweeping motions, similar to what a parent would do when pretending their baby's food was an airplane. Heheheh.

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Old 07-09-2013, 09:11 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Well pfffffffft. Somebody was being a Debby Downer. Ivy rolled her eyes playfully and made herself comfortable in the Headmistress's chair. "Then she can ask me to move, I'll say no, and she'll have to deal with it, because I am a Hogwarts Governor and I deserve to sit wherever I want." Ivy spooned a bite of ice cream into her mouth with a grin and looked over at Erik. Obviously, he should know that.

"Are you suuuure?" Ivy asked, getting another spoonful of ice cream which she then proceeded to bring closer to Erik in sweeping motions, similar to what a parent would do when pretending their baby's food was an airplane. Heheheh.
...well it would be pointless to argue with that logic. Erik let out another long sigh and slouched back in his seat. Or whoever's seat it was. If someone came and tried to evict him, he'd just use Ivy's argument. Hogwarts governors could sit where they wanted. Sure.

He shook his head again, a tight frown across his lips. "I am quite sure. And knock vhat off." He put up a hand like a wall barrier to her aeroplane-spoon.
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Old 07-09-2013, 09:45 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren View Post
...well it would be pointless to argue with that logic. Erik let out another long sigh and slouched back in his seat. Or whoever's seat it was. If someone came and tried to evict him, he'd just use Ivy's argument. Hogwarts governors could sit where they wanted. Sure.

He shook his head again, a tight frown across his lips. "I am quite sure. And knock vhat off." He put up a hand like a wall barrier to her aeroplane-spoon.
HaHAAA. Couldn't fight that one, could ya?!

A signature Ivy Knox scowl crossed her face just briefly when Erik blocked her ice cream. Ivy stuck the melting ice creamy spoon into his hand anyway. "I think you need an attitude adjustment, Mister."

Not two seconds later, Ivy was back to smiling to herself and eating ice cream, even bouncing in her seat a little bit. Maybe she could sneak attack him and force feed him ice cream... Hmmm...

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Old 07-09-2013, 09:50 PM   #15 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
HaHAAA. Couldn't fight that one, could ya?!

A signature Ivy Knox scowl crossed her face just briefly when Erik blocked her ice cream. Ivy stuck the melting ice creamy spoon into his hand anyway. "I think you need an attitude adjustment, Mister."

Not two seconds later, Ivy was back to smiling to herself and eating ice cream, even bouncing in her seat a little bit. Maybe she could sneak attack him and force feed him ice cream... Hmmm...
Erik just stared at her. Stared. With big owl eyes and some anxiety just below the surface. He needed an attitude adjustment? Sorry, was she his preschool teacher?

He shook his head at her and calmly wiped his hand on the nearest napkin. "Ice cream's not good for you, you know," he decided to try another tactic. "It is high in fat and calories. Vhe only reason it tastes good is because ov all vhe fat." Not that he would every imply she were fat...though Erik's eyes did slide over Ivy's figure ever so subtly.
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Old 07-10-2013, 05:48 AM   #16 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren View Post
Erik just stared at her. Stared. With big owl eyes and some anxiety just below the surface. He needed an attitude adjustment? Sorry, was she his preschool teacher?

He shook his head at her and calmly wiped his hand on the nearest napkin. "Ice cream's not good for you, you know," he decided to try another tactic. "It is high in fat and calories. Vhe only reason it tastes good is because ov all vhe fat." Not that he would every imply she were fat...though Erik's eyes did slide over Ivy's figure ever so subtly.
Heheh. Ivy licked the ice cream off her lips casually. "Neither are bad attitudes," she countered with a rather smug little grin. Heheh.

She continued to devour her ice cream by the spoonful cheerfully, not taking offense to Erik's comment as much as she would have if she hadn't been so darn happy. Man, that ice cream was magical. "It's worth it," she responded simply with a happy little smile before returning to her bowl of ice cream. Aw, man, it was almost gone!

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Old 07-10-2013, 06:04 AM   #17 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Heheh. Ivy licked the ice cream off her lips casually. "Neither are bad attitudes," she countered with a rather smug little grin. Heheh.

She continued to devour her ice cream by the spoonful cheerfully, not taking offense to Erik's comment as much as she would have if she hadn't been so darn happy. Man, that ice cream was magical. "It's worth it," she responded simply with a happy little smile before returning to her bowl of ice cream. Aw, man, it was almost gone!
This was painful for him to watch, so Erik set his sights on the doors of the Great Hall instead. He had no reply for Ivy, but looking at nothing was better than looking at her like this. "It's not," he muttered in reply. "I'm not so sure it's worth anything."

Regret was unprofessional, but maybe he didn't want to be in this profession anymore.
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Old 07-10-2013, 06:25 AM   #18 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren View Post
This was painful for him to watch, so Erik set his sights on the doors of the Great Hall instead. He had no reply for Ivy, but looking at nothing was better than looking at her like this. "It's not," he muttered in reply. "I'm not so sure it's worth anything."

Regret was unprofessional, but maybe he didn't want to be in this profession anymore.
Erik was being a little grumpy. Or was he? Maybe he was just joking! Ivy giggled as she started to finish up her ice cream. Yes, Ivy Knox just giggled. "You're funny, you know that?"


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Old 07-10-2013, 06:32 AM   #19 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post

Erik was being a little grumpy. Or was he? Maybe he was just joking! Ivy giggled as she started to finish up her ice cream. Yes, Ivy Knox just giggled. "You're funny, you know that?"

.....did she just...that was...........that was a giggle?

Erik facepalmed himself...and then just left his head in his hand. What was he going to do with her...what was he going to do about this mess. He didn't care if the others stayed addicted to ice cream forever, he only cared about his Ivy, dammit. Shoulders slumped, Erik kept his forehead in his hand and sat there thinking on this problem for a few long and silent minutes. Then he came up with something.

"Excuse me," the blonde man murmured, pushing his chair back from the table abruptly as it made scraping sounds. "I've just remembered someving I need to do." And without so much as a second glance Ivy's way, Erik vacated the staff dais.
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Old 07-10-2013, 06:57 AM   #20 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Erik Vinteren View Post
.....did she just...that was...........that was a giggle?

Erik facepalmed himself...and then just left his head in his hand. What was he going to do with her...what was he going to do about this mess. He didn't care if the others stayed addicted to ice cream forever, he only cared about his Ivy, dammit. Shoulders slumped, Erik kept his forehead in his hand and sat there thinking on this problem for a few long and silent minutes. Then he came up with something.

"Excuse me," the blonde man murmured, pushing his chair back from the table abruptly as it made scraping sounds. "I've just remembered someving I need to do." And without so much as a second glance Ivy's way, Erik vacated the staff dais.
Heheheh, he just smacked his own head. Ivy let another giggle escape, only briefly wondering what it was all about. He was just being silly, of course. Silly Erik Vinteren.

While Erik was busy being silly, Ivy scooped herself up some more ice cream. It was totally addictive. She continued to eat, her toes tapping against the floor beneath them.

Oh, he was leaving then? Ivy watched it get up and raised her arm, wiggling her fingers and waving at him. "Have fuuuuun, Erik! See you later!" Hehehehe. He sure was a cutie.

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