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Term 24: January - April 2010 Term Twenty-four: Fight Club (Sept 2070 - June 2071)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2008, 02:56 AM
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Default Hooligan Hole

You've been bad and then bad some more. What's your problem, hooligan? This is your place to learn the rules, learn some manners, and how to act properly while attending Hogwarts. Be prepared.
Old 01-18-2010, 09:32 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Walking into that place called 'Hooligan Hole', that name was really insulting for him, he tried not to observe around much. It was a stupid dungeon room anyway. So he just stood still and gazed at the door waiting for Lawson. What was he going to say
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Old 01-18-2010, 09:55 PM   #3 (permalink)

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Entering the dungeon, Professor Lawson had a very large bag in one hand that was wiggling around, whatever was inside it was doing its very best to get out. In the other hand he held three cages.

He placed the bag and the cages against the wall and looked over to the Gryffindor. "Do you have anything you want to say before I set out your punishment?"
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:12 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Josh eyed the professor suspiciously but did not move or did not react at the sight of the...wiggling bag??...for he wanted to look brave. Hah! He was a Gryffindor after all. A proud Gryffindor. Nevertheless it was still hard not to worry about what was inside that box everytime it moved. And he was also holding cages. There was no need to be a Ravenclaw to figure out that it was something extremely unpleasant inside that bag, if it came with empty cages.

He looked up when Lawson spoke to him asking if he had anything to say. Maybe he could try some smooth talk and make the professor feel pity for him a little so the punishment might be less severe. But no...what was done was done and he was not going to cry like a baby over it. ''No!'' he said firmly moving his gaze at the bag again.
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:36 PM   #5 (permalink)

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It's funny how even though the kid's get into trouble they still seem to have an attitude. Ah well kids will be kids.

Lawson raised an eyebrow at the Gryffindor and then picked up the cages and placed them onto the table that was against the far wall. On each of the cage's was a label;

Cage 1 - Doxy
Cage 2 - Imps
Cage 3 - Pixies
He then walked back to the bag and nudged it with his foot and it began to wiggle violently. "In this bag are a mixtures of Doxy's, Imps and Pixies I need you to separate them and place them into the right cages." Lawson looked over his shoulder at Joshua and there may have been a small smirk on his face.

He hoped that the boy knew the difference between the three creatures and that he knew what these little mischief makers would do once they were out of the bag. Accidentally on purpose Lawson released the creatures out of the bag.

"Oops my bad" he said as he quickly cast a shield over the desk and chair that he would be sitting at. He watched with amusement as the creatures made their way out of the bag and began to run riot. "Don't forget to put them in the right cages." Lawson chuckled as he sat down in the chair and propped his feet onto the desk, watching the chaos.

"Oh and watch those Doxy's they tend to bite." He pulled out the bottle of antidote from his pocket and placed it onto the desk.
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Old 01-19-2010, 01:25 AM   #6 (permalink)
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What was that eyebrow now? Did not he like the answer? Did he expect him to cry and beg for mercy? If that was the case he needed wait forever anyway. He watched him to place the cages on the table and as he did so his mind again got filled with thoughts about of what use they could be. Each had something like a label on them but he was not going to bother to read what was written on them. Lawson was supposed to explain and Josh carefully listened when he started to talk.

Hmmm...haaaa...whoa...WHAT! He was going to set a couple of wild creatures on him for kicking a ball at an idiot!!!? That was not acceptable. ''This isn't fair!'' he yelled pointing at the man. He was going to be tortured and killed by those meanies while Jake got rid of him with a mere bleeding nose. The Gryffindor boy definitely did not like the look on the man's face when he glanced back at him. Gah, yes, he seemed to enjoy his fear. EVIL LAWSON!

Then...then...oh noes!! His eyes got widened as Lawson set the creatures free with the worst joke that could be performed in a situation like this. MEAN LAWSON! No FORGET LAWSON!


Now Josh, surely enough, had many reasons to freak out since a pack of creatures were running, flying, jumping towards him. Maybe now it was a good time to cry and beg for mercy. But was there even enough time for that?...Just...RUN!! Like crazy, he started to run around the damp dungeon room. If only he was wearing something more comfortable to run instead of school uniform. He had to find a way out this trouble, though for he could not run forever besides there was the fact that they were coming from everywhere. Yes everwhere, as proved when he tripped over an imp getting on his way and he kissed the cold, stone floor of the room. ''AHHH!'' Quickly he turned on his back on the floor while the creatures descending on him. ''EEEEKKK!'' Imps jumping on him, pulling his legs, arms, hair. Pixies trying to get hold of him, as well and those ugly things with sharp teeth. *shiver*

'Ok. Stay calm' if that was possible 'And think. Imps he saw in the Magical Creatures and Pixies in DADA but what the heck was a Doxy?' Whatever they were and they did, the creatures were not cute and had a tendency to bite so these were the ones he needed to run away from. 'Here we go'. He kicked a Pixie and an Imp off when they tried to get a hold of his legs and some of them got scared of this sudden attack of his. Good. Again making it up on his feet and continuing kicking or punching the creatures away from him.
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Old 01-19-2010, 01:54 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Lawson stared calmly at the boy as he took out the Daily Prophet from his robes. Well, detention wasn't supposed to be fair now was it? It was after all punishment for doing something wrong. He unfolded the newspaper and began to read the articles.

Ever now and then he would peek over the newspaper to see what was happening and he would stifle a laugh that threatened to erupt from his lips. "You're supposed to be putting them into the cages Joshua, this is no time for playing games" he said as he calmly turned the page and once again looked over the paper to see what was happening.

Marcus almost burst out laughing when one of the Imps grabbed Josh by the nose and proceeded to yell, "I GOT YOUR NOSE, I GOT YOUR NOSE." Clearing his throat, he put down the paper for a moment, "Perhaps it might be a good idea if you had something to coerce them into the cage with. Something like..."he flicked his wand towards the corner of the room and a large box balloons appeared (of course they weren't ordinary balloons)..."that" Lawson said pointing towards the box for Joshua to see.

Unfortunately so did the little mischevious creatures and they were onto the balloons in a flash. Each of them picked up a balloon and proceeded to throw them at Joshua. A few of them splattered against the wall behind the Gryffindor.



Was that treacle?

"Hmmm...maybe that wasn't such a good idea" he mused as he watched the treacle slide down the walls. Marcus picked up the paper once again and shrugged, oh well that was karma for you.
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Old 01-19-2010, 03:09 AM   #8 (permalink)
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He was suffering here and Lawson was reading a newspaper!!! And he called his struggle 'playing games'. ''They are everywhere...'' Josh responded as he kicked off another Imp, then turning around to defend himself ''...what do you expect me to do?'' *Groan* Putting them in cages. But how in the world could he do that while they attacked him like that!

He was gradually getting angry and tired of all the stupid creatures, though. And they completely exceeded the limits of his patience when that stupid Imp got his nose making the mean professor enjoy the sight. Cursing at the top of his voice as Lawson told something about coercing them into the cages somehow, he punched the creature away and jumped on his feet. Ohh then they ran away from him. Did he scared him? Hehe hhee!!!

Of course, not. They were distracted by the box of balloons the man created to help the Gryffindor. He, however, eyed the box of ballons suspiciously and the next moment the balloons were being thrown at him. While some hit the wall behind him, one met the back of his head ''AHHHHH!'' and all his hair was covered in some sticky substance. ''Yuck! Well...thank you!'' Of course he was not helping him. How stupid was he to believe that! And Grrr! The man was reading the newspaper again.

Now this was enough of him...

Breathing from his nostrils, tackling creatures and ignoring the Pixie pulling his sticky hair plus the Doxy's flying after him, he ran to the box grabbed two balloons and threw them at the newly assigned, mean Muggle Studies teacher with the power of anger. Then he ran away again to avoid the ones that were thrown at him without looking to see what had happened with the ones he threw at the professor ,gah, if only his robes were not...wait...the robes! Yeah, he got an idea.

He stopped in a sudden and took his Gryffindor robes off and presented it to the creatures that were rushing towards him like a bullfighter challenging an angry bull. He was going to start from the Doxy's because they seemed to be most dangerous. So when two were close enough flying a little bit above him, he threw the robe at them. ''AH-HA!'' The moment his robe covered the creatures, he quickly grabbed it and trapped them inside . Now he had a bundle of Doxy's. Geez! Now all he had to do threw them into the stupid cage.

There was the cage labeled 'Doxy' . He quickly opened it and shoke the creatures off his robe inside while an Imp pinched his leg. Voila!! He got two Doxy's inside ''AAAAAAHHH!!!''. What was this pain on his left arm!!!! Oh no! Doxy attack!!! ''BITING ME, BITING ME!''
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Old 01-19-2010, 05:02 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Lawson placed his paper down onto the table once again and lent forward onto his elbows, "I thought I made that pretty obvious Mr Carter." He pointed at the creatures and then pointed at the cages there were clearly labeled and then looked at Joshua with an expectant look.

It seemed that it wasn't only the Hufflepuffs that got all fired up when they were under pressure, it appears that so did the Gryffindors.

Now really. Was that kind of behavior called for? Did the boy not see that he had cast a shield over himself? Did he think that Marcus was going to sit in a filthy dungeon and be unprotected? Silly boy.

Marcus was certainly being entertained right now as he watched the boy run around the dungeon trying to avoid the creatures and the balloons. With a sigh he got to his feet and dropped the shield from around the desk. Another few flicks of his wand and he had the Doxy's, Imps and Pixies separated and put into their correct cages.

He then walked over the boy and applied the antidote to the doxy bites. "So have you learnt your lesson? And be very careful how you answer that question Mr Carter otherwise we can spend another few hours here."
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:12 AM   #10 (permalink)
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As if the things he had done so far was not enough, now the Lawsonator was implying the idea that he was an idiot pointing at the creatures and the cages like that. If it had been in under different circumstances, Josh would feel quite offended by that but under these circumstances, he could not care less about it.

His arm was burning with pain whatever that stupid flying creature had in its filthy teeth. Ha! The balloons were blocked by his shield...pffft!... At least there was no way Lawsonator could pass it without a punishment if he died in a dungeon suffering from venom. But he was dying alone and he hated being alone. Not even when dying. *sniffle*

He was about to get to the top of dramaticism staring at the two Doxy's in the cage when everything stopped and the creatures were in all their cages. *BlinkBlink* So was it over? It looked like it was. He turned around to see the professor and he was already next to him with the veil which consisted, as he found out, a quite pain relieving substance inside. Phew! Taking a deep breath, he glared at the professor with narrowed eyes when he asked if he learned his lesson. He opened his mouth but closed it back quicky when he heard his next warning. He definitely did not want to get back to struggling with those creatures.

So major change on thoughts was inevitable. ''I got a couple of things'' he said coldly with a dull tone ''One : You are not fair. Two : One can hardly succeed anything here if he does not have a wand. Three : I should not kick a ball at the idiotJake. Four : If i ever fail to obey the number three, it means i have a wish to have a couple of creatures charge at me''
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:33 AM   #11 (permalink)

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That was not the answer he was after at all, Lawson gave the kid an exasperated look. He was just lucky that he had better things to do then sit around in a dungeon watching him chase after Pixies.

"Mr Carter I don't think you have learned anything. 1). This detention was not about me. You are the one being punished for your wrongdoing. 2). This is a school of magic so naturally you need a wand. 3). You should not kick a ball at anybody. 4). If you fail at number three you will be facing a lot worse than what you did today and finally Mr Carter, I suggest you lose the attitude or you will be finding yourself in many more detentions."

Lawson reached into his pocket and pulled out the kid's wand and handed it back to him. "I will bee keeping a close eye on you Mr Carter and you put one toe out of line and I will be on your case quicker than a niffler on a gold coin. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind."
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Old 01-19-2010, 11:02 AM   #12 (permalink)
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9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev one expected him to like his answers. The Gryffindor boy just kept staring at the floor and fought the urge to perform any other remarks or reactions as he spoke. And only nodded at every utterance of the numbers. Be facing worse than that?. Now, he had started to fear this man's creativeness for it was all his disadvantage if he was going to watch him around and hunt for opportunities to put him on detention as he claimed.

His expression was the obvious proof that the man was not joking as he mentioned having an eye on him, so taking his wand back, finally, he quickly stared back down at the floor 'Get out of my sight before i change my mind'. Sounded like a good idea. Why not? ''Okay'' he said sadly and right after picking up his dirty robe, he walked out of the room.
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Old 03-20-2010, 06:09 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Violet walked into the Hooligan Hole, and rolled her eyes. She stood at the door and looked down the hall. "Such a stupid title." she mumbled to herself. So she continued to just stand there waiting for the Professors.
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Old 03-20-2010, 06:22 PM   #14 (permalink)

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"It may be a stupid title, but it fits you perfectly," Vindictus replied and pointed to a rickety wooden chair at the center of the cell. "Sit down and be quiet."

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Old 03-20-2010, 06:27 PM   #15 (permalink)
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.I don't think I asked him! She rolled her eyes and went and sat on the rickety chair. She sighed and stared Professor Vindictus in the eye giving him a look that was not nice at all. She then looked down at her hands and cracked her knuckles.

Last edited by EllaKins!; 03-20-2010 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 03-20-2010, 11:51 PM   #16 (permalink)

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Without making comment to Violet, Truebridge slipped into the detention cell and nodded a polite greeting to Vindictus.

Kind of felt like luxurious in here after where he'd been for the majority of the term.
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:01 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Violet looked up when she heard someone walk in. "Oh joy! This should be really fun!" she said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and looked around the room, once again. Its so stupid that I have to be in detention. she thought.
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:08 AM   #18 (permalink)

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"Oh it will be." Ethan agreed mildly, not actually picking up on the sarcasm. He tapped his wand idly against his thigh.

"Possibly more so for us than for you I think. Watch your tongue now." He flicked his wand at her and a flash of pinkish light hit her full in the face, her tongue began to GROW and push past her lips.

He nodded at Vindictus and took up his spot against the wall once more.
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:20 AM   #19 (permalink)
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"What are you talki-" she started to say then felt her tongue started to grow? Yeah it was definately growing!
She put both hands around her mouth and tried to talk. All that came out was incoherent slurs and angry noises. She squirmed around in her seat, Glaring at Truebridge.
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Old 03-25-2010, 01:14 AM   #20 (permalink)

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"Beautifully done, Professor Truebridge," Vindictus commented as he watched the girl's tongue swell. "Miss Riddle, your words have stung many this school term and have brought shame upon Slytherin House. Hence, your punishment will fit the crime. Is there anything you wish to add, Professor Truebridge?"

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Old 03-25-2010, 09:29 AM   #21 (permalink)

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Ethan nodded in agreement.

"You will learn respect and if you cannot be taught it your education here will not continue, particularly when in the worst case your attitude endangers others and in the best case you interfere with the education of your classmates. You are indeed bringing shame on Slytherin house with your ignorance and your immaturity."

The question was whether or not the girl could keep her mouth shut and do her penance or not. Ethan rolled up his sleeves and nodded at Max, ignoring the little girl's ineffectual and pathetic little glare.
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Old 03-25-2010, 02:32 PM   #22 (permalink)
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She tried to say what do you mean not continue? But all that came out was incoherent words. Whatever I’ve been getting those threats from Professors and Prefects all the time she thought and just rolled her eyes. But then she thought if maybe Truebridge was actually meaning it, so she tried to act nice, by unfolding her arms and just nodding at whatever was being told. While doing it being a total epic fail.
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:28 AM   #23 (permalink)

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"As part of your punishment, you will assist me in completing a task that will bring great joy to many," Vindictus said and a table appeared directly in front of Violet. On it were three perfectly stacked piles - one of envelopes, one of letters, and the other of autographed photographs of Professor Vindictus posing with a broom and Beater's bat. "Fan mail. You will take a photograph and a letter, slide each carefully into the envelope and seal it. But do no get your grubby prints on my face or wrinkle anything. Now get started."

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Old 03-26-2010, 02:39 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Violet rolled her eyes. Then she remembered she still had her wand she quietly took it out and made her tongue shrink to normal size.
"Wow self centered or what?" asked Violet. "Don't worry I won't get my grubby hands on your precious little pictures." she said sarcastically. She folded her arms and look up at the dungeon ceiling.
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:52 AM   #25 (permalink)

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"You are only to speak when given permission, Miss Riddle," Vindictus said rather coldly. "And I never gave you permission to speak. Nor did either of us give you permission to use magic." He turned toward Ethan who didn't look too pleased with the girl.

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