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Term 47: September - December 2017 Term Forty-Seven: Drama on the Rise (Sept 2093 - June 2094)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2016, 01:34 AM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Mirror

Not far from the balcony, a large gilded mirror can be found on the fourth-floor corridor. Once upon a time, the mirror hid a secret passageway that would take anyone to Hogsmeade undetected at any time. Unfortunately, there was a cave in mid-way that made the passage end up not leading anywhere. Nevertheless, if you're in a pickle and can get the mirror off the wall and back again, you would at least have a neat hiding place.

Most people just try using the mirror to check on their appearance throughout the day. Oddly enough, however, the mirror doesn't show ones reflection. Always being shown in the mirror is a scene of handsome chandeliers, elegant landscape oil paintings, and golden draperies, which is not at all what the wall of the corridor behind you looks like. This is, of course, one of Hogwarts' many mysteries. The location of the room that the mirror is showing is unknown to everyone today. But every now and then, a dark figure can be spotted in the background before disappearing again.
Old 09-04-2017, 08:04 PM   #2 (permalink)
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The dirty deed in the badger common room had been DONEEEEEEZOOOOO and Peeves was already READY for more shenanigans the morning after the feast.


Plastic baggies filled with hippogriff dung, extras, were FLUNG at the mirror with leisurely force, leaving light smear marks if any of the dung let loose from one of the bags. Where was their jolly ole' caretaker, anywhoooooo? That spitfire woman?! OR WAIT, BETTER. WHERE WAS OLE' MISTRESS OF HOGWARTS, THE QUEEN OF MEAN HERSELF, REGINA HAW/THORNE-IN-THE-BEHIND?


Went another bag against the mirror. The smell was RANK.


You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.

P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
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Old 09-04-2017, 08:33 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Mateo Theodore
Fifth Year

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Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

New term and already Eddie was bored out of his mind. He couldn't poison anyone for science because if he did and was caught it would ruin all his plans, though wizard juvie could teach him probably more that he needed to know then this place. So his thoughts would jump back and forth, what was keeping him here was Eivan. Now that the little brother was here Eddie felt a responsibility to teach him the ways of the Blaze at the school. So, for now, he'd lay low and just poison pygmy puffs and cats.

With his snake Charles gone from a poison gone wrong he now was in need of a new snake too. He would never figure out the loop hole to parseltongue without a snake. Tired of people saying there wasn't one he decided to hide the books and not allow anyone to fully know what he was doing with it. He would now play the part of nice Slytherin boy as long as he needed.

Turning the corner he smelled the mess before seeing it. Standing slightly away from the infamous Peeves. A small smirk crossed his lips because even though Eddie wasn't one for these type of pranks unless he had good reasons the sight of it was quite interesting. "I think you missed a spot." He pointed to a mirror that was clear on the corner.
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Old 09-04-2017, 11:56 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
Default Peeves and Ickle Blaze!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

What was that horrible stench? Kay was not amused as she figured that some irresponsible student was up to something. For Merlin's sake... the term had just begun. Couldn't a Professor enjoy a stroll through the corridors in peace? When she found out just whom that student was...

As she approached the mirror, the woman wrinkled her nose. Was that... dung? It smelled so much more disgusting now that she was closer. Was that the sound of something smashing against a surface? Ah. There was a student. "Mr Blaze,'' Kay began, taking in the scene before her. "Are you now in cahoots with Peeves to cause trouble?''
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 09-05-2017, 02:41 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Default Peeves, Eddie, Kaysha
Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

A loud cackling sound had drawn Emmeline from the stair case to the fourth floor corridor. In her (admittedly limited) experience, cackling meant trouble, which meant one of two things: either someone else needed help, or the trouble might be the fun kind. Either way, she was so there!

As she reached the fourth floor corridor, a horrible smell assaulted her nostrils and Emmeline grinned: this was the fun kind of trouble! It was probably someone throwing dung bombs around, 'cept these must be SUPER dung bombs 'cause the whooole corridor smelled SUPER SUPER BAD. The Gryffindor ventured closer to the source of the smell with caution, and found a GROSS sight in front of her. A really old, pretty mirror was now caked in some kind of dung. And and, there was PEEVES!! This was SO cool! She'd heard about Peeves from older students, but had never actually seen him herself.

Eddie from Slytherin and Kay were also there. She grinned at both of them and chirped, "Hiiii!" She paused a few seconds before adding in a quieter tone, "Is that really THE Peeves?" She may or may not have been able to disguise the excitement in her voice, but Emmeline didn't care too much at the moment.
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Old 09-05-2017, 04:25 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Resident School Poltergeist | Unruly & Malicious

Peeves had taken to whacking the mirror with the dung-filled baggies, one by one, until the bags split. UNFOOOOORTUNATELY the mirror remained in one piece. The poltergeist stopped what he was doing when the studentsieeeeee announced that he missed a *SPOT*

He had, had he?

Peeves grinned derisively before flinging a baggy at the boy's face. "I CERTAINLY DID, DIDN'T I?!"

LAME PROFESSOR ALERT! Peeves swooped down and blew a raspberry in Professor Poo-wart's face. "CAHOOTS? WITH ME? NEVER!" He cackled and spiraled upward, dropping three bags at once. They plummeted towards the ground. He didn't wait to see if they hit anyone, or even what sort of poop-art they'd make on the ground before he whooshed through the firstie? second year? small annoying Gryffindork child?

"YES I'M PEEEeeeeEeEeeeeeVES!" He yanked her hair and flung himself towards the mirror, disappearing so forcefully through it that the whole thing vibrated and trembled, making tiny clink noises.

Don't wooooooorrry, boy and girls, Peevesies will be baaaaaaaaaack.
You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.

P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
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Old 09-05-2017, 10:37 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Fifth Year

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Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

He should have seen it coming, but Eddie didn't even care.
He pulled his wand and cleaned up his face just as easily as Peeves put the poop on it.
No big deal and he'd shower later. For now, he had to deal with the professor trying to accuse him of being with Peeves, though Peeves answered for him. "No ma'am,
he was up here when I got here."
Polite and goodie Eddie could play off nicely. Glancing at Emmeline he nodded in a hello. Why was being nice to people so exhausting, he would need a nap after this.

"Yeah it... Emm, watch.." Peeves already went through her and he put on the most concern face he could muster. "Are you okay? It is awful when he does that." Not that Eddie really knew he had never had it done. He glanced back at the professor, "We probably should clean this up before the smell takes over the castle." Maybe he could grab a sample of a bag that hadn't broken for his own fun later on.

"Think he's gone or is he coming back with more?"
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Old 09-07-2017, 10:49 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Third Year

x12 x12
Default You three! ^_^
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Kay glared at Peeves. Oh, how she wished they could be rid of him. Why didn’t he leave when that annoying Miffy and Storm did? “Your raspberry does not faze me,’’ she stated coldly and jumping out of the way to avoid anymore of the nastiness been thrown. “I suggest you leave immediately otherwise I’ll summon the baron.’’ She rather enjoyed making the threat and fully intended on keeping it though it was such a pity that the poltergeist did not heed her or anyone else.

Peeves earned himself another glare as he went off. Blue eyes remained upon him until he had vanished through the mirror completely. Then she turned to Edward and Em. “Hello, Ms Sparkes. Yes, that was Peeves and I advise you to stay clear of him. He is nothing but trouble. As for you, Mr Blaze, I’m glad you were not involved. I’m sure Ms Grimblehawk would appreciate it if we cleaned this mess up. Help me, please.’’

Kay took ahold of her wand. “Scourgify.’’ While she magically started on the cleaning, her thoughts turned to muggles and how much they would sometimes be overwhelmed when doing tasks without magic and she immediately felt sad for them.
They deserved so much more than being stuck doing manual labour.
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 09-08-2017, 01:07 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

A smile crossed Emmeline's face as Peeves shouted that Eddie wasn't "in cahoots" with him; despite his GROSS spells during their duel last term, Emmeline liked the Slytherin boy and she wouldn't want him to get caught doing something like this. Her smile quickly faded as Peeves threw more bags of dung on the floor right at her feet -- even though she was able to jump back almost as soon as Miss Kay did, and so avoided most of it. She was just frowning down at the dung that did cling to the bottom of her robes, and was wondering what spell to use to get rid of it, when she heard Eddie's warning. She definitely wasn't fast enough this time, and she shivered as Peeves went straight through her. She'd never experienced any of the ghosts going through her before, either, and she reallllly didn't want to repeat the experience any time soon. It felt like she'd just been drenched with a bucket of ice water -- without the benefit of getting her robes clean.

Peeves yanked her hair before he whooshed off too, but that didn't bother her much. She had grown up with a big brother, after all; she could handle dumb boy stuff like that. Emmeline was briefly afraid that the whole mirror was going to come crashing down with the force of Peeves' exit, but it somehow managed to stay on the wall and everything. She let out a small sigh of relief and turned towards Eddie as she asked, "Why d'you think he was all pouty like that?" 'Cause his exit screamed of temper tantrums.

The second year nodded as Miss Kay told them to help her clean up and withdrew her wand from its holster without any more delay. She scrunched up her face and aimed her wand at her own robes first, and repeated the professor's cleaning spell: "Scourgify!" Once her robes(and shoes, ick) were as clean as she could get them, Emmeline turned her wand towards the dung on the floor in front of her; this time, though, she cast: "Evanesco!" and grinned as large chunks of the dung just vanished on the spot. She'd have to remember to tell Mr. Levi thank you again for teaching her these cleaning spells the next time she saw him, mhm.
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Old 09-12-2017, 11:05 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

This horrible stench was enough to make Kay faint. Indeed she spent some of her time in the barnyard caring for the animals but never had she encountered such an overpowering odour. She was rather grateful that she was receiving help. "Excellent spell work, Ms Sparkes,'' the woman stated, pausing in her own actions. Since her own classes entailed the lack of magic, she never got to observe just how good or bad a student was with an incantation.

"I see what the other Professor Stewart means when she praises your skills. Keep it up.'' There was a tiny smile to accompany the compliment. "Ten points to Gryffindor for helping myself and Mr Blaze here get rid of the mess.'' There was still spatters of the mess here and there waiting to be gotten rid of. Did Edward want to finish that up?
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 09-13-2017, 01:46 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

He let the females talk, that way he was able to sneak a little into his robes before helping to clean the room. With the professor here he knew her spell would to the majority of the job, so the girl and himself wouldn't have much to do. He watched as they both did stuff and then he turned and pointed his wand as well.

He watched as the area he pointed his wand at cleaned up and was sparkly again. Turning to the other two he looked at the girl Emma when she spoke, "It's Peeves he just is the way he is. If you stay out of his way you won't have issues." He hadn't really spent much time locating Peeves, but if he had the chance to observe him he would again.
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Old 09-14-2017, 10:57 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Kay was completely oblivious to what young Edward was up to. If she had been aware, she would have stopped him immediately because was there any good that could come from collecting hippogriff dung?

The Slytherin earned himself a smile as well as House points. "Thank you, Mr Blaze. Ten points for you as well.'' Now the place looked clean except for the slight odor that remained. Kay was positive that would clear up soon. "You are quite correct. Stay clear of him, you two.'' There was a wink at him and Em before she started to head back the way she came. "I'll be seeing you both around.''
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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