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Term 34: May - August 2013 Term Thirty-Four: Poor in Fund$ but Rich in Ice Cream (September 2080 - June 2081)

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Old 12-08-2012, 05:33 PM
BanaBatGirl BanaBatGirl is offline
Default Second - Seventh Year Carriages

While Hogwarts' newest students are heading for the castle via the firstie boats, the rest of the students will be taking the usual carriages.

These are the same carriages that have been used for years and years. They are round, black, and seat about four students. They also appear to move along on their own, with an invisible something inside the harnesses...
Old 05-03-2013, 05:25 AM   #2 (permalink)

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Garrick had not had the best train ride to Hogwarts this time around... His politeness had held him back from telling ONE PERSON what he truly thought... while his temper and familiarity with another had caused him to throw a blow. It had been a TOTAL emo fest on that train. Legit.

But... he had been looking forward to one thing. And he hoped that one thing (or better yet, that one person) would pop up right this instant. Garrick and Benjy had sorted through their mess and so he was smiling about that...

But there was a certain Hufflepuff that caused his smile to turn into an even bigger grin as he stood leaned against a carriage waiting to catch even a glimpse. His flower. She was something else.

AND WHY DID HE KEEP THINKING "HIS" Oh Merlin. This was new stuff. New WEIRD stuff. But he kept his smile on and waited...
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Old 05-03-2013, 05:41 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Text Cut: <3
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Garrick had not had the best train ride to Hogwarts this time around... His politeness had held him back from telling ONE PERSON what he truly thought... while his temper and familiarity with another had caused him to throw a blow. It had been a TOTAL emo fest on that train. Legit.

But... he had been looking forward to one thing. And he hoped that one thing (or better yet, that one person) would pop up right this instant. Garrick and Benjy had sorted through their mess and so he was smiling about that...

But there was a certain Hufflepuff that caused his smile to turn into an even bigger grin as he stood leaned against a carriage waiting to catch even a glimpse. His flower. She was something else.

AND WHY DID HE KEEP THINKING "HIS" Oh Merlin. This was new stuff. New WEIRD stuff. But he kept his smile on and waited...


She fancies NO ONE, Lex. No one. And Lottie really couldn't believe those words had left her best friend's mouth. It was all so incredibly unfair, and while she'd thought they would've fixed everything before reaching Hogwarts, well, Lottie was wrong.

And Aidan better not speak to her again.

Part of her was happy and excited to be out of the train, because that could possibly mean one thing: Garrick. Part of her was entirely heartbroken at the events that took place on the train ride. The worst in all of Hogwarts' history. And she was riding the train when it had stopped and they had to portkey. Though, that was fun, not bad at all.

Still. Her heart almost stopped at the sight of the one person who could put a smile on her face right now. And she instantly went to him. Taking hold of his hand as she reached him. "Take me to the Castle, please?" sure, her smile was there, but her eyes...her eyes said too much, especially after looking at the front of the carriage and thinking of thestrals.

Lex could see them. And she wasn't here right now.
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Old 05-03-2013, 05:56 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Garrick gladly took Lotus' hand and gave it a light squeeze before he saw what was in her eyes. He had had a rough go of it on the train... Benjy had accused him of abandoning him and then the thing with the friend of Lotus'. It was odd for him to be caught up in things.

"Gladly, my dear." Although the slight crease in his brows could be seen.

Then a lightbulb went off. And then a crooked grin came across his face. Chuckling, he stroked an imaginary beard and then reached into his pocket. "Wonder if there's anything hiding in these trails to Hogsmeade that mightn't fancy being pegged with some marbles..." And then he did something a bit out of character for an Ogden...

Crossing his eyes he then let his tongue hang slightly out of the corner of his mouth and chuckled. Could he see that pretty, genuine smile? Please.
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Old 05-03-2013, 06:37 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Text Cut: Haha!
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Garrick gladly took Lotus' hand and gave it a light squeeze before he saw what was in her eyes. He had had a rough go of it on the train... Benjy had accused him of abandoning him and then the thing with the friend of Lotus'. It was odd for him to be caught up in things.

"Gladly, my dear." Although the slight crease in his brows could be seen.

Then a lightbulb went off. And then a crooked grin came across his face. Chuckling, he stroked an imaginary beard and then reached into his pocket. "Wonder if there's anything hiding in these trails to Hogsmeade that mightn't fancy being pegged with some marbles..." And then he did something a bit out of character for an Ogden...

Crossing his eyes he then let his tongue hang slightly out of the corner of his mouth and chuckled. Could he see that pretty, genuine smile? Please.

Perhaps his first words didn't have such an effect on her as they would've if her mood had been a perfect one. But as of right now, she merely half smiled at that. He will take her to the Castle, no doubt. Lottie shouldn't have even said that because he would've done it either way.

Her hand in his did made her feel better. Like, at least ONE thing didn't change since they left London.

Garrick chuckled, and her eyes went from the front of the carriage to him. She wondered what could have possibly amused him. Slowly, her thoughts cleared and she started to smile again, though with a slight hint of a smirk. And that face? That got a laugh out of her. Weird, right? Because that was incredibly silly of him, and he should definitely stop it.

See, now she knew what he was doing, and it was greatly appreciated. He got a sweet smile because of that, and his cheek got another kiss, because it seemed appropriate. "Thank you." He was trying to make her feel better and succeeding. Garrick Ogden, you're amazing.

Did she fancy him, like Lex had said? She didn't know. Lottie pulled on his hand a little, "We should keep our eyes open, then." SMIRK. Marbles. BEAM. Also...were they going to wait on someone? Like...his cousin? She wasn't waiting for anyone, really.
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Old 05-03-2013, 10:55 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Default He's alone. And he shall remain alone. *nods*
{TwistedHearts. ♥ || GRYFFINDOR | | Zara, Zeke, Regina, Icarus. ♥ || Yssa.}

Finally...some peace and quiet.

The Gryffindor rode on one of the empty-so-far carriages. It would be to his delight if no one else needed to ride in the one he's on. There were plenty more for them besides this one. Hopefully, the amount of rides were enough for everyone. Also, they could go on rounds. Like return and stuff? Yes? Yes.

So he was alone. Reaching in his bag, he grabbed the case of earplugs he decided to bring on in case of....err, certain situations. Like this one. The 7th year took two and plugged his ears because they were earplugs, weren't they? Earplugs, plug ears. Makes sense.

Closing his eyes as he sat down and leaned against his seat, he just relaxed and waited until the carriage would move. Meanwhile, the young man dozed off.
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Old 05-03-2013, 11:13 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Christmas made her way out of the station and into a waiting carriage hoping that someone would join her or not she just had to wait and see
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Old 05-03-2013, 11:49 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Christmas made her way out of the station and into a waiting carriage hoping that someone would join her or not she just had to wait and see
Man that ticket guy had been so annoying! It took alot to annoy Daichi but that guy was just ARGH! The Slytherin was glad to be out of the train and with his school bag hoisted over his shoulder he found a carriage to ride with. Finding one who was almost empty, Daichi first looked at the thestral in front of it and shivered. No matter how many times he had seen the creature he still was a little afraid of it. He stepped inside and straightened his robe before looking to see Christmas already in the carriage. "Oh, hey! did you see that weird TICK-EET guy?" he immediately asked , giving a perfect imitation of the ticket guys voice.
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Old 05-03-2013, 11:53 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Man that ticket guy had been so annoying! It took alot to annoy Daichi but that guy was just ARGH! The Slytherin was glad to be out of the train and with his school bag hoisted over his shoulder he found a carriage to ride with. Finding one who was almost empty, Daichi first looked at the thestral in front of it and shivered. No matter how many times he had seen the creature he still was a little afraid of it. He stepped inside and straightened his robe before looking to see Christmas already in the carriage. "Oh, hey! did you see that weird TICK-EET guy?" he immediately asked , giving a perfect imitation of the ticket guys voice.
Christmas smiled at Daichi and nodded and said "Yeah i did see him Daichi he was very weird indeed i didn't like him"
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Old 05-03-2013, 01:45 PM   #10 (permalink)

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When Sonea had left the train she waved at the first year girl she had met in the train and followed the other students to the carriage. She had quickly grabbed Little princess out of her bag when she had left the train and had put her pink rat in her pocket without talking to her rat, she was still angry and her rat was still grounded, what means that her rat needed to stay in her pocket, bag or her cage! But now, when she looked at the carriage she forgot for a moment that she was angry at Little princess, she was a little nervous now that she was almost back at Hogwarts and she wondered if she was good enough to make her parents proud this year. She was now a second year and she knew that she was no longer totally inexperienced and that she needed to learn more about using magic, spells and everything what was important for her to learn, but was she good enough?

The young girl felt insecure and tried to hide it by looking arrogant. She stepped forward and ignored the people she didn’t knew and nodded to the students she had saw before or to those she knew that they were from a good family. She stepped into the carriage and took a deep breath, waiting for the carriage to move forwards but she needed to wait first until the carriage was full, there were still three places to sit.
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Old 05-03-2013, 03:17 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
When Sonea had left the train she waved at the first year girl she had met in the train and followed the other students to the carriage. She had quickly grabbed Little princess out of her bag when she had left the train and had put her pink rat in her pocket without talking to her rat, she was still angry and her rat was still grounded, what means that her rat needed to stay in her pocket, bag or her cage! But now, when she looked at the carriage she forgot for a moment that she was angry at Little princess, she was a little nervous now that she was almost back at Hogwarts and she wondered if she was good enough to make her parents proud this year. She was now a second year and she knew that she was no longer totally inexperienced and that she needed to learn more about using magic, spells and everything what was important for her to learn, but was she good enough?

The young girl felt insecure and tried to hide it by looking arrogant. She stepped forward and ignored the people she didn’t knew and nodded to the students she had saw before or to those she knew that they were from a good family. She stepped into the carriage and took a deep breath, waiting for the carriage to move forwards but she needed to wait first until the carriage was full, there were still three places to sit.
Presley hopped off of the train and let Mercury out of his cage. He knew the way to the owlery from here. She gently petted the thestral, and climbed onto a carriage that she thought was empty. She sighed. This would be her last carriage ride, and her last welcoming feast. It was a strange feeling. Not that she wasn't excited for bigger and better things, she'd just become so used to Hogwarts as a home.

She leaned back and noticed the light catching another face in the carriage. She gasped. "Oh Merlin! I didn't see you there! Were you saving these seats?" she asked the younger girl. How had she not seen that another person was in here when she first got in? Was she really that out of it today?
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Old 05-03-2013, 04:06 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
Presley hopped off of the train and let Mercury out of his cage. He knew the way to the owlery from here. She gently petted the thestral, and climbed onto a carriage that she thought was empty. She sighed. This would be her last carriage ride, and her last welcoming feast. It was a strange feeling. Not that she wasn't excited for bigger and better things, she'd just become so used to Hogwarts as a home.

She leaned back and noticed the light catching another face in the carriage. She gasped. "Oh Merlin! I didn't see you there! Were you saving these seats?" she asked the younger girl. How had she not seen that another person was in here when she first got in? Was she really that out of it today?
Still deep in thought and with a worried feeling she stared at the castle who was now visible, but still far away from her. Almost home, a place without angry adults and parents who are watching you every day. thought Sonea with a sad expression on her face. She wanted to hold her rat Little princess, she was her only friend but she needed to be strong now, she had grounded her rat and she would stick to her choice! She closed her eyes for a brief moment and when she opened her eyes she took her hand mirror and checked if her hair ribbon was still on his place in her hair.

And just when she looked in her mirror she noted that somebody stepped into the carriage she sat in. When Sonea looked up she saw that it was a older girl, probably sixth year or even seventh year! Sonea looked at the colors from her school uniform and she saw that the girl was from another house than she was, the girl was a Ravenclaw student! Sonea frowned when she looked at the older girl, why sat she besides her in the carriage? Had she no friends? Why wanted a older girl sit beside her, a second year student who hasn’t even stayed a whole year at Hogwarts because of personal problems… But… Sonea was not stupid, she didn’t knew the girl but if she really was a good student, and she probably was because she sat in Ravenclaw, then it was always handy to know important people or people who were good in studying.

She hide her true feelings, all her problems from home and forced a bright smile on her face. “Hi, I’m Sonea! You can sit here if you want, i'm alone here.”

Last edited by Sonea; 05-03-2013 at 04:16 PM.
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Old 05-03-2013, 04:37 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Default For anyone :)
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿

Long train ride was long.

Ella quietly made her way to the carriages, relieved she'd be inside the castle again soon. The blonde was eager for food and friends and her warm and cozy bed. Traveling made her sleepy, okay?

Finding an empty carriage, the blonde climbed in and sat with her hands in her lap and began to hum softly. Hopefully they'd be moving soon.
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Old 05-03-2013, 05:02 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Long train ride was long.

Ella quietly made her way to the carriages, relieved she'd be inside the castle again soon. The blonde was eager for food and friends and her warm and cozy bed. Traveling made her sleepy, okay?

Finding an empty carriage, the blonde climbed in and sat with her hands in her lap and began to hum softly. Hopefully they'd be moving soon.
Lex wasn't grumbling. Noooooooope. Grumbling was for people who were upset and she had decided back at the train station that she wouldn't let everything that happened on the train upset her. In fact, she refused. The moment any of it bothered her he would win and that wasn't happening because SHE always won. It was that simple. That being the case she was going to walk like the world was in perfect order. Forgetting things was easy, for her anyway so she would do just that. Forget...

What was she forgetting again....


Ah well, probably not that important anyway, because really it wasn't. DUH.

Lex walked over to the first available carriage she saw and found Ella in there. Ooooooo!! "Hi." The greeting didn't come out as strong as she wanted it to. She still had to work on it. With a brave face on she plopped into the seat across from her. She could be happy. It wasn't all that hard. "You don't mind me sitting here? Right?" Or would she upset her too?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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Old 05-03-2013, 05:07 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Alyssa stepped into an empty carriage. Seventh Year, which could only mean one thing. This would most probably be one of her last rides in the carriage except for the one that would take her away from Hogwarts. Alyssa leaned her head against the back of the seat and closed her eyes.

She would enjoy the ride, albeit a short one, back to Hogwarts.
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Old 05-03-2013, 05:27 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Still deep in thought and with a worried feeling she stared at the castle who was now visible, but still far away from her. Almost home, a place without angry adults and parents who are watching you every day. thought Sonea with a sad expression on her face. She wanted to hold her rat Little princess, she was her only friend but she needed to be strong now, she had grounded her rat and she would stick to her choice! She closed her eyes for a brief moment and when she opened her eyes she took her hand mirror and checked if her hair ribbon was still on his place in her hair.

And just when she looked in her mirror she noted that somebody stepped into the carriage she sat in. When Sonea looked up she saw that it was a older girl, probably sixth year or even seventh year! Sonea looked at the colors from her school uniform and she saw that the girl was from another house than she was, the girl was a Ravenclaw student! Sonea frowned when she looked at the older girl, why sat she besides her in the carriage? Had she no friends? Why wanted a older girl sit beside her, a second year student who hasn’t even stayed a whole year at Hogwarts because of personal problems… But… Sonea was not stupid, she didn’t knew the girl but if she really was a good student, and she probably was because she sat in Ravenclaw, then it was always handy to know important people or people who were good in studying.

She hide her true feelings, all her problems from home and forced a bright smile on her face. “Hi, I’m Sonea! You can sit here if you want, i'm alone here.”
"It's nice to meet you, Sonea. I'm Presley," she replied automatically. This was awkward. This little...second year? was going to think that Presley was a loser. That she never had any friends. The truth of the matter was that all of Presley's friends had graduated, and Elliot had disappeared off the face of the earth. At least she still had Gwen...sort of.

Presley turned slightly and analyzed the little girl. Alone, as a second or third year. Transfer student maybe? Slytherin. Not transfer, she'd been sorted. Pink hair ribbon..that said a lot. Presley ran her fingers through her own hair. She couldn't remember ever being the bright child with hair ribbons, but there were pictures of her like that her first year here. How much things changed in six years. She was a completely different person now from the mischeivous and bright first year, upset at being sorted into Ravenclaw.

Mildly she wondered what changes this kid would go through. "So, you're in third year?" she guessed high. Because kids tended to get offended if you thought they were younger than they really were.
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Old 05-03-2013, 05:27 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Text Cut: Can I keep her?
Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post

Perhaps his first words didn't have such an effect on her as they would've if her mood had been a perfect one. But as of right now, she merely half smiled at that. He will take her to the Castle, no doubt. Lottie shouldn't have even said that because he would've done it either way.

Her hand in his did made her feel better. Like, at least ONE thing didn't change since they left London.

Garrick chuckled, and her eyes went from the front of the carriage to him. She wondered what could have possibly amused him. Slowly, her thoughts cleared and she started to smile again, though with a slight hint of a smirk. And that face? That got a laugh out of her. Weird, right? Because that was incredibly silly of him, and he should definitely stop it.

See, now she knew what he was doing, and it was greatly appreciated. He got a sweet smile because of that, and his cheek got another kiss, because it seemed appropriate. "Thank you." He was trying to make her feel better and succeeding. Garrick Ogden, you're amazing.

Did she fancy him, like Lex had said? She didn't know. Lottie pulled on his hand a little, "We should keep our eyes open, then." SMIRK. Marbles. BEAM. Also...were they going to wait on someone? Like...his cousin? She wasn't waiting for anyone, really.

Holding tightly to her hand he actually pulled her a little closer... he wanted to hug her, but didn't push the boundaries too much. So closer would do for now, indeed.

"You're welcome," he said before putting his face back right. HEHE. He considered it a great success that he had gotten her to give that smile... and then she kissed his cheek again. WOOT! He beamed triumphantly at that and might have quickly kissed hers before she pulled away.

Indeed they needed to keep their eyes open. Giving a nod he swept into a very proper bow, hand swept toward the carriage. "After you, m'lady," he said. Did she need a hand up? He was willing to give her a boost if necessary. Hehe. And for the record... he was indeed waiting for Benjy. He could ride to the school with Garrick and Lottie. Yep, yep.
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Old 05-03-2013, 05:59 PM   #18 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
"It's nice to meet you, Sonea. I'm Presley," she replied automatically. This was awkward. This little...second year? was going to think that Presley was a loser. That she never had any friends. The truth of the matter was that all of Presley's friends had graduated, and Elliot had disappeared off the face of the earth. At least she still had Gwen...sort of.

Presley turned slightly and analyzed the little girl. Alone, as a second or third year. Transfer student maybe? Slytherin. Not transfer, she'd been sorted. Pink hair ribbon..that said a lot. Presley ran her fingers through her own hair. She couldn't remember ever being the bright child with hair ribbons, but there were pictures of her like that her first year here. How much things changed in six years. She was a completely different person now from the mischeivous and bright first year, upset at being sorted into Ravenclaw.

Mildly she wondered what changes this kid would go through. "So, you're in third year?" she guessed high. Because kids tended to get offended if you thought they were younger than they really were.
The young girl nodded to the older girl and searched in her bag until she had found where she was looking for and grabbed two pink colored lollipop out of her bag. She had searched at the Diagon Alley for only pink color, simply because she liked pink… “Do you want one?” Asked Sonea and showed the older girl the candy she had with her. She was how the older girl looked at her and wondered what she thought but shrugged it off, it was not important what the other people where thinking, she didn’t care about them, she had learned at home to not trust anybody and if she did it then she risked to be disappointed.

Without waiting for the reaction from the older girl she unwrapped one of her lollipop’s out of the paper and stopped it into her mouth. And just at that moment when she wanted to close her bag she saw her rat Little princess and felt sorry for her rat because she probably was hungry after all the hours she had stayed in her bag and gave her a small rat snack before she looked back at the older girl and smiled proud when Presley asked her if she was already a third year and was happy that she had bought the pink ribbon she now wore. She was sure that the ribbon made her look older than she was! Still smiling brightly she shook her head. “No, I’m a second year but this will be the first year that I’m staying the whole year at Hogwarts, I have missed a lot the previous year because my mother had become sick and I needed to go home.” Sonea looked shocked when she had told the older girl the reason why she had missed a few months from her first year, she had been distracted because of the compliment she had received! Normally she would never tell anybody so much about herself!

Quickly she closed her mouth and leaned back in the carriage.
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Old 05-03-2013, 06:02 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Man that ticket guy had been so annoying! It took alot to annoy Daichi but that guy was just ARGH! The Slytherin was glad to be out of the train and with his school bag hoisted over his shoulder he found a carriage to ride with. Finding one who was almost empty, Daichi first looked at the thestral in front of it and shivered. No matter how many times he had seen the creature he still was a little afraid of it. He stepped inside and straightened his robe before looking to see Christmas already in the carriage. "Oh, hey! did you see that weird TICK-EET guy?" he immediately asked , giving a perfect imitation of the ticket guys voice.
Galena stepped off the express, lugging her trunk and rat cage which was in serious need of repairs.

Through the hustle and bustle she heard that all first years must go to the boats and second to third years should proceed towards the carriages.
Since Galena was a third year, she followed the other students her age.
Unfortunately, it was her first year at Hogwarts so she wanted to ask and make sure she were using the right transportation. She scanned the area for a teacher or somebody who looked like a prefect. One older boy looked like her might be the right person "Excuse me" she said, hopping onto the carriage.

She'd better get her information quick before the carriage took off with her, what if she were in the wrong place? "It is my first year here, but I'm not eleven like they are" she pointed to the group of firsties "should I be taking the carriage or the boats?"
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Old 05-03-2013, 06:13 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!]

Text Cut: No, you cannot. ;)
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Holding tightly to her hand he actually pulled her a little closer... he wanted to hug her, but didn't push the boundaries too much. So closer would do for now, indeed.

"You're welcome," he said before putting his face back right. HEHE. He considered it a great success that he had gotten her to give that smile... and then she kissed his cheek again. WOOT! He beamed triumphantly at that and might have quickly kissed hers before she pulled away.

Indeed they needed to keep their eyes open. Giving a nod he swept into a very proper bow, hand swept toward the carriage. "After you, m'lady," he said. Did she need a hand up? He was willing to give her a boost if necessary. Hehe. And for the record... he was indeed waiting for Benjy. He could ride to the school with Garrick and Lottie. Yep, yep.

There it was. Again. The blushing. It cannot be helped.

She could easily blame Garrick for it, since he was the one who kissed her cheek and made it happen. Though, in reality, she didn't mind it one bit. She'd be proud of her pink cheeks (that will match Mags color for sure) because of him. This was weird, wasn't it? But the good kind of weird, if it makes any sense.

Actually, none of this made sense, but she seemed not to care about that.

Ha. Okay, Lottie had to smirk at this, she quite liked his gentleman ways, though it wasn't his hand what ultimately helped her get in the carriage (she really didn't help, buuuut...), his shoulder did a very good job at it though. And soon enough she was seated. This seemed to be a sign for the pygmy puff, as it was soon in her lap. Apparently, Mags sensed there was no danger.

Oh. Question. "Is Benjy coming?" She had YET to meet the one person everyone, and by everyone we mean Lex and Garrick, keep mentioning.
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Old 05-03-2013, 06:28 PM   #21 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post

There it was. Again. The blushing. It cannot be helped.

She could easily blame Garrick for it, since he was the one who kissed her cheek and made it happen. Though, in reality, she didn't mind it one bit. She'd be proud of her pink cheeks (that will match Mags color for sure) because of him. This was weird, wasn't it? But the good kind of weird, if it makes any sense.

Actually, none of this made sense, but she seemed not to care about that.

Ha. Okay, Lottie had to smirk at this, she quite liked his gentleman ways, though it wasn't his hand what ultimately helped her get in the carriage (she really didn't help, buuuut...), his shoulder did a very good job at it though. And soon enough she was seated. This seemed to be a sign for the pygmy puff, as it was soon in her lap. Apparently, Mags sensed there was no danger.

Oh. Question. "Is Benjy coming?" She had YET to meet the one person everyone, and by everyone we mean Lex and Garrick, keep mentioning.
Garrick didn't notice the blushing this time around... He was too busy blushing himself. The smile that stretched his face said it all, though. He was over the moon happy to be standing there with Lotus. FACT.

The boy couldn't help but chuckle when she ignored his hand and instead pushed off of his shoulder to get into the carriage. Heh. Once she was settled he lifted himself up into the carriage rather gracefully and settled onto the seat next to her, his hand automatically seeking hers out. "Oh! Who is this?" The pygmy puff, of course. It was cute! Smiling down at it the used his free hand to scratch its back gentle.

"He should be along shortly I do believe. He might be sore with me for losing him again, but I find it difficult to keep up with him sometimes..." His smile wilted for a brief moment as he thought... perhaps he was focused on something or someone else and that was causing him to lose Benjy so much now... But hadn't Benjy said something about him going to look for someone and they would see one another at the feast? Or ... Garrick couldn't remember. Oh well. PYGMY PUFF WAS CUTE!

And so was Lotus.
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Old 05-03-2013, 06:30 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa stepped into an empty carriage. Seventh Year, which could only mean one thing. This would most probably be one of her last rides in the carriage except for the one that would take her away from Hogwarts. Alyssa leaned her head against the back of the seat and closed her eyes.

She would enjoy the ride, albeit a short one, back to Hogwarts.

The final carriage ride to Hogwarts. He was going to miss these rides in the "horseless'' carriages. He entered an empty carriage. Or so he thought.

It wasn't until he had sat down that he noticed someone else already there. A familiar someone. "Lyssa!'' he said, quite pleased to see her. He had been looking for her on the Train but had not found her. "Hello. How are you?''
🌺🌺🌺 I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen.

The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 05-03-2013, 06:38 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Christmas smiled at Daichi and nodded and said "Yeah i did see him Daichi he was very weird indeed i didn't like him"
Daichi chuckled and leaned back in his seat. He was glad to be out of the train. "Glad to know i'm not the only one who didn't like him" he said. "I mean, i didn't even know we were supposed to have a ticket, no one told me that!" which frustrated him because once again, he looked dumb in front of the other students. And he was supposed to be a leader! "Did you have a train ticket?" he asked.

Originally Posted by Aryary View Post
Galena stepped off the express, lugging her trunk and rat cage which was in serious need of repairs.

Through the hustle and bustle she heard that all first years must go to the boats and second to third years should proceed towards the carriages.
Since Galena was a third year, she followed the other students her age.
Unfortunately, it was her first year at Hogwarts so she wanted to ask and make sure she were using the right transportation. She scanned the area for a teacher or somebody who looked like a prefect. One older boy looked like her might be the right person "Excuse me" she said, hopping onto the carriage.

She'd better get her information quick before the carriage took off with her, what if she were in the wrong place? "It is my first year here, but I'm not eleven like they are" she pointed to the group of firsties "should I be taking the carriage or the boats?"
First year at Hogwarts? Daichi straightened up immediately , his Prefect badge glinting proudly in the moon light. His brown eyes watched the young girl as she climbed in the carriage and he scooted over a little to give her more space.

"You can stay here" he answered her question after a moment of thinking and placed his school bag on his lap. His duck plushy Mr.Duckles was as always hidden inside it. "My name is Daichi Katharos, one of the Prefects in the school and this is Christmas" he said and waved a hand to the other girl.
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Old 05-03-2013, 06:41 PM   #24 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Daichi chuckled and leaned back in his seat. He was glad to be out of the train. "Glad to know i'm not the only one who didn't like him" he said. "I mean, i didn't even know we were supposed to have a ticket, no one told me that!" which frustrated him because once again, he looked dumb in front of the other students. And he was supposed to be a leader! "Did you have a train ticket?" he asked.

First year at Hogwarts? Daichi straightened up immediately , his Prefect badge glinting proudly in the moon light. His brown eyes watched the young girl as she climbed in the carriage and he scooted over a little to give her more space.

"You can stay here" he answered her question after a moment of thinking and placed his school bag on his lap. His duck plushy Mr.Duckles was as always hidden inside it. "My name is Daichi Katharos, one of the Prefects in the school and this is Christmas" he said and waved a hand to the other girl.
Christmas smiled at the girl who joined them and said to Daichi "Yeah i did have a ticket but really that guy was just rude all the time, i don't know how he can keep a job"
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Old 05-03-2013, 07:34 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!]

Text Cut: Mags is all smug in my head. XD
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Garrick didn't notice the blushing this time around... He was too busy blushing himself. The smile that stretched his face said it all, though. He was over the moon happy to be standing there with Lotus. FACT.

The boy couldn't help but chuckle when she ignored his hand and instead pushed off of his shoulder to get into the carriage. Heh. Once she was settled he lifted himself up into the carriage rather gracefully and settled onto the seat next to her, his hand automatically seeking hers out. "Oh! Who is this?" The pygmy puff, of course. It was cute! Smiling down at it the used his free hand to scratch its back gentle.

"He should be along shortly I do believe. He might be sore with me for losing him again, but I find it difficult to keep up with him sometimes..." His smile wilted for a brief moment as he thought... perhaps he was focused on something or someone else and that was causing him to lose Benjy so much now... But hadn't Benjy said something about him going to look for someone and they would see one another at the feast? Or ... Garrick couldn't remember. Oh well. PYGMY PUFF WAS CUTE!

And so was Lotus.

At this rate, they'll probably belong in Gryffindor with all the red in their cheeks, right? RIGHT.

And the chuckle only made her smirk grow a bit more. Until he joined her and took her hand. Perhaps the action was becoming all too natural, but her heart rate still skyrocketed each and every time. There's a reference for Professor Flamsteed there. Astronomy analogies to Kaiden, who would surely not get them any more than he gets the Quidditch ones. SEE, Aidan? At least Kaiden was amusing.

Who is the pygmy puff? That's Magenta, the ultimate partner in crime. That was supposed to be said out loud, but she caught herself looking at him and...she might have forgotten to reply...for a moment. She smiled, "Magenta, but I call her Mags...," did they ever call anyone or anything by their proper name? Also, Mags seemed to be enjoying the attention, or simply enjoying the fact that she could be out and about now.

Okay, so, that would mean that maybe Benjy wouldn't be in an excellent mood? That's alright. "Okay," she said, nodding while still smiling. She did notice the slight change in his smile, or the faint disappearance of it, but...she asked nothing. Instead, she said something she'd been meaning to, "I'm...really sorry for what happened. I'm quite sure Alexa meant the hexing part...but I don't think she would've done it," because Lottie had been there, otherwise, she might have gotten away with it.

Lottie really doubted she would do so, considering Aidan might be transfigured into something horrible if she ever did. Lex could be better in Defense, but Lottie was excellent in Transfiguration.
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