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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > SnitchSeeker RPG Archives > Hogwarts Archive > Headmistress: Anastasia Truebridge's Reign > Term 34: May - August 2013

Term 34: May - August 2013 Term Thirty-Four: Poor in Fund$ but Rich in Ice Cream (September 2080 - June 2081)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2013, 06:43 PM
sarahlooo sarahlooo is offline
Default Charms I

When you walk into the Charms classroom, you will find it much like the rest of the castle; dirty, dusty, shabby. You will find dust bunnies, spiderwebs, and maybe even some webs with inhabitants in them. The grimy desks are in 6 straight rows, divided into two columns, facing the front of the room. The windows are closed, but the light shines through the dirty, spotted glass.

Professor Knox is standing in front of her clean desk, watching the students file into the classroom. A closed box sits on the floor. Next to the professor is the chalkboard that says, in big, clean letters:

"Sit down and be quiet."

OOC: Class has now started! Please do not post your character arriving late, just pretend they've been in class the whole time! Please read the rules before posting. We'll know if you didn't.

Class Progression:
1. Start of class / exploding dust / first question
2. Answers / Scourgify Review / New Charm: Poliotus / Activity
3. New Charm: Vitrumonia / Activity #2

This class will end on Monday, May 27th at 6 AM GMT.
Old 05-21-2013, 06:54 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Molly Wyndham #cf4269
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Solomon Duck
Sixth Year

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Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl

Theo was umming and ahhhing about the first Charms class of the term. He had a brief glimpse of the new professor at the start of term feast, but she was no Professor Bellaire. It was a good job that she was still here and hadn't left altogether, otherwise Theo would've been very upset. He was still one of the first to arrive, though, because that was tradition.

And UGH, the room was dirty.

Theo turned his nose up but took a seat near the front of the class. "Hi, professor..." He didn't know her name, but he decided to introduce himself. "I'm Theodore." He took a seat and looked at the chalkboard. Sit down and be quiet.

who could love me, I am out of my mind____________________

_______throwing a line out to sea
to see if I can catch a dream
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Old 05-21-2013, 06:55 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ezekiel Andrei de Ferreis
Seventh Year
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Yeaaah, another possibly awesome class where they get to use and learn spells. Hopefully, this was gonna be good.

Zeke entered the classroom. Yep, it was the same as the rest of Hogwarts. Needed some cleaning. For a moment there he was tempted to Scourgify the place if he hadn't seen the new Professor sitting at her clean? desk. Okay, why was her desk clean?

Totally not fair. "Good day, Professor." His eyes next lingered on the chalkboard. Riiight. Strict one maybe?

Just be good, mister. He went on ahead and picked one of the seats, made himself cozy, and laid his bag on the floor beside him. Here goes charms class.
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:03 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Christianna Rivers
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadine Rivers
Seventh Year
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l

Alright though really? This class was just right down, FILTHY! From the the smell all the way to the dust! If it it was this gross in the room why on earth where the windows closed? That was definitely a problem! Nicola did in fact see the little note from the Professor saying to be quiet, but how in Merlin's beard was she supposed to be when all of her internal thought were making her want to scream!?

It was when she saw the grimy desks that Nicola practically lost in. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped from how gross it was! She looked at the Professor again and then back at her desk. The look in her eyes was mixed with pain, a bit of distraught, panic, & a the tiniest feeling of worry! She raised her hand saying,"Um..yes..Hello Professor?" She started,"I um...the" Nicola looked down and then back at her,"...Honestly?"

She refused to sit down..She couldn't...she wouldn't..
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:03 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

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He was... usually this ready for Charms. Or this excited. But it was just... a good day. And everything was more or less going great for him so he had nothing to complain about.

That is, until he took a step into the Charms classroom and had a look around.


Everything was really... dirty. And dusty. Just like the common room and the boy's dorms had been. But this was a little... weird, yeah? Because none of the other classes had been this dusty. Nope. And what was weirder was the fact that the Professor's desk was, in fact, clean. It sort of made her desk seem unnatural in the clean environment. As if it wasn't meant to be there but someone had just put it in there. Just because.

Shaking his head, Alec took a couple more steps forward, a small smile creeping up on his lips. "Erm... hello Professor! Hope you had a great summer!" Candidate!Lady got a bigger smile before the sixteen year old turned his attention towards the board. Sit down and be quiet. Okay.

The boy walked over towards the closest desk and sat down carefully. He reached over a hand brushed off the dust bunny that had been lingering on his desk. Could they Vacavus up the whole classroom? Please?
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:06 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Kirsten Delbin
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mateo Theodore
Fifth Year

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Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

Minerva walked into the charms room with a little bit of a smile on her face. She had already met Professor Knox and had a small lesson from her, that Minerva appreciated. As she walked through the classroom door, she looked around, it was super dirty in this room. That was odd since the other professors seemed to have cleaned the room before class started and Knox seemed to be a tidy professor from what Min had gathered, but shrugging it off she smiled. "Hello Professor "

Just a short greeting knowing the woman didn't seem to be one for small talk, Minerva turned to find her seat. Seeing not to many were there yet she smiled at them and found her seat in the front corner. Sitting down she opened her bag and pulled out her parchment and quill to get ready for notes taking.
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:10 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Atreyu-Rehman
Third Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

Jory entered the classroom, quite looking forward to this first lesson. But the room. "Really needs cleaning,'' he thought. It would have been a perfect place to use the vacuum they got from Astronomy.

"Hi, Professor,'' he greeted the woman with a smile then went off to take a seat. Before he sat though, he brushed off the dust. He hoped he wouldn't be sneezing...
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:14 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Everleigh Evans
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Luca Benetti

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Ella was interested to see what sort of lesson the new Professor was going to teach and even more interested to see what kind of person she was. Oh and she was going to be watching her best friend quite curiously too. Sophie loved Charms and if she gave the thumbs up on the whole thing, Ella was inclined to do the same.

"Hello Professor." She greeted politely before eyeing the board and biting her lip. Right. That was cheerful. And the room? Grime and dust and a whole lot of gloom. Maybe they'd be perfecting their cleaning charms today?

Friends got small smiles as Ella made her way over towards Alec and she sat down gingerly. The boyfriend got a nudge and a slightly bigger smile but no talking, of course. The last thing the blonde wanted to do was anger a new Professor.
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:19 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
William McLuen
Sixth Year

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Charms, another new teacher which would be interesting. Of course Ness had seen Professor Knox before last year and so far had nothing against the woman, but that changed quite quickly as she took her first step inside of the classroom.

Dirt. Spider webs..Dust. JUST EW EVERYWHERE! This was not okay.

With a pout the red head looked at Knox. What was this? Was it so difficult to keep a classroom clean? She hoped the Professor had a good reason, because really, this wasn't fair on any of the kids.

"Hello, Professa---ACHHUU." Um....that sneeze totally did not just happen...or maybe it did. "Sorry. " She grabbed a quick tissue from her robe pocket and cleaned her nose.

Not long after her attention was back onto the Professor who was now talking to the other red head, Nicole or something was it? She'd remember the name eventually, just not now because DUST EVERYWHERE. But back to what the girl was doing and that was talking to the Professor...maybe not in the correct way really. "Um..." She bit her lip wondering if she felt like commenting or not. Maybe not this teacher was new. But next lesson she would, if it was like this of course. So instead she gave her fellow red head a smile, because like red head code and then went to her seat.

Ahh. A plan popped in her brain, thus why she took her wand out. Bye, bye dirt and dust. "Scourgify." She said quietly and pointed at the desk...
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:34 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Violeta X. Escalante
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Yulietta Escalante
Second Year
That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars

The fourth year made her way to Charms with a face of deep satisfaction. She had just had a massive bowl of vanilla and raspberry ice cream. Her favorite. That had her in a WAAAAY even better mood than she's been in days. She also felt bouncy, but that could be because of the sugar.

Upon entering the Charm's classroom green-gray eyes drifted to woman in front of the room. Peyton stared at her. Then at her shoes. Nice choice, nice choice.

"Good day, Professor Knox," she said, GRINNING WIDE and giving her a fingery wave. Peyton sat down and hugged her bag to her chest -something she's oddly come to do this term whenever she was giddy - her face screamed cheerfulness all around.

That was until her eyes landed on the table. Ew. Ewwww. Ewwwww. Where was Toddles? Peyton thought she should invest in a little bell to summon the little thing. But for now, it looked like she'd have to do it herself. "Scourgify!" she chirped, a happy thought crossing her mind.

She wasn't even mad, yo.

Her eyes then drifted to the chalkboard.

Be quiet? was she supposed to compliment the professor's shoes? And she didn't FEEL like being QUIET today. SHE WANTED TO TALK AND SING. Not sing-sing, but maybe HUM.
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:44 PM   #11 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amatheia Barrington
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Barrington
Fourth Year

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Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink


Nigel liked charms, but was put off when he walked in and saw that everything was dirty expect for the Professor's desk.

"Hello, Professor" Nigel replied politely.

Now he had to do something about his desk. Nigel takes a big breath and blows all the dust off his desk. Now he had a nice desk. Nigel thought as he sits down.

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Old 05-21-2013, 07:47 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Christianna Rivers
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nadine Rivers
Seventh Year
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l

Originally Posted by Talikins View Post
Charms, another new teacher which would be interesting. Of course Ness had seen Professor Knox before last year and so far had nothing against the woman, but that changed quite quickly as she took her first step inside of the classroom.

Dirt. Spider webs..Dust. JUST EW EVERYWHERE! This was not okay.

With a pout the red head looked at Knox. What was this? Was it so difficult to keep a classroom clean? She hoped the Professor had a good reason, because really, this wasn't fair on any of the kids.

"Hello, Professa---ACHHUU." Um....that sneeze totally did not just happen...or maybe it did. "Sorry. " She grabbed a quick tissue from her robe pocket and cleaned her nose.

Not long after her attention was back onto the Professor who was now talking to the other red head, Nicole or something was it? She'd remember the name eventually, just not now because DUST EVERYWHERE. But back to what the girl was doing and that was talking to the Professor...maybe not in the correct way really. "Um..." She bit her lip wondering if she felt like commenting or not. Maybe not this teacher was new. But next lesson she would, if it was like this of course. So instead she gave her fellow red head a smile, because like red head code and then went to her seat.

Ahh. A plan popped in her brain, thus why she took her wand out. Bye, bye dirt and dust. "Scourgify." She said quietly and pointed at the desk...
Nicola did probably think that the way she spoke to the Professor just now might have possibly have been rude? But honestly..could you blame her? This room was ridiculously filthy! And she couldn't stress that enough! She didn't know what she could have done, she was almost desperate enough to use the sleeve of her robe to at least wipe the seat! She just stared at the dirty seat, trying to figure out what to do, it was making her frustrated to no end!

She sighed a little bit and then lifted her head again to take a look around the room for some sort of solution to this problem. And in the midst of doing so she heard someone sneeze, and her eyes immediately rested on that redhead girl who spoke to her in Transfiguration. She didn't quite remember if she had a name..or if the game have given her a name...Perhaps maybe she would find it out at some point.

From the looks of it, it seems that Nicola wasn't the only one who was bothered by the dirtiness of this room! She watched the girl as she had given Nicola a smile, to which Nicola paused briefly before returning a bit of a warm smile to her. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she continued to watch the girl seem to do something. She then raised an eyebrow when she saw the older girl take her wand out and mutter something..then it hit her!


Nicola was very tempted to do this also, but she didn't know if she'd get in trouble for it. But she did know that she didn't want to sit in this dirty grime. So within a matter of seconds Nicola had repeated the same thing the fellow redhead did, just like the redhead did what Nicola did with their gargoyles in Transfiguration. And before she knew it, her desk was no longer grimly grotesque, and she was finally sitting down crossing her legs sitting looking very proper. Her eyes traveled over to the redhead again briefly before she began to play with her hair.

Now to wait for class to begin..

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Old 05-21-2013, 07:51 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Gideon Emerson
Seventh Year

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Time for class. Sigh. Why did they have so many of those here? In hindsight, they probably had the same amount of classes at his last two schools, but it wasn't like he WENT there. Male Professors were a drag and female ones gave him something to, AHEM, pay attention to at least.

So he was going to torture through this class because of female Professor reasons. And like the rest of this school he was not disappointed when he walked in and saw her standing there. Solid ten. Easy.

Smirk on, hair perfect. Awesome. He walked over to his Professor and said with the most genuine smile he could muster, "Good day, Professor." Dramatic Stark pause, "You look lovely in blue, ma'am."

Now time to find a seat and APPARENTLY be quiet.
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:51 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Sit down and be quiet. Oh. Okay. Derry sidled into the room quietly and smiled at the professor. "Good day, Professor." she said, then walking quickly to a seat and sitting down. Okay, that was right, yeah?

She gave Theo, Peyton and Ascanius little waves before getting her parchment and quill from her bag - after all, they were team mates now. TEAM MATES. QUIDDITCH. YEP. EXCITING... Anyway... quietness......
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Old 05-21-2013, 07:58 PM   #15 (permalink)

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Charms charms charms, just another class to boggle her mind and potentially make her angry. It wasn't her fault she didn't really care or classes sand the work and the .... EW

Ariana Walked into the MESS of a room and scoffed to herself, Dirty. Maybe they'd learn easy cleaning spells, hopefully ones she didn't know, or else it'd be a boring, easy repetitive lesson. MEH, oh Hai look New Professor. She gave the woman a smile as her eyes read the board. ' well, aren't we happy go lucky' she thought about the woman "Hello Professor." she didn't know the womans name nor did she care at the moment, finding a seat she didn't even dust it off or protest as she simply sat down, oh.. was that a spider on her desk? Lovely.
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Old 05-21-2013, 08:06 PM   #16 (permalink)

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Lex hummed a little tune in her head as she skipped down the corridor to the charms class. Did anyone else like today? It was just like! Giggle. She was in especially high spirits today but perhaps that could have been said about yesterday as well? Who caaaared, she was still skipping even after she'd gotten into the classroom and stopped only when she got a look at the desks and such.

Um, how about no?

She whipped out her wand and cast a quick scourgify on both her own desk and chair. It was only right they be allowed to, just look how neat the Professor's looked! A dirty Charms Class was weeeeird. Professor Bellaire would have had this place all dolled up before they got here. Guess you couldn't expect much from someone who wand-handled kneazles.

Lala la la lalalala la.

She plopped down in her seat. Something else that was weird, usually they had to wait to be told to do so. Heheheehehe and so she was sitting in Charms class. Hahaha! It wasn't supposed to be funny and she couldn't half explain why she was their just giggling to herself perhaps it was the sugar? but it was just happening. "Helloooooo Professor." Giggle.
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Old 05-21-2013, 09:01 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kion Baltasar Ingebretson
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Firash Grunt
Games & Sports
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •

Wade walked to his first Charms class of the term. Once entering, Wade was happy to not be late. He then looked around for the new teacher before greeting her, "Hello, Professor." Behind her on the board, Wade noticed the quite clear instructions.

Ah, right.. Not going to disobey, he turned to.. the mess of the desks. Aw, looks like we get the mess. Wade swept some of the dust off the seat with one hand before plomping himself down to one of the desks. He would charm them off, but well, the board said to be quiet. Oh well.

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Old 05-21-2013, 09:19 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Eliza Neladara Dawnsel
Fifth Year

Eliza really enjoyed Charms, so she entered with class with high hopes. But the filthiness of it was disheartening. But, instead of getting down about it, she just made up a reason for it being so utterly inhabitable. Maybe she's going to teach us some cleaning charms and that's why she's left it so dirty. That would make sense.

She greeted the professor with a smile as she found her way to a desk. "Hello Professor!" She couldn't remember her full name right off the top of her head, so she hoped that would do. And although she wasn't looking forward to sitting in the grimy chair behind the dust covered desk, she did so anyway and held her breath, careful not to suck up an particles in the air. I really hope she starts class soon so we can clean this place up! she wished silently and placed her clean hands neatly on her clean robes.

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Old 05-21-2013, 09:31 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Charms class

This is a class he was interested in learning about. He never attended charms class before and he wanted to know what he had in store. He heard rumors that this was a new professor and he wanted to make her feel welcome.

"Hello Professor, how are you today?" Kace asked with his adorable smile. Then once he found his desk. He slide his finger on his desk and found dust. "Ewwww...this is just delightful". He wiped off the dust from his desk and chair and clapped his hands together to get them off.

He sat down once his desk was clean and then put his notebook down and was ready to take notes.
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Old 05-21-2013, 09:46 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Mack entered the charms classroom in good spirits, she loved charms. But her mood quickly shifted as she looked around and noticed the dust. Seriously, this was so easy to fix... Why hadn't the professor taken the time to do it? But maybe that was the plan, for that to be the first spell they went over... made sense Walking to the front of the class room the blonde read the board
"Sit down and be quiet."
Not wanting to chance being scolded for telling the professor hello, she took a seat in the very front, and offered the professor a smile.
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Old 05-21-2013, 09:51 PM   #21 (permalink)

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Hopefully this class was going to be fun. The other lessons that he had attended had been certainly a lot less than he expected them to be.

Michael entered the room and flashed the Professor a wide grin. "Hello Professor." He noticed the words written on the board and his grin faded very quickly.

'Sit down and be quiet.'

That already told him that this lesson wasn't going to be as fun as he was hoping. His shoulders slumped as he turned and made his way to an empty seat. He found one behind his fellow housemate Alexa and beside a first year Hufflepuff who seemed less than thrilled with the state of the furniture.

It was pretty gross but since he was determined that he was not cleaning anything then he was just gonna have to deal with it.
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Old 05-21-2013, 10:15 PM   #22 (permalink)

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The room was fairly dirty, yes, but Mo looked on with some alarm as those classmates who had entered ahead of him cleaned their desks. Without permission. With MAGIC. He blinked a bit as he followed directions to the letter - silently taking his seat and spreading out a piece of parchment onto which he gingerly set his hands.

Unless casting spells was okay in this class? "Good day to you, Professor... Knox," Mo wrinkled his nose as he struggled to recall her name. "I like how your shoes look like they could kill a man." Y'know, since complimenting people was important.
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Old 05-21-2013, 10:22 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Ryan slowly entered the Charms classroom, hoping that not many of his friends were in this class. But then again, it might be better if they were because he would perhaps have more fun. Well. If fun was possible in lessons. His eyes roved the chalkboard and the words upon it made grimace. Sit down and be quiet? Well, that was no fun.

He mumbled to the professor, leaving an inaudible 'hello' and then wound his way to an empty seat. Boy was it filthy in here.
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Old 05-21-2013, 10:45 PM   #24 (permalink)

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Leonardo Perez-Jeon
Seventh Year

It was now time for a new class. Well as always he was a nervous wreck...though he never truly showed it. Walking in he went looking for a seat, when he passed by the chalk board that strictly said what to do. His hazel eyes widened and then he spotted the Professor, his mind drifted away for a second there...

Wow.... Troy thought to himself "She's preeeeeeeeeetty... His mouth might be quiet, but his mind sure wasn't.

Instead of locating a seat in the back of the room, he decided to sit in the front this time.

Oh look it's Peyton! Troy smiled at her direction and remained quiet.

This was going to be fun?
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Old 05-21-2013, 10:52 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Sixth Year


There was something very interesting or very sad about how Ezra had already grown used to the castle's poor everything. Dust and webs and filth were pretty normal these days, so what was having to use his sleeve to rid off his desk of some dust before placing his textbook atop of it? Not much, really!

Sit down and be quiet, was an order or something to that effect, so he did just that. Fun! When an older student suggested that the professor's shoes looked like a weapon, Ezra was inclined to agree, and a look of interest with a small touch of appreciation was shot to them.

Then he remembered he hadn't said hello.

Or was the be quiet rule allowed to be broken in this instance?


He chose to smile and incline his head in what he hoped was a polite greeting, instead.
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