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Term 32: September - December 2012 Term Thirty-Two: Revenge of the Spirit (September 2078 - June 2079)

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Old 01-03-2012, 04:05 AM
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Default The Room

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Old 09-05-2012, 04:02 PM   #2 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lyric Bayliss-Black
Fourth Year
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So, it was finally happening...The talk of talks. Dylan would FINALLY be able to put all this ridiculousness behind him...and FOCUS on tryouts that would be starting soon...and classes...and more important things.

Yes. Stuff that WASN'T a girl...and drama. Thank you VERY much.

After pacing in front of the stretch of wall on the Seventh floor, Dylan entered the Room of Requirement. It wasn't done up much differently from last time. Just large windows with white billowy curtains...and a single couch. Somehow it's simplicity calmed his nerves a bit. The Slytherin didn't need anything too distracting or cray cray going on.

Not while he was trying to have a serious talk, anyway...

Standing by the open windows, Dylan stood and he'd told her he would.
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Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
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Old 09-05-2012, 04:44 PM   #3 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by THE Govoni View Post
So, it was finally happening...The talk of talks. Dylan would FINALLY be able to put all this ridiculousness behind him...and FOCUS on tryouts that would be starting soon...and classes...and more important things.

Yes. Stuff that WASN'T a girl...and drama. Thank you VERY much.

After pacing in front of the stretch of wall on the Seventh floor, Dylan entered the Room of Requirement. It wasn't done up much differently from last time. Just large windows with white billowy curtains...and a single couch. Somehow it's simplicity calmed his nerves a bit. The Slytherin didn't need anything too distracting or cray cray going on.

Not while he was trying to have a serious talk, anyway...

Standing by the open windows, Dylan stood and he'd told her he would.
The short-haired brunette took a fairly deep breath before shutting her eyes, mentally relaying her message to the magical door which was the entrance to the Room of Requirement.

Uhm, I need to end up in the room where Dyl---I mean, the Slytherin Captain is.

She slowly opened her eyes, turned the knob and stepped inside. The setting was exactly like the room where she made her set of runes last term, the room where he also played his guitar for her. The Ravenclaw heaved a sigh as she scanned the area. What if he wasn't there? What if it was the wrong room? What if...

...but there he was. Standing beside the windows, she couldn't see his face.

Like he said, he was there waiting for her. And it would only be a matter of time before he notices she was there and they'll have their talk. It was time to settle things once and for all. She was growing weary of all their banters that was somewhat senseless. So, as much as she wanted to dash out of the room upon seeing his silhouette, she just had to keep a tight grip on herself.

Beezus gulped then cleared her throat. Ahehem. "Erm, hi.." But it sounded as if no voice came out. Sweet Merlin.

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Old 09-05-2012, 05:01 PM   #4 (permalink)

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As he stood there, staring out of the large windows...Dylan couldn't help but feel his anger coming back from earlier. Beezus had done this. She'd ruined their friendship and had put him in a position he had not wanted to be in. Now? Well, This. Was. It.

Dating Indy had never been anything personal against her. And neither had the break up.

To put it simply...It wasn't all about Beezus Castell...

Hearing a faint noise behind him ripped Dylan from his thoughts...but he knew it'd be her. And if it wasn't her...Well, that person was going to be very sorry.

He didn't need to worry, though.

Turning slowing to rest against the ledge of the window, the Slytherin Captain survey'd the room...before letting his eyes settle on Bee. "Hello." His tone was devoid of any emotion. A sign of his current mood.
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Last edited by Govoni; 09-05-2012 at 05:07 PM.
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Old 09-05-2012, 05:16 PM   #5 (permalink)

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...a simple hello. Nothing more, nothing less..

His gaze was melting the wall of defense she had put up. Before the train ride became a wreck, she had already fixed her mind that this talk would resolve the problems. Why he was blaming her for things, why he keeps on calling her a liar...those things.

Last time she checked, she ought to be the one apathetic towards him. But right now, the cards seemed to have taken a turn for he was the one acting all indifferent towards her. This was definitely not going the way she had planned.

She bit her lower lip for a second then muttered, "So..uhm.." How should this start? Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Seconds began to slip away and she still couldn't think of a good way to begin this confrontation.

Beezus frowned. Really. She should just get to the point. "...why do you hate me so much? What have I done, really?"

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Old 09-05-2012, 05:29 PM   #6 (permalink)

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So...She wanted to start? Hmm. Fine. Whatever.

Dylan simply stared at the Ravenclaw...absorbing every look, eye-twitch, and lip-tug...He shouldn't have thought she looked pretty standing there...but she did. And the truth of that thought seemed to spread through him like wildfire. His face was on his side today, though, because it betrayed nothing.

To be honest, it was quite appropriate that they start with this question. The Slytherin had to hand it to her...Beezus played dumb well.

"That's been a common misconception." Yes. Most people seemed to think he hated them these days. Pfft. "No, I just strongly dislike you at the moment."

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Old 09-05-2012, 05:39 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by THE Govoni View Post
So...She wanted to start? Hmm. Fine. Whatever.

Dylan simply stared at the Ravenclaw...absorbing every look, eye-twitch, and lip-tug...He shouldn't have thought she looked pretty standing there...but she did. And the truth of that thought seemed to spread through him like wildfire. His face was on his side today, though, because it betrayed nothing.

To be honest, it was quite appropriate that they start with this question. The Slytherin had to hand it to her...Beezus played dumb well.

"That's been a common misconception." Yes. Most people seemed to think he hated them these days. Pfft. "No, I just strongly dislike you at the moment."

Beezus tore her eyes from his and looked down while she waited for his response..

..then it came. And it still confused the hell out of her no matter how many times she had heard it come from him. Argh. HE was such a confusing guy!

Eyes still on the floor, the brunette asked, "Why?" Of course, it was expected that she ask why. She didn't know what she'd done for him to hate dislike her. She could remember him coming to her aid when the train stopped. She thought everything was going to be alright then. Turns out, she was wrong. Because it still wasn't okay. Nothing was fine between them.

"Seriously..I don't get it. You call me liar and I don't even know what it is I am supposed to be lying about." Oh, poor her.

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Old 09-05-2012, 05:49 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by xXxPandora View Post
Beezus tore her eyes from his and looked down while she waited for his response..

..then it came. And it still confused the hell out of her no matter how many times she had heard it come from him. Argh. HE was such a confusing guy!

Eyes still on the floor, the brunette asked, "Why?" Of course, it was expected that she ask why. She didn't know what she'd done for him to hate dislike her. She could remember him coming to her aid when the train stopped. She thought everything was going to be alright then. Turns out, she was wrong. Because it still wasn't okay. Nothing was fine between them.

"Seriously..I don't get it. You call me liar and I don't even know what it is I am supposed to be lying about." Oh, poor her.
Oh, they were back on this, were they?

Moving to cross his arms, Dylan simply continued to stare. She was obviously uncomfortable...and for a moment, the Slytherin reveled in it. This is what she'd done to him ten times over the entire last term. Made him confused about what he'd done to make her not speak to him and question himself...

How does it feel, Beatrice? Huh?

"You ask me that...but I know you know why. You aren't stupid..." Although her portrayal was quite convincing. "So, why don't you think back and tell me." ...Because there was no way Dylan was letting her use this act...Not this time.
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Old 09-06-2012, 05:34 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Needless to say, she wasn't stupid. She knew she wasn't cray cray and he should know too. But why couldn't she find the answers to the questions that lingered in between the two of them? She didn't know why. All she knows was that their friendship had undoubtedly crumpled down because of how frequent they've been hitting each other with sarcasm and glares.

Think back? Think back to what? when?

At the train ride? During the summer? The End of the Term Feast? Last term?

....the previous term..

Oh, yeah. She'd done something. She..."Is this because of the whole avoiding thing...last term?" Great. Just when she didn't want to admit that she was avoiding him. Yet she did have considerations for those actions. She intentionally did not talk, or look at him (well..she nearly succeeded..) because of a few reasons.

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Old 09-06-2012, 07:14 AM   #10 (permalink)

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Ding ding ding! We have a winner, folks!

Internally, Dylan was pleased that the girl was finally admitting to some guilt. Accountability, Ravenclaw...but externally, the Slytherin just shook his head, not really looking her in the face after hearing the response. Really...He'd known she knew. How could Beezus not? The dumb act was old. Seriously...Was she a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff?

Exhaling deeply, he faced the windows once more. The gentle breeze was still making it's make through the curtains...and not even it could calm the angry pull of his emotions. He'd been so furious at this girl...and now...Well, it was difficult to look at her.

Not that Beezus would know that.

"Yes. That's part of it." was all he offered.
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Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
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Old 09-06-2012, 08:04 AM   #11 (permalink)

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When the Slytherin turned to face the large windows, Beezus sighed and shuffled towards the only couch on the room. She needed to sit, the talk had only started yet she was already feeling weakness creeping up to her knees. She sat down, shot him a quick glance then began to tinker with the edges of her skirt.

I need distractions. I need distractions now.

Then he spoke and her hands were immobilized. Part of it? So that meant there were more reasons. "..What else then?" she asked, eyes trained on the red and black checkered cloth she was fumbling a while ago. If her avoiding him appeared as something unpleasant to him, what else could have scaled the same displeasure?

Sigh. That was all she could do right now. She could feel the tension in the air. He was mad at her. And surprisingly, she was not. Yes, she herself is even startled by this realization. The rage that had built up inside her before and during the train ride seemed to have vanished altogether when he was at once by her side when the commotion had ensued. Somehow, she felt safe knowing he was there. Although, that would have to be suppressed inside her. ALL OF IT.

Speaking of the train ride...he was with someone when their banter took place. "So and..Ness, huh?" In a casual, leveled voice Beezus said.

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Old 09-06-2012, 11:27 AM   #12 (permalink)

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The Slytherin could hear...No...feel her moving around behind his back, but still, he refused to turn and look. In fact, she could have been plotting to hex him ten ways from Sunday...but Dylan still wasn't going to turn back around.

Looking at Beezus just made this more difficult than necessary. Period.

Uncrossing his arms, both hands settled into his jeans pockets. It was a shame about these windows and that breeze...As far as windows and breezes went, they were suppose to make you feel better by default. But no sunshine or warmth on his face was going to take this hurt away. It was too deep seeded and...another word he couldn't even think of at the moment.

When had the Slytherin allowed himself to care about someone else like this? Totally hadn't seen that one coming...

What else then? and Ness....?

Her voice sounded from behind him and Dylan somehow knew she was in the vicinity of the couch...perhaps even sitting on it. How he knew this, though...Well, he wasn't going to dwell on it. It was a bit surprising she was bringing up Dixon, though. The Captain knew what she was getting at...because Rich had asked him something similar. Why did everything think he was trying to get with the Hufflepuff, though? It wasn't Dylan's fault she'd been....showing him things. "You are ridiculous if you think I want anything to do with Dixon." He hadn't really meant for it to come out as harsh as it did...but he also didn't like anyone thinking he was partaking in something when he clearly wasn't. "You know I don't do Hufflepuffs." Wasn't his obsession with Ravenclaws enough to show her that? Or was Beezus just not as smart as he thought she was? Pfft. Either way...

"I suppose I could ask you the same thing, though." Something a little dangerous had settled in Dylan's tone...Something that clearly said he was on shaky ground with this train of thought. "I'm a no good, jerk Slytherin...but you have befriended Richard Turner." Bitter laugh. Irony, really. Rich was ten times worse than him any day..."I get it. I offended you by dating your best friend...and now you're getting revenge on me by dating mine." Dylan's anger was starting to color his voice. Now they were getting down to the root of the problem...

And he was so ready to be done...and out of that room...and away from her...Pfft!...Not like THAT wouldn't end in total fail. Gah, it was like he was physically incapable of keeping away from her..."I would say I hope you two are happy together...but I wouldn't mean it. And I'm not a liar."
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
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Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
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Old 09-06-2012, 12:15 PM   #13 (permalink)

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Beezus tried to smile off the situation but there was too much bad blood on her tongue that she decided against it and allowed herself to frown because well...that seemed like the most appropriate expression at the moment.

She was ridiculous, she knew. And a liar too. Really, what else did Dylan want to call her? The frown deepened and her dark brown eyes were piercing through the cloth she was playing with, HARD on. No, she didn't know. Actually, she didn't knew him anymore, or did she really got to know him before? That occurred as a big question mark right now. "You shouldn't say it like its a bad thing. Hufflepuffs are nice." Well, those she knew anyway. "..and honestly, if you're having something with her you shouldn't deny it." Because that would hurt very much any girl.

Not that she cared about the relationship the two shared anyway. She didn't. Well...yeah, she didn't.

When he said he was a jerk, she wanted to tell him the words 'Good thing you know'. He wasn't denying Richard Turner? Why was he included in the conversation? "Bestie. Indy's my bestie." the brunette corrected. Her best friend was Erin. For her, there was a pretty distinct line between the two terms.

..and she was what? Getting revenge on him? What in Merlin's underpants was he talking about?! This time, Beezus' eyes had shifted to him eventhough he wasn't facing her. "No!" if his voice had changed into something that sounded more serious, hers did too. "Date him? Date Rich? Holy snitch! What are you talking about? I'm not trying to get back at you by dating your best friend. I barely know the guy." But she had to admit, he was sweet and thoughtful. Things that somehow made her want to know him more. "I'm not dating him Dylan. I'm not dating anyone." And have never even tried to. Now THIS is really what's ridiculous. "And for your information, I did not befriend him. It was the other way around." Ugh. Why can't she get a break from these Slytherin guys?

Beezus sighed exasperatedly and moved her gaze around the room, wanting to avoid seeing his composition. Her head was beginning to pound. "Don't be selfish. If that did happen you should at least be happy because I'm happy for you and...your fellow Captain." But no, she wasn't considering being with Rich. Nope. They were friends and if she can maintain it to stay like that, she will.

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Old 09-06-2012, 01:24 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Yes...because I would do something like that...

"I don't like nice girls...Obviously." Dylan had once thought that maybe he did. After all, Beezus had been amazing...but then he'd found out that she wasn't a nice girl...And well...a pattern was making itself known here. Indy had been a nice girl in theory...but she'd been just like everyone else. Judging and acting like she was above things. In fact, before that breakup, Dylan had been convinced that the Ravenclaw had been finished with him long before he'd said anything. So, why prolong it? Why waste each other's time?

NOT a very nice thing to do.

And...just so you know..."If I were dating someone, I would make sure everyone knew it..." Yes, there was attitude in his voice. What did Beezus think? That he was some jerk that used girls on the sly? Pfft. Thanks for you vote of confidence...

The truth of the matter was that the Ravenclaw, this one in particular, had a knack for pushing him to his extremes...and making him feel absolutely terrible about it...But it wasn't going to work anymore. Dylan hadn't done anything wrong. Not this time.

He heard the change in her voice...and braced himself. Was she going to start screaming now? Had they reached that point in the argument already? He'd fully expected the defensive thing. It was what Beezus did. If anyone lived their life mostly in denial. it was that one...He'd just never known her to get so worked up so fast.

Hmm, good. Know how it feels, Castell.

Of course, the words Beezus was so dangerously choosing to throw at his back did, in fact, make him turn around...Dylan leveled her was a disbelieving look of annoyance. "I know my best mate. If Rich was in that compartment with you...He was trying something." That's just how his best mate was...and Dylan accepted him for his shortcomings. Just like Rich accepted him for being emotionally defective...


Moving towards her, the Captain continued to eye Bee meanly. "I am NOT dating Dixon. I have not done anything with her." He'd seen things. That was it. That didn't mean the Slytherin had taken advantage...

Gah, no one was worth feeling this way about!
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Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
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Old 09-06-2012, 02:42 PM   #15 (permalink)

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He didn't like nice girls? Apparently, that statement surfaced to her as 'He liked ALL girls'. Last time she checked, there was no such thing as a nice girl that ever existed in history because each one of them lived with their flaws. She would never say that she's nice.

When the Slytherin Captain said that he would make sure everyone knew if he was dating someone, Beezus just couldn't stop herself that her head moved to its own accord and the windows of her soul were back to staring at his alluring features. Although they were on each other's offensive kettles, she knew for a fact that Dylan meant what he said. Did that mean he really wasn't dating the Hufflepuff Captain?

Did it, Dylan? Somehow, she terribly wanted to believe him. Yet there was something she couldn't name that was holding her back.

Then without warning, he pivoted around and she became frozen for a while. For seconds, she stared at him. She tried to read his eyes, but really..she didn't have talent in those kind of things. All she could make out was that he was returning the scrutiny in an incredulous manner. This made her eyebrows form knots. "Of course he was trying something," the brunette replied in a low voice. If only Dylan knew what his best friend did. "He was trying to comfort me." She might've found Rich a jerk at first but when he joined her at the compartment, she discovered he was more than that. And she was very grateful that the newly-sorted Slytherin was there when she badly needed someone.

Stop the glares Montmorency. Please.

As he edged towards her, Beezus gulped. Now what? He wasn't dating Ness. Right.. "Really? You didn't?" anything with her? The Ravenclaw's dark brown eyes dared to meet the Slytherin's blue ones. There was a tinge of challenge in her voice. For all she knew, he might be lying and the stories she'd heard were true.

A little voice inside her head was intensely hoping they weren't.

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Old 09-06-2012, 04:47 PM   #16 (permalink)

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...And this was why Dylan had NOT wanted to face her...

Those beautiful dark eyes...They just seemed to pierce right through his soul. Every time...Gah, he needed to get away from this girl. Bee was a danger to him...Probably not in the obvious ways...but there had always been a sense of comfort surrounding the Ravenclaw. Everytime he would talk to her...he felt it.

...And even though he was beyond upset, hurt, and angry at the moment...he was STILL feeling it.

"I am NOT dating her." Dylan was unclear on why he wanted her to know this so adamantly...but he did. Dixon was a cool girl, he could admit. She was fierce and passionate...but also crazy and a danger to herself and those around her. The Slytherin couldn't afford to get mixed up in something like that. Not with so much on the line this year. "...Also, if I were, I wouldn't be here with you alone."...because it didn't look good...and he didn't think he'd be able to control himself.

...Cheating was something the Slytherin would never partake in. matter how mean and obnoxious he was. It just wasn't in him.

And...she was talking about Rich, again. "Listen...I don't care..." Really, he didn't want to hear his name out of her mouth. It just made him want to vomit. "...It bothers me. I won't lie." Nope, he wasn't offering anything else as far as that was concerned. Rich knew how he felt...about the situation.

"I have no interest in her. None."

Gah, why wasn't he still furious? The Slytherin wanted to be angry...angrier...

That has to stop.
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So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________

Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____

Last edited by Govoni; 09-06-2012 at 04:52 PM.
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Old 09-06-2012, 05:59 PM   #17 (permalink)

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So they were not dating. That's what he said and that was what she had heard. "Oh," was all she could utter as she nodded in response. She wasn't going to add anymore to that, even if truth be told, she was actually feeling a surge of relief inside of her. Why? She had no idea. Still, she wasn't going to put all her trust on the Slytherin's words. Boys never admitted to those kind of things anyway.


They were alone? It struck her like lightning. It was true. They were the only people inside the room, no one else. This realization had suddenly brought chills to her spine, making her a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't because she was with Dylan, but more of because she was with a guy and well...she wasn't too naive not to know things. She glanced at him for a moment. Surely Dylan won't do anything bad to her right?


The brunette sort of fidgeted on her seat before having a drastic change of mood. Yep, anything to get her mind off the whole 'They Were Alone' thing. With a slightly higher tone, she replied, "Why? Why does it bother you Dy? It wasn't like we were doing anything." Okay, maybe talking was something. "Really shouldn't be like that towards him." Head-shaking. "I understand that he's your best friend but you know what? He made me smile when you did the opposite. I don't know how I should say this but he's..he..." Yeah, she wasn't going to finish that one. She couldn't find the right words to use. "..It just hurts to know he cares more than you do considering I've gotten to know you more than him.. I don't know why, but it does..It hurts.." There, that felt awfully better. She had verbalized the collision of thoughts inside her head. Honestly, she didn't understand it what she had just said, and she doubted Dylan will.

Merlin help her. This guy always had the power to confuse her so much.

And because she was out of her mind not thinking properly anymore, Beezus couldn't quite control herself that she blurted things she knew she'd come to regret. "You do." Yes Dylan, she really thinks you have an interest in the Hufflepuff Captain. "She has red hair..and you two had been...seeing each other." So, not dating. But seeing each other. Hmm.

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Old 09-06-2012, 06:52 PM   #18 (permalink)

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Was Beezus seriously so daft that she couldn't understand why that would bother him? Really? Pinching the bridge of his nose, Dylan could feel it coming. He was about to over-share. It was obvious in the way his throat felt like it was close to closing up entirely.

The truth...

It was going to be a mistake...but there was no stopping the words that, with impressive force, were suddenly bursting out of his mouth. "Because I'm jealous!"


Yes, there had been no stopping that omission...but he stood his ground. There would be no showing weakness right now. Not in front of her...and NOT when he'd just blurted that out. And...while the Captain was making the biggest mistake of the year...Why not say more?

In fact, why not put everything out there?

When he spoke, the Slytherin's tone was grave. "I have NOT been seeing her...but since we're getting everything out in the open...I'll be honest." Some face-rubbing inserted here. "She showed me things...and I looked...but when it came to that point, I did not want it. I DO NOT want that."

And on another note..."I don't care if she has red hair! I don't want her because she isn't you..."

Pfft! He didn't even care anymore. And if he were being honest with himself, he felt lighter than he had in a long while. Even with all his parent problems, the Slytherin had needed to get that out. It'd been festering for too a nasty disease...And Dylan was done. Totally done.

All he wanted was to go separate ways...if that's what it was going to be. He had too much to do these days that he couldn't focus on the small stuff. So, if it was going to be over...let it FINALLY be over.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________

Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
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Old 09-06-2012, 07:56 PM   #19 (permalink)

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❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!

Her mind was pretty clouded and there was a loud hammering in her head, an indication that it had been overused. Yes, Dylan Montmorency did that to her. He'd confuse her to no end, she'll try to figure things out then her poor brain would suffer the consequences.

Then words were flying out of his mouth. Words that she did not expect to come, words that caught her off guard. Jealous? Jealous, why was he jealous with Rich? Because of her? " don't have to be jealous with Rich. You and him are different." the Ravenclaw sighed in defeat. Dylan was very important to her and she didn't want to lose him. "You're more special to me." Beezus added in a VERY low voice.

Uhm, yeah. That came out without much thinking. But then, when did she ever thought straight with him around?

What? She showed him things..what things? Beezus was giving him a quizzical look yet she knew it had to be something not to be uttered. And he said he did not want it. Perhaps she understood because while she was biting her lower lip, she was nodding at him. "" She was going to hold on to his words, and if he was lying...then she can call him a liar afterwards...and maybe..never trust him again.

"I don't care if she has red hair! I don't want her because she isn't you..."

But it seemed like all the cards were laid. She stared at him, perplexed. Was he confessing? She didn't know how to respond. Hell, it looked as if she even forgot to breathe. It was her turn though, wasn't it? Even just for now, she wanted to be honest with him and most especially...with herself.

One second she was on the couch and next thing she knew she was standing in front of him, head hung. "I'm s-sorry." Beezus breathed...slowly and deeply. "I'm sorry that I avoided you last term." She could feel her face burning, her eyesight obscured because of the tears forming. "..I just.." Why was her voice cracking? "...I avoided you were with my bestie. seeing you with her." Lips trembling, teardrops trickled along her cheeks. "..I'm sorry for always ticking you off. I didn't...want to.." Gulp. "..feel so comfortable around you.." Sniiiiiiiff. "...because it would mean...that I'd have to tell you sooner or later...t-that...I like you." Words came out without restrictions and she started hating herself. How could she lie to herself that much?

He was right all along. "I'm a liar..I am. I'm sorry."

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Old 09-06-2012, 08:28 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Damon walked into the room with a small sigh, not wanting to be out around the school, especially with him giving the necklace back to his father over the past weekend, he didn't know why, but he needed a place he could get away from everyone. He pushed his now long hair out of his face and pulled his guitar around as he went into the back corner of the room
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Old 09-06-2012, 08:45 PM   #21 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PuppySara View Post
Damon walked into the room with a small sigh, not wanting to be out around the school, especially with him giving the necklace back to his father over the past weekend, he didn't know why, but he needed a place he could get away from everyone. He pushed his now long hair out of his face and pulled his guitar around as he went into the back corner of the room
Taylor walked in, not knowing that Damon was in the room. She wanted to get away from everyone. Tay sighed and plopped down on one of the couches. Taylor started to sketch Damon from memory. She had been missing him very much and it hurted to think about him back she couldnt just stop thinking of him. The sketch she was doing was his Ash phrase since that has been what he was the last time she saw him... at the spring.
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Old 09-06-2012, 08:51 PM   #22 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Taylor walked in, not knowing that Damon was in the room. She wanted to get away from everyone. Tay sighed and plopped down on one of the couches. Taylor started to sketch Damon from memory. She had been missing him very much and it hurted to think about him back she couldnt just stop thinking of him. The sketch she was doing was his Ash phrase since that has been what he was the last time she saw him... at the spring.
Damon looked down at his guitar, not noticing Taylor coming in at all. After he'd finished tuning he sighed. He'd missed his closest friend, but she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him. As little as he wanted to, he started playing their song. He still loved it, but it brought back memories of things he knew they wouldn't have anymore, which made it painful to listen to. He never looked up from his guitar strings as he started to sing, not letting any noise or distraction get to him.
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Old 09-06-2012, 08:58 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PuppySara View Post
Damon looked down at his guitar, not noticing Taylor coming in at all. After he'd finished tuning he sighed. He'd missed his closest friend, but she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him. As little as he wanted to, he started playing their song. He still loved it, but it brought back memories of things he knew they wouldn't have anymore, which made it painful to listen to. He never looked up from his guitar strings as he started to sing, not letting any noise or distraction get to him.
Tay kept sketching the picture of the one she missed... her best friend... She sighed and wanted to cry when she heard their song playing but she just continued to sketch... as well as sing the song. When it hit the chorus, she recongized the voice of the singer. Damon... She let out a small whimper and stopped singing. Taylor started to pack up her drawing supplies so she can get out of the room. Tay forgot that she was wearing the locket again.
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Old 09-06-2012, 09:05 PM   #24 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Tay kept sketching the picture of the one she missed... her best friend... She sighed and wanted to cry when she heard their song playing but she just continued to sketch... as well as sing the song. When it hit the chorus, she recongized the voice of the singer. Damon... She let out a small whimper and stopped singing. Taylor started to pack up her drawing supplies so she can get out of the room. Tay forgot that she was wearing the locket again.
Damon sighed as he finished the song and looked up, seeing her rushing to pack up, Taylor, He stood up seeing the locket he'd lost around her neck, he stiffened, not sure what to think of it... Surely she'd already changed the pictures to her and someone she actually cared for, but it was a birthday gift from him to her, he couldn't demand it back, he wouldn't. How she got it back, was all he wanted to know... not that he was going to be asking. He didn't know what to say, as much as he did want to say something to her. The only things that were coming to his mind though was the same thing she heard constantly before, 'I'm sorry,' 'I miss you,' 'Please forgive me...' They ran through his mind along with one he never said out loud and probably never would, 'I still love you.'
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Old 09-06-2012, 09:09 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PuppySara View Post
Damon sighed as he finished the song and looked up, seeing her rushing to pack up, Taylor, He stood up seeing the locket he'd lost around her neck, he stiffened, not sure what to think of it... Surely she'd already changed the pictures to her and someone she actually cared for, but it was a birthday gift from him to her, he couldn't demand it back, he wouldn't. How she got it back, was all he wanted to know... not that he was going to be asking. He didn't know what to say, as much as he did want to say something to her. The only things that were coming to his mind though was the same thing she heard constantly before, 'I'm sorry,' 'I miss you,' 'Please forgive me...' They ran through his mind along with one he never said out loud and probably never would, 'I still love you.'
Damon looking up, made her nervous so she fumbled and the portait kinda of flew slide toward him. Tay blushed and was trying to figure out how to get it back without him seeing it. The possiblities were slim to none since it was really close to him and was faced up. Taylor didnt know what to do and it showed.
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