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Term 32: September - December 2012 Term Thirty-Two: Revenge of the Spirit (September 2078 - June 2079)

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Old 08-26-2012, 06:50 PM
Lezleighd Lezleighd is offline
Default Muggle Studies Show 'n' Tell Board



On the other side of the Professor's door, is a board that is updated periodically with creations students make from homework or lesson assignments. Please take a few minutes to glance at the amazing creations!

OOC: I encourage you to subscribe to this thread. This is where the Professor shares some of the other student's creativity! Thanks!


Links to Previous Show 'n' Tells:

Term 32:
Lesson 1: Superheroes
Lesson 2: Villains
Lesson 3: Real Life Superheroes Option 1 Option 2

Term 31:
Lesson 1: Muggle Authors Option 1 : Option 2

Term 30:
Lesson 1: Dinner Etiquette Menus

Term 29:
Lesson 1: Muggle Board Games

Term 28:
Lesson 1: New Hogwarts Houses and Crests
Lesson 2: Pirate Jolly Roger Flags and Original Stories

Old 11-28-2012, 07:52 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Tris Annesley
Fifth Year
Default Muggle Studies Lesson #1-Muggle Superheroes
*RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*




Make yourself into a superhero and write an essay one full parchment long (Five Paragraphs of four or more complete sentences each) about yourself. You must include the following information about your superhero self:
* Superhero Name
* Superhero Power or Talents
* Colors
* Describe what your logo or symbol looks like
* A Brief Background of your Crime Fighting History/Legacy
* Who's your Biggest Villain/Rival (Can be real or made up)

Extra Credit:
Using a graphics program of your choice design a logo or symbol for yourself as a superhero. Have fun with this and be very creative.


Last edited by Lezleighd; 11-28-2012 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 11-28-2012, 07:53 PM   #3 (permalink)

Special Services to the School
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Tris Annesley
Fifth Year
Default Muggle Studies Lesson #2: Villains
*RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*




Make yourself into a villain and write an essay one full parchment long (Five Paragraphs of four or more complete sentences each) about yourself. You must include the following information about your villain self:
* Villain Name
* Villain Power or Talents
* Your Superhero Arch Enemy and why you hate them so much (Can be a real superhero or one that you make up)
* Colors
* Describe what your logo or symbol looks like
* A Brief Background of your History/Legacy

Extra Credit:
Using a graphics program of your choice design a logo or symbol for yourself as a villain. Have fun with this and be very creative.
* Maximus James- Grangrfan1
Text Cut: Homework

For me to take upon a role as a villain, I would expect that something serious would have had to go wrong in my head; I would have had to snap completely and become almost the complete opposite of who I am now. I would not at all be surprised if I resorted to violence in such a strong twist of character, but I think I would still hold some part of who I am now(or was before the villainous transformation). In an alternate reality, I would imagine my super villain name to be The Mighty Claw. This is quite curious, of course, as my suggested superhero name in the last assignment was the same thing, but this time there is a different reasoning behind it. In this case, The Mighty Claw would not have the kind demeanor behind it; rather, the 'Claw' part would still be related to Ravenclaw, representing my inner or prior personality, but it would also represent my weapons of choice.

To become a villain, I could have lost my mind through something like a Fwooper song, but for a more heartbreaking villainous tale, I imagine I would have lost my loved ones. In some sense, I could see it happening much like it did for the Joker. The Joker went criminally insane through various circumstances all in one night, but the situation that sealed the deal was the murder of his wife and unborn baby. In my case, in this alternate, hypothetical reality, the murders of my parents and girlfriend would send me off the edge. My motives for turning villainous would have been revenge on the unfairness of the world, out of anger that the world had betrayed me and taken away the most treasured things in the world to me. Love is the most important thing in my life; if the people I love most were taken away, I would feel like I had nothing left to live for.

My villainous powers would be mostly cognitive and mental feats of strength. In addition, I would have taken my former identity as a Ravenclaw and twisted that theory in my mind to adapt claws as the weapon of my choice. I would defeat my opponents through mind games, puzzles, and such cunning traps. My victims would center around those who intended to cause others pain or had already caused pain to others - or even those who had hurt people in the past but had turned good. I imagine it would be a twisted 'fighting fire with fire' kind of strategy where my mindset would be that people who hurt others deserve to be hurt. Though it makes no sense to a common person, I suppose that's why the villainous version of the Mighty Claw would be criminally insane like the Joker.

My attire would be quite similar to that of my superhero character. The only thing that would be an extremely noticeable difference would be the color. Rather than a bright, royal shade of blue, I imagine the suit would be black to represent the darkness that had taken over. The bronze on the supersuit would now be silver, and there would be claws instead of having plain gloved hands. My logo would remain the same as a sharp-beaked, menacing bird, but the main colors on it would also change to be black and silver. This bird would represent both the Ravenclaw in me and my claws.

My superhero counterpart would be Batman himself, or someone much like him, or both. Because I would have turned bad through unfortunate circumstances giving me a change of heart, the people who also suffered but came out on the brighter end of it would be my enemies. I would oppose Batman because he endured the rotten circumstance of losing his parents to murder, but he seems to get away with his own methods of bestowing justice upon the criminals of Gotham. Batman would be a prime enemy because he would be so much like myself yet be praised by many. As a supervillain, I would bring up the point of: where is the line drawn between superhero and supervillain? What makes one's acts of defeat and death different from another?

Text Cut: Extra Credit

* Alexis Cambridge- DaniDiNardo
Text Cut: Homework

I am clearly the terror that keeps you awake at night. I don’t even have to do anything and you’ll be scared. How? Simple. I’m the greatest villain that ever walked the earth! Mwhahaha!

The name’s Terror but I’m not surprised when I find that some imbeciles people don’t know me. It’s all a part of keeping low key if you get me. I can’t just go broadcasting my business—that’s how villains get caught!! Needless to say, I’ve never been caught because of my quick wit and overall charm. It takes some serious skills to get what I got. Yuuup. But anywho let’ get into a bit about me because I’m sure you’re all wondering what’s behind this criminally deranged mind.

Like any good villain I have my own super villain outfit. It’s really cool and it comes in the best colour on earth—blue, duh. So I don’t have a cape because that’s totally a hero thing and as I said earlier I’m not on that side of justice. Anyway. I have my own little picture…logo…thing. It’s a circle with a ‘T’ in the middle. The edge of it’s black but the inside filling is blue and the ‘T’ itself is black. Villains wear dark colours; everyone knows that’s what helps to make them so cool. Mine, as you can tell by my…sticker, picture thing is black and blue because they look nice together now don’t question it too much or you’ll just about kill the illusion.

I bet by now you’re wondering what makes me such a cool villain huh? Well I’ll tell you. I can control fire. It’s a pretty neat trick and I get to burn down stuff whenever I get bored or annoyed. Most times people take care not to cross me but when they do I shoot fire from my hands and they quickly see the error of their ways. Fire's a nice gift and no one can tell me otherwise. Now that that’s settled I can share a bit about me. The one person I truly can’t stand. The hero who happens to be the bane of my existence is the Grinch. Yes. You may all think that he’s not much of a hero and he’s on my side but the bloody idiot saved Christmas!! His plan was going so well before that little girl ruined everything then he just became a softy! I don’t like softys so now I pick on him whenever I can. Serves him right too…maybe next time he’ll take his villain role more seriously!

I feel the need to say this while I’m on this topic. That whole stealing Christmas thing was what really started my life of crime. I was promised that I could keep all the presents I could carry if I helped the Grinch but as I said before he got soft on me. Not wanting to lose the presents I tried going against him but there were too many of them so I waited ‘til he was alone then taught him a lesson. That’s when I realized just how much fun it was being bad and I haven’t changed back since then. Nope.

* Gideon Gert- Macavity
Text Cut: Homework

My name is Gideon Gert...or rather that is my name through normal circles. Others might know me as the Raving Raven. You might say I'm a little mad but we're all a bit mad anyway...its just all in how you present yourself. The name was my own choice regardless, though I'm pretty sure the press and the powers that be would prefer other options. Perhaps a number to go along with my cell-block id but I'm not about to give them what they want, now am I?

If looking for me I might look like the caped crusader from Gotham City but he's a bat and I'm a bird. Not to mention a true Scott like myself could hardly be compared to an American. We do have similar tastes though, prefering all black in our dress and decorum including the mask that rests across my eyes. A perched raven with mirrored r's marks my outfit as the symbol of my identity.

Another difference is I have the actual ability to fly...on my own. Not with technology or other means but physically by myself. As well as the ability to transfigure into a full-blown raven for when I need to keep more under the radar. And select magical spells are not out of my reach and no...not the type of a street magician or other such performers. Actual magic.

Snake-Boy is my archenemy, a young man who seems more like a child. Even though he tries to act older then his true distinction. As for why we don't get along...its just a matter of feelings. Call me crazy but do you really need to know why you hate someone? It usually just gets lost over time or else makes things complicated. And I hate complications.

How and why I am the way I am you may ask. Well my childhood was far from normal with my mother killed early and my father distancing himself from me believing me to be the reason for her death. And then the hatred of those around me especially those close to my age. Yeah, I was miserable growing up, but I learned to use it to my advantage and became what I am today. Surely those who made my life unbearable back then have learned there lesson by now. Especially dear ol' dad.

Text Cut: Extra Credit

* Vincenzo Vanderbilt- Steelsheen
Text Cut: Homework

Much like my earlier thoughts on hero names, my Villain name probably wouldn’t be set by myself. Theres a stronger possibility that this alias would be bequeathed either by the people I victimize or other peers who either wants to partner up with me. Or perhaps get rid of me, since I am after all ‘competition’. It would likely be related to what I’m famous (or infamous for), what I wear, what weaponry or talents I have or even what sound I make.

If I was to become a villain, I would want to have my intelligence to be part of my main arsenal. Heroes maybe smart but theres almost always an uncanny expectation that Villains are supposed to be smarter. I would also like to be able to fly, perhaps out of my natural way of manipulating gravity or air currents. Or maybe with the help of a flying object I had invented due to my intelligence, much like the way Green Goblin created his signature weaponized glider. Given my partiality to anything brain/ mind related it would also be an exciting possibility to be able to read people’s minds. Which of course would be used to furtyher my Villainous plans.

My superhero arch enemy would likely be the kind of Hero I made up. That Hero would be someone who was quite incognito with his style of crime fighting, which of course follows that nature of Villains of wanting to get away with anything and everything right under the authorities’ noses. Or perhaps that’s what’s needed, a kind of bigger than life theatricality that seems to startle just about everybody, victims and enemies alike. This arch nemesis may also be just as intelligent as I am. Also he/ she would abide by the honor code, which of course if I was a villain I would despise a great deal from.

The colors of my costume would probably be a little bit different, as I imagine it to be invisible, or at least something that is easy to mistake for something else. Perhaps it’s a kind of costume that can adapt to its surroundings. In any case, dark colors are usually associated with a negative element. Therefore black is most often associated with criminals. If there was a symbol about me that I would like to be associated with its probably the symbol of the mobius strip. Its meaning is that it represents immortality, something many would want to get a hold on, heroes and villains alike.

If I was a villain my history certainly wouldn’t be anything like what I grew up in. It would likely be extremely difficult, as leading a hard life would often force certain people to do crooked things just to get by day to day. Or perhaps its filled with many obligations that puts a pressure on everybody to live up to. Or perhaps a failure would set my villain down the horrible path. Or perhaps witnessing something or being dragged down with someone’s mistake would set my villain onto the road of dishonesty too.

* Adelaide Coral- sarahb
Text Cut: Homework

The Amazing Adventures of CandyGirl (and a bit of DarkThief too):

Adelaide Caroline Coral was born on January 3nd, 2062 to her parents Daisy and Alexander Coral. She was extremely short and later diagnosed with Muggle dwarfism. Because of this she didn't go to school until her fifth year and was extremely spoiled. Especially by her mother. When she was 11 she found that she loved candy and would constantly be heading to Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade with her mother just to get candy. On November 22nd, 2074 she was at Sugarplums and ended up getting some Sugar Quills. Little did she know that one of the five Sugar Quills she got was genetically altered.

In December of 2074 Addie was beginning to get symptoms of hyperactivity and the want for more sugar. This was what the genetically altered Sugar Quill was making her into. No specialist doctors from St. Mungos could figure out what was wrong with her so she was restrained to her home. Her mother said that she would be getting no more candy, but Addie refused. Addie began to break out of her house at night and steal candy from Sugarplums and other places. She was also getting multiple special powers from the Sugar Quill, her eyes had turned a pale pink color and she had the ability of invisibility if she still had some sugar in her body and she could shoot sugar from her fingertips.

Addie was turning into a candy villain and was using her invisibility power to gain more sugar and candy. Candy robberies became a more common thing and people began calling her the candy thief. In 2078 when she was sixteen a superhero named Lady Lane, known for her superhero strength and ability to see through things and notable villain captures, caught onto Addie's acts. Lady Lane figured out who was committing the crimes and called Addie CandyGirl. Addie took the name to heart and with her loyal friend Amanda, henceforth known as the DarkThief, they created a new identity for themselves.

CandyGirl and the DarkThief decided that they would become their own league of villains and used the DarkThief's sewing skills to create costumes for themselves. CandyGirl wore an outfit of candy blue, pink, and purple. The three-quarter sleeve shirt was candy blue with her symbol on the front. Pink gloves went up to her elbow and had slightly darker pink candy swirls on them. She also wore purple leggings and candy striped boots of blue, pink, and purple. Her sidekick DarkThief wore the same thing except in darker colors. The shirt was dark purple, the gloves dark blue, the pants black, and the boots were striped in her colors. But they both had the same symbol, a pink hexagon with multiple little circle candies in different colored stripes with a fancy C and D over them representing CandyGirl and DarkThief.

Lady Lane put CandyGirl and DarkThief on the top of her to stop list, but CandyGirl and DarkThief knew they would be a big match for Lady Lane. They hated her for her persistence and because she was a big bully to them and their fellow villains. CandyGirl and DarkThief turned their objectives away from only robbing candy to also helping out their fellow villains in the fight against Lady Lane. With CandyGirl's invisibility and sugar shooting, and DarkThief's invisibility, cat animagus, and super speed all from a genetically altered piece of cake from her father, who was also responsible for the genetically altered Sugar Quilll, they became a huge match for Lady Lane. CandyGirl and DarkThief vowed to fight Lady Lane until the end, while robbing candy on the side so that CandyGirl could sustain her invisibility. The fight will continue on and CandyGirl and DarkThief will continue to ally with their fellow villains until the end of Lady Lane.

Text Cut: Extra Credit

* Sierra Greingoth- Anna_Banana
Text Cut: Homework

Anna Banshee
(This was my SS Boosername )

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... *SCREEEEEEEECH* Cover your ears! It's Anna Banshee! Sounds like a pretty impressive introduction, does it not? Well, DUH! I'm a pretty impressive person, and people like me DEMAND impressive introductions! You see, I was born a pretty normal person, but as it was evident pretty early on, I wouldn't stay normal for long. My mother's first memories of me are in the hospital I was born in, where I proceeded to scream my lungs out (not literally) five seconds into this world. My mother says I was so incredibly loud that everyone in the room covered their ears and refused to uncover them until I'd shut up. I don't remember what made me finally close my big mouth, but I did.

Things only got worse (or better, depending on how you look at things) as I got older. My mom and dad couldn't even stand to be in the same room with me when I cried. I couldn't help it. All I wanted was a bottle of milk and a clean diaper. I didn't mean to make anybody's ears ring so loud and so long that they just ended up having to go to bed. I had a big mouth. A reallllly big mouth, and from an early age, I learned that when I used my big mouth, people listened to me. They listened to me, because they had to, though, and not because they wanted to. They just wanted to get me to shut up--and shut up FAST. My cries were so loud they could be heard even through walls, and sometimes, all I had to do was open my mouth, even with no sound coming out, and people would start running around like wild chickens trying to please me before I started screaming.

I was a little spoiled brat.

When I was six-years-old, my brother yelled at me and told me I was a little villain. That's how I know I'm a villain--my big brother told me so. So that year for Halloween, I had my mom buy me a Halloween costume to reflect that. It was a banshee costume. I was a screaming banshee! Aunt Hilda said it fit me well, and something tells me she wasn't talking about its size. Some people thought I was a witch, but I was a banshee--an Anna Banshee, because my name is Anna. My costume consisted of a loooooong head of hair (a wig!), green makeup on my face, and lots of black clothes. On the front of my costume, my mom sewed a picture of a wide open mouth, and that became my special symbol.

That night, as I prowled around for candy, I pretended that my brother was my arch rival. I kept jumping behind trees and trying to scare him, but each time I opened my mouth, he frowned at me and ran off to tell our mom. What a whiny face! I hate him so much! Why, you ask?! He's the one who always make me scream and tattle so much. He picks on me, pulls my hair, and calls me names. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have to be ANNA BANSHEE! Later on that night, I crept behind a tree to scare him again and again and again, but when I came back out from behind that tree, MY CANDY WAS GONE! All that hard work--taken from me in the dead of the night! I started to cry, but my mom told me that if I hadn't been such a little brat to everybody, I'd have been able to watch my candy more, and it wouldn't have been taken from me. It was a hard lesson learned, but from that day forward, I decided to stop screaming so much and try to handle things in a more grown-up sort of way.

I don't want to be Anna Banshee anymore. My throat hurts.


Villain Name = Anna Banshee
Villain Power or Talents = Getting what I want with big mouth
Your Superhero Arch Enemy and why you hate them so much (Can be a real superhero or one that you make up) = My dumb brother, because he picks on me all the time.
Colors = My Halloween costume (long head of hair, green make up on my face, and black clothes)
Describe what your logo or symbol looks like = My mom painted a big, wide open mouth on my costume
A Brief Background of your History/Legacy = See story above.

Text Cut: Extra Credit

* Katrina Hudson- PotterHeadforlife
Text Cut: Homework

Katrina the Cat.... Baddie?!

Everyone remembers Katrina the Cat Lady. Yes, if I were to be a hero, I would be Cat Lady. But, wouldn't it be fun to be a super awesome villain as well? Could you imagine being cool trying to think of evil and hopefully successful plans to foil your enemies? Ah yes, revenge is sweet. Everyone likes the bad guy right?

If I could be able to be a villain and choose my own name, I would be Katrina the Cat Baddie. Oh, doesn't that sound so evil, right? Not really. A villain's got some mad power and super abilities too right? That's why they're called super villains! I, being the Cat Baddie, would be able to shape shift into a blackcat too and also be able to have the cat claws. Purrrrrrrrrr. These claws will be used for ripping things apart. Cool, right?

A villain doesn't seem to be so cheerful right? PINK IS A BIG NO for me, if I were to be a villain. The color I will be famous for will be black. Black will be the dominant color for me. Duh, black cats are black... not pink! I know, it's plain but it will look good in the cat jumpsuit I bet!

As for the logo, it would be too simple. But I will be remembered for my logo as well. Simply, my logo will just be a silhouette of a black cat. Not just any black cat, but a scared black cat. It also has the name 'Cat Baddie' on it. Yes, everyone is scared of me! Everyone is scared of Katrina the Cat Baddie! Beware!

Shhh... my history is top secret! It's confidential and, guess what, you're the only person to know it! Consider yourself lucky. Actually, I am Katrina the Cat Lady's twin sister, yes. We were born on the same night, but my 'sister' chose to be all goody-two-shoe but I have greater plans than just that. And with my determination and deep desire for dominating the world I have chosen the opposite path my sister took. Now you know why this was all a secret thing, because my sister disowned. She only thought of herself, which is so selfish. Hmph.

Drum roll, please. Did you know I have a doggie super 'hero' arch enemy? Yeah, annoying bugger. But his... or her... name is iDog. It's a play with the name 'idol' but he's too self-confident to think he or she is an idol. iDog loves to try to stop me from my great plans of conquering the world. He or she really needs to know that it is my dream to rule the world one day! He or she will never know...

Text Cut: Extra Credit

* Laura Hyde- Harry174
Text Cut: Homework

My name is well my name is not important, lets just say that I am rich beyond my wildest dream, my father is a billionaire and maybe that is what got my into crowns and things but well even though I could just buy them, I realised that it would be more fun if I stole them, that is why the people around here call me the Dark Princess.

The reason I got this name was simple, I work in the dark, by day I am just your average school girl, I go to school and hang out with all my friends and we do fun things together, no one suspects that I am also the world famous villain The Dark Princess, I don't intend for them to find out, if my family find out then they will also be in danger.

As I have said before my father is a billionaire, I tapped into his company accounts about 3 years ago to pinch around 30 Million pounds from his company, even though my father found out about the money being stolen no one could trace where it was gone because I hid it so well, as you can see one of my main talent is hacking, I learned about them when I was around 10, the next thing I learned was how to use my crown as a weapon, it is a special crown that can fight things.

My logo is very important to me, it's a crown of course and underneath I always put the Crown Princess was here, the police have spend the past 2 years searching for me but they always fail, only one person has successfully beaten me and that was The Ice Man, who for some reason has decided to come after me, he is the pain in my side, he is always trying to ruin my plans.

I don't know who the Ice Man is but all I know is I can't tell my boyfriend anything, he keeps talking about how one day the Ice Man will take the Dark Princess down, maybe he is the Ice Man, he talks about him loads, but with me being who I am I can't say a word, I wish I could just ask him but then where would it leave us, I really wish I could find out someway, and then take it from there, you see no one can know I am the Dark Princess, though even if I ever was caught I'm sure I could use my fathers influence to avoid a long prison sentance but for now, I will keep stealing crowns and jewerly because I am the Dark Princess, and I will rule this world one day, I have the money and the power behind me, the only thing stopping me is as I said before this super hero called the Ice Man but I will deal with him.

* Kurumi Hollingberry- sweetpinkpixie
Text Cut: Homework

Born pure and innocent, after walking into an aviary of fwoopers whose Silencing Charm had worn off, little Kurumi Hollingberry went insane and lost her sense of self. With only one clue to her existence, a cookie recipe book, she left the aviary with her entire world view turned upside down. What once was good had become bad. What once was bad had become good. All the while the sound of the fwoopers continued to echo in her ear, ensuring her permanent insanity and turning her into Kurumbly.

Now, with her cookie recipe book as her guide, she seeks to rid the world of everything good one cookie at a time. Meaning that she intends to turn each continent into one giant cookie from her recipe book and eventually the entire world. She just has to make sure that all her recipes get used up. Her recipe book is the source of her power, from which a laser beam shoot out and turns whatever it touches into a cookie. After which she then eats or feeds to others.

Her arch enemy is the Pillsbury Doughboy. Only he has the ability to revert those who have turned into cookies back to their usual forms with his obnoxious laughter. Should she poke his tummy, all of her villain powers would be instantly sucked out of her body. Not only that, but were she to poke his belly, causing him to laugh, it would cure her insanity and turn her back into the once sweet and innocent girl she once had been. Unless she turns the doughboy into a cookie.

Kurumbly's super villain costume consists of a pair of chocolate brown thigh high boots that cover vanilla cream tights. She wears a tight vanilla cream mini skirt that has chocolate brown polka dots on it to represent chocolate chips. For a top she is the reverse of her skirt and does NOT have a cape because capes are nothing but dangerous. She wears a simple white mask that just covers her eyes. Her logo is a crumbly chocolate chip cookie with an evil face on it that looks like someone took a bite out of it. The face is crying one white tear and one black tear to signify the duality of her existence and how she is not pure evil but was driven so by insanity.

Text Cut: Extra Credit

* Minerva Wheatborn- Bazinga
Text Cut: Homework

I was walking around the city one day trying to be friendly like always. As I walked past a coffee shop I noticed a homeless person shiver, so I went in and bought them a coffee. When I came out and handed the coffee to the person he looked at me and tossed the coffee back at me burning my leg. Trying to be nice I smiled and wished them a good day. Walking way the next thing I came across was someone being mugged. Trying to be a good citizen I called for help, but no one wanted to help. I stepped in trying to keep the mugger from taking or harming the lady and in the end the lady being mugged yelled at me. As my day went on I noticed that no good was coming out of being nice and my mood was changing. As I walked along the side walk I heard someone speak to me. Stopping I looked around, no one was there. I looked behind me, but still found no one. As I moved again I heard the voice say my name. Looking down I noticed a squirrel standing on a flower pot looking up at me. I had to be dreaming, I couldn’t talk with animals. Not wanting to look crazy I sat down on the bench. “Did you say something?” I asked the squirrel even thinking I might be crazy, but no the squirrel answered. He told me how he watched me all day being nice and wanted to know if I would rather gain respect, then being walked on like today. That was the first day I found that I had a special gift. A gift I would use to try to conquer the world.
As I went home that night I had a decision to make, keep going the way I was going or start using this gift I had just learned about to gain respect and the power I deserved. Looking into the mirror I couldn’t help, but smile. I had been in the same job for years, the same person above me showing all her mighty saint ways. She was always doing things for others, but always got the credit for doing these great things as well. Where I would be looked over, never acknowledge for the work that I had done, but this would change. Saint Helen would not be on top much longer. The first thing I did was figure out a plan, going for a walk I spoke with a few new friends. The squirrel from the morning helped me plan how we would make Saint Helen pay for her ways and how I would in turn take over and be on top. The squirrel started calling me Animal Master Mind. Hmmm had a ring to it, so when planning and plotting that would be my signature. I could see it now, once I was on top people fearing Animal Master Mind.
The next day I got up for work with a different attitude. I found my nice black pants and my flowing red shirt and dressed looking at the outfit in the mirror, I then decided that this would be Animal Master Mind’s look. Very Professional, but determined would work best, no need for masks or tight clothing. If my plan worked no one would be the wiser that I was the head of this down fall of Helen. The day started as usual she had brought in donuts for the company as she always did, but what she did not know that my new little four legged friends with tails were coming under the door and squeaking their way to the donut box. A scream was heard and a smile crossed my face. Someone saw the mice in the box. The next was her huge paper she had taken upon herself to finish without anyone else’s help. Opening the window for some fresh air, a blue jay swooped in. What people might not have noticed was the paper he had hanging from his beak. Sitting down on the desk the blue jay moved the paper from his beak to the stack that was sitting in front of him. Quietly without much notice he pulled some from the stack and flew back out the window.
By the end of the day Saint Helen had been accused of going to a mouse infested bakery, bringing a poorly written document to a very important meeting, and poisoning the coffee. She left the office that day not feeling her over achieving self and had been lectured by the boss multiple times. As she went to leave that night she noticed an interesting logo on the paper that she knew she hadn’t wrote. It had a big red A and M with an animal looking face on it. She wondered what it could mean.
I on the other hand was praised for bringing fresh donuts to work, having clean hot coffee ready, and a better prepared document for that meeting, and was on my way to finally getting the respect I deserved. On my way home I was followed by the same little squirrel calling me Animal Master Mind, as we started planning not just for that company, but to be in charge of the entire city of New York.

Text Cut: Extra Credit

* Jory Stonewall- FearlessLeader19
Text Cut: Homework

My name is Mr. Cool. This name suits as it captures my super power. This power involves ice. That is, I am able to freeze anything or anyone in my way, be it civilian or superhero.

Everyone recognises my colours instantly for I use only two, Deep blue and aquamarine. The deep blue represents the sky and this means I rule the world. I am superior to everyone , superheroes, civilians and other villains alike. The aquamarine represents the ice I use to freeze when water shoots out of my hands.

My symbol is a simple one. It's a single large iceberg (similar to the one the Titanic struck). It floats in a body of water and it is surrounded by the deep blue sky above. This symbol sits on my costume, directly in the middle of my chest.

I actually have two arch nemesis, one superhero and the other villain. Wolverine is always crushing my plans for world domination. Hey, the world needs to be balanced with evil and good, right? Why doesn't he understand this? He's so quick that I have not been able to freeze him once and to add to the humiliation, his strength and claws are always able to break the ice. My other nemesis is the Joker. He also wants to rule the world but that's highly impossible as the world isn't big enough for two of us to rule. He should stick to being a pain for Batman.

I've been around for many years and I plan to stay for much more. No superhero nor villain can defeat me. I've created fear in everyone's heart with my freezing powers, some can even say that fear has been there since they were young boys and girls. When they hear that evil laugh, they know I'm about to strike. Mwahahaha.

Text Cut: Extra Credit

* Alex Greingoth- Lissy Longbottom
Text Cut: Homework

The villain that I made for this assignment is called The Great Alexander Greingoth. Alexander the Great is already taken by some Muggle Roman figure, so I went with this instead. It shows my enemies that I mean serious business when it comes to super villainy business. I am not as well known as other super villains because I have been relatively unsuccessful in my attempts to destroy my arch enemy, Steve Rogers.

My arch enemy is Captain America, and the reason he is my enemy is because when we were in elementary school, I was just a normal American boy attending school with him. When we got older, he stole my special pencil--the one I always used on exams and always used to get A's. Sure enough when I tried to take an exam without it, I failed, and I have hated Steve Rogers ever since. When I found out he had been made in to a "super soldier", I decided to make my own super soldier serum so I could become a super villain and defeat him. My serum not only gave me super strength, but laser vision and teleportation powers as well.

In the three times that I have had a show down with Captain America, he has sadly been successful, but then I convinced the United States government to stop looking for the ship that Steve Rogers crashed during World War II. It was because of me he was frozen. The fist three times we met were on the battlefield, and during our first meeting, I was too scared to use my super powers in front of other civilians, and I was unable to beat Steve. The second time, he beat me again by shooting down the plane I was trying to use to spy on their camp. Finally, I was defeated once more by Steve and his stupid friend Bucky, who tricked me in to accidentally self destructing my submarine.

My superhero colors are black and yellow, which is a shout out to my Hufflepuff house. I usually wear a jumpsuit that is dark black with yellow gloves and boots. No capes--those are dangerous. I also have yellow sunglasses that protect my delicate eyes from UV rays, which could interfere with my laser vision. They are specially formulated so that the laser doesn't cut through the glasses when I use them. I hope that the yellow reminds Steve of the pencil he stole from me so long ago, and he sees what his thievery has caused me to become.

I am currently trying to get stronger and possibly develop a serum to give me the power of flight, so when Steve comes to get me, this time with the help of the Avengers, I will be able to defeat him and his silly friends. I'm thinking of possibly asking Loki if he wants to team up in the future. My logo is currently a giant yellow G on a background of black, with a square surrounding the G. Finally, to really make my point as to why I hate Steve, I added a pencil behind the G. I cannot wait to face Steve again and finally have my revenge for the awful grades he caused me!

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Last edited by Lezleighd; 11-28-2012 at 09:20 PM.
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Old 11-28-2012, 07:55 PM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Tris Annesley
Fifth Year
Default Muggle Studies Lesson #3: Real Life Superheroes Option 1
*RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*




Option 1: Hero Holiday
Create a Holiday in honor of your favorite Real-Life Hero.

Explain, in detail, the Holiday you've created! It should include the following aspects:
* Whom you're honoring?
* Date of Holiday
* Why does this person deserve a holiday in their honor?
* Colors or traditions that are associated with your holiday
* Name of Holiday and the story behind the name

Your explanation should be atleast 5 inches long (5 paragraphs long with at least 5 complete sentences in each paragraph with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation) and should include all of the aspects above.

Extra Credit:
Create an invitation for someone to attend a party on your Holiday.


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Last edited by Lezleighd; 12-17-2012 at 03:35 PM.
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Old 11-28-2012, 08:08 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Tris Annesley
Fifth Year
Default Muggle Studies Lesson #3: Real Life Superheroes Option 2
*RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*




Option 2: Heroes ABCs

Create an ABC list of Real-Life Heroes. Your list should include more names than just those listed in class. Please limit using only five names mentioned in class. These names can be either Muggle or Wizard Real-Life Heroes. You need to label each name as either Muggle or Wizard. This means you would have a total of twenty-six names in alphabetical order and labeled either Muggle or Wizard.

Extra Credit:
Create a book cover for your Heroes ABC Book. Create a fun title and include atleast five images/pictures of real-life heroes from your list on the cover.


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Last edited by Lezleighd; 12-17-2012 at 03:37 PM.
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