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Term 15: March - May 2007 Term Fifteen: IHT

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-03-2007, 12:29 AM
starlightangel starlightangel is offline
Default CoMC #3 - Dragons

The classroom is empty today, save for a huge fireproof cage in the middle of the room, with a box full of clipboards and a message on the board. Inside the cage is an baby Antipodean Opaleye dragon, it's sleeping so it can be observed safely through the glass cage and as you look closely, you notice it's scales are pearly and iridescent. The eyes are pupiless when they flicker in it's sleep and as it breathes out, there is a vivid red flame. Turning to the board you read the message Professor Maline has left.

Originally Posted by Prof. Maline

I'm sorry i can't be with you all! I've got some extremely important business to deal with right now but your task is to observe the Dragon and write down the physical features of it, how it behaves, where does it come from? Things like that, and your homework is too...

List all known Dragon types, and then all the uses of the dragons parts.
Then tell me your favourite dragon and why, then your favourite part of the dragon and why.
Worth 10 points.

Looking back around the room once more, there are sheets of information about Dragons pinned all over the place, and this is obviously a lesson for you to walk about and have fun. One note however stands out and it's in bold letters. 'DO NOT AGGRIVATE THE DRAGON!'

Dung – Used as a fertiliser
Eggs – Non tradable class A but then Chinese fireballs eggs are used and highly prized in potions as an ingredient
Heartstring – Used in wand cores
Bladder – Used in an ancient game of stichstock
Blood – Twelve uses of Dragons blood discovered by Albus Dumbledore, twelfth use is as an oven cleaner
Hide – Used to make wizarding clothing, Swedish short snout is particularly sought out. Used for protective wear too
Horn – Powdered – tradable substance class b
Liver – Food

ooc - The real reason i'm leaving you this lesson is because i'm swamped with revision, have fun in this thread, just - don't aggrivate the Dragon, Prof. Maline has her animals and they'll tell her some how what happened. Points will be given for good RP. You can chat in this thread, just don't spam it or double post.

PM homework to me with your User Number, House and Screen name.
Old 05-03-2007, 12:51 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Si Gryffindor
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When Si walked in to the CoMC class he was a little taken back at seeing a Dragon in the middle of the room, surely Prof. Maline wouldn’t have left a Dragon in the room if it wasn’t safe. Walking slowly he moved closer to the glass cage and then noticed the message on the bord, taking out his quill and parchment Si moved to one of the seats and started to take notes about the Dragon and also noting down some of the information about them that he didn’t already know about them from the information sheets.
I save lives. Pie fight Lifegaurd||Imi loves Me||Super Si (stolen by Kitty Girl)
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Old 05-03-2007, 12:55 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Daciana Tudor

Daciana walked into the classroom for the first time. "eh?" she thought. Where's everyone? Is she 'that' early?? She turned and there! A message from the Professor. She read it carefully. Oh, homework on first entry. Nice...D-dragon?

She walked over to the glass cage and her jaws dropped.
She closed her mouth with her hands and slowly walked closer. She squatted to have a better look. Is this real? Is this now officially a dream? She minded magic and flying broomsticks and wands. It was pure logic on that account. But...a real live front of her now...Its...its...brilliantly amazing! Its breath blows against the glass window, it made Daciana more excited. She wondered if these dragons do breathe fire and not some scientific phenomenon that has something to do with the trick of light (she read too many Science Journals her grandmama kept in the attic).

Daciana blue pupils grew with excitement. She eyed on every baby scale, every pattern it made, every curve of the body, every toe nails,! what a cute tail! And wings! It has two! well of course it has two! Ninny! She couldn't contain her excitement. She was a walking myth with the people of her town but now, she seemed small. a blimp compared to this. She couldn't wait to tell her cousins behind her father's back! Oh, what a great story it would be!

.........alright, she thought. Too much staring and she might wake the baby. She stood up and ack! Her leg turned wobbly. She took a step back and suddenly her leg caved. She dripped on herself and began to fall like a log. Opph...not before she landed on a nearby table that moved an inch out of place...She opened her eyes and bit her lip. Please don't wake please don't wake...She turned around and..haha! It didn't wake! On the just moved sleeping position!

Wow, that was thrilling, she thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. Daciana waited for a moment until her legs were less prickly...before she got up again. This time, she noticed it. The class was a museum of Dragon bits! She walked up to each one of them and sat there, just staring at each for a solid 10 minute before moving on to the next on. By the time she was done, she only then noticed there were already students around. She glanced at them before finding a desk of her own. She pulled out her parchment and quill ready to start...'the homework.'

She took one glance at the Dragon and she fell deeply into its trance. She leaned forward and watched in awe. How can a bedtime story fit into that glass cage...?

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Old 05-03-2007, 02:30 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasmine Aurora Lumino
Fifth Year

Jasmine walked into class and stopped to stare at the huge glass cage in the middle of the room. Blinking a few times she walked closer and her surprise turned to delight as she saw the beautiful baby dragion inside. "Oh how Beautiful!" She said to no one in particular but gave her fellow students already there a friendly smile.

Jasmine tore her eyes off the dragon a moment to read the post that Professor Maline had left. Her smile faded a bit when she read that the professor would not be there. It had been awhile since she had talked to one of her favorite professors and she missed her terribly. She had so much to tell her. Well, she would just have to wait, right now she had the joy of observing the wonderful creature before her.

Opening her bookbag she pulled out a piece of parchment and her quill. Taking one of the provided clipboards, she set out o take note of some observations.
Stalks Whomps & Huggles
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Old 05-03-2007, 02:50 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Sebastian Price
First Year
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Cassandra sat down in class, and pulled out parchment and a quill. She smiled at the professor, and sat back.

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Old 05-03-2007, 02:55 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Daciana Tudor

No-no, she thought to herself. She had to start the work. Hogwarts was sure daring to have dragon's here, now that she thinks about it. Hm...Oh, back to work, back to work.

She wrote down what was written on the board and began to describe what she saw of the dragon. She smiled when she noted that it looked like a dragon carved out of a big pearl.

Next was what's around the class...she looked at every pin-up picture and wrote down what she saw. She had good eye-sight, so it was good to sit down.

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Old 05-03-2007, 03:32 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Beauden Wild
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gillyweed Beery
Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

x8 x8
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

Amanda walked into the Care of Magical Creatures classroom. She was surprised to see that Professor Maline wasn't there and that a ... a ... a DRAGON was in her place.
"Oh my gosh," Amanda said, a huge smile spreading across her face. "The next time I see Professor Maline I'm going to give her the biggest hug she's ever gotten in her life!"
She quietly jumped, walked as fast as she could up next to the cage, and stared at the baby Antipodean Opaleye dragon in amazement.
"Oh my gosh!" Amanda said to herself, not believing that she was this close to a real Antipodean Opaleye dragon. "Mum always said that dragons were much more fasinating up close, but she never said that it'd be like this! Especially a baby Antipodean Opaleye dragon!"
Amanda looked around the room, taking her eyes off the dragon for only a split second (Only just a split second), hoping to find a note or something of the sort left behind from Professor Maline. When she found a note, she read it, and understood it completely.
"Homework: 'List all known dragon types, and then all the uses of the dragons parts. Then tell me your favorite dragon and why, then your favorite part of the dragon and why. Worth 10 points.' Piece of cake! Gosh, she's going to freak out when she sees me freak out right in front of her, while I'm giving her an enormous hug! I love her more than I did before! She's given me the best gift she could ever give too me, a class about ... DRAGONS!"
Amanda stopped talking to herself, even though she didn't want to, and went to do her assignment. She observed the beautiful dragon, wrote down the amazing physical features of it, how it behaves, and she figured out where it came from (Besides a mommy dragon and a daddy dragon).
"What?" Manda said to herself, knowing that she talks to herself way to much. "That's how they're ... you know. Gosh Amanda! You're sssooo obsessed with dragons!"
After that, she stared at the dragon a little longer (More like 10-15 minutes, not that long ... for her) and began to do her Homework. She had so much to tell about those amazing creatures, those dragons!
"I LOVE YOU PROFESSOR MALINE!" Amanda, of course, said to herself.

Last edited by Zoe; 05-03-2007 at 03:55 AM. Reason: Me Edit? No way! :D
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Old 05-03-2007, 03:47 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasmine Aurora Lumino
Fifth Year

Jasmine sat cross legged on the floor in front of the cage and opened her text as she observed the sleeping dragon. Writing at the top of her parchment:Antipodean Opaleye Leaning over her text she read the page about the dragon and made some notes.

The Antipodean Opaleye Dragon is most commonly found in the New Zealand but has been known to migrate to Australia when territory becomes scarce. Primarily it is a valley dweller.

This dragon is considered to be a medium sized dragon with a maximum weight of 2 to 3 tons.

Basically a mild-mannered dragon, it rarely kills unless it is hungry. It's main food source are sheep.

Some distinguishing features are:
1.)Iridescent scales resembling mother-of-pearl.
2.)Breathes a bright scarlet red flame
3.)It's eyes are glittery and multi-colored and contain no pupils.

This dragon lays pale gray eggs that muggles often mistake for fossils.

After she took some general notes, she then observed the dragon before her and wrote:

The Antipodean Opaleye Dragon in class seems to be rather young due to it's small size. It's scales are a beautiful pale iridescent white that captures the light that falls through the window and reflects back a myriad of colors. The baby dragon is sleeping and as it breaths a small scarlet flame escapes from it's nostrils. As it sleeps, it's eyes flicker and we are able to see that they are glittering, muti-colord orbs that seem to have no pupils. He seems to be quite peaceful but there is still an essence of power and danger about him that lies just below the surface. He is after all a dragon.

Laying down her quill, Jasmine stretched and just sat a moment gazing at the dragon with a smile. She thought how lucky she was to be able to see these amazing creatures and felt very grateful to have such a wonderful professor who brought them for all to enjoy.
Stalks Whomps & Huggles
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Old 05-03-2007, 04:14 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Daciana Tudor

The class began to slowly fill up. She stopped her work and decided to watch everyone come in and gawk at the dragon, as she did. She didn't want to leave. She felt like there was magic in the air and she wasn't counting the wizards and witches in the class! IT was all thanks to the Mr Antipodean, the pearl carved baby dragon. It was like staring at a Royal Statue. Except, this statue breathed! And gushes fire! She smiled to herself and giggled at her giddiness.

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Old 05-03-2007, 04:34 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Freeman L. Stuart
Second Year
Help us we're a bunch of letters stuck in this box !!

Tag entered his favorite class and immediately rushed up to the dragon enclosure in the middle of the room. He was hard pressed to contain a squeal of delight, which would have been completely unmanlylike. Tag's face was so close to the baby dragon's nostrils that his own breath fogged the glass in the same spot on the outside. "Ohhhhhhh. . .she's so beautiful," he breathed to no one in particular. He slowly dropped to the floor and crossed his legs, watching her sleep with rapt attention. This was all he cared to do for the time being.

His glass is half-empty. And it's not what he ordered.
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Old 05-03-2007, 04:42 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasmine Aurora Lumino
Fifth Year

Jasmine felt herself starting to daydream and shook her head to clear it. Picking her quill back up she wrote a few more details down and stopping now and again to give a fellow student a smile as the class began to fill up. Deciding it best not to hang out too long, she again looked through her text to see if she had missed any information.
Stalks Whomps & Huggles
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Old 05-03-2007, 05:15 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Daciana Tudor

The Book. I need the book, she thought to herself. She doesn't know the list of Dragons...She never thought they were categorized!

She looked around the class...where's the dragon book? She bit her lip. She can't see any...unless her sightly gone bad...she sighed.

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Old 05-03-2007, 05:26 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hugo Jermaine Woods
Seventh Year
avant-garde Mrs. Nick Jonas

Originally Posted by Seeker_Seven View Post
Tag entered his favorite class and immediately rushed up to the dragon enclosure in the middle of the room. He was hard pressed to contain a squeal of delight, which would have been completely unmanlylike. Tag's face was so close to the baby dragon's nostrils that his own breath fogged the glass in the same spot on the outside. "Ohhhhhhh. . .she's so beautiful," he breathed to no one in particular. He slowly dropped to the floor and crossed his legs, watching her sleep with rapt attention. This was all he cared to do for the time being.
Cora drifted into the Care of Magical Creatures lesson, beaming at Professor Maline and letting out a sigh at the sight of the dragon.

"Ohhhhhhh. . .she's so beautiful." She spun around and saw Tag, sitting cross legged and gazing at the dragon.

Wish he'd say that to me... She thought to herself, sitting down next to him. "She is, isn't she." Cora whispered, smiling at the lovely prefect.

Just two seventh year flirts who happened to fall in love
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Old 05-03-2007, 09:29 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lukas Brishan Ferdinand
Second Year

Patrick came into the CoMC classroom nervously glacing around the doorway first. He'd hidden away from the Gryffindor quidditch team for a week or so now. After missing the first and most important match he was rather embarrased but had forced himself out of the Boys' dorm to go to class.

No Gryffindors. Just Cassandra and Tag. Patrick grinned. He put his bag down on a chair and dug about in it displacing several items. He located a quill and an almost empty ink bottle and some dog-eared parchment. He sighed it would have to do for now. he picked up the bits and pieces from the floor and zipped it closed. Then he headed for the dragon.

Passing by Cassandra he smiled and said Hi to his potions rival. She and him were constantly battling to be top of the potions class. He fitted himself onto one side of Tag and peered at the dragon. It was pearly and seemly multicoloured. "Hey, Tag," Patrick said before moving to a nearby desk where he could write a bit more neatly even though he was short of ink and decent parchment.

He wrote his name over the top in a scribble and then proceeded to make some equally unclear marking with his quill that might have been notes. He banged the desk in frustration and then got up looking to ask someone for ink. he walked over to Cassandra silently bashing himself for not checking his ink before coming to class. "Hey, um d'you have spare ink?" he asked a bit stiffly.
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Old 05-03-2007, 09:32 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Daciana Tudor

"erm," her voice moused. "D-does anyone have a book about Dragons?" she asked...She needed help. She wanted to read and know more...

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Old 05-03-2007, 10:16 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Ariana limped slightly into the CoMC class, feeling as if nothing could hurt her. That was until she stopped dead in her tracks, staring into the sleeping eyes of a dragon which was sleeping soundly in the glass cage. She loved CoMC class, but Dragons? Wasn't that like NEWT level classes? Shaking her head, she read the note left by Prof. Maline and sighed inwardly. Good, no questions were to be asked today, she wasn't really in the mood to answer any but was in the mood to read up on the beautiful dragn now breathing a small whiff of fire out of its mouth as it slept on.

Taking a deep breath and still smiling, she walked up to the cage humming a quiet tune she didn't realize she was humming, and stopped 3 feet away from the dragon, gazeing at it's alluring scales. They were quite wonderful once she got closer to them. She took out a piece of parchment, having bought some extras from a friend after running out during the last Arithmancy lesson and wrote,

"The Dragon, a baby Antipodean Opaleye has iridesant pearly scales, which seems to reflect the light coming from the candles above my head. It is a small dragon, but will grow to be a medium hieght when full grown."

Stepping a bit closer to the Antipodean Opaleye, she carefully peeked into its eyes, which were closed. The head was lying on its front legs, clearly enjoying its slumber, though every so often the eyes would flicker, enabling her to gaze upon the eyes. Dipping her quill into more ink, she quickly wrote,

"The eyes appear to be pupiless, glittering and multi-coloured. Even though the dragon is clearly sleeping, the eyes seems to flutter open, almost staring at me. Its head has more of those pearly scales, but they don't seem to twinkle as much as its body, seeing as though the head is shrouded in the paleness of the non exsistant candles overhead."

Thinking she had enough to start working now, she moved out of the way, still glancing at the dragon, almost feeling as if she should sing to it, and found herself still humming as she sat down and began to work. Clearly seeing the dragon hadn't killed her good mood, she only hoped the dragon didn't get spooked by anything and start charging them. With a small shudder, she dipped her quill into her ink and began writing.

Ariana was just getting into the swing of writing down her thoughts and opinions when she heard a girl asking for a book on dragons. Getting up, she walked towards her and smied, "Her, use mine. I'm finished with it now." she said handing the girl the book.
Forget the future signature;

Last edited by Golden Monkey; 05-03-2007 at 10:36 PM.
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Old 05-03-2007, 10:54 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Health_nut View Post

Ariana was just getting into the swing of writing down her thoughts and opinions when she heard a girl asking for a book on dragons. Getting up, she walked towards her and smied, "Her, use mine. I'm finished with it now." she said handing the girl the book.
(ooc: at least someone nice *jumps* tea!!)

"T-thank you," she said softly with a smile. Finally she gets to finish her work. "The only thing I didn't anticipate was a dragon in Wizarding world..."

Daciana opened and scanned through the index. my there were articles and articles about them. Her excitement grew. She flipped to the types of dragons and read quietly. Oh! she exclaimed. She looked ahead to the baby dragon and read on.Antipodean Opeleye...

She continued her read eagerly as she wrote down the important notes - for homework, and for herself.

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Old 05-03-2007, 11:44 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Beauden Wild
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Fourth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Franklin Paton
Law Enforcement

Ministry Department Head:
Tallulah Gamp
Accidents & Catastrophes

x8 x8
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch

Amanda smiled as she wrote up the last bit of her Homework assignment.
"This is the best Care of Magicl Creatures class ever!" she said to herself. "It is! ... Ahh! Finished!"
Amanda glanced through what she had written for her Homework assignment twice, making sure that it was just perfect.
Seeing that it was perfect enough for her, she said to herself, "Okay. Done! Now I have to hand it in and do whatever I want."
Amanda started for the door and as she grabbed hold of the door knob she frowned.
"No!" she said, walking back to where she was earlier. "Not yet!"
She opened up her bag, placed her Homework in it, and stayed in the classroom. She smiled and walked back up to the cage with the baby dragon in it.
"You're the cutest thing on earth," Amanda whispered, pulling up a chair and started to stare at it, yet again.

Last edited by Zoe; 05-03-2007 at 11:47 PM. Reason: Spelling. >_<
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Old 05-04-2007, 12:34 AM   #19 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mackayla Dawson
Fourth Year

Alicia walked into the Care of Magical Creatures classroom. "Hi Professor Mal-" she stopped. Where was Professor Maline? And, was that a dragon in the room? She rubbed her eyes, just to make sure that she wasn't seeing things. Nope, she blinked. That was most definatley a dragon. "Wow," she said breathlessly. "Isn't she beautiful?" She looked around the class, hoping to see someone she knew. There was Patrick, but well, she and he weren't exactly best friends. She sighed softly and sat behind the Ravenclaw Prefect and a younger Slytherin girl. After reading Professor Maline's note, she took out her quill and parchment. Antipodean Opaleye Alicia wrote in her small handwriting. She begun taking notes.
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Old 05-04-2007, 01:35 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Daciana Tudor

Daciana heard someone asking for ink. She looked up and saw a Griffindor boy looking around. She smiled and said, "I got some." It just so happened that she was finally done. She closed the book, picked up her ink bottle and walked up to him.

"Here you go," she said as she placed it on the table. "Don't worry if you finish it."

She turned around and picked up the book. She walked over to Ariana and gave it back to her. "Thank you very much for loaning it."

She walked back to her seat and reread what she wrote. It had so many lines and arrows and weird drawings. She just figured she'd keep this for herself. She should write a new one for homework...She gathered all her parchment and quill and walked up to the Griffindor boy.

"erm, may i sit with you? I'd like to rewrite what i wrote..." She nervously fiddled with her finger under the table.

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Old 05-04-2007, 01:46 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Lukas Brishan Ferdinand
Second Year

"Thanks," Patrick said when the Hufflepuff girl put a full pot on the desk. He carried it over to his desk and dipped his quill in it. He made a couple of experimental strokes and then began to rewrite what he'd written so it would be legible when he re-wrote it.

When the Huffie came back and asked to sit he nodded and smiled. "Yeah, sure," he said and moved his bag off the neighbouring chair. "I'm Patrick, by the way," he said. "What's your name?" he asked when he'd set the bag down on the floor.
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Old 05-04-2007, 01:55 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Symbi0sis View Post
"Thanks," Patrick said when the Hufflepuff girl put a full pot on the desk. He carried it over to his desk and dipped his quill in it. He made a couple of experimental strokes and then began to rewrite what he'd written so it would be legible when he re-wrote it.

When the Huffie came back and asked to sit he nodded and smiled. "Yeah, sure," he said and moved his bag off the neighbouring chair. "I'm Patrick, by the way," he said. "What's your name?" he asked when he'd set the bag down on the floor.
She smiled. Nervousness flew out immediately! She waited until there was room before placing her things on the table and sitting down.

"I'm Daciana. Nice you meet you Patrick." She placed her notes on one side and her empty parchment on her right. She dips her quill in and begins to write.

After finish rewriting the first question, she asks, "Is it wrong to not know about dragons? I somehow feel like the only one who doesn't..."

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Old 05-04-2007, 02:05 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lukas Brishan Ferdinand
Second Year

"You too," he paused a moment to get the word out properly, "Daciana," he smiled and went back to rewriting his vague notes on the dragon.

When she asked him about the dragon fever in the room he shrugged and said. "Well if it is then you're not alone," he indicated the text book beside him open at the section on dragons, "I'm still trying to figure what kind it is," he said and giggled a little at his obvious unintellingence on the subject of magical creatures.

"Do you know which type it is?" he asked since it would probably save him the trouble of reading the entire dragon chapter just to find one piece of information.
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Old 05-04-2007, 02:10 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Symbi0sis View Post
"You too," he paused a moment to get the word out properly, "Daciana," he smiled and went back to rewriting his vague notes on the dragon.

When she asked him about the dragon fever in the room he shrugged and said. "Well if it is then you're not alone," he indicated the text book beside him open at the section on dragons, "I'm still trying to figure what kind it is," he said and giggled a little at his obvious unintellingence on the subject of magical creatures.

"Do you know which type it is?" he asked since it would probably save him the trouble of reading the entire dragon chapter just to find one piece of information.
She took that opportunity to look at the baby dragon again. She smiled. "A cute dragon!" Cheeky...flat out cheeky. She gave him a silly grin.

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Old 05-04-2007, 02:11 AM   #25 (permalink)

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Alicia heard Patrick ask someone what type of dragon the one infront of them was. She turned toward him. "It's an Antipodean Opaleye," she whispered quietly. Then she looked down and wrote about the dragons' color on her parchment.
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