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Ministry of Magic Beneath the heart of London lies the wizarding government. Access to the Ministry is a fireplace, toilet, or telephone box away.

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Old 06-03-2021, 03:02 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Hangout Area

Do people really come to food courts to eat? Well, yeah...sometimes they do. Other times, though, you might just find yourself in need of a good break, and if so, you've found the place! "The Hangout" as it's been nicknamed, is a section of the food court where people simply come to hang out. You'll have the occasional eater here and there, but those with a meal typically stay in the seating area. "The Hangout" is filled with soft, cushiony chairs and couches, perfect for the employee who just needs to rest, relax, and catch up on gossip.
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Old 02-25-2023, 09:19 PM   #2 (permalink)

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Default Open post!
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Generally she would just sit and eat at her desk, considering Rosemary was one who preferred to bring her own meals and eating food from home in the food court felt like some violation of an unspoken rule. And yet... she had a particularly unfortunate pile of work building up at her desk and if she sat to eat there, she'd be too tempted to work on it. And sometimes, one DID need to really take their breaks.

So instead today, she found her way into the hangout area of the food court - which felt a little less rude than sitting in the general seating area - with her Tupperware of salad ready for consumption. Finding herself a seat, she sank into it and popped off the lid to her food, before reaching for a magazine someone else had left behind to flip through. Witch Weekly was not her favorite publication, but it would do the trick.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 07-02-2023, 07:14 PM   #3 (permalink)

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HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Joining the Ministry had been a fantastic idea for Allie in terms of gaining full-time employment after leaving University. At only twenty-five it wasn’t like she was in a major rush to find the perfect career to last her lifetime but right now all she wanted was a stable job that made enough money to afford the dream wedding she so desired. The daycare hadn’t been entirely where she wanted to be but at least it was somewhat related to her qualifications and perhaps she could make her way up the ladder to achieve a better suited role.

It was lunchtime for the young woman, she had taken it slightly later than usual to watch the kids whilst they ate and as the newest employee she felt like it was the right thing to do to let her elders go first. Going later also meant that it was much quieter in the cafeteria and finding somewhere to sit was much easier. Allie had packed her own lunch, a cous-cous salad complete with raisins and nuts and a scrumptious yoghurt based dressing. She found a sofa in the corner to settle down in and open up her Tupperware, keeping one eye out on anyone in the vicinity who might want to have a chat. Allie was an extremely sociable person who thrived in company after all.
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Old 07-03-2023, 04:02 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Joining the Ministry had been a fantastic idea for Allie in terms of gaining full-time employment after leaving University. At only twenty-five it wasn’t like she was in a major rush to find the perfect career to last her lifetime but right now all she wanted was a stable job that made enough money to afford the dream wedding she so desired. The daycare hadn’t been entirely where she wanted to be but at least it was somewhat related to her qualifications and perhaps she could make her way up the ladder to achieve a better suited role.

It was lunchtime for the young woman, she had taken it slightly later than usual to watch the kids whilst they ate and as the newest employee she felt like it was the right thing to do to let her elders go first. Going later also meant that it was much quieter in the cafeteria and finding somewhere to sit was much easier. Allie had packed her own lunch, a cous-cous salad complete with raisins and nuts and a scrumptious yoghurt based dressing. She found a sofa in the corner to settle down in and open up her Tupperware, keeping one eye out on anyone in the vicinity who might want to have a chat. Allie was an extremely sociable person who thrived in company after all.
Perhaps one of the benefits of still living at home, much as he hated that was his current circumstance, was that Eomma insisted on making Evan his lunches on days she wouldn't be seeing clients. Today had been one such day, which meant he had a lunch box full of rice, bulgogi and kimchi instead of having to purchase in the cafeteria or bring another instant ramen bowl with him. It was clear he needed to go and spend more time with Halmeoni so that she could show him how to cook as adequately as she'd taught Noah, but with working part time and school.. it might be some time before he tried to request vacation to travel to Korea.

Having clocked out for his lunch once he was certain he was no longer needed, Evan took his lunch box with him up to the hang out area and scanned for a place to sit to eat. He knew most would go to the eating area for this purpose, but he felt rude eating food from home in that section. And while he could have stayed in his own department, stretching his legs and seeing more of the building also seemed important. Even if he might have gotten a little lost on the way.

He spotted a sofa with only one individual perched on it, so the 19 year old carefully made his way her direction before pausing in front of the other side. "Mind if I sit here?"
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 07-03-2023, 04:21 PM   #5 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

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HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

It didn’t take long before Allie was joined by another employee. The young blonde smiled up at her new companion shaking her head. “Of course not,” she replied moving her bag and the wedding magazine that she was browsing from the sofa next to her to make a little more room for him. Thankfully Allie wasn’t particularly precious about her personal space either which made her perfectly suited to her career working with children. She placed her drink down on the table in front of her and looked at the man further.

Was it her or did he look just slightly familiar? “Did you go to Hogwarts?” she asked. It might’ve been an obvious question considering they were in the British Ministry and a lot of the employees probably attended Hogwarts but still. “I feel like I recognise your face.” A much younger version albeit considering she graduated in 2104 but Allie’s memory was pretty good and she often found herself helping out the younger years. Seven years ago was still a long time though and it may have been that she was incredibly mistaken.
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Old 07-07-2023, 04:09 AM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Seventh Year

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Mandrake Beery
Third Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Evan smiled his thanks as the woman moved her belongings so he could take a seat, and he couldn't help but notice the magazine that had been included as well. He thought about offering his congratulations, but then wondered if perhaps some people looked at wedding books like that just for fun. Or maybe she was hoping for a proposal or to propose, in which case even something seemingly as harmless as a simple congratulations could strike a nerve. So in typical Evan fashion, he chose to say nothing, instead just taking a seat and slowly unpacking his lunch.

It was perhaps an obvious question, but also might not have been considering he'd met quite a handful already of people who were only here because they transferred from other regions in search of a better position. He just as easily could have been from Durmstrang or koldovstoretz. "Yeah, graduated not that long ago. In 2109." Already nearing two years though.. how surprising was that? He did notice her age looked a little older than himself, so he added as well, "I have an older brother though too and I hear we look a lot alike, so it also might have been him. He graduated from Hogwarts in 2104." He didn't think himself at all memorable, or even noticeable, but Noah was a whole different story. "Are you a Hogwarts graduate as well?" He pulled his chopsticks out as well from their protective container, opening them up and grabbing a piece of beef. "How long have you worked here at the ministry?"
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 07-07-2023, 12:39 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Sixth Year

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HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

With her long blonde hair and perfectly done but natural makeup, Allie supposed she could give the impression that she was the type of woman to read a wedding magazine even without getting married. The reality was that she wasn’t a complete girly-girl, in fact her hobbies included sport and of course she liked to get mucky with the kids. The magazine really was because she was in the midst of planning her wedding and her fiancé Matty definitely didn’t have strong opinions on colour schemes and flower arranging and whatever else still needed doing.

The man was barely a fledgling having only graduated a couple of years ago. For Allie it seemed like a lifetime ago even when it had only been seven years. “You’re still barely an adult!” she laughed affectionately. Allie herself had chosen to pursue the university route rather than go straight to the Ministry. Perhaps she just enjoyed education that much she didn’t want to leave. Adulting was hard after all. As for the older sibling who was in her year? “Oh perhaps. What was his name?” she asked. “I graduated in 2104 too. I was a former Gryffindor.” The confident, bubbly and sociable type Lion who knew everyone and anyone.

How long had it been now? “Only a few weeks” she responded. “I’ve just been employed in the daycare.” She was enjoying it thus far.
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Old 07-08-2023, 05:31 PM   #8 (permalink)

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Mandrake Beery
Third Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

In truth, Evan wouldn’t begin to know what type was the type to do so, so it was nothing about her appearance that made him pause from speaking on it, so much as just the idea that it could have been the reality and saying anything might have been rude. Plus, anyone could be interested in any topic without having to have a current direct relation to it.

The words might have been able to be taken offensively, but the 19 year old honestly still felt like a child more than 80% of the time - especially now here at work with the differences in age. But maybe it was also to do with the fact he was currently eating a lunch prepared by his mother. “You’re not wrong there. Figured it was time to get some work experience in though, even if I’m currently in uni as well.” Which made for a busy schedule, but Evan didn’t much mind that. “Noah Nam. He was actually a Gryffindor too. Though it seems like he spent a lot of time with Hufflepuffs.” Which, actually. “I don’t know if you knew Minjae Yoon too, but he also seems to have just started at the ministry. He is one of the aforementioned Hufflepuffs. Working on level four now, I believe.” In case she hadn’t seen previous classmate. He didn’t expect to run into any of his own peers, but it would have been nice to do so.

Oh! So she was new like himself. “Same here.” But he didn’t offer which department. He assumed it was fine to do so on ministry grounds, even if it was just the name of the department itself and nothing about his title, but he figured the safest route was to never offer the information unless asked. “Do you like working in the daycare?”
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 07-11-2023, 09:39 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Allie wouldn’t have judged if she knew that his lunch had been packed by his mum. In fact she was a little jealous that someone had taken the effort to prepare a special meal. She would’ve much preferred something unhealthy made by her future mother-in-law rather than the salad she was currently munching away on but alas she had a wedding to look good for and unfortunately a huge slice of cake and icing didn’t exactly agree with her ‘vision’.

She listened intently to what he had to say in between taking mouthfuls of cous-cous and swigging on her drink. “That’s admirable. I couldn’t face working alongside my studies” she admitted. Thankfully her parents had let her stay at home during her time at University and therefore she didn’t have any household bills to contend with. The names the man were suggesting sounded somewhat familiar although her friendship circle at school was admittedly huge. When your fiancé was one of six, there were a lot of people to socialise with. “I’m sure I recognise them” she stated. Perhaps not a friend based level but certainly a passing in the hallway type acquaintance. “I do admit I spent a lot of time with my fiancé in the Gryffindor Common Room rather than with the other lions.” They were best friends from day one, long before they started dating.

“It’s wonderful.” she answered the question about the daycare. “I don’t think having my own children is in the future but I love the opportunity to shape their lives.” She was trained as a teacher but the Ministry had offered the job security she needed right now. “Only this way I can give those children back” she laughed.

“I’m Allie by the way” she realised they hadn’t yet made formal introductions.
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Old 07-15-2023, 08:15 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

He smiled appreciatively at her word choice of 'admirable', though he wasn't certain he'd agree. Starting work now while school was purely self interest, an effort to make up the year he spent doing nothing with Sera. Had it been necessary? Absolutely, and Ev wouldn't have traded the experience for anything. But it certainly left him feeling a little behind in the non-existent race in life. "It's not particularly the easiest but my course load is simple enough this term so... doable." For the time being at least. He certainly wondered if dual majoring while working was a mistake, but muggle studies took very little studying for him and he'd spent his years at Hogwarts wisely with studying History of Magic and the others. "Noah tended to spend a lot more time outdoors with Hufflepuffs. His first girlfriend and best mate were in that house so... it's unsurprising to me you might not have been super well acquainted." Not if his interests kept him in the basement and hers in the towers. Though, catching the word fiancee he realized his earlier congratulations would have been correct and went ahead and offered them now. "congratulations on the impending wedding. Did i interrupt you doing prep for it on your break?" He nodded towards the magazine she'd set aside.

Not having kids was something he could relate to. He was fairly certain a relationship and family were not in the cards for him - not out of inability but just disinterest. Friendships were fulfilling, but he did not - at least at present - have any desire for anything further, with anyone. "The giving back part sounds like the best. I have nieces and I love them, but I would much rather let their parents do the dirty diapers and punishments." He'd be happy to just be Uncle Evan, and sit with them to color and teach them whatever they wanted to know and... whatever else Uncles did. "That truly sounds like a fulfilling job to though." All jokes aside.

Ah, he hadn't realized his own lack of manners in not having introduced himself either, which he smiled at bit bashfully at the realization. Oops. "Pleasure to meet you, Allie. I'm Evan."
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 07-19-2023, 08:26 PM   #11 (permalink)

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Aurora Ackerly
Sixth Year

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HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Allie didn’t envy him for having to juggle further education with employment but she supposed that it was his choice to do both and so therefore she shouldn’t feel too sorry for him. “What are you studying at University?” she enquired. She assumed that his degree would be somewhat relevant to whatever he was doing in the Ministry but you never know. The statement about his brother made perfect sense and perhaps if Allie could see his face she might’ve recognised him better.

The congratulatory message was a little lost on the former Gryffindor until it dawned on her that she had mentioned her fiancé Matty. “OH! Thank you” she beamed. “Not at all, I was just having a nosey at design ideas for a little inspiration. My fiancé doesn’t have a particularly strong opinion so I’m trying to create a little inspiration board to see what we agree on.” It involved a lot of cutting out and sticking which instantly reminded her of arts and crafts with the kids anyway. Perhaps she should suggest they give her a hand?

Allie agreed. She didn’t have any nieces or nephews of her own yet but Matty had five siblings three of which had already had children. The Ackerly’s were essentially her own family by this point anyway. “Exactly! I get to do all the fun parts of childcare without having to do the negatives.” The best of both worlds truly.

“Evan. I’ll try to remember that” she laughed brightly.

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Old 07-28-2023, 10:56 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Mandrake Beery
Third Year
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

He certainly deserved no sympathy. No one had made him take on the current task load he had, except for himself. "I'm double majoring in History of Magic and Muggle Studies. Thinking about teaching one day, or perhaps just a research position." Which might not fully tie into what he was doing now but he DID get to research things, which made his little nerd heart happy. The double majoring and working could possibly mean he'd burn out easily but... Muggle Studies was simple considering he was muggle born himself. And he really was only taking those classes for the familiarity. And history of magic was mainly reading and paper writing, which he was very accustomed to doing.

He knew very, very little about what went into planning a wedding. He'd hardly even attended weddings before, outside of Cora and Aziel's anyways. Though he supposed that now that he and his siblings and former peers were aging, that might be different in the not too distant future. It left him pondering for a moment who in his year would be the first to get married. Sammy or Ig perhaps? "That sounds like a really good idea. Having a visual certainly might help narrow decisions. I hear there are a lot of them to be made." Perhaps it was he who should be sympathetic - wedding planning and full time work sounded exhausting as well. Though at least the planning was for a truly happy occasion.

Being Uncle Evan was actually his favorite role he'd ever had. The girls were at an age when showing up with a coloring book and crayons made him the coolest person in existence - which was not a title he often fit the bill for. "What do you usually end up doing with the kids on a daily?" Perhaps he could glean ideas. He smiled back at her, chuckling softly. "I won't be too offended if you don't." He was teasing, as best as he knew how anyways.
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Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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