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Go Back > Forums > SnitchSeeker RPG > Diagon Alley > North Side > Florean Fortescue's

Florean Fortescue's I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Come and treat yourself to a scoop after a long day of shopping.

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Old 10-05-2022, 12:47 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Outdoor Seating

Visiting Florean Fortescue's for a tasty treat? In the shop just to meet and greet with friends? Either way, you'll probably be looking for a place to sit down. If the weather's warm enough, or you're just looking for some fresh air, you'll love to sit at one of the many outdoor patio tables the parlour has to offer. Each table is circular in shape, with a number of comfortable wooden seats surrounding it. Depending on the time of year, you just might find a bouquet of fresh flowers sitting in the middle of the table you're seated at.

If the sun is too bright, you'll want to open the umbrella-style top mounted on your table. Otherwise, leave the umbrella closed and pushed down to enjoy the sunny day. At each table, you'll find a menu showcasing all the tasty flavours available at Florean Fortescue's. A napkin dispenser can also be found at every table, just in case you have to clean up any ice cream accidents that do tend to happen.
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Old 04-20-2024, 03:01 AM   #76 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Florence Schultz
Third Year

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Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Despite having spent the majority of the term forgetting that OWL examinations were even a thing and only really doing an legitimate studying the week prior to sitting them, Anna was quite optimistic about her results. Such was the way of the slightly taller than before swirly haired manic pixie dream girl (a phrase that had been tossed her direction by a peer and she had decided to adopt since she liked pixies and dreams) who had wholeheartedly prescribed to the mentality of 'what will be, will be.' A poor score in Potions simply meant that she was not destined for a career in the field, right? Anna ought to care just a little more and perhaps she would once her results were in and parents weighed in on the results.

Had daddy ever sat OWL examinations? Yet another mystery she would, perhaps, never know the answer to. Especially not now with mum seeming to come down even more harpy-like whenever Anna brought him up and asked questions. Maybe next time she would not be asking around the dinner table while asking for someone to please pass her the gravy.

But, for now, the only wondering on this Hufflepuffle's mind was what kind of ice cream Ezra liked. She had realized on her skip to meet him that she had committed a true friend faux pas in NOT knowing what his favorite flavor profiles were when it came to such things. Good thing the plan was to get some ice cream today! See? Everything happens for a reason!

Spotting him eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasily, she quickened her skips and would have thrown herself at him for a hug BUT...he was sitting down so that would have been awkward. Not awkward in the sense that she thought her fun sized frame would cause his chair to topple over and take her with him but rather that she might accidentally whack herself on the chair and get a bruise or something. "Ezra! Hi! So glad to see you!" she beamed as she came to a stop beside his seat but continued to rock back and forth from toes to heels and back again. "Did you remember to put on some sunscreen today? Mum is really strict about protection won't let me leave the house without it and I have a little travel sized bottle in my bag if you didn't that you can use if you'd like. Something to do with an allergy to ultraviolet? I think...maybe...sounds familiar maybe Professor Gert mentioned it in class before..."
People watching was fun sometimes. It wasn't exactly his favorite thing in the world, but it was something to do when you were in a magic environment and couldn't just scroll on your cellphone. And sometimes you saw people doing something funny or interesting. Like that random couple over there who were sharing a bowl of ice cream together.

Hmm. Interesting.

But Ezra was more than relieved when he heard Anna's voice and then she appeared there beside him. A grin lit up his face immediately, and he hopped to his feet, opening his arms to give her a quick hug. "Hey, great to see you too!"

Er, wait, sunscreen? "Oh,, I haven't." He hadn't...ever thought about wearing some to Diagon Alley, actually. When he was doing something like going to a beach or a pool or something else outdoors, then he did put some on, of course, but not here. But technically unless he went into the shops, he was still outside and in the sun whenever it wasn't behind some clouds did make sense to put some on. Though whether Professor Gert had mentioned something about an allergy to ultraviolet light, he couldn't say; it had, unfortunately, probably gone in one ear and out the other for him. "I guess I could put some on my arms." He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, so he supposed they could use some sunscreen.
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together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
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Old 04-21-2024, 03:24 AM   #77 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by love-for-hp View Post
greer did a little jump when some one spoke to her. She was so lost in thought about the day she was truly not aware of any of her surroundings at the present moment.

"what's a niffler?" she asked, because there was so much about that sentence that made no sense to her at all. Darn it all muggle born for the fail again. "but sure, you can sit slash leave you stuff here. greer gestered to the entire open table, she probably should have sat at a smaller one since she was here by herself afterall.
The jump was a bit dramatic but Sage's brow lifted for only half a second before getting over her kneejerk judgement regarding the other girl's complete lack of situational awareness. The follow up question really painted quite the vivid picture, didn't it? Sure, a niffler was no unicorn or dragon but surely every wizarding family had had the Niffler Nursery Rhymes read to them at some time or another.

"Ah, first time in the Alley then, is it?" she replied with a small nod of the head while swallowing back some modest irritation that her question was not being addressed first. "I'll tell you all about nifflers once I'm back, pending on the state of my things upon my return." What a pleasant turn of eventuals that this turned into an exchange and Sage need not feel indebted to someone who did not even know what a niffler was. "Be back in a few."

With a flash of a smile, Sage skedaddled away from the table and managed to slip in the queue just before a group of U-17's got in line for an after practice treat - assumingly. Thankfully the staff were on point today and it was not too terribly long before the Slytherin was making her way back to the table, cut of frozen sweetness in hand, to check on her clippings. "Nothing let off any sparks while I was gone, did they?"


Originally Posted by alwayssnapesgirl View Post
people watching was fun sometimes. It wasn't exactly his favorite thing in the world, but it was something to do when you were in a magic environment and couldn't just scroll on your cellphone. And sometimes you saw people doing something funny or interesting. Like that random couple over there who were sharing a bowl of ice cream together.

Hmm. Interesting.

But ezra was more than relieved when he heard anna's voice and then she appeared there beside him. A grin lit up his face immediately, and he hopped to his feet, opening his arms to give her a quick hug. "hey, great to see you too!"

er, wait, sunscreen? "oh,, i haven't." he hadn't...ever thought about wearing some to diagon alley, actually. When he was doing something like going to a beach or a pool or something else outdoors, then he did put some on, of course, but not here. But technically unless he went into the shops, he was still outside and in the sun whenever it wasn't behind some clouds did make sense to put some on. Though whether professor gert had mentioned something about an allergy to ultraviolet light, he couldn't say; it had, unfortunately, probably gone in one ear and out the other for him. "i guess i could put some on my arms." he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, so he supposed they could use some sunscreen.
Oh yay!

"It's like you're a Legilimens," she giggled as she immediately reciprocated the embrace. Despite growing just a LITTLE more, Anna continued to be considerably shorter than the majority of her peers but being so also came with the perk that her ear was pressed up against their chest in such a way that allowed her the privilege of listening to their heartbeat while being enveloped by their warmth. And, really, was there a better way to greet another person? It was so nourishingly intimate! "You're going to have to sit back down for a cheek kiss though...I'm not too confident in my coordination to be able to jump and peck." Very likely to miss and hit his chin or...hmm...why was she feeling a bit flushed as she went down the list of more readily accessible places she could hop and reach?

She would ask Professor Gert about this allergy business once they returned to Hogwarts...if she remembered...but for now she was patting her bag for her little phial of sunscreen to offer him for his arms. "Mum used to practically paint me with it come summer time. Used to be mistaken for a ghost when I was in primary school because of how comically pale it all made me look. Says she is just protecting my freckles and I am more susceptible to burning because of them...which I think is a rather cruel thing to say about all the constellations on my face THANKS to them." Finding it at last, Anna offered it to Ezra with a smile. "Or I can put it on for you." It was hard to reach some places on your own sometimes, though arms were a lot easier than the back at least. "And then we can see about this ice cream business because I am salivating in anticipation of learning what flavors you like! And... we won't have to worry about a forecast of ice cream rain here."

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 04-23-2024, 02:49 AM   #78 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Oh yay!

"It's like you're a Legilimens," she giggled as she immediately reciprocated the embrace. Despite growing just a LITTLE more, Anna continued to be considerably shorter than the majority of her peers but being so also came with the perk that her ear was pressed up against their chest in such a way that allowed her the privilege of listening to their heartbeat while being enveloped by their warmth. And, really, was there a better way to greet another person? It was so nourishingly intimate! "You're going to have to sit back down for a cheek kiss though...I'm not too confident in my coordination to be able to jump and peck." Very likely to miss and hit his chin or...hmm...why was she feeling a bit flushed as she went down the list of more readily accessible places she could hop and reach?

She would ask Professor Gert about this allergy business once they returned to Hogwarts...if she remembered...but for now she was patting her bag for her little phial of sunscreen to offer him for his arms. "Mum used to practically paint me with it come summer time. Used to be mistaken for a ghost when I was in primary school because of how comically pale it all made me look. Says she is just protecting my freckles and I am more susceptible to burning because of them...which I think is a rather cruel thing to say about all the constellations on my face THANKS to them." Finding it at last, Anna offered it to Ezra with a smile. "Or I can put it on for you." It was hard to reach some places on your own sometimes, though arms were a lot easier than the back at least. "And then we can see about this ice cream business because I am salivating in anticipation of learning what flavors you like! And... we won't have to worry about a forecast of ice cream rain here."
"Maybe I am," he teased. It did seem like a cool ability to have, reading minds and stuff. He could use it to read the minds of his professors to get the correct answers for exams! Not that he would because that would be cheating, and he was nothing if not going to succeed or fail on his own efforts (or lack thereof), but it would still be cool to have the option. Plus it seemed like it would make some things easier if he knew what people thought. Like right now when she mentioned the cheek kiss. Something that had become a thing last term.

Not that he minded! Obviously! But sometimes it was confusing and made him feel a little flustered, though a little less so now than at the very beginning, and just...well. It was a ThingTM. "Might be fun to try some time though," he said with a chuckle, though he did release her from the hug and sat back down.

Ezra supposed there was probably such a thing as overdoing the amount of sunscreen used, like looking like a ghost, but he wasn't sure why she thought it was cruel to say that her mum was protecting her freckles or that they might make her more susceptible to sunburns. Some people did sometimes have more trouble with burning more quickly than others, or so he thought he'd heard. "I guess it's good she wants to protect them though. They look nice."

He accepted the small bottle of sunscreen, squeezing a little into one hand as she offered to help. "Oh, uh..." He considered for a brief second then continued, "Guess that'd be more efficient. You get this arm while I get my other one?" If both arms could be covered at the same time, the sooner they'd be done and could move on to ice cream! So it seemed like a logical plan to him.

Speaking of which. "What kinda ice cream are you planning to get?"
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together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
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