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Term 35: September - December 2013 Term Thirty-Five: The EBWEQBSC! (September 2081 - June 2082)

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Old 12-15-2012, 03:59 PM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default The Tower Patch

At the top of the north tower some ways down from the Astronomy classroom is a large rooftop garden that has been expanded in memory of the late Marion Burbage, substitute professor of Astronomy. Lush green hedges and flower beds line the perimeter of the area and a large fountain greets you towards the opposite end. Located to the left of the fountain is a stone plaque engraved with words from the Headmistress herself which reads :

Rest in peace old friend, beloved wife, renowned stargazer, and special professor. Always in our hearts.

Beside this plaque lays another plaque placed in memory of another professor who gave their life while in service to Hogwarts. The plaque reads :

In Memory of E.M. Forrester, a brilliant space scientist, educator, and Slytherin Head of House. He will be missed.

Wooden benches and tables are scattered throughout the patch for students and professor alike to lounge, reflect on social events, complete homework tasks, and just generally hang out.

OOC: for more information on the events that took place in this thread, please read Term 32 of Hogwarts, a History & What in Merlin's Beard Term 32. For information on Professor Forrester please read here.
Old 09-17-2013, 07:10 AM   #2 (permalink)

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Maria Kingstonsdottir Dolph
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Default Rose....
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Carrying a heavy basket in his arms Leobald Kitridge, the school librarian headed up the many stairs to the seventh floor. Panting slightly as he entered the rooftoop garden, he stopped a moment to just take in the sights. It felt serene and just beautiful. Maybe his new favourite place at the school depending on if this 'meeting' ended in disaster or not. Shaking his head slightly he walked forward to a table close to the fountain to wait for Medea to arrive.
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Old 09-17-2013, 07:32 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Oh dear. It was no secret that the Hogwarts castle was large as it was beautiful, and it's vast grounds were breathtaking no matter the season... So why in Merlin's left pink sock did Leo have to choose this place of all places for their meeting? This tower of all towers? There were sooooo many to choose from! She should've been out of breath anyhow, seeing as she went up and down those stairs half a dozen times debating whether or not to even show up, she didn't need the scenery for that.

Needing to tell him they would have to move anyhow, Medea finally made it to the tower patch before she could once again change her mind. Ran...more like it. Ahem. Oh, oh there was Leo. With a basket? Oh right, they were having a picnic. A...picnic. Here. At this very spot. That certainly didn't bring up mixed emotions. "Hello...Leo..." she smiled with usual warmth, though her steps hesitant. "Lovely spot."

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Old 09-17-2013, 07:41 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maria Kingstonsdottir Dolph
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Trying not twiddle his thumb's as he waited for Medea to arrive Leo busied himself with checking out the content of the basket. The house elve's had been quite generous he noted warmly. It was good that they were back. He was hovering by the fountain staring into it's water when he heard hasty steps behind him. Turning around his face immediatly turned into a warm beam. "Hello Medea."

Nodding he murmured quietly. "I thought so too. Where do you want to sit? On a blanket somewhere or at one of the tables?"
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Old 09-18-2013, 01:49 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Her own suggestion of moving was caught in her throat when he asked where she'd want to sit. Neither. Though she never saw the tables before. Yet a table was just a bench with a wooden or stone piece in front of it and benches were off limits forever. Then again, they were more off limits than the, "Blanket." she spoke, nodding her head to confirm her own thoughts. Definitely blanket. "Vherever you vont." Wasn't she going to suggest moving elsewhere? "Umm..." Fiddling with the hem of her vest, Medea glanced around, taking a few steps closer to wherever Leo was as if already set on sitting down somewhere. "Ven did you find this place?"
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Old 09-21-2013, 01:49 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maria Kingstonsdottir Dolph
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Taking out the blanket from the basket Leo spread it out on the grass next to the fountain since Medea didn’t seem to be bothered by where they were sitting. If she didn't mind sitting on the grass then Leo wasn’t going push to sit at one of the tables. Moving the basket to the blanket he stepped over to stand next to Medea, not unpacking anything for now. "I found this place last year after Alistaire....I wanted a peaceful place to come to outside the library and this suits since not that many student’s come here even if it's beautiful."

Watching the fountain water swirl quietly around Leo asked "So, how have you been? Good summer? Did you enjoy the rest of the festival?"
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Old 09-24-2013, 05:25 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Gaze continuing to trail around the area as Leo set up the blanket, she kept glancing over to that certain spot. Good Merlin, it was like it had eyes and was watching her. Oh, yes...peaceful place. "I doubt many would want to climb all those stairs." she commented lightly with a smile, attention finally landing on Leo himself.

"I, erm...yea. The festival vos nice." Full of jittery nerves, but it was nice. "Spent most of the summer vith Calista or... oh gosh, Leo." Turning towards the librarian, her hand rested upon his forearm as those nerves from before seemed to disappear for the moment. "I'd come across this adorable little bat. His arm vos injured and he seems to just keep re-injuring it before it's ever fully healed, but, he's the most precious thing. You'll haff to see him."
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:52 AM   #8 (permalink)

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Default #3 Astronomy lesson one Homework

The Tower Patch, she had been here before, during her second year, but because there was nothing much to do here she didn't had returned. But... Now she was back here because there was nothing to do here, she didn't wanted to meet others while she was here because she wanted to do some experiments for her Astronomy homework. She wanted to do it in her common room but because there was no sunlight there she needed to search for another place, and why not here?

After she had looked around her to see if she was really alone she took a pink mirror out her schoolbag, the mirror was old but good enough to use! She wanted to use the mirror and the sunlight to become tanned! She had no idea if it would work but why not trying? She remembered what had happened when she had tried to dry her just polished nails with this spell and it had been eh... really hot, so she now wanted to use a mirror for his reflection! And THAT was a really smart idea, she knew that this would work!

So when she had placed the mirror on the ground but standing upright and facing her, she pointed her wand at the mirror while she held it in a sunbeam, using the same magnifying glass as before and spoke the spell: "Solis Focalis!" and she ticked with her wand, right at her pink mirror and... The mirror reflected her spell, right at her outstretched hands! But... Nooo... She sighed, the spell had worked but not as she wanted, her hands were brown, but not fully! She looked like a cow! She had brown spots over her hands, but she WASN'T entirely brown!

"I try it again!" said Sonea to herself. She didn't wanted to look like a cow, she wanted to be pretty!
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Old 09-26-2013, 11:07 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Gaze continuing to trail around the area as Leo set up the blanket, she kept glancing over to that certain spot. Good Merlin, it was like it had eyes and was watching her. Oh, yes...peaceful place. "I doubt many would want to climb all those stairs." she commented lightly with a smile, attention finally landing on Leo himself.
"I, erm...yea. The festival vos nice." Full of jittery nerves, but it was nice. "Spent most of the summer vith Calista or... oh gosh, Leo." Turning towards the librarian, her hand rested upon his forearm as those nerves from before seemed to disappear for the moment. "I'd come across this adorable little bat. His arm vos injured and he seems to just keep re-injuring it before it's ever fully healed, but, he's the most precious thing. You'll haff to see him."
Laughing lightly Leo agreed "Probably not unless they have classes up here or live in the house common rooms." Someone he couldn’t see climbing up all the stairs unless it was an emergency was Botros.

When Medea switched her attention fully on him something clicked in him. It wasn’t nerves but definitely something. "I'm glad----"he trailed off when she rested her hand on his forearm. Could she keep it there forever?

Blinking he took in what Medea said and eyes grew wide with compassion and worry "Oh, poor little bat, can’t be easy to fly much if he keeps re-injuring his arm. I'd love to meet him sometime. What’s his name?" But probably not with Madonna in tow, she disliked most things that flew.

"Have you asked the new Care of magical creature’s professor if she could take a look at him?"
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Old 09-26-2013, 07:53 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Default Post #1, Astronomy Homework
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate

Sophie grumbled under her breath as she made her way up to the tower patch. Why, oh why, had she chosen such difficult tasks to discuss in her Astronomy homework? She'd wrote them all out before she'd seen the part where she found out she actually had to try two of them. Of course three of her entries had been things she could never try here at school, like situations involving icebergs and tending to dragon eggs. So all she was left with was the two she could actually do. One of which just had to involve telescopes and the Astronomy tower. now here she was lugging her telescope up all seven floors of the castle so she could get to the tower patch. This would be a lot easier if she hadn't been a first year who hadn't been trained on how to levitate something. Had she, she'd have actually levitated the heavy telescope and just walked up the stairs. Oh, but no, she just had to levitate it. She thought about changing this entry to something that could be done out on the grounds, but she couldn't come up with anything else. Once she finally made it up to the tower patch, she took a few moments to set up her telescope, lay out her quill and parchment, and then pass out on a bench.

Last edited by Anna Banana; 09-26-2013 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 09-26-2013, 07:59 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Final Astronomy Post
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

Caleb felt like his lungs were going to explode from climbing all these stars, but of COURSEEEE, his stupid magnifying glass attachment had broken right when he was about to finish practicing his Solis Focus spell. So he had to go from the grounds ALL the way upstairs. He'd taken off his scarf, jumper, and gloves but he was still sweating a bit. Ugh. How did the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws manage this??

And he was lugging a teapot with him. Don't forget that.

As he walked up to the tower patch, ready to cool off a bit after climbing those stairs, he noticed Sophie nearby and gave her a wave. Then he took the teakettle out again and placed it on the ground, sitting cross legged in front of it. He cleared his throat, changing the magnifying glass attachment to the one that wasn't broken, and then cleared his throat. "Solis Focus!" he said, pointing his wand at the tea kettle.

After a few minutes, he heard the kettle hiss and smiled. All done with his homework! He pulled out a tiny tea cup from his bag, as well as the tea leaves that he'd stopped to grab in his dorm. "Hey Sophie, want a cup of tea?" he called over to her.
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:18 PM   #12 (permalink)

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Default Post #2, Astronomy Homework
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate

Birds chirping...the wind blowing...the trees rustling...

All sounds Sophie expected to here up in the tower patch. Her name, though? Not as likely. So when she heard it, especially in her brother's tone of voice, she sat up on the bench with a slight annoyed look on her face. Annoyed at Caleb? No. She was still annoyed at having to carry her telescope all the way up seven floors of the castle. She hadn't even thought about the fact that she had to carry it down, too.


"No," she said, "what I want is to finish this Astronomy homework. I just had to lug my telescope up seven floors." She looked at the telescope, made another face, and then added, "You don't know the levitation spell, do you?" Good enough to carry it back down, she meant.

She stood up and approached her telescope, ready to look out at the night sky. "I'm meant to be using the Sun to help see my parchment or something in the sky," she said, as she looked through the lens. She twisted the lens to get a better focus and began searching the night skies, looking for anything that she could zoom in on.
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:26 PM   #13 (permalink)
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curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Birds chirping...the wind blowing...the trees rustling...

All sounds Sophie expected to here up in the tower patch. Her name, though? Not as likely. So when she heard it, especially in her brother's tone of voice, she sat up on the bench with a slight annoyed look on her face. Annoyed at Caleb? No. She was still annoyed at having to carry her telescope all the way up seven floors of the castle. She hadn't even thought about the fact that she had to carry it down, too.


"No," she said, "what I want is to finish this Astronomy homework. I just had to lug my telescope up seven floors." She looked at the telescope, made another face, and then added, "You don't know the levitation spell, do you?" Good enough to carry it back down, she meant.

She stood up and approached her telescope, ready to look out at the night sky. "I'm meant to be using the Sun to help see my parchment or something in the sky," she said, as she looked through the lens. She twisted the lens to get a better focus and began searching the night skies, looking for anything that she could zoom in on.
"Umm, it's...Wingardium Leviosa right? I dunno how to do it, though," Caleb said with a shrug. She would probably get angry with him now and talk about how he wasn't helpful. Which he wasn't.

So instead he just crossed his legs and sipped his tea as he watched his sister finish her project.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

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Old 09-26-2013, 08:32 PM   #14 (permalink)

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Default Post #3, Astronomy Homework
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate

Sophie kept looking through her telescope, but she really couldn't find a thing. Were the skies just quiet tonight, or was it always this boring when trying to study the night sky? She was momentarily interrupted by Caleb, who was answering a question she'd forget she even asked.

She edged away from telescope just in time to miss a falling star. "Ugh!" she said, glaring at the star. "Now I have to wait for another one." She looked at the falling star for another second then looked at Caleb. "It is, but I don't how to cast it either. I should have just talked an older kid into bringing it up here for me."

She turned back to her telescope and adjusted the lens again. Just her luck, but the skies had gone completing boring once again. A second later, another shooting star shot by, and she got the perfect look at it. "Finally!" she exclaimed.
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:34 PM   #15 (permalink)
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curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Sophie kept looking through her telescope, but she really couldn't find a thing. Were the skies just quiet tonight, or was it always this boring when trying to study the night sky? She was momentarily interrupted by Caleb, who was answering a question she'd forget she even asked.

She edged away from telescope just in time to miss a falling star. "Ugh!" she said, glaring at the star. "Now I have to wait for another one." She looked at the falling star for another second then looked at Caleb. "It is, but I don't how to cast it either. I should have just talked an older kid into bringing it up here for me."

She turned back to her telescope and adjusted the lens again. Just her luck, but the skies had gone completing boring once again. A second later, another shooting star shot by, and she got the perfect look at it. "Finally!" she exclaimed.

Caleb had finished drinking his tea, so he began to pack up his things. "Well, good luck with...whatever you're doing," he said. She was doing something with shooting stars, obviously, but Caleb had finished his homework so he was OUT of here.

"Bye!" he said with a smile as he headed back inside.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
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Old 09-26-2013, 08:55 PM   #16 (permalink)

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Default Post #4, Astronomy Homework
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate

Wait...what?! "UGH!" she said again. He'd known she'd needed help carrying her stupid telescope back down, yet he'd left anyway. Some brother he was...

Sophie just rolled her and eyes and turned back around, just in time to knock her quill to the ground and watch it roll away. "Perfect," she mumbled, feeling even worse. This whole trip, right from the very beginning, had been one big annoying ordeal.

She would have allowed herself to get really annoyed had she not remembered that she still needed to do the spell to get credit for this whole activity. HA--look at that! An opportunity just presented itself, and she didn't even have to work hard for it at all.

She did a quick check to make sure the magical magnifying glass was in place, and she aimed it toward the dark place her quill had rolled off to. "Solis Focalis!" she said, jabbing forward. Sunlight filled the area, and her quill became visible long enough for her to scoop it up. With that, her work was done. She packed up her belongings and began the journey back down the dungeons.
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Old 09-26-2013, 09:04 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Default #4 Astronomy lesson one Homework

Okay, she wanted to have her hands completely tanned and NOT like a cow with stupid stops! She didn't liked it to have brown spots that was really ugly! She was lucky that it were only her hands and not her whole body because if she wasn't able to fix this she could hide her hands until they were normal again, but covering her whole body was not that easy... With a sigh she pointed her wand again at the mirror while she held her magnifying glass into a sunbeam. "Solis Focalis!" said Sonea and tried to use the spell again! The spell worked and a white flash flashed toward her and... both her hands were tanned! Yay! It had worked! She had done it!
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Old 09-30-2013, 05:18 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Laughing lightly Leo agreed "Probably not unless they have classes up here or live in the house common rooms." Someone he couldn’t see climbing up all the stairs unless it was an emergency was Botros.

When Medea switched her attention fully on him something clicked in him. It wasn’t nerves but definitely something. "I'm glad----"he trailed off when she rested her hand on his forearm. Could she keep it there forever?

Blinking he took in what Medea said and eyes grew wide with compassion and worry "Oh, poor little bat, can’t be easy to fly much if he keeps re-injuring his arm. I'd love to meet him sometime. What’s his name?" But probably not with Madonna in tow, she disliked most things that flew.

"Have you asked the new Care of magical creature’s professor if she could take a look at him?"
"No, it isn't. Though he tries anyvays, vhich just makes it vorse." Shaking her head, she sighed softly, and before she knew what she was doing, half leaned against Leo, staring at the fountain ahead of them. Hmmmm, yup. Now she knew. And now she was frozen.

The bat's name. What was the bat's name? It had one, she just-

"Chu Chu." That was it! "Vell, his name is actually Ophiuchus Damson but, I just call him Chu Chu for short." Taking the moment of talking to let go of Leo's arm and take a short step away for space, she crossed her arms for comfort before shaking her head. ", I haffn't. I should, and may as vell visit anyhow. At least to velcome them to staff."

Speaking of the creatures professor... "Haff you met all?"
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Old 09-30-2013, 01:15 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Default Astronomy Homework #1- post 5
Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger

Sarah walked into the towerpatch, her jar sloshing around as she walked. It was so nice up here. Maybe too quiet, Sarah liked the noise of student chatterings. But now she could hear the fountain. Nice. Nice

She was looking around for a spot with nice light intensity when she remembered that all she needed was sunlight, the spell would do the trick.

She settled at one of the tables, placing her jar on the surface and her satchel beside her. From the satchel she got out the magnifying glass which she attatched to her wand. She waved it for a bit, making sure it was attatched properly.

Okay, systems set, ready to rumble. She caught rays of sunlight in the glass and gave a jab in the direction of the jar. The water inside began to simmer. Sarah took another jab "Solis Focalis" she said again.Now the water was becoming mist.

Sarah reached forward and encircled the jar with her hands. It warmed her up, therefore it would work.
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Old 10-07-2013, 04:51 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
"No, it isn't. Though he tries anyvays, vhich just makes it vorse." Shaking her head, she sighed softly, and before she knew what she was doing, half leaned against Leo, staring at the fountain ahead of them. Hmmmm, yup. Now she knew. And now she was frozen.
The bat's name. What was the bat's name? It had one, she just-
"Chu Chu." That was it! "Vell, his name is actually Ophiuchus Damson but, I just call him Chu Chu for short." Taking the moment of talking to let go of Leo's arm and take a short step away for space, she crossed her arms for comfort before shaking her head. ", I haffn't. I should, and may as vell visit anyhow. At least to velcome them to staff."
Speaking of the creatures professor... "Haff you met all?"
"I can imagine. It hurts to see your pets in pain." Leo commented quietly as he felt how Medea leaned against him. He almost pulled his arms around her in comfort as they both stared out at the fountain in front of them. He didn't put that thought into action quick enough before she let go of his arm and took a step away from him.

Leo wanted to laugh at the choice of name for the bat but managed to keep a straight face and instead asked curiously. "Ophiuchus Damson is that a latin name with special meaning or origin?"

Seeing her cross her arms Leo wondered "Are you cold?" If she was he could lend her his coat or something. Shaking his head he responded. "No, I haven't met the new creature's professor. I've seen her at dinner and in the staff room and such, but I can't say were acquainted." He only knew her name and what she looked like.
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