Disclaimer: This information is provided as a guide so that you can further enjoy the SS School RPG. This information is subject to changes as more information about the characters is revealed in the story. Also, please remember that some of this information may not be known to your character "IC".

Term Seven: The Draught of Ephemera

While half the staff was busy preparing a mysterious potion, The Draught of Ephemera, taken from the Book of Mysteria, the rest of the staff was left to deal with an attack upon the school by none other than Lord Voldemortist who was once again after said book. Professors Marcella Riddle, Angelica Lainey, and Kris Airlia were all brought back to their former bodies using said potion and Professor Phoebe Phoenix as medium. Whilst this was going on several students (She-who-must-not-be-psycho!, Raven4life, and Mrs. Weasley) were duped by Samea into brewing a potion which ended up encasing one student, Raven, in armor.

During the ritual required to brew the Draught of Ephemera, Voldemortist stormed the castle and while the former ghosts convalesced in the Hospital Wing, Prossor Rae was forced to battle Voldemortist in the Spirit Room. Professor Rae was mortally wounded in the attack and Voldemortist managed to get the Book. In a heroic display, Sir Spots attempted the ritual to become human in order to help Professor Rae. However, Rae was too weak to be a proper medium and he was forced to 'pass on' in the middle of the ritual. Thankfully, Professor Lainey arrived with the help of the Slytherin and Hufflepuff prefects (Backslash and Mrs. Weasley) and were able to bring Professor Rae to the Hospital Wing where she made a full recovery.

In the meantime, Professor Hendrik left Phoenix in the Hospital Wing to do battle with Voldemortist who was heading for the Forbidden Forest with the Book of Mysteria in an attempt to reach an apparition point. After a spectacular duel, Voldemortist made it to the apparition point. However, just as he disapparated, Professor Hendrik managed to summon the Book of Mysteria from Voldemortist's weakened grasp.

The End of Term Feast was a sombre occasion, honoring those students who were murdered by the Dark Lord.

Students killed by Voldemortist
(in chronological order)
Kagome (hpfan142), Ravenclaw {Killing Curse from Lord Voldemortist in the Shrieking Shack}

Ron (gryffindor_1), Gryffindor {Killing Curse over the center of the Lake}

Raphael (HermioneG2010), Slytherin; Nico (Nicholas Laryex), Slytherin; Alyssa (HarryPotterfreak82), Hufflepuff; Patricia (lunano1), Ravenclaw; Mike (voldemortsucks), Ravenclaw {all died of Killing Curse outside Professor Shrine's office}

to Term Eight