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serenasnape 01-12-2006 11:49 PM

"Great job Taylor! This hand is beautifully formed with long graceful fingers with pointed tips. Their consistency is soft and yielding with flexible thumb and fingers. The palms will have many lines and the nails tend to be long and oval and from the back of the hand alot of skin is visible around the nails.

This hand is also known as the Intuitive Hand and is somewhat rare. These people are motivated by their deepest feelings and are very sensitive. They are creative with strong imaginations but most are not blessed with common sense.

The Mixed Hand

Hpfan91 01-12-2006 11:51 PM

Taylor once again raised his hand..."Although the main types of hands have been identified, there are people who have a variety of physical traits from many of the types already mentioned. These people are known to possess the so-called mixed hand.
Indeed, as is expected, these individuals may find themselves carrying a mixture of the main characteristics of a selection of hand types. Consequently, they may be suited to work from a wide range of vocations.

It is difficult to provide an analysis of the mixed hand without referring to particular individual cases. Those who own the mixed hand type are advised to look at their most distinguished feature and refer to the information of the best matched hand type."

DracosDuchess 01-13-2006 12:03 AM

Fancy listened intently and took notes quickly. As her classmates described the different types of hands and the characteristics of people with those hands, Fancy couldn't help but pause and look at her own hands. At first glance, she thought that she had either a psychic hand or a conical hand. Listening to the characteristics, they both encompassed many of her personality traits. She would need more information before she could make a choice. She was excited to begin studying Divination, even though she couldn't express her enthusiasm. She eagerly looked at Professor Kotkin and awaited the next section of studying. Hopefully they'd learn about the different lines on the palm soon.

serenasnape 01-13-2006 12:10 AM

"Very good Taylor. Very few hands will conform to one type, so most people will find they have traits from more than one hand type. You look to the strength of the similarities to find the proper traits.

Look to the basic shape of the hand for the foundation you need to analyse it. The fingers, mounts, lines... as well as hand consistency, size, skin texture, flexibility and skin ridge patterns will help you gain more precise information. So, as you see, there is much to know when it comes to the art of Palmistry.

Hand Size
Skin Texture
Right or Left Dominate Hand?

Mounts and Valleys:
Longitudinal Zones (3)
Latitudinal zones (3)

(ooc: I'm off again until tomorrow.... if you would like to earn more points, feel free to take turns..... don't do it all..... and list one of either the zones or mounts and describe them. We'll pair off then and start to try our hands at reading each other's palms.... will do this all weekend as well!)

Hpfan91 01-13-2006 12:17 AM

"The consistency of hands allows you to discover more about energy levels. How active are you? Can you keep going twenty four hours a day or do you like to take things a little easier. Perhaps you find it difficult to stir yourself into any action at all? How much energy do you and your partner have?"

"The degree of flexibility in your hand indicates your emotional and mental health. In short, a flexible hand, a flexible mind, a stiff hand, a stiff mind. Emotionally, those people with limber hands adjust well to their enviroment. Stiff hands indicate those who have a rigid outlook on life. flexible hand that can bend backwards in a gracefull arch indicates a mind that can respond quickly. These people can act, think and feel all at once. A moderate flexible hand is the most common. People with this type of hand tend to be balanced and in control of themselves. An extremely flexible hand indicates a person who is easily led by others. A firm type of hand indicates a strong type of person. These people are conservative with their money and feelings."

Hand Size
"The size of the hand can be important in in helping to judge the character and personality. People with small hands have a strong desire to achieve. They usually set long range goals in their life. They sometimes have a big ego and have trouble relaxing. People with medium hands are well balanced and have good judgement. They have common sense and are practical. People with large hands have many capability`s. They can have many goals, all at the same time. They are friendly and very sociable."

Skin Texture
The skin texture on the hand shows the persons natural refinements. If the texture is soft and delicate it will indicate a refined and sensitive person. Transperant skin is found on saintly type people. Thin skin is found on the hands of overly sensitive people. Often those with thick skin are stubborn and insensitive. Course skin is found on the hands of earthy people. People with a satin, smooth type skin are very artistic and often have a love of nature.

Right or Left Handed
Both hands are equally interesting, and there is no reason for looking at only one of them. As a matter of fact, there are some who even read feet - yes, both of them. Considering the way the body is connected, the left hand is linked to the right side of the brain and the right hand to the left side of the brain. Scientific research with people missing the 'bridge' that normally connects the two hemispheres in the brain, may suffer from something called Alien Hand Syndrome' that can cause one hand to have a will of its own, so when one ties a shoelace the other might untie is again!). When right-handed the left side of the brain is likely to be dominant. From the handreading perspective, your dominant hand is your public face to the world and makes the active decisions, whilst your passive hand shows more the personal and private self.

HeJustDoesn'tKnowItYet 01-13-2006 12:20 AM

Tina kept herself busy by writing all these important facts down.

DeepMystyc 01-13-2006 12:45 AM

Felisia scribbled her notes and looked down at her hands. She wasn't sure which type she had. She was artistic, and could have a short temper. But her hand didn't look conical.

She glanced up at her friend across the table. Fancy, too, was scanning her hands. Felisia laughed silently to herself and wondered how quickly they would begin practicing palmistry.

Accio Firebolt 01-13-2006 02:40 AM

Maureen took notes and wondered. A lot of people read my right hand because I'm right-handed. I never knew it didn't matter very much.

Granger1814 01-13-2006 02:57 AM

Sabrina raised her hand. "One of the mounts is the Mount of Jupiter. This is situated at the base of the index finger. A well-developed mount is indicative of the person's leadership qualities. This person is also just, honest, optimistic and sociable. If the mount is flat, the person lacks confidence and a good personality. If the mount is over developed, the person is arrogant, proud, idle and egoistic. A small line between the Heart and Head lines on this mount indicates acquisition of wealth."

Ginevra 01-13-2006 05:31 AM

Ginny was busy writing down notes. She was really looking forward to palmistry

c00kie 01-13-2006 06:07 AM

c00kie was a little blur in Palmistry, but she was determined to catch up. She scribbled down the notes and continued to pay attention.

Blackwidow 01-13-2006 06:32 AM

Julie raised her hand and said "Another mount is mountof Saturn: This mount is situated at the base of the middle finger. If it is well developed, the person possesses a good sense of responsibility and is concerned with seeking wisdom. If it's overdeveloped, with long fingers, the person is cold, distant and an introvert. If the mount is flat, the person is outgoing and optimistic."

c00kie 01-13-2006 06:42 AM

c00kie suddenly thought of one of the mounts she had read about. "Professor, if i am not mistaken, there is also the mount of Mercury, this mount is situated at the base of the little finger," c00kie said while gesturing the spot with her own hands," A well-developed mount is indicative of a person who loves to travel a lot, and is a go-getter. If it is overdeveloped, the person is a glib talker and a consummate liar. If it is flat, the person is shy, diffident or just plain dull." c00kie said.

Nabs 01-13-2006 11:28 AM

Nabiya raised her hand,"There is a mount called the Mount of Venus, a cross on the Mount of Venus indicates the person will find true love in their life. A triangle on the Mount of Venus shows a person who will marry for money. A star at the base of the Mount of Venus indicates trouble in finding true love in life."

She stopped, referred back to her book and continued, "A grill on the Mount of Venus is a sign of sensuality. A island on the Mount of Venus indicates a loss of opportunities. Small circles on the Mount will indicate adultry. And..a square will act as protection in love."

Jessica 01-13-2006 07:44 PM

The Mount of Mars
Jessica frowned as vaaaaarious people informed the class of different mounts. She noted down all the informatin, her frown slowly becoming more and more prominent. The trouble was, she knew she had read about the mounts somewhere, but she couldn’t remember what or where or when. What was it now? she thought, concentrating hard.

Tapping her palm pensively with her quill, she racked her drowsy brains.

“Professor,” she said, raising her hand. “I’m not sure, but I think that, all these mounts apart, there is also the Mount of – errrr –“ she paused awkwardly, obviously thinking hard. “Oh yes, the Mount of Mars.

“This particular mount is positioned between the head line and where the heart line starts, and said to be the most - ermm – “complicated” of all mounts. The lower end is at the heart line’s exact start, close to the thumb. While the middle Mars mount is positioned in the middle of the palm.

"A smooth and soft plane usually depicts a selfish personality, a person of zeal, enthusiasm, energy and activity may be depicted by a finely-developed, broad and firm Mars plane.”

Here, Jessica abruptly stopped and lowered her hand, running out of knowledge about the Mars Mount, wishing that she was more knowledgeable.

HPCHAMP101 01-13-2006 08:50 PM

Meghan took down the notes of what everyone was saying. "Does anyone else noticed all the mounts are named after planets kind of ironic..."she mumbled more to herself than anyone else.

Simple_Spells 01-13-2006 08:54 PM

Emma decided that Divination was strange, complicated, and confusing - but she liked it anyways.

Jessica 01-13-2006 09:35 PM

The Mount Of Moon
Hearing Meghan, Jessica smiled. She had noticed this from the start. Hey, Wait a second! Planets! It rang a bell. There wasn't a "Mount of Earth."Of course! Satellites. The Mount of Moon!

"Professor, no one has yet told about the Mount of Moon," she said, almost excitedly. "This specific mount is located at opposite the thumb, at the lower end of the palm. A well-developed mount depicts compassion, sympathy, affection, ingenuity and a person who lives his life to the fullest, with zeal and enthusiasm. On the other hand, a flatter surface usually means a person with a lively imagination, and a nature filled with empathy and compasion."

She lowered her hand once more, secretly thankful to Meghan for making her remember it all.

Pretty Ginny 01-13-2006 10:16 PM

As he noted everything down, Alex thre Jessica a look of pure loathing. He hated her as much as possible.

Blackwidow 01-13-2006 10:40 PM

The slytherin kid behind Jessica was rude, he kept making faces as she answered, Julie noticed that he loathed gryffindors who were smart,
Julie took the advantage and raised her hands saying "Professor, there is also Mount of Mercury,
this mount is situated at the base of the little finger. A well-developed mount is indicative of a person who loves to travel a lot, and is a go-getter. If it is overdeveloped, the person is a glib talker and a consummate liar. This person is also the regular Casanova. If it is flat, the person is shy, diffident or just plain dull."
Julie paused smirking at the slytherin boy thinking That ought to teach him!

Cassy 01-14-2006 12:03 AM

Cassy glanced up from note making and noticed a Slytherin person behind Jessica scowling at her. She wondered why this was and then remembered the rivalry between the houses and shook her head slightly. She understood being loyal to your house but this boy was just being rude so Cassy shot him a disapproving look. She lowered her eyes to the parchment and continued to write but then it struck her, maybe the boy was just jealous that Jessica knew the answers and he didn't? She returned to her normal level of concentration and carried on writing trying to get all the correct details down.

starryeyedenchantress 01-14-2006 02:41 AM

Adrienne was taking notes so fast when she paused she noticed she could barely read her own hand-writing. She'd have to go over it later and rewrite it. Oh, well. She really didn't expect this much info in the first class, and she really didn't understand it all, but that didn't matter now. She would read through it later when copying it and try to comprehend it then. She sighed and went back to note taking.

Padfoot 01-14-2006 03:40 AM

Heshasa had already filled3 pages front to back and was starting on her fourth page of notes. Palmistry was not her best subject when I came to divination. Scanning her notes she realized that her writing was very hurried and sloppy. Shrugging she continued at top speed.

Jessica 01-14-2006 07:46 PM

Jessica saw Alex’s hateful look and vaguely heard herself sigh. She noticed the disapproving looks some people gave him, and was grateful – not because she didn’t like him, but because they were supporting her. Alex and Jessica once been more than just friends…and now….he hated her with all his might – and didn’t regret displaying his hatred; she, on the other hand, had always been cordial to him, even after their break-up and….well….their seriously serious fights. And now he was being rude, just because she knew the answers….She pushed the matter to the back of her head with extreme difficulty, and turned her attention back to Divination.

Jessica felt more than just thankful towards Meghan for mumbling what she just had. All planets, she thought cheerily. Then it struck her. All of the mounts were not planets!

Her hand was up before she knew it.

“Professor, the only mount that has not been named after a planet is,” she began. “The Mount of Apollo. At least, I don’t know any such planet. It is located at the base of the ring finger, with a well-developed mount showing a warm, lovable, positive, hopeful and zealous person. Flatness, however, means a person who is mistrustful, cold-hearted, and pessimistic. Overdevelopment depicts a rough, self-centred and indifferent person.”

Her eyes were shining with enthusiasm now. She was absolutely hooked with Divination. For once, she forget her damaged relationship with Alex. She couldn't help winking warmly at Julie.

HeJustDoesn'tKnowItYet 01-14-2006 08:17 PM

As Tina quickly scribbled notes she kept thinking to herself, my my that girl is obsessive over this junk. By accident she even let out a little "obsessive," in a sing-song voice. She really didn't care if anyone heard her, but she couldn't help giggling at her stupidity.

Jessica 01-14-2006 08:34 PM

Jessica heard Tina and turned her head towards her, grinning warmly.

"I know," she wispered as she quickly jotted down some notes. "Thank God I'm still sane!" she smiled politely again.

serenasnape 01-14-2006 10:13 PM

Professor Kotkin replied to the class. "Thank you for your help. I see you have all been working hard in your research. Now, let us take the time to choose a partner so we can attempt to read one another's palms. Then we will go into some detail on the patterns and lines you should be looking for."

Jessica 01-14-2006 10:37 PM

"Julie, will you pair up with me?" Jessica asked Julie at once, nodding to the Professo. SHe really hoped Julie would agree.

DracosDuchess 01-14-2006 10:50 PM

Fancy was excited to finally begin actually looking at her palm and discovering if she actually exhibited the characteristics she was supposed to, based on her palm. She glanced across the table at Felisia, who had finally decided to put the flame she had been playing with away. However, she was completely engrossed in examining her own hand that Fancy decided to leave her by herself for a bit. She turned around and saw a Gryffindor girl, named Jessica. She knew her parents would hate her partnering up with anyone from Gryffindor, but then again, her parents didn't like Felisia, and they didn't want her to be taking Divination. If she was going to disobey them, she might as well do it right. Besides, she was tired of not having many people to talk to at school, so she decided to turn to Jessica.

"Would you like to be my partner?" Fancy asked the girl, waiting for her response.

Pretty Ginny 01-14-2006 11:17 PM

"Cassy, will you please pair with me?" Alex aske politely.

HPCHAMP101 01-14-2006 11:18 PM

Meghan turned to look around she didn't really recognize anyone so she waited for someone to ask her.

Granger1814 01-14-2006 11:24 PM

Seeing that Julie had paired up with someone, she glanced around. "Hey, Meghan! Want to be my partner?" she asked hopefully.

Cassy 01-14-2006 11:39 PM

Cassy paused before answering. She remembered the look Alex had given Jessica, so her first impression was that he was rather rude but then again every deserves a chance and besides, he had asked politely enough. "Erm, sure" She replied.

DeepMystyc 01-15-2006 12:20 AM

Felisia was engulfed in the folds and mounts of her hands. She was clapped out of her solitude when she heard Fancy's voice asking a young gryffindor girl to be her partner. It wasn't that Felisia was jealous, but that she really wasn't one to just run around and meet new people. Her mother had always told her she needed to make more friends, Fancy won't be around forever.

Felisia turned in her seat. There were several people in the classroom, but they all seemed to already have partners. She decided to wait and see if anyone would be left to partner with her.

serenasnape 01-15-2006 12:31 AM

Professor Kotkin continued, "As you pair up, you can observe your own hand and describe what you see to help your partner as they try to 'read' your palm. Make sure to look for the shape of the hand, as well as the fingers and thumb. Look for flexibilty, the lines and ridges, the mounds and loops that may be present. The main lines to look for are the heart line which is the top line, then the heart line which is in the center, and then the life line which is found below the heart line, sometimes even joining this line above the thumb, and then curves down to the center of the palm towards the wrist."

DracosDuchess 01-15-2006 01:03 AM

Fancy wasn't sure if the Gryffindor, Jessica, still wanted to be partners, and Fancy noticed that Felisia didn't have a partner yet.

"Felisia, you can be my partner, too. Jessica can join us if she likes." Fancy told her friend across the table. She knew that Felisia would gladly accept to be partners with her, so Fancy just sat, waiting for her reply and looking at her own hand in the mean time.

DeepMystyc 01-15-2006 01:25 AM

Felisia smiled wide. "Sounds fine. Sure, Jessica can join, wonderful." She looked back down at her own hand, wondering what exactly Fancy would see. Then again, knowing that Fancy was so secretive, what would Felisia see? Would she see anything Fancy didn't want known?

HPCHAMP101 01-15-2006 01:40 AM


Seeing that Julie had paired up with someone, she glanced around. "Hey, Meghan! Want to be my partner?" she asked hopefully
Meghan looked up and smiled brightly. "Sure! Ok do you want to go first? because I am slightly confused." She said the last part in a whisper with a guilty smile on her face.

DracosDuchess 01-15-2006 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by DeepMystyc
Felisia smiled wide. "Sounds fine. Sure, Jessica can join, wonderful." She looked back down at her own hand, wondering what exactly Fancy would see. Then again, knowing that Fancy was so secretive, what would Felisia see? Would she see anything Fancy didn't want known?

Fancy looked at Felisia for a moment. She knew that Felisia was curious as to how much she would see on Fancy's hand, seeing as as how she was extremely secretive. Fancy gave Felisia a reassuring smile. She knew that the way they were reading palms in class that day, none of Fancy's secrets would come out, as the palm was only going to reveal characteristics about her.

"Well, give me your hand and let's get started," Fancy told Felisia. She reached for her slender hand and began examining. She decided that the best way to read her palm would be to follow the order of her notes. The first thing she would look at would be the shape of Felisia's hand.

OOC: Gotta sign off. Be back tomorrow!

DeepMystyc 01-15-2006 02:00 AM

Felisia caught Fancy's smile, and reached her hand across the table. She pulled out her own notes, knowing they probably weren't as thorough as Fancy's, but still had the important key terms. She waited to hear what Fancy would tell her about herself.

"And don't tell me that I'm going to become rich and famous." she joked. She knew from being around her father's muggle half of the family that muggles thought palms readers always said 'you're going to come into a lot of money' or 'i see a dark, hansome man in your futre.' It was only after she said this comment, she remembered that Fancy didn't know anything about the muggle world. She shifted her eyes to look at her notes and hoped Fancy would just laugh.

Granger1814 01-15-2006 04:06 AM

She giggled. “That’s okay. I’m sort of confused too.” She took Meghan’s hand and began to examine it. “Hmm, well you seem to have a conic hand shape which means you’re impulsive, have great communication skills, and get along with many different kinds of people.”

She reached out and bent Meghan’s hand. “You have a moderately flexible hand, which tells me that you have a balance in your life and are relatively in control of what goes on. As far as your hand size, I’d say you have medium hands, which means you have good judgement and are very practical.” She lightly ran her fingers over Meghan’s hand. “You seem to have a very soft texture, which indicates that you’re sensitive to other’s feelings and needs.”

“Okay, why don’t you go ahead and read my palm. I’m not finished yet, but I don’t want to go too far or you may get confused. So, go ahead and tell me my hand shape, my flexibility, hand size, and hand texture, then I’ll tell you about the mounts and folds of your hand.” she finished smiling. “Is that okay with you?”

lil angel 01-15-2006 08:01 AM

Trixie looks around the classroom.. Hmm who should i partner with? She glances around the room and saw cOOkie sitting alone. She walks over to her and sat down. " i have a partner!" giggles Trixie.

c00kie 01-15-2006 08:10 AM

c00kie looked over at trix and smiled, "Okay, give me your palm, let me try it." c00kie grabbed Trixie's hand and begin to examine it, "all right, lets see, you've got a really spatulate hand, which means you have a love for discovery and invention...." c00kie said while wrinkling her nose, "you do? okay, anyways, you should be energetic and dexterous, and thrive on taking risks," c00kie said, " why not you tell me about my hand before we move on to the mounts and lines and stuff, okay with you?"

lil angel 01-15-2006 08:19 AM

Trixie gigled at her palm. Palm reading could be so fun at times. "okay, my turn...Hmmm..." says Trixie thinking hard. "You have a conical hand, people with this hand are usually connoisseurs of the arts with superb communication skills, and a love for the arc lights.You are impulsive and have a short temper," Trixie gigles even more. "Okay.. tht's it!"

c00kie 01-15-2006 08:23 AM

c00kie laughed. These things were quite accurate. "Alright, i'm going to see what type of fingers you've got...aha! you've got conical fingers," c00kie said while flipping through some more pages of her book, "Means that you are an intellectual and talented idealist," c00kie made a face to trixie before continuing, " you've got the power of thinking on your feet and have firm convictions...." c00kie said while surpressing a laugh.

lil angel 01-15-2006 08:28 AM

"I do?" chuckles Trixie. "Okay...let me see yours! says here that you have a spatulate finger. You have a taste for travel and outdoor life. As go-getters, you will always looks for the bigger piece of the pie. You also value work as top priority. You are creative, active and energetic." snorts Trixie while making a face at cOOkie.. "Okay..let's move on to mounts!"

c00kie 01-15-2006 08:37 AM

"Creative....i like that!" c00kie said while smiling brightly at Trixie. "Okay, lets check out some of the lines, you've got a loooong life line, it indicates longevity, vitality, and the quality of life, which is a good thing, however, i don't see much of a head line which means lethargy and in extreme cases insanity," c00kie smirked at Trixie, "and well, you heart line which is clear and deep a person who is sincere, respectful and considerate,"

"Now, you're mounts, you've got the mount of Mars, which shows that you're a very well-developed and firm person, it also shows you have an out-going personality. You're mount of Venus is a little bit under-developed, which means you lack in passion. You're mount of Apollo is well developed,meaning you're a person who is warm and optimistic, radiating enthusiasm," c00kie said finally finishing.

lil angel 01-15-2006 08:44 AM

"Wow...tht's l-o-n-g......Okay, how abt you," said Trixie squinting into cOOkie's palm. "Hmm... wait a minute..We have the same lines!!" laughed Trixie. "But our mounts are slightly different.. Your mount of Jupiter is flat so you have a good personality. Your mount of moon is well-developed which shows a person who is compassionate, caring, creative and blessed with an incredible zest for life. Your mount of Mars is a thick, well-developed, and firm Mars plane shows abounding energy and an outgoing nature." said Trixie looking up at her friend.

Blackwidow 01-15-2006 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Jessica
"Julie, will you pair up with me?" Jessica asked Julie at once, nodding to the Professo. SHe really hoped Julie would agree.

"Sure, I'll pair up with you" Julie said as she moved closer to jessica and gave her palm out. "You wanna go first" Julie said as she smiled.

Jessica 01-15-2006 08:07 PM

The Life Line
Jessica smiled warmly at Julie as she took Julie's right hand in hers and began to examine it.

“Let's see,...." she began, turning Julie's hand around. "Maybe I should start with your life line." she wondered out loud, frowning slightly. "Yes...I think so."

She began to carefully examine Julie's hand, deep in thought. Finnally she spoke aloud.

"Your life line is strong, clear, swooping and some of the wrinkles are heading both outwards, some inwards. This means that you will have a long and balanced life but may have to bear some anxiety. However, overall, your life will be a success.

Accio Firebolt 01-16-2006 09:46 AM

Maureen looked around for a partner

serenasnape 01-16-2006 08:01 PM

Professor Kotkin looked around pleased at the efforts her students were making.

(ooc: I apologize for not being online much these last 2 days, but I am fighting a cold. I will leave this thread open for those who wish to continue. If you have questions, please feel free to ask my help.)

Jessica 01-18-2006 03:43 AM

The Heart Line
Jessica went on, sweeping her flaming red hair out of her silvery-blue eyes as she did so.

"You heart line is next," she informed Julie professionally, though she knew very little about such matters. "It is right below the index finger - of course - clear and strong, but doubled with some of the lines moving upwards. This means you are warm and sympathetic, and posess the ability to love - and be loved deeply." She smirked at Julie. Be loved deeply?

"Also," she continued. "You are helpful and forgiving...."

OOC - I'll be away for a week, okay?

serenasnape 01-19-2006 09:20 PM

Divination Exam 1
Divination Exam 1

1. What is padomancy? (2 points)

2. D____ I_____________ is thought by some to be one of most important means of divining the future. (2 points)

3. In Crysta Gazing, the Greeks believed that all quartz crystals were pieces of the archetypal '_______ __ _____'. (2 points)

4. In Hydromancy, it is most common to use ______ pebbles or stones. They are thrown into standing water one at a time. How are each of the stones shaped? (4 points)

5. Pyromancy is a form of ____ Scrying. (2 points)

6. Seers are said to be those who possess the _____ ___. (2 points)

7. What are the 6 hand types in Palmistry? (6 points)

Please pm me your homework by Monday 5pm EST.

R348753 01-19-2006 09:46 PM

Luna wrote down the homework, intending to do it in the library later, slytherin needed the points and she wasnt going to let the opportunity to earn some points from her faveourite class. she put down her quill and stuffed her book into her bag, which was getting rather heavy with all the books she were carrying around.

DracosDuchess 01-20-2006 12:38 AM

Fancy copied the homework quickly on her parchment that contained the many notes she had taken during the class. She glanced over them, and figured it wouldn't take that long to finish it, which meant more points for Slytherin. Once finished, she piled her parchment, quill, ink, and book into her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She waited for Felisia to finish gathering her things before she headed towards the door to leave.

DeepMystyc 01-20-2006 12:45 AM

Felisia piled her books and quill back into her bag. The Divination class had been more interesting than she had hoped. She still wished her mother would allow her to stop taking these classes, but she was starting to find some interest in the palmistry.

Padfoot 01-20-2006 02:23 AM

Heshasa wrote down the homework. Smiling waved to Professor Kotkin and hitched her bag onto her shoulder and headed to her common room.

lala_favehp 01-20-2006 05:08 AM

To Lala's surprise, her first Divination class she attended as a first year wasn't so bad afer all. In fact, she found it amusing and interesting. She thinks Professsor Kotkin was amazing. She copied down her homework and was excited to work on it immediately.

Accio Firebolt 01-20-2006 08:13 AM

Maureen wrote down her homework.

c00kie 01-20-2006 08:15 AM

c00kie quickly scribbled down the homework and kept her things. She said thank you to the professor and left the divination classroom.

HPCHAMP101 01-20-2006 06:28 PM

Meghan said thank you to the professor and grabbed her things after she wrote down the homework. She turned towards Sabrina and said, "Thank you for reading my palm you were dead on. And sorry I didn't get to yours we could do it another time in the common room or something?" Meghan smiled at her as she pulled her backpack over her shoulder.

R348753 01-20-2006 10:02 PM

Luna picked up her bag and hoisted it up safely onto her shoulder, she stuned to professor kotkin, "thanks for the lesson miss, it was really good, I cant wait till next lesson" she said with a smile, she had really taken to divination scince last year. with a nod at the proffesor she joined the steady stream of students that lead out of the door.

hermia123 01-23-2006 09:48 PM

Hermia sat up. Class was great! She thought heading down the hallway

serenasnape 01-26-2006 12:17 AM

Professor Kotkin left a note for her class: You will find the class standings and top 5 students here:

serenasnape 02-12-2006 08:58 PM

Divination - Dream Interpretation
Professor Kotkin sits back and waits as the students climb the narrow ladder that leads to the tower of the Divination Classroom.
As you enter the Classroom you notice shelves filled with items like frilly teapots and stacks of matching cups and saucers. On another set of shelves you see rows of glass balls of various sizes and other strange objects like stones and cystals of different shapes, colors and sizes. The fireplace is lit emitting a warm glow that adds an eeriness as the flames reflect off of the many shiny objects. The tables are large and round, with comfortable poofy chairs surrounding them.

Egyptian_Blue 02-12-2006 09:01 PM

Alanna took a seat. Divination was her favorite subject.

Raider 02-12-2006 09:01 PM

Rave climbed the ladder praying that her heavy book bag wouldnt drag her off the ladder and back to the floor. After sucessfully entering the class room she nodded hello to the Professor and took a seat in the front of the class.

Granger1814 02-12-2006 09:02 PM

Sabrina moved up into the classroom and sat down in a comfy chair. "Hello, professor! How have you been?' she asked cheerfully.

ErinElizabeth 02-12-2006 09:02 PM

Erin took a seat on a comfy table around an empty table. She took out her book and studied the page on dream interpretation.

druidflower 02-12-2006 09:05 PM

Jo stepped inside the classroom, warily, she was lousy at divination but she figured she couldn't get any better without attending the class. Here goes nothing she took a seat in one of the squashy chairs.
"Hello Professor Kotkin, have you been well?" she asked.

HPCHAMP101 02-12-2006 09:05 PM

Meghan walked into the classroom and sat down next to Sabrina. She set down her overflowing backpack and leaned back into the comfy seat she had just sat in. She loved this classroom. It had the best chairs.

serenasnape 02-12-2006 09:15 PM

Professor Kotkin smiled and greeted her students as they entered. "I've been very well, thank you! I hope you remembered to bring your dream journals to class today!"

HPCHAMP101 02-12-2006 09:16 PM

Meghan grinned as she pulled out her dream journal. As she did her bag split. "OH NO!" She whispered. She set the book onto the table inspecting her back for any signs that it could be fixed. There were none. She set it back down and sighed. "Oh, well."

Egyptian_Blue 02-12-2006 09:17 PM

"Yes Professor." Alanna nodded. She had a notebook chock-full of dreams.

ErinElizabeth 02-12-2006 09:23 PM

Erin pulled her dream journal out of her bag and held it up. "Dream Journal- Check." she said with a smile.

druidflower 02-12-2006 09:29 PM

Jo pulled out her dream-journal, "this here is some messed up sleep," she added, gesturing to the leather bound book.

serenasnape 02-12-2006 09:37 PM

Professor Kotkin turned to her class and said,

"Can anyone tell me what a dream is?"

HPCHAMP101 02-12-2006 09:40 PM

"A dream is a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep" Meghan said after raising her hand.

Granger1814 02-12-2006 09:40 PM

Sabrina raised her hand, willing to give it a shot. "A dream is a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep."

Stalking Shadows 02-12-2006 09:41 PM

"Umm, its sort of like a vision sometimes, or when someone dreams it shows their worst fears in their minds eye or their hearts desire?" Yurio said with his hand in the air.

ErinElizabeth 02-12-2006 09:42 PM

Erin took notes on her classmates answers. She didn't answer because she thought that the answers that they had already given were correct.

druidflower 02-12-2006 09:50 PM

"A dream is the visual and/or auditory manifestation of our subconsious while we are asleep." Jo said.

serenasnape 02-12-2006 09:55 PM

Professor Kotking nodded, "Yes, you are correct. Dreams to some, can also represent a fascinating alternate reality.

Does anyone know when in 'written' history, people first attempted to interpret their dreams?"

Granger1814 02-12-2006 09:57 PM

Sabrina raised her hand. "Dream interpretations dates back to 3000-4000 B.C. were they were documented in clay tablets."

william.cook1990 02-12-2006 09:57 PM

Sebastian raised his hand. He just loved easy questions.

"A dream is an image you visualize while you are asleep. They can vary from happy to sad to scary."

ErinElizabeth 02-12-2006 09:58 PM

Erin looked around at her classmates to see who would answer. She had no idea what the answer was.

HPCHAMP101 02-12-2006 10:00 PM

Meghan nodded when she heard Sabrina's answer. She wrote that down in the notes she had been taking.

druidflower 02-12-2006 10:00 PM

Jo was stumped, she immediately began rifling through her books for a clue. "It might have been the Ancient Egyptians," she ventured, "maybe?"

druidflower 02-12-2006 10:13 PM

please delete, i know i can't double post, i'm not sure what happened.

serenasnape 02-12-2006 10:14 PM

"One of the first that was documented was Amphictyon of Athens in 1497 BC. But the early Chaldeans and Egyptians as well as the Jews had earlier forms of dream interpretation.

There are many books about the meanings of dreams. Michel de Montaigne wrote that, "I believe it to be true that dreams are the reliable interpretations of our inclinations, but art is required to sort out and comprehend them."

It takes patience to interpret dreams, and it helps to know something of the person and how they feel about the objects they are dreaming about. For example, a Box in a dream to some will represent a secret, or a surprise, maybe even a treasure. But others may see it as confinement or a trap."

Professor Kotkin turned to the board and listed a few items.










.... Please take turns and try and come up with what these objects may represent in a dream."

HPCHAMP101 02-12-2006 10:16 PM

Meghan raised her hand for the first one. She figured she would try to tacikle the bird one.

"To dream of a chirping and/or flying birds, represents joy, harmony, ecstasy, balance, and love. It denotes a sunny outlook in life. You will experience spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

To dream of dead or dying birds, foretells a period of coming disappointments. You will find yourself worrying over problems that are constantly on your mind.

To see bird eggs in your dream, symbolizes money.

To see birds hatching in your dream, symbolizes delayed success.

To see a bird nest in your dream, symbolizes independence, refuge and security. You need something to fall back on. Alternatively, it may signify a prosperous endeavor, new opportunities, and fortune." She hoped she was right.

Simple_Spells 02-12-2006 10:16 PM

"Hmm..." Emma thought. "Well... Falling and Drowning might represent a feeling of helplessness and fear. Blackness or darkness might be someone feeling alone in the world. A door and key could be opportunities... Green could be happiness or life. Fire... maybe anger, power, or danger. And a bird might be freedom."

druidflower 02-12-2006 10:16 PM

Jo raised her hand tentatively, "could a bird maybe represent freedom, like the freedom of flight? is that wrong?"

Granger1814 02-12-2006 10:17 PM

Sabrina raised her hand. "Hmm, well, I'll take drowning. If you see yourself drowning, then that could be interpreted as being overwhelemed by emotions or issues in your life. Another way to look at it is if you see someone drowning. This could indicate that you're getting yourself involved in something that you can't control." She furrowed her brow, hoping her interpretation was correct.

Stalking Shadows 02-12-2006 10:22 PM

Yurio raised his hand. "A key could mean you've discovered a secret of somesort or maybe you've been working hard and will get a promotion? It could also mean you feel like you've been locked away by someone?" he said.

"And a house could represent... umm... a large obstical because houses are usually big, or maybe it means that your to be married or something and live in a house with your family?" he wasnt as sure about his house interpitation as the key.

druidflower 02-12-2006 10:23 PM

Jo tried again, "Maybe a door is a something like a new begining, or possibilities, or something like that." Jo had something in her mind but she couldn't really express what she meant, "Like how oppurtunities are like doors."

HPCHAMP101 02-12-2006 10:28 PM

Meghan raised her hand to try the green one.

"Green signifies a positive change, good health, growth, healing, hope, vigor, vitality, peace, and serenity. Green is also symbolic of your strive to gain recognition and establish your independence. Money, wealth and jealousy are often associated with this color.

Dark green indicates materialism, cheating, deceit, and/or difficulties with sharing. You need to balance between your masculine and feminine attributes."

Meghan took down notes on the other things everyone was saying.

druidflower 02-12-2006 10:32 PM

"Isn't fire supposed to represent passion?" Jo asked, "Or is it unrest?" This is sooo not my subject

HPCHAMP101 02-12-2006 10:37 PM

Meghan decided to tackle falling as well.

"To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease.

To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself.

To dream that you are free-falling through water, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You may feel that it is easier to give up then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under. "

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