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Hogsmeade Socialize and shop in the oldest wizarding village in Britain. Just remember to be on your best behaviour.

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Old 12-25-2022, 11:44 PM
Wilber Winterbottom Wilber Winterbottom is offline
Default Three Broomsticks

The Three Broomsticks is the most well-known pub in the small village, which is why it is often rather crowded with students and adults alike. The outside of the building is a good preview of what the inside may look like with the same steep roof as the surrounding buildings with a sign featuring the legendary three broomsticks, all fixed around a lantern to light the patrons' way. It certainly looks better kept than the Hog's Head down the street.

Once you enter the pub, the warmth of the large stone fireplace great you as you place hats and coats by the door. Directly in front of you there are tables and booths lining the majority of the small hall with oil lamps placed on each one. On winter days it is usually hard to find a place beside the large fire grate; however, if you're early enough, you can bet your galleons that you'll be nice and toasty by the fire. To the left is the bar where the bartender waits to take your order.

Text Cut: Menu & Prices
Beverages: one free refill
* Butterbeer - 5 sickles
* Firewhiskey (must be of age) – 10 sickles
* Pumpkin Juice - 3 knuts
* Hot Cocoa – 5 knuts
* Shepherd's Pie – 2 galleons
* Fish and Chips - 2 galleons, 3 sickles
* Chicken Noodle Soup – 1 galleon, 3 knuts
* Turkey Sandwich (cold or grilled) - 1 galleon
With cheese - 1 galleon, 2 sickles
* Cheese Sandwich (cold or grilled) - 1 galleon
* Ham Sandwich (cold or grilled) - 1 galleon
With cheese - 1 galleon, 2 sickles
* Tomato Soup - 16 sickles
* Macaroni and Cheese – 1 galleon, 3 sickles
* Mixed vegetables – 5 sickles
* Salad - 16 sickles
* Glazed carrots – 8 sickles
* Mashed potatoes with assorted condiments (serves 2-4) – 2 galleons
* Garlic bread
Slice -- 4 sickles
Loaf (serves 4-6) 1 galleon
* Sliced Seasonal Fruit
One Serving – 7 sickles
Group Serving (serves 3-5) 2 galleons
* Strawberry Shortcake – 9 sickles per slice
* Cookies (2)
Chocolate Chip - 9 sickles
Raisin – 6 sickles
Sugar – 8 sickles
* Brownies
One Brownie – 9 sickles
Two Brownies – 1 galleon
* Assorted Fruit (with chocolate for dipping) (serves two) – 1 galleon
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Old 02-03-2024, 07:59 PM   #51 (permalink)

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Sloane Aubrey Knott
Fourth Year

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
It may have made more sense if he had come here WITH his sister, rather than meet her here. Especially since they were in the same house and all that. But that wasn’t how they did things. At least not so much anymore. Things had changed. Sometime ago, it still felt like they were changing. Despite it all, Mikhailo made his way to the designated meeting place.

Unlike his sister, he didn't mind the cold. Okay, he did. It was something he was used to though, being cold. Or more like he had been. Now he didn't have to deal with that anymore. Warming charms were really nice when placed properly. His wasn't all that strong today and by the time he pushed the door to the Three Broomsticks open, his cheeks were tinged pink by the wind and his hair was windswept and damp from the light snow that had been falling.

Stepping further into the place, his gaze swept the area for any signs of his sister. It didn't take him long to locate her. Thankfully she was smart and sat well away from everyone else. Reaching the table, he tapped his fingers lightly upon it to get her attention as he slid into a seat across from her.
Sitting in her chair, Sloane had been lost in thought, staring at the flames in the fireplace when her brother had entered. Luckily for him however, she didn’t scare easily. Turning, she looked up at the figure and offered a rare smile. “Do you know how to get anywhere on time?” her words teasing. Somehow, despite being in the same Hogwarts house as her brother, she actually missed seeing as much as she used to when they lived together, not that he really said much.

Getting up, she nodded towards the bar. “Do you want a butterbeer?” she offered politely. She didn’t particularly fancy leaving the warmth of the fire, but for her brother, she’d tolerate it. Besides, she was fairly certain that he’d need to get comfortable, stretch his legs and acclimate to the noise level before he was ready to actually talk and she did actually want him to talk.

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Old 02-05-2024, 06:54 AM   #52 (permalink)

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Ministry Department Head:
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
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Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post
Well that attempt at humour went over like a lead balloon. The subtle smirk that had graced his face disappeared into a sort of exasperated sigh. Perhaps he had been naive in his thinking that the trio would get along swimmingly? His fingers raked through his damp curls, clamping onto them as he listened to the back and forth between the pair. Freddy and Fynley might have been more alike in personality but there was that saying that opposites attract and clearly Fynn had completely fallen for the blonde.

Especially when he meowed like that.

He couldn’t help the smirk touching the corner of his lips. “Ironic.. Freddy is the Lion here.” Although Joseph’s hair did somewhat resemble a lion’s mane, particularly when tousled like that and reflecting the low winter sun in a sort of ethereal glow. His humour evidently wasn’t being appreciated in this situation but he didn’t want to stand in the middle awkwardly and let the pair rip into each other. And it wouldn’t be the first time either, he distinctly recalled a situation on the train home between Joseph and his twin that he had to diffuse with questionable success.

The subtle touching of the pinkies was received by a curl of his finger around Joseph’s, a casual yet strangely intimate form of affection that had started the first time his boyfriend had what could only be described as a panic attack at the start-of-term feast the previous year. He had no qualms over showing any physical affection but it didn’t seem overly appropriate in this situation.

The conversation, if that was what it could be called, moved to that evening's activities in the form of a much appreciated study session with Freddy which of course was met with some form of hostility from his boyfriend. “I know mate, they’re on my bedside table” he responded, his voice softening before turning to Joseph. “I thought, if we are going to get our own place after graduation, that you wouldn’t want a deadbeat boyfriend with a job going nowhere unable to pay the rent.” He wasn’t expecting miracles but he could at least make the attempt. “Freddy offered to help boost my grades up a bit, maybe I’ll be able to do something worthwhile.” Whereas Joseph had a whole plethora of talents he could rely on, Fynley felt himself mediocre at the other things he did and having a career in any of them was seemingly out of the question.
Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Text Cut: J&F

Fredrick trusted his gut feeling a lot, he pretty much relied on it. It was probably why he had avoided any interaction with Joseph - something about it all had been off for him (his pride and prejudice) and this meeting right now was validating all his thoughts. Fynley trying to lighten the mood was only infuriating him more, which was even more difficult to understand because usually this side of Fynley amused him.

The meowing - and Fynley's clear adoration was setting him off too. Trying to calm his thoughts, the seventeen year old looked elsewhere to distract himself and not unnecessarily roll his eyes, especially since the ugliest of responses were forming in his head. Ugh, this was supposed to be a chill morning.

Ignoring the boyfriend for now, Freddy sighed, "Yes, but please don't treat them like a show piece and actually go through them before showing up" he added, because while he understood Fynley wasn't a great student - if he was lazy about all the effort Freddy expected him to make, they would get nowhere. Freddy needed him to do his best. He wasn't expecting miracles either, but Freddy was definitely going to get some results.

It was also why the next set of words that left Fynley's mouth hit his last nerve and he stared at his best friend. Who was this guy? "Are you kidding me right now, Fynley?" he asked, clearly ticked off. "Is that why you are doing this? To please him?"

What part of either his own or Fylney's academic golden retriever's looks had indicated that anyone could humor their way out of this predicament? Joseph nearly rolled his eyes again with the Gryffindor comment and subsequent inaudible noise between the two, but he miraculously refrained. His eyes were at a very real risk of rolling right out of his head and bounce along the snowy cobbled streets. In the unlikely event that such a thing happened, he supposed he could learn braille to continue to write his music if he did not get over his aversion due to over consumption of healing potions before hand. You could regrow bones in a pinch, surely eyes were another likely candidate with regrowth draughts.

The seventh year was mostly ignoring the whole exchange regarding studying and what to do, or not do, with said study materials, until Fynley perked his attention by calling himself a, "Deadbeat?" he snapped. "Is that what those sorry sacks of hippogriff dung called you before they kicked you out?" It was the only explanation he could think of and why Fynley would shoulder such thoughts. He still couldn't understand why his best mate and boyfriend cared so much what those people thought of him, but they had also been around the drain of that line of thought numerous times. Fynley just did not have the same turn off switch Joseph had when it came to caring but that was also what made him such an empathetic person and able to not only put up with but masterfully handle the bludgers Joseph hit his way with his numerous shortcomings.

Yes, he had made a quidditch analogy. Please hold your applause.

Joseph, despite himself, was about to go into another tirade about those people when the brunette sourpus went and said one of the most absurd things that could have been said in this moment. "Oh will you get off your high abraxan already?" he spat as his entire head rolled in his direction. Congratulations, you tactless toad, you had the Slytherin's full and undivided attention now. "What do you care what motivation he has as long as Fynley is motivated?" Not that he actually believe that this was why Fynley was going out of his way to study like this. Academic achievement was bottom tier when it came to impressing Joseph. "What makes yours sooooooo saintly that that you have the gall to look down on others? Well guess what, Freddy? Teeth bared like a rabid cerberus, Joseph pulled his pinky away from Fynley and took a somewhat aggressive step towards the lion with a heavy crunch of his boots to the snow. "Pushing Fylney into academic achievement on your terms isn't going to fill whatever bloody void you're trying to fill. So how about you show some grace and think more highly of your supposed best mate and what motivates him. Because it sure as hell isn't to impress me."


When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 02-05-2024, 09:57 AM   #53 (permalink)

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Tessa McKinley
Nesting Occamy Rentals

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HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Text Cut: F&J - Everything is awesooome
Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Text Cut: J&F

Fredrick trusted his gut feeling a lot, he pretty much relied on it. It was probably why he had avoided any interaction with Joseph - something about it all had been off for him (his pride and prejudice) and this meeting right now was validating all his thoughts. Fynley trying to lighten the mood was only infuriating him more, which was even more difficult to understand because usually this side of Fynley amused him.

The meowing - and Fynley's clear adoration was setting him off too. Trying to calm his thoughts, the seventeen year old looked elsewhere to distract himself and not unnecessarily roll his eyes, especially since the ugliest of responses were forming in his head. Ugh, this was supposed to be a chill morning.

Ignoring the boyfriend for now, Freddy sighed, "Yes, but please don't treat them like a show piece and actually go through them before showing up" he added, because while he understood Fynley wasn't a great student - if he was lazy about all the effort Freddy expected him to make, they would get nowhere. Freddy needed him to do his best. He wasn't expecting miracles either, but Freddy was definitely going to get some results.

It was also why the next set of words that left Fynley's mouth hit his last nerve and he stared at his best friend. Who was this guy? "Are you kidding me right now, Fynley?" he asked, clearly ticked off. "Is that why you are doing this? To please him?"
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

What part of either his own or Fylney's academic golden retriever's looks had indicated that anyone could humor their way out of this predicament? Joseph nearly rolled his eyes again with the Gryffindor comment and subsequent inaudible noise between the two, but he miraculously refrained. His eyes were at a very real risk of rolling right out of his head and bounce along the snowy cobbled streets. In the unlikely event that such a thing happened, he supposed he could learn braille to continue to write his music if he did not get over his aversion due to over consumption of healing potions before hand. You could regrow bones in a pinch, surely eyes were another likely candidate with regrowth draughts.

The seventh year was mostly ignoring the whole exchange regarding studying and what to do, or not do, with said study materials, until Fynley perked his attention by calling himself a, "Deadbeat?" he snapped. "Is that what those sorry sacks of hippogriff dung called you before they kicked you out?" It was the only explanation he could think of and why Fynley would shoulder such thoughts. He still couldn't understand why his best mate and boyfriend cared so much what those people thought of him, but they had also been around the drain of that line of thought numerous times. Fynley just did not have the same turn off switch Joseph had when it came to caring but that was also what made him such an empathetic person and able to not only put up with but masterfully handle the bludgers Joseph hit his way with his numerous shortcomings.

Yes, he had made a quidditch analogy. Please hold your applause.

Joseph, despite himself, was about to go into another tirade about those people when the brunette sourpus went and said one of the most absurd things that could have been said in this moment. "Oh will you get off your high abraxan already?" he spat as his entire head rolled in his direction. Congratulations, you tactless toad, you had the Slytherin's full and undivided attention now. "What do you care what motivation he has as long as Fynley is motivated?" Not that he actually believe that this was why Fynley was going out of his way to study like this. Academic achievement was bottom tier when it came to impressing Joseph. "What makes yours sooooooo saintly that that you have the gall to look down on others? Well guess what, Freddy? Teeth bared like a rabid cerberus, Joseph pulled his pinky away from Fynley and took a somewhat aggressive step towards the lion with a heavy crunch of his boots to the snow. "Pushing Fylney into academic achievement on your terms isn't going to fill whatever bloody void you're trying to fill. So how about you show some grace and think more highly of your supposed best mate and what motivates him. Because it sure as hell isn't to impress me."

Call him naive or whatever but Fynley had big hopes of uniting his boyfriend and best friend together so that they could all ‘hang out’ harmoniously. Clearly, with his current predicament getting as heated as it was, those dreams were presently shattered. It was hard to disguise, even as the man who often hid his true feelings behind self-deprecating humour, the disappointment that had washed over his face as his two favourite people battled it out over something as trivial as studying.

Only it obviously wasn’t trivial to Freddy who was taking his role as a tutor seriously. Fynley appreciated it, truly, but it was hard to shake off the carefree attitude he’d had over his education for so long. “I promise I will read them” he assured his mate with about as much sincerity as he could muster at that present time before being interrupted by any heated discussion that was about to boil over the metaphorical cauldron. Reading wasn’t the easiest task for him anyway, it took a lot of concentration and a considerable amount of patience that the seventh year was evidently lacking in.

That was with the exception of the patience it took to deal with Joseph’s ‘problems’. Fynley was of the opinion that whatever was thrown at him by his long-haired lover was worth it and it wasn’t his fault that life had dealt him with this blow. It could explain the soft exasperated sigh that left the Slytherins lips. “In a roundabout way,” he responded, not wanting to talk about his parents at that present moment. “They consider academic success important, sure but it’s not just about them.” Life was already hard enough, throw in a low-paying job and an unskilled worker and it opens up a whole door of complicated problems to deal with.

And then came the innocent statement that seemingly pushed them both over the edge.

Freddy had misconstrued Fynley’s words to mean that he was doing it for Joseph. “No, not at all. I..” he started before Joseph interjected with his own opinion on the statement. If anything Joseph was an acting discouragement for any studying and the pair could frequently be found skiving lessons. Or attempting to at least, the Professors seemed to have a watchful eye on them since their OWL escapades. But then Joseph was taking an intimidating step forward and Fynley couldn’t stand there and watch it happen. He grabbed hold of his hand hoping that the grounding technique would help to calm him down and pulled him back slightly in his direction so that his shoulders weren’t square on to the sixth year.

“Stop” he implored both of them. “Can we all just cool off and get a Butterbeer inside?” Nope. Too hopeful of him maybe.
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Old 02-06-2024, 03:41 PM   #54 (permalink)

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Fourth Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by aRogueOne View Post
Sitting in her chair, Sloane had been lost in thought, staring at the flames in the fireplace when her brother had entered. Luckily for him however, she didn’t scare easily. Turning, she looked up at the figure and offered a rare smile. “Do you know how to get anywhere on time?” her words teasing. Somehow, despite being in the same Hogwarts house as her brother, she actually missed seeing as much as she used to when they lived together, not that he really said much.

Getting up, she nodded towards the bar. “Do you want a butterbeer?” she offered politely. She didn’t particularly fancy leaving the warmth of the fire, but for her brother, she’d tolerate it. Besides, she was fairly certain that he’d need to get comfortable, stretch his legs and acclimate to the noise level before he was ready to actually talk and she did actually want him to talk.
Hmph. How lucky for him? If he had wanted to scare her, he would've. They'd had enough of that through the years though, hadn't they? That rare smile of Sloane's was meant with what was probably an even more rare smile from Mika. A barely there one at that, so not his fault if she didn't catch it. "Why would I want to go and do that for?" A hint of a smirk tugged at his lips now, his tone also bordering on teasing. He knew he wasn't late and that she couldn't have been waiting for him for more than a couple of minutes tops.

He hardly had his coat off when his eyes flickered over towards her at her movement to get up. "Yeah, sure." The offer of a warm drink wasn't one to pass up right now, plus it might take his mind off of sitting here like this. A hand ran through his damp hair in an attempt to keep it from falling down into his face as he he waited for her to return.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 02-12-2024, 09:33 PM   #55 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sloane Aubrey Knott
Fourth Year

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Hmph. How lucky for him? If he had wanted to scare her, he would've. They'd had enough of that through the years though, hadn't they? That rare smile of Sloane's was meant with what was probably an even more rare smile from Mika. A barely there one at that, so not his fault if she didn't catch it. "Why would I want to go and do that for?" A hint of a smirk tugged at his lips now, his tone also bordering on teasing. He knew he wasn't late and that she couldn't have been waiting for him for more than a couple of minutes tops.

He hardly had his coat off when his eyes flickered over towards her at her movement to get up. "Yeah, sure." The offer of a warm drink wasn't one to pass up right now, plus it might take his mind off of sitting here like this. A hand ran through his damp hair in an attempt to keep it from falling down into his face as he he waited for her to return.
He could ‘Hmph’ as much as he wanted but the fact remained that she didn’t scare easily, least of all by him. The rare smile, whilst not unnoticed, didn’t warrant a reply from the younger Knott. Smiles are saved for special occasions, and not just for handing out like sweets to someone who’d just bought a 20p pick and mix. Much like his smile, his answer also didn’t warrant one, at least, not until she got back with his butterbeer. “wELL, if you want to meet me here again, you’ll be on time or you may find you’ll be here alone,” her tone as cold and cutting as ever, something he was used to or slightly out of practice with.

Sliding his butterbeer over to him, taking care not to spill any, she took her seat and took a sip of hers before looking at him. Despite her frosty tone and general sense of standoffishness, she was actually happy to see him. She’d missed her big brother. Sure, they were in the same Hogwarts house but they didn’t live together, and his absence was missed. “What are you doing this year for winter break? Are you staying at Hogwarts or…” Referring to wherever he was staying as home wasn’t something she felt comfortable doing, even if it was his home now.
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Old 02-17-2024, 02:35 PM   #56 (permalink)

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Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Fourth Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

Originally Posted by aRogueOne View Post
He could ‘Hmph’ as much as he wanted but the fact remained that she didn’t scare easily, least of all by him. The rare smile, whilst not unnoticed, didn’t warrant a reply from the younger Knott. Smiles are saved for special occasions, and not just for handing out like sweets to someone who’d just bought a 20p pick and mix. Much like his smile, his answer also didn’t warrant one, at least, not until she got back with his butterbeer. “wELL, if you want to meet me here again, you’ll be on time or you may find you’ll be here alone,” her tone as cold and cutting as ever, something he was used to or slightly out of practice with.

Sliding his butterbeer over to him, taking care not to spill any, she took her seat and took a sip of hers before looking at him. Despite her frosty tone and general sense of standoffishness, she was actually happy to see him. She’d missed her big brother. Sure, they were in the same Hogwarts house but they didn’t live together, and his absence was missed. “What are you doing this year for winter break? Are you staying at Hogwarts or…” Referring to wherever he was staying as home wasn’t something she felt comfortable doing, even if it was his home now.
He was probably the one person in her life that didn't want to scare her. She should know that by now. This was why the two of them were as close as they were.. or well at least they had been, Sloane understood. The fact that he didn't get an answer from her immediately wasn't any surprise, nor was her tone. Both he was used to, as she was surely used to how he sat back in his chair and stared at her in a very uncaring manner. Though she would know that he did in fact care, when it came to her. "You'd do no sure thing. Not to me. Our brothers, yes.. but not me." How he was so sure of this was unknown but he said it completely matter of factually and without looking away from her. "Plus I was on time. You were the one that was early." So she really couldn't be all that upset with him for showing up when he was meant to.

With a small incline of his head, he wrapped his hands around the glass and slid it a little closer to himself. There was no need to say it out loud for she should already know that he felt the same. "Nah.. I'm going back to the house. They're expecting me to since the others are." Whether or not it was his home now was irrelevant. It didn't really feel that way to him and maybe that was his own doing but that wasn't anything he was about to be bringing up right now. "What about you?" Cause if she was staying at Hogwarts.. he would too.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 02-20-2024, 08:23 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Reuben Albert Darcy-Stemp
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Billie Love Stemp
Third Year
Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space.

Though it was her second year of being at Hogwarts, Winifred still wasn't used to it. The cleithrophobia she'd experienced intensely during her first term had settled slight, but it still lingered, threatening to rise into her throat and choke her if she let her guard down. Seeing her family settle in had helped a lot, though - it was easier to relax if she knew they were happy, even if she would never stop worrying. Not completely.

And forming (albeit tentative) friendships herself had helped the oldest Grimaldi child. As each day passed she tried to lean into them, but lingering at the back of her mind was always the idea that people wouldn't like her if she wasn't, you know, the Babysitter. It was a horrible feeling, and no doubt her therapist would want to talk about it. So Winifred didn't mention it during their sessions.

With the smile that had graced the lens of more than a few paparazzi (and no doubt frustrated them - the diplomatic nature with which she carried herself was not exactly tabloid fodder), the sixth year ordered a butterbeer at the bar and then carried it to a corner booth. Her shopping bags rested at her feet, containing treats for her family, and giving her an excuse to get out an just be. There was something so freeing about walking the streets alone - even if she wasn't technically alone-alone, given the number of other students.

And now she was done, she sort of hoped a family member or friend would join her, because she was sort of over her own company.

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 02-20-2024, 08:50 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Winifred
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
Though it was her second year of being at Hogwarts, Winifred still wasn't used to it. The cleithrophobia she'd experienced intensely during her first term had settled slight, but it still lingered, threatening to rise into her throat and choke her if she let her guard down. Seeing her family settle in had helped a lot, though - it was easier to relax if she knew they were happy, even if she would never stop worrying. Not completely.

And forming (albeit tentative) friendships herself had helped the oldest Grimaldi child. As each day passed she tried to lean into them, but lingering at the back of her mind was always the idea that people wouldn't like her if she wasn't, you know, the Babysitter. It was a horrible feeling, and no doubt her therapist would want to talk about it. So Winifred didn't mention it during their sessions.

With the smile that had graced the lens of more than a few paparazzi (and no doubt frustrated them - the diplomatic nature with which she carried herself was not exactly tabloid fodder), the sixth year ordered a butterbeer at the bar and then carried it to a corner booth. Her shopping bags rested at her feet, containing treats for her family, and giving her an excuse to get out an just be. There was something so freeing about walking the streets alone - even if she wasn't technically alone-alone, given the number of other students.

And now she was done, she sort of hoped a family member or friend would join her, because she was sort of over her own company.

It was hard to separate Brandon from his close friends Xander and Evy (sometimes affectionately referred to as the golden trio). If he wasn't hanging out with his boyfriend, he was hanging out with Evy, and often he was hanging out with both. Otherwise, he was alone, or having a private conversation in an out of the way place. He wasn't too sociable lately, and he wasn't the easiest to find.

Today was one of the rare days he was out and about by himself. Evy was with another friend, and Xander had gone shopping on an errand that Brandon was NOT allowed to join because it was a present. So here he was, alone in Hogsmeade. He had some things he wanted to pick up, and some sights he wanted to see, but he was pretty hungry and he thought he should probably eat first.

Brandon stepped quietly into the Three Broomsticks, looking around for a table. He thought he might want some fish and chips- where was he going to sit- Oh, there was his friend Winifred! He considered her a friend, at least, given that he'd liked speaking to her and that she'd seemed to understand him. He didn't necessarily expect her to think of him as a friend, though.

After buying himself some food and a soda, he approached the older Ravenclaw. "Mind if I sit here?," he asked with a smile. His smile was neither wide nor entirely happy, and his eyes were a bit distant-looking- or intense- not smiley, certainly, but he was genuinely pleased to see her. "Or is this seat taken?"
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Old 02-21-2024, 09:20 PM   #59 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
He was probably the one person in her life that didn't want to scare her. She should know that by now. This was why the two of them were as close as they were.. or well at least they had been, Sloane understood. The fact that he didn't get an answer from her immediately wasn't any surprise, nor was her tone. Both he was used to, as she was surely used to how he sat back in his chair and stared at her in a very uncaring manner. Though she would know that he did in fact care, when it came to her. "You'd do no sure thing. Not to me. Our brothers, yes.. but not me." How he was so sure of this was unknown but he said it completely matter of factually and without looking away from her. "Plus I was on time. You were the one that was early." So she really couldn't be all that upset with him for showing up when he was meant to.

With a small incline of his head, he wrapped his hands around the glass and slid it a little closer to himself. There was no need to say it out loud for she should already know that he felt the same. "Nah.. I'm going back to the house. They're expecting me to since the others are." Whether or not it was his home now was irrelevant. It didn't really feel that way to him and maybe that was his own doing but that wasn't anything he was about to be bringing up right now. "What about you?" Cause if she was staying at Hogwarts.. he would too.
Sloane considered his words for a moment, her hands wrapped around her butterbeer, unsure if she really wanted to burst his bubble or not. They’d always had a close relationship and of course, they’d been through a lot, but he clearly didn’t understand who he was talking to. Or maybe he just didn’t care. It was most likely the latter. “I mean, if you actually turned up really late? Sure, I’d leave,” she answered, as if this proved her point. “You were just on time, which I guess does count but if we’re being honest, being early is being on time and being on time is late. So technically, you were late.” A small smile appeared on her face now as she looked at him, the picture of innocence.

She already knew what she was going to do, of course, but listening to him say he was going to go back to the house hurt her little heart in a way she couldn’t quite articulate. “Oh. That’s cool. Will you be doing anything fun?” she asked, almost hoping that he was going to do something super fun and interesting, just like she was going to. Having spent every Christmas together since ever, Sloane couldn’t help but look down at her butterbeer and turn her attention to the small, water droplets that clung to the outside of it. She wasn’t exactly excited to go skiing in the alps, which might be surprising to some people but to her, it just wasn’t straight forward.

After taking a moment to fight down the lump in her throat, she somehow managed to find some words to answer his question. “I…uh…think Faith and Zoryn have something planned. Something about going skiing.” Her words clearly lacked the right amount of enthusiasm that you’d expect from someone who’d never so much as had a weekend away let alone a holiday away in a different country before. Of course, they’d asked her if she’d wanted to go and she could have said no…but truthfully, she didn’t want to say no. She’d wanted to go and it was possibly this decision that was eating at her slightly as she sat there opposite her brother.
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Old 02-22-2024, 04:14 PM   #60 (permalink)

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Fourth Year
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Originally Posted by aRogueOne View Post
Sloane considered his words for a moment, her hands wrapped around her butterbeer, unsure if she really wanted to burst his bubble or not. They’d always had a close relationship and of course, they’d been through a lot, but he clearly didn’t understand who he was talking to. Or maybe he just didn’t care. It was most likely the latter. “I mean, if you actually turned up really late? Sure, I’d leave,” she answered, as if this proved her point. “You were just on time, which I guess does count but if we’re being honest, being early is being on time and being on time is late. So technically, you were late.” A small smile appeared on her face now as she looked at him, the picture of innocence.

She already knew what she was going to do, of course, but listening to him say he was going to go back to the house hurt her little heart in a way she couldn’t quite articulate. “Oh. That’s cool. Will you be doing anything fun?” she asked, almost hoping that he was going to do something super fun and interesting, just like she was going to. Having spent every Christmas together since ever, Sloane couldn’t help but look down at her butterbeer and turn her attention to the small, water droplets that clung to the outside of it. She wasn’t exactly excited to go skiing in the alps, which might be surprising to some people but to her, it just wasn’t straight forward.

After taking a moment to fight down the lump in her throat, she somehow managed to find some words to answer his question. “I…uh…think Faith and Zoryn have something planned. Something about going skiing.” Her words clearly lacked the right amount of enthusiasm that you’d expect from someone who’d never so much as had a weekend away let alone a holiday away in a different country before. Of course, they’d asked her if she’d wanted to go and she could have said no…but truthfully, she didn’t want to say no. She’d wanted to go and it was possibly this decision that was eating at her slightly as she sat there opposite her brother.
Mickey knew exactly whom he was talking to. That was the issue. Maybe he was simply assuming that because it was him that she would give special treatment, or maybe he knew that she wouldn't and that would give him cause to complain about it. Either way, his tone remained the same even when she declared that she would indeed leave had he turned up late. "But I wasn't late. And who says being on time is being late? That makes no sense. Being late is being late, Sloane.. and being on time is being on time." He wasn't going to rush for anybody. When he said he'd be somewhere, he'd be there. At the given time. Should he happen to arrive early well that would simply be luck. "Plus you could've come here WITH me instead of having me meet you here." Cause logic.

Was he going to do anything fun? How was he meant to know what they all had planned for the holiday break. He was sure whatever it was though that they were going to try to rope him into joining them like everything was perfect. It wasn't. Not that he hated it there, things could be worse but it could be better too. "It wouldn't surprise me at all if they've planned something but I don't know.. there's a lot of them." It was like having siblings.. that weren't his siblings. It wasn't fair.

His gaze shifted from his sister to his own mug of butterbeer back to Sloane, his finger lightly gliding along the rim of his mug. "Skiing? How much time do you think you'll spend on your bum then on your feet?" The question was meant to lighten the mood and maybe even get a little laugh out of her but it lacked its usual smirk behind the words. He wanted his sister to do what she wanted to do, but they had never had Christmas apart before.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 02-22-2024, 05:27 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
It was hard to separate Brandon from his close friends Xander and Evy (sometimes affectionately referred to as the golden trio). If he wasn't hanging out with his boyfriend, he was hanging out with Evy, and often he was hanging out with both. Otherwise, he was alone, or having a private conversation in an out of the way place. He wasn't too sociable lately, and he wasn't the easiest to find.

Today was one of the rare days he was out and about by himself. Evy was with another friend, and Xander had gone shopping on an errand that Brandon was NOT allowed to join because it was a present. So here he was, alone in Hogsmeade. He had some things he wanted to pick up, and some sights he wanted to see, but he was pretty hungry and he thought he should probably eat first.

Brandon stepped quietly into the Three Broomsticks, looking around for a table. He thought he might want some fish and chips- where was he going to sit- Oh, there was his friend Winifred! He considered her a friend, at least, given that he'd liked speaking to her and that she'd seemed to understand him. He didn't necessarily expect her to think of him as a friend, though.

After buying himself some food and a soda, he approached the older Ravenclaw. "Mind if I sit here?," he asked with a smile. His smile was neither wide nor entirely happy, and his eyes were a bit distant-looking- or intense- not smiley, certainly, but he was genuinely pleased to see her. "Or is this seat taken?"
It was unbecoming, not to mention slightly unhygienic, but Winifred couldn't help but drag her finger through the foam on top of the sweet drink. So when Brandon caught her with her finger in her mouth, she quickly composed herself, wiping it on a napkin and then cradling the mug. Offering him a small smile, she shook her head. "Of course not, please sit," she managed encouragingly, before taking a sip of her drink. Truthfully, she was grateful for the company, and though Brandon did seem a little far away she was encouraged by the fact that he'd asked to sit with her, so he might be up for some small conversation.

"Can I ask your opinion on something, Brandon?" she asked, a little tentatively as she reached into one of the bags at her feet. Withdrawing two pairs of earmuffs, she lay them on the table top. "Which do you prefer?" One was fluffy and grey, with moving silver stars if one looked close enough - subtle and still pretty. The other pair was fluffy, in a navy blue colour, with golden thread weaved in intricate patterns.

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 02-22-2024, 09:06 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Winifred
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
It was unbecoming, not to mention slightly unhygienic, but Winifred couldn't help but drag her finger through the foam on top of the sweet drink. So when Brandon caught her with her finger in her mouth, she quickly composed herself, wiping it on a napkin and then cradling the mug. Offering him a small smile, she shook her head. "Of course not, please sit," she managed encouragingly, before taking a sip of her drink. Truthfully, she was grateful for the company, and though Brandon did seem a little far away she was encouraged by the fact that he'd asked to sit with her, so he might be up for some small conversation.

"Can I ask your opinion on something, Brandon?" she asked, a little tentatively as she reached into one of the bags at her feet. Withdrawing two pairs of earmuffs, she lay them on the table top. "Which do you prefer?" One was fluffy and grey, with moving silver stars if one looked close enough - subtle and still pretty. The other pair was fluffy, in a navy blue colour, with golden thread weaved in intricate patterns.

Brandon would never be seen putting butterbeer-coated fingers in his mouth, because he always felt like he was being watched and he was always expecting a punishment. He could tell that Winifred had some of that same instinct that he had, of having to be perfect all the time, and that made him feel A Certain Way.

He slid into the seat across from her. "You can ask me anything," he commented, though that wasn't quite true. There was a whole list of questions he did not want to hear or answer. Fortunately, Winifred didn't ask any of them. Unfortunately, this wasn't something he had an easy answer to. "Which earmuffs do I prefer?," he asked hesitantly. He had to think about that very hard. They were both fluffy, but one was more subtle and one was more intense. Was this for her, or for a friend? Did his answer matter? He scrunched up his face, thinking as seriously as ever. "If you asked me, I would say that... the grey ones are pretty and understated, but the blue ones are beautiful. They're bold, which I like, and they remind me of... something deep and thoughtful, I don't know. And if they're for you or another Ravenclaw, then they match nicely with your house." His tone indicated that he was being perfectly honest, but also that he wasn't entirely comfortable with his answer. He was not a fashion expert, and he didn't know her incredibly well, and picking between two things always stressed him out... "If the person who's going to wear them loves the color grey and stars, then I think the grey ones would be better." But he, personally, felt drawn to the navy blue earmuffs a lot more.
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Old 03-04-2024, 07:30 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post
Brandon would never be seen putting butterbeer-coated fingers in his mouth, because he always felt like he was being watched and he was always expecting a punishment. He could tell that Winifred had some of that same instinct that he had, of having to be perfect all the time, and that made him feel A Certain Way.

He slid into the seat across from her. "You can ask me anything," he commented, though that wasn't quite true. There was a whole list of questions he did not want to hear or answer. Fortunately, Winifred didn't ask any of them. Unfortunately, this wasn't something he had an easy answer to. "Which earmuffs do I prefer?," he asked hesitantly. He had to think about that very hard. They were both fluffy, but one was more subtle and one was more intense. Was this for her, or for a friend? Did his answer matter? He scrunched up his face, thinking as seriously as ever. "If you asked me, I would say that... the grey ones are pretty and understated, but the blue ones are beautiful. They're bold, which I like, and they remind me of... something deep and thoughtful, I don't know. And if they're for you or another Ravenclaw, then they match nicely with your house." His tone indicated that he was being perfectly honest, but also that he wasn't entirely comfortable with his answer. He was not a fashion expert, and he didn't know her incredibly well, and picking between two things always stressed him out... "If the person who's going to wear them loves the color grey and stars, then I think the grey ones would be better." But he, personally, felt drawn to the navy blue earmuffs a lot more.
Growing up with the media scrutiny that she had definitely made Win think she had to be perfect. After all, everyone thought her mum and aunts were, and they were always looking for her to slip up. She'd been the target of some not-so-kind paparazzi, and it had only intensified as she'd got older. Hopefully there was no one in the Three Broomsticks who was going to immortalise the sight of her right now.

Winifred offered Brandon an encouraging smile, nodding. She saw his hesitancy, and was about to withdraw her request for advice, but then he was clearly thinking hard about it, and then he was talking and she couldn't exactly change her mind on the question now. Turning around the blue pair in her hands, she smiled a little. "Ravenclaw. I didn't even notice - maybe that was why I was drawn to them," she admitted, before putting them down and picking up the grey pair. "They're for my little cousin," she admitted. "So maybe the grey for her, and I'll keep the blue."

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 03-04-2024, 09:41 PM   #64 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Mickey knew exactly whom he was talking to. That was the issue. Maybe he was simply assuming that because it was him that she would give special treatment, or maybe he knew that she wouldn't and that would give him cause to complain about it. Either way, his tone remained the same even when she declared that she would indeed leave had he turned up late. "But I wasn't late. And who says being on time is being late? That makes no sense. Being late is being late, Sloane.. and being on time is being on time." He wasn't going to rush for anybody. When he said he'd be somewhere, he'd be there. At the given time. Should he happen to arrive early well that would simply be luck. "Plus you could've come here WITH me instead of having me meet you here." Cause logic.

Was he going to do anything fun? How was he meant to know what they all had planned for the holiday break. He was sure whatever it was though that they were going to try to rope him into joining them like everything was perfect. It wasn't. Not that he hated it there, things could be worse but it could be better too. "It wouldn't surprise me at all if they've planned something but I don't know.. there's a lot of them." It was like having siblings.. that weren't his siblings. It wasn't fair.

His gaze shifted from his sister to his own mug of butterbeer back to Sloane, his finger lightly gliding along the rim of his mug. "Skiing? How much time do you think you'll spend on your bum then on your feet?" The question was meant to lighten the mood and maybe even get a little laugh out of her but it lacked its usual smirk behind the words. He wanted his sister to do what she wanted to do, but they had never had Christmas apart before.
He was right, of course, but she couldn’t help but argue her point even more now. Growing up, she’d always been told that she was a mistake and that had left somewhat of a sour taste in her mouth. It left her with a point to prove, that she wasn’t a mistake, and as such, it left her with the need to always be right amongst many other things. Looking away, her eyes lingered on one of the windows full of ice filigree for a moment before she eventually shrugged at his reply. “Hey, you don’t need to prove me to me that you weren’t late. I don’t make the rules. Everyone knows that turning up on time is being late.” Her eyes moved back to him and with it came a small smile. It was her way of saying that she didn’t really care to argue this point, but also that she would if he didn’t let it drop. It was his choice now. “Oh…no. I had things to do on my own. Things that I didn’t want to do with you,” his words actually catching her off guard. She hadn’t actually considered walking down with him simply because she’d had things to do.

She listened to his plans and nodded, her face a mixture of emotions as he talked about his winter plans. She wished he sounded more enthusiastic, which was rich coming from her but who said she had to be fair? “Oh? I don’t really know much about them. What are they like?” She’d never really thought to ask all that much. The subject was a sore point for her so she’d figured he’d be much the same.

“Most likely all of my time on my bum. I don’t…ski” This was, of course, stating the obvious to him because he knew she had about as much experience skiing as a shark in a desert. It was going to be a catastrophe and she knew it and yet, she’d still chosen to go. “But I want to go with them. I think it’ll be fun,” she admitted, almost as if it were some kind of disgusting confession. “I can stay if you want me to though?” she offered.
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Old 03-12-2024, 04:57 PM   #65 (permalink)

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Fourth Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

He knew this was well. How could he forget? It was ingrained in his head as much as it was hers. Being a mistake, being told they were unwanted, everything was their fault. He remembered it all. Even if he didn't want to. "In whose world?" His words may have come as a question but it was said with a smirk which was enough to say that he didn't care to argue about it either. Now, to say that her words right there didn't surprise him a little would've been a small understatement but Mickey didn't let that show. Apparently she didn't need him anymore. Not around Hogwarts or anywhere. "If you say so." Nope, he wasn't even going to question. Not today.

What was there to be enthusiastic about? They weren't family. None of them knew what he liked and didn't like. Not that he had really given them much of a chance to figure that out but he didn't care. That goal had always been to not stay there for very long and it had already been much too long. "What's who like? All of them.. or the adults?" She really needed to be a little more specific on that one cause there were a lot of them if he really wanted to include them all. And some.. were.. more tolerable than others.

"I'm well aware that you don't." None of them did. They had never been on vacation a day in their lives. Heck, vacationing for him had been going to Hogwarts his first year. At the same time that Sloane said she had wanted to go on the vacation, he had picked up his mug of butter beer to take a sip. Thankfully so too, as it had done him a favor by masking how that made him feel. "Why would you do that? You just said you wanted to go. You should go." Yeah, no way was he going to be the bad guy here and say that he wanted her to stay with him like it should be because siblings were supposed to be together on the holidays. If she wanted to go, he was going to let her go. He was fine, just fine. Like always.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 03-18-2024, 01:50 AM   #66 (permalink)
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Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

SPOILER!!: Winifred
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
Growing up with the media scrutiny that she had definitely made Win think she had to be perfect. After all, everyone thought her mum and aunts were, and they were always looking for her to slip up. She'd been the target of some not-so-kind paparazzi, and it had only intensified as she'd got older. Hopefully there was no one in the Three Broomsticks who was going to immortalise the sight of her right now.

Winifred offered Brandon an encouraging smile, nodding. She saw his hesitancy, and was about to withdraw her request for advice, but then he was clearly thinking hard about it, and then he was talking and she couldn't exactly change her mind on the question now. Turning around the blue pair in her hands, she smiled a little. "Ravenclaw. I didn't even notice - maybe that was why I was drawn to them," she admitted, before putting them down and picking up the grey pair. "They're for my little cousin," she admitted. "So maybe the grey for her, and I'll keep the blue."

Brandon had grown up with no media scrutiny. His father had always kept his children- or at least Brandon- as far away from the press as possible. Unfortunately, Owen Alexander was just as critical as any reporter, if not more so. Brandon was really glad he wasn't famous like the Grimaldis were- he wouldn't enjoy that.

He cracked open his soda, and took a bite out of his food. "Both sets look great," he admitted. "So I don't think you can really go wrong either way." It was true, of course- he thought both the blue and the grey earmuffs were tasteful. But simple questions like this stressed him out, and telling her she couldn't go wrong was a statement for himself just as much as it was for her. Was it obvious that Brandon was an anxious person?

"Grey is a nice color," he remarked. "It goes with everything, or at least that's what my sister says. Regardless of age, house, or style." He wasn't a fashion expert, but he did like neutral tones. "Your cousin will probably be really happy with it." Right? Right. He hoped.
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Old 03-18-2024, 03:58 PM   #67 (permalink)
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:: Oh, how being 15 was feeling more complicated than her dear Mother had explained before shipping her off to Hogwarts for her fifth year.

Her O.W.L. year. Was she being a bit dramatic? Maybe. But right now she wanted a meal and then she'd start studying. Her least favorite subject was Arithmancy. Just keeping her score high enough was a full time job. Who even used this later in life? She wanted to become something in Entertainment.

Her ham sandwich and butter beer was delivered to her and all thoughts other than "time to eat" disappeared. She ordered it with extra extra cheese and mustard and they made it perfectly. Her bites were big and the yellow mustard seeped out with each munch. She hardly had time for friends, pressure to perform was too much. Her Father wouldn't hesitate to send howlers if she didn't perform well.

Secretly, a voice in the back of her overwhelmed mind was whispering ideas for mischief. If that voice got too loud, a party in the Slytherin Common Room would be on the docket.

She continued to inhale her meal, doing some people watching. Her purple messenger bag at her side, filled with incomplete lesson work. ::
<3~<3~Twenty or more years can change a person <3~<3~
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Old 06-21-2024, 12:03 AM   #68 (permalink)

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Owl Post

x12 x12
Default Brig & the little sis :3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

If you had asked him even a year ago if he wanted to spend a whole weekend attending basically a history festival he would have told you that he would rather have to listen to Mermish out of water all weekend instead. Even Fynley would have been hard pressed to get him to come. Not only were things dripping in history just not the vibe, these settings were every shade of wrong and invasive audibly. But that was a year ago and now, by the grace of the Department of Mysteries, Joseph tolerated such spaces and may even have a reluctant appreciation for them.

An appreciation that was tested by running into a handful of familiar faces while walking around with his little sister and trying their hand at some of the games and were ignoring his embarrassing performance at Summoner's Court. Of course he should have anticipated running into his former Drama Club partner, but he had not and his ears were still ringing from the amount of jabbering she had done in response to him asking her the obligatory 'how you been?' after she had pounced on him for a hug. Had Florence been surprised to see him be affectionate with someone outside of the family and who wasn't Fynley? Saying adieu to Anna had him wishing that the plan was to meet back up with Fynley and hit the Hogsmeade main street for their busking via musical performance, but alas. Not just yet.

Still, he needed a break from the crowds and ironically stepping into Hogsmeade proper was where things were most dispersed.

"You know what you want to use the vouchers on?" he asked his little sister as they stepped into the Three Broomsticks while lightly plucking the strings on his lute which was hanging around his person by a leather strap. He hadn't been expecting much by picking up that pretend Hufflepuff goblet, but more vouchers was a pretty welcomed surprise. It wasn't like Fynley and him were rolling in money in their studio flat so any bit of saving was welcomed. "Parade ought to be coming through this section of the village in bit so we can nab a window seat if you want."

DID she like these sorts of things? Joseph was, admittedly, much closer to Sammy due to a misalignment of certain core values but with age came maturity or whatever.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 07-14-2024, 04:27 AM   #69 (permalink)

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Text Cut: Joseph!
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
If you had asked him even a year ago if he wanted to spend a whole weekend attending basically a history festival he would have told you that he would rather have to listen to Mermish out of water all weekend instead. Even Fynley would have been hard pressed to get him to come. Not only were things dripping in history just not the vibe, these settings were every shade of wrong and invasive audibly. But that was a year ago and now, by the grace of the Department of Mysteries, Joseph tolerated such spaces and may even have a reluctant appreciation for them.

An appreciation that was tested by running into a handful of familiar faces while walking around with his little sister and trying their hand at some of the games and were ignoring his embarrassing performance at Summoner's Court. Of course he should have anticipated running into his former Drama Club partner, but he had not and his ears were still ringing from the amount of jabbering she had done in response to him asking her the obligatory 'how you been?' after she had pounced on him for a hug. Had Florence been surprised to see him be affectionate with someone outside of the family and who wasn't Fynley? Saying adieu to Anna had him wishing that the plan was to meet back up with Fynley and hit the Hogsmeade main street for their busking via musical performance, but alas. Not just yet.

Still, he needed a break from the crowds and ironically stepping into Hogsmeade proper was where things were most dispersed.

"You know what you want to use the vouchers on?" he asked his little sister as they stepped into the Three Broomsticks while lightly plucking the strings on his lute which was hanging around his person by a leather strap. He hadn't been expecting much by picking up that pretend Hufflepuff goblet, but more vouchers was a pretty welcomed surprise. It wasn't like Fynley and him were rolling in money in their studio flat so any bit of saving was welcomed. "Parade ought to be coming through this section of the village in bit so we can nab a window seat if you want."

DID she like these sorts of things? Joseph was, admittedly, much closer to Sammy due to a misalignment of certain core values but with age came maturity or whatever.

If this festival had been held a year ago, Florence still would have attended, simply for the history of it all and despite her dislike of large crowds. Attending it with a brother that wasn't Sammy, however? Very unlikely. Perhaps even impossible.

Some things could change in a year though.

She would not be letting him live down that lackluster performance of Summoner's Court any time soon. And she had been very surprised indeed when an older girl had not only hugged him but also chatted with him the entire time. Florence wasn't sure she'd ever seen him be friendly with anyone who wasn't Fynley. To be frank, she hadn't known if he even had any friends besides Fynley.

This was not a judgment against him, however. Not in this instance. Considering her own lack of friends, a secret she dared not admit out loud, she was hardly in a place to judge the friendships that others did or did not possess.

"A window seat would be ideal," she answered, casting a brief glance at the lute when he played it. The parade was part of the history of it all, so it would be a shame to miss it. "I'm just going to get a sandwich and pumpkin juice." The pumpkin juice was, perhaps, no surprise considering her love for pumpkin flavored foods. "What are you going to get?" She might be inclined to let him have one of her extra vouchers if he wanted several things.
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