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Florean Fortescue's I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Come and treat yourself to a scoop after a long day of shopping.

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Old 10-05-2022, 12:47 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Indoor Seating

Visiting Florean Fortescue's for a tasty treat? In the shop just to meet and greet with friends? Either way, you'll probably be looking for a place to sit down. Lining one of the walls of the parlour and mounted to the floor, are ten padded, white-leathered booth seats with chairs on the oppose side. Each chair has the ability to turn around and around, so be careful when seated, or else you just might spin yourself out of control!

If you're here with a crowd of friends or hoping for some company soon, you'll need to choose one of the many padded, white-leathered booths spread throughout the parlour. At each table, you'll find a menu showcasing all the tasty flavours available at Florean Fortescue's. A napkin dispenser can also be found at every table, just in case you have to clean up any ice cream accidents that do tend to happen.
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Old 08-17-2023, 04:12 PM   #26 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Truth be told, Vera was pretty excited about Bryony also starting Hogwarts the upcoming term. The youngest Paton had a vibe that Vera easily could tune with, making her perhaps her favorite of the brood - well, except for the obvious other one. So it had been her pleasure to invite the younger girl for an ice cream (for Bryony only, of course) and then they could sit and chat and Vera could give insight to any potential questions the younger girl had. And while it MAY have seemed pointless to off this, considering she had three older siblings already at the school, Vera knew for certain she could be a totally unbiased party (kinda) who gave facts only (maybe) whereas siblings might be more interested in feeding fallacies.

Well, actually, she couldn’t really ascertain that for Nova and Melody but it certainly sounded like a Logan move.

Having already ordered, she led the way to a table - choosing to sit indoors since most of the other students seemed to prefer outside - and grabbed herself a chair. She made sure to push one out for Bry as well, as Vera then settled into her seat and got comfortable. “You figured out which house you’re hoping for yet, Bry?” Personally, she was rooting for another Gryffindor in the pride.

Bryony liked Vera. Quite a lot. Which was a good thing really for the older girl since she knew of things. It paid to have an older friend that she had kept in touch with last school year. So much gossip would've been missed otherwise. Thankfully, she had eyes and ears all around.. but that was for another time.

Today it was all about ice cream. And nothing messed with ice cream. Nothing. It would be silly to take such a peaceful moment and taint it with things that need not be brought up. Yet. Maybe. Only time would really tell for such. As for now, the young girl was quite content in focusing on the cup of ice cream cradled in her hands.

With a chair already pushed out for her, Bry lowered herself down onto the seat across from the older girl. "All the houses would be cool.. but I really don't care as long as the Sorting Hat remembers to keep Ary and me together." The question didn't need much deliberation, as long as they weren't separated all would be right in the world.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

You are Bread!
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Old 08-20-2023, 09:50 AM   #27 (permalink)

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Default For Kath <3
Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!

With her day's shopping over with, Rowan was in desperate need of cold refreshment. Heading to Florean's she joined the queue of excited kids. She squinted up at the menu at the vast array of flavours on offer. She wasn't a fan of the experimental and some of the flavours looked, quite frankly, disgusting. A small wrinkle of the nose before straightening her expression out. Then a smile for the staff member when it was her turn to order.

Going for what some people would call bland or mundane, she ordered two scoops of strawberries and cream in a tub. You couldn't go wrong with the straightforward flavours, and she believed that a cone ruined the flavour of the ice cream, which had to be consumed after the best part. She thanked the server and paid, deciding to have a break from the sun for a while and sit indoors to enjoy her sweet and tasty treat. Plus, it was nice and quiet inside.

Not the most nutritious fuel for her body, she felt in need of the sugar. She took a seat, placing her supplies filled cauldron-come-shopping-basket on the seat beside her and dug out her shopping list to see what she needed on her next trip to the alley.
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Old 08-24-2023, 09:48 AM   #28 (permalink)

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x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by noodles View Post
With her day's shopping over with, Rowan was in desperate need of cold refreshment. Heading to Florean's she joined the queue of excited kids. She squinted up at the menu at the vast array of flavours on offer. She wasn't a fan of the experimental and some of the flavours looked, quite frankly, disgusting. A small wrinkle of the nose before straightening her expression out. Then a smile for the staff member when it was her turn to order.

Going for what some people would call bland or mundane, she ordered two scoops of strawberries and cream in a tub. You couldn't go wrong with the straightforward flavours, and she believed that a cone ruined the flavour of the ice cream, which had to be consumed after the best part. She thanked the server and paid, deciding to have a break from the sun for a while and sit indoors to enjoy her sweet and tasty treat. Plus, it was nice and quiet inside.

Not the most nutritious fuel for her body, she felt in need of the sugar. She took a seat, placing her supplies filled cauldron-come-shopping-basket on the seat beside her and dug out her shopping list to see what she needed on her next trip to the alley.
Dad had, understandably, not appreciated her attempts at feng shui in Ollivanders despite her diagrams being the superior means of organization and accessibility, and told her she needed to get more sunlight or whatever. It would be for the best that Reuben never found out that her dad agreed, in a roundabout way, with him or she may never hear the end of it. For the record, Sage got plenty of sunlight and fresh air since she preferred the outdoors and climbed just about anything that could be climbed. Her favorite spot, as she had discovered this summer, was climbing the drain pipes along Sugarplum's and sitting on one of the ledges adjacent to one of the ventilation pipe things sticking out of the roof, one right over where all the sugar was melted and the sweet fumes billowed out like lofty candyfloss. She thought about heading that direction, but instead found herself heading towards this side of the Alley - perhaps taking the suggestion to take a walk to a bit of a petty extreme even though she really was not feeling all that petty.

With a bit of coin leftover from her remaining school shopping, Sage made her way to the ice cream parlor with the age old question of what to go with. She couldn't decide between two flavors, but she couldn't just get one scoop of each and would have to get two scoops of each unless she wanted to experience her skin going all tingly and herself avoid every crack in the ground until she was safely back home. Nothing against cracks, of course, but everything against unbalanced vibes. She eventually settled on a double scoop of rocky road, in a cup, and was half skipping her way from the counter to look for somewhere to sit when she spotted a girl who looked around her age lugging around a whole cauldron full of supplies. A cute rookie move, the sort of thing she usually expected from first years but...

"You sure you don't already have everything in there?" she chuckled playfully while wiggling her spoon at all the stuff.

When youre stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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Old 08-25-2023, 03:21 AM   #29 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Ece Arslan
Nesting Occamy Rentals
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Bryony liked Vera. Quite a lot. Which was a good thing really for the older girl since she knew of things. It paid to have an older friend that she had kept in touch with last school year. So much gossip would've been missed otherwise. Thankfully, she had eyes and ears all around.. but that was for another time.

Today it was all about ice cream. And nothing messed with ice cream. Nothing. It would be silly to take such a peaceful moment and taint it with things that need not be brought up. Yet. Maybe. Only time would really tell for such. As for now, the young girl was quite content in focusing on the cup of ice cream cradled in her hands.

With a chair already pushed out for her, Bry lowered herself down onto the seat across from the older girl. "All the houses would be cool.. but I really don't care as long as the Sorting Hat remembers to keep Ary and me together." The question didn't need much deliberation, as long as they weren't separated all would be right in the world.
Vera happened to be a big fan of Bryony as well. In fact, in previous years she wouldn't have hesitated to say the small energetic blonde was her favorite of the Paton clan. Not that she was supposed to have favorites but… she did. But she also was completely unaware herself that the little spitfire would have known anything about the year prior or… things. She knew she and Vesper were friends of course, but she certainly did not expect baby sister to be going around and spilling her secrets.

And considering the other things she didn't know adjacent to that, perhaps it was a good thing they were focusing solely on ice cream for the day.

Was she surprised Bryony wanted to be placed with her little boyfriend? Absolutely not. And Ve wished she knew the boy well enough to then speculate what house he'd end up in. The impressions she got was he was probably not a Gryffindor, which was too bad because it would have been fun to have her around more. "Best thing about him having an A name is you can ask the hat to put you with him. I hear it's pretty good about taking requests into consideration!"
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 08-26-2023, 09:54 AM   #30 (permalink)

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Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

Dad had, understandably, not appreciated her attempts at feng shui in Ollivanders despite her diagrams being the superior means of organization and accessibility, and told her she needed to get more sunlight or whatever. It would be for the best that Reuben never found out that her dad agreed, in a roundabout way, with him or she may never hear the end of it. For the record, Sage got plenty of sunlight and fresh air since she preferred the outdoors and climbed just about anything that could be climbed. Her favorite spot, as she had discovered this summer, was climbing the drain pipes along Sugarplum's and sitting on one of the ledges adjacent to one of the ventilation pipe things sticking out of the roof, one right over where all the sugar was melted and the sweet fumes billowed out like lofty candyfloss. She thought about heading that direction, but instead found herself heading towards this side of the Alley - perhaps taking the suggestion to take a walk to a bit of a petty extreme even though she really was not feeling all that petty.

With a bit of coin leftover from her remaining school shopping, Sage made her way to the ice cream parlor with the age old question of what to go with. She couldn't decide between two flavors, but she couldn't just get one scoop of each and would have to get two scoops of each unless she wanted to experience her skin going all tingly and herself avoid every crack in the ground until she was safely back home. Nothing against cracks, of course, but everything against unbalanced vibes. She eventually settled on a double scoop of rocky road, in a cup, and was half skipping her way from the counter to look for somewhere to sit when she spotted a girl who looked around her age lugging around a whole cauldron full of supplies. A cute rookie move, the sort of thing she usually expected from first years but...

"You sure you don't already have everything in there?" she chuckled playfully while wiggling her spoon at all the stuff.
My word, Florean's made the most delicious ice cream! Just the right amount of sweetness, the perfect ratio of strawberries to clotted cream. It was now her favourite ice cream parlour.. This included the fancy Cornish ice cream which had become a staple in her diet of late. Visiting the new family in St Ives and making her way down the hill into the harbour to treat herself whenever she got the chance.

She was lost in her own world, taking her time over her dessert, enjoying every spoonful and letting it melt in her mouth. She was snapped out of her little dreamworld, however, when out of nowhere, a girl suddenly started teasing her. Her gaze went from the girl with the wiggly spoon, to her cauldron, to her post-it on the table--which she'd somehow managed to cram her entire supply list onto in her tiny, untidy writing—and back to the girl. Her cheeks pinked ever so slightly, but she laughed gently. Admittedly, it looked like she had the whole Diagon Alley stuffed inside the cauldron. “Oh I wish.” She replied breezily. “New girl in school means I have to get everything. It's like being a first year.”

She gestured for the girl to come and join her. She might as well get to know another, what she assumed, was a Hogwarts student, and another of around the same age as her.

“So I've got to come back again in a few days and get the rest.” Minus the cauldron. “Have you finished your shopping?”
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Old 08-26-2023, 02:16 PM   #31 (permalink)

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Why would Vera be anything but a big fan? Bry knew how much fun she was to be around and she was sure that everyone else knew it too. Vera was a lot like her sister, super energetic and always ready for whatever came their way. It reminded her a lot of all the great times she had playing and adventuring with Logan, before he decided he didn't want her around (which was most of the time). Maybe that's why she liked them both so much, neither of the girls were ever mean to her.

Ohhhh Vera, Vera, Vera. While a good fair bit of her knowledge came from her communication with Vesper, she didn't learn everything from the girl. A very good portion of what she knew came from listening and mostly watching. So much could be learned when you watched how others interacted around one another or when certain things would be said.

No one should be surprised by this. Hogwarts was to be her second home for the next seven years, which meant that she wanted to be as comfortable there as she could be. Therefore she needed to be around those that made her feel that way constantly. And as much as she loved her siblings they weren't going to be around for her entire seven years, Aryan would be. Plus he is her boyfriend. "It really does that?!" Bry asked, her attention effectively being pulled away from ice cream eating. She had heard somewhere once or twice before about that being a possibility but she didn't know that it was true!"I'll have to make sure that it listens to what I want then."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 11-26-2023, 05:38 PM   #32 (permalink)

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Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

It wasn't often that Rosemary had any type of a hankering for something sweet, but as she'd been making her way home from work at the Ministry that particular day, she'd been hit with a craving for one of Fortescue's many flavors. She'd been particularly patient that day with the teams she'd had to meet with, so she figured a small indulgence was due as a reward and made her way to the shop. Selecting which flavor she'd wanted had been difficult, but eventually she settled on a scoop of treacle tart topped with a scoop of pumpkin pasty, before finding herself one of the indoor tables to take a seat at.

She'd selected one closest to the windows, so she could stare out at the busy street as she spooned the creamy treat into her mouth. Diagon Alley was far more bearable when there weren't so many young children scurrying about. It had been wise to come today, before the streets were once more flooded in just a few short weeks.
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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Old 11-29-2023, 01:10 AM   #33 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
It wasn't often that Rosemary had any type of a hankering for something sweet, but as she'd been making her way home from work at the Ministry that particular day, she'd been hit with a craving for one of Fortescue's many flavors. She'd been particularly patient that day with the teams she'd had to meet with, so she figured a small indulgence was due as a reward and made her way to the shop. Selecting which flavor she'd wanted had been difficult, but eventually she settled on a scoop of treacle tart topped with a scoop of pumpkin pasty, before finding herself one of the indoor tables to take a seat at.

She'd selected one closest to the windows, so she could stare out at the busy street as she spooned the creamy treat into her mouth. Diagon Alley was far more bearable when there weren't so many young children scurrying about. It had been wise to come today, before the streets were once more flooded in just a few short weeks.
It was a rather uncommon sight to see Sky Willoughby Daniau in Diagon Alley on a normal weekday. Minus the few times he’d been sent to drag his errant employee back from an extended lunch break. Astraea had been behaving as of late, though, and he also wasn’t about to go spy on his niece for his brother and brother-in-law. Gracelyn knew how to handle herself, and honestly Sky understood her reasons for not joining the family business. LakeStar had enough nepotism going on in its employee roster for a while.

Actually, it was rather a personal visit today, aside from what had brought him to Fortescue’s. Eli had told him to take a break, and so he had. Even if he was still rather dressed for work in suit pants and a dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. But he’d stepped into the ice cream shop to purchase a treat for Lorin’s youngest two kids. He’d treated himself to a scoop of treacle tart, though, the takeaway containers of chocolate frog and strawberry jam for Briar and Willoughby in a bag hanging from one elbow when he saw a familiar face seated near the window.

“Rosemary?”, he said, stepping closer to the table. Just in case it wasn’t her.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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Old 12-08-2023, 02:28 AM   #34 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Ece Arslan
Nesting Occamy Rentals
Anashti l Brat Pack l Sally & Dr. Finklestein

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
It was a rather uncommon sight to see Sky Willoughby Daniau in Diagon Alley on a normal weekday. Minus the few times he’d been sent to drag his errant employee back from an extended lunch break. Astraea had been behaving as of late, though, and he also wasn’t about to go spy on his niece for his brother and brother-in-law. Gracelyn knew how to handle herself, and honestly Sky understood her reasons for not joining the family business. LakeStar had enough nepotism going on in its employee roster for a while.

Actually, it was rather a personal visit today, aside from what had brought him to Fortescue’s. Eli had told him to take a break, and so he had. Even if he was still rather dressed for work in suit pants and a dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. But he’d stepped into the ice cream shop to purchase a treat for Lorin’s youngest two kids. He’d treated himself to a scoop of treacle tart, though, the takeaway containers of chocolate frog and strawberry jam for Briar and Willoughby in a bag hanging from one elbow when he saw a familiar face seated near the window.

“Rosemary?”, he said, stepping closer to the table. Just in case it wasn’t her.
Her mind was busy with nothing as she stared out the window at the passing people. The more her years continued on, the less interesting she seemed to find things that used to fulfill her. The ice cream was delicious and she still felt well deserved, but the crowd watching? Not nearly as interesting. It occurred to her that she probably should have started trying to make other acquaintances - friends, even. She had Lucas and that was nothing to scoff at, but her older colleague could hardly want to deal with her all of the time.

She should have kept in touch with people at school. Should have kept in touch with friends she’d made during her brief time married. A whole lot of ‘should have’.

Her thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of her name, and Rose turned with a bit of surprise before a smile stretched when she noticed the familiar face. Another ‘should have’ right in front of her, it seemed. “Sky! It’s been a minute since I’ve seen you. How are you? How’s your cousin?” She assumed life was far quieter for him as well with both the subjects of their previous bonding graduated and no longer at magical boarding schools. Seeing the cup of ice cream in his hand, she gestured to the seat across from her. “Want to join me?”
_________ _________________________________________

Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
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