Thread: Moribund's Pub
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Old 04-03-2019, 04:48 AM   #5 (permalink)
Gringotts Goblins
Gringotts Bank
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 124

Felnott nodded a greeting at his fellow goblin. "Sturnik has been making more trips to the vaults to keep the counters stocked." A helpful piece of information should anyone be interested in knowing there were times when security was otherwise occupied.

He assumed his companion wasn't interested in that piece of news though. No. He said it more for the wavewander. The thing looked impressionable. Felnnott was always looking for opportunities to influence wandwavers into proving how foolish a species they were.

"Here are current odds." he said sliding the notepad over, again, speaking loud enough to be overheard.
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