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Old 07-12-2010, 04:16 PM   #5 (permalink)
*Pansy_Parkinson*'s Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Posts: 1,335
Sixth Year
Behind Her Mask Sa16 + || Ron Weasley & Pansy Parkinson || If You Just Realize Sa13+


Hours went by with them trapped in the room. It was a huge room, with more than enough space for the six of them. They filled their time with Fred and George’s gadgets.
The door opened once again, an hour later, and Kingsley was standing in the doorway.
“Dinner time.” He announced, his deep voice booming around the room. He escorted them through halls, down the magnificent stairs and down another long hallway, leading into a large dinning area. A great chandelier lit the room up, highlighting the long wooden table that was filled with food.
Harry was already on his way to hug Sirius. Other people in the room who greeted them were Mad Eye Moody, Hagrid, Lupin and Tonks. There were many others in the room, all seated around the table, about to eat. Ron took a seat along with the rest of the younger wizards.
Twenty minutes went by with conversation between the adults. Ron was trying to listen intently.
The door burst open, Snape walked in, holding Pansy by her arm. She squirmed from his grasp. Ron looked at her, noticing the state she was in and even though she was one of his worst enemies, he felt immediate pity. She was wearing pink pyjama pants and a darker pink low cut t shirt, both wrinkled and not in very good shape. Her hair was wavy and she would have looked pretty if it weren’t for the bruises all over her arms and the dark circles surrounding her eyes accenting her pale face. Snape sat down. Pansy however, elected not to move. She looked around the table, a fierce and angered expression glued to her face.
“You will join us, Pansy.” Sirius said, smiling while he stood, inviting her politely.
She walked across the room. Although she looked as if she had just been through torture, she stood somewhat proud.
Her voice was shaky. “I will not...” She glanced at Harry, Hermione and Ron. “...join you.” She mocked him with her very rude tone and attitude and left through another door.
Snape banged his fists on the table, putting down his knife and fork and let out a exaggerated sigh.
“Don’t worry, Severus. She can’t leave.” Lupin said, also annoyed, reminding him of the charms on the house.
Ron exchanged glances with Hermione and Harry. He couldn’t shake the image of her from his mind.
Dinner finished and Ron started to become more aware of what really happened and the plan from that time forward. He knew Voldemort had attacked the ministry and the former safe house of the Order, but he wasn’t too sure why. He also learned that they were to be stationed in the Parkinson’s house until Voldemort is brought under control. He was under the impression that Voldemort was now not just after Harry.
Most of the adults remained sitting at the table while dinner magically cleared away.
Ron, Harry and Hermione were whisked away by Lupin and Snape, who were bringing them through the halls. Once they reached the entrance way, beautiful chimes of a piano could be heard, filling the air with delightfully depressed sound. Snape and Lupin exchanged looks, and Lupin turned around to the rest.
“Now we know that Pansy happens to be in the same year as you three,” He said to them, studying their odd expressions.
“That’s why we think it best if you try to talk to her.. Befriend her.” He suggested.
“Um, sir..” Harry said, clearing his throat. “We don’t actually.. quite.. get along with her.” He stumbled over his words.
Lupin laughed, and Snape grunted, “She doesn’t get along with most people, Potter.”
They entered a large sitting area. Pansy was situated at a black grand piano in the corner, tears falling from her eyes. She noticed them walk in and stopped playing for a quick moment to wipe her eyes.
“What do you want?” She said through gritted teeth and then continued playing.
“Pansy, that’s lovely, truly.” Lupin said, watching her play, trying to be friendly. He approached her. Snape instructed the rest to sit. They did. Snape stood at the doorway, arms crossed.
“We just thought you could use some company.” Lupin told her.
Her eyes glanced to Ron, who was sitting nearest to her. She then shook her head, looking back down at the keys as her fingers moved so fluently across them, “What made you think that stupid idea?” She shot at Lupin.
“I know you’re not exactly friends, but they are great people, Pansy. They can understand what you’re going through.” He whispered to her, and she didn’t stop playing. “Don’t push them away. They could be all you’ve got.” He told her, feeling pain and sorrow for her. He placed his hand on her shoulder and got up, leaving the room with Snape.
She finished the song and stopped playing, looking down, feeling out numbered by them and intimidated. She pushed her feelings of intimidation to the back of her mind, replacing them instead with her mask of cruelty and spiteful attitude.
Harry and Ron gave Hermione concerned looks as she stood up.
“Um, hey Pansy.” She said, casually, walking over to her.
“I didn’t know you could play. You’re really good.” She told her. Pansy shot a frightful stare at her and stood up. She walked over to the fireplace, dramatically. “Look, you guys.” She started, feeling out of place talking to them. She decided to make their conversation short and sweet.
“I know what they told you to do but really it’s fine. You don’t have to waste your time pretending with me. They think I’m mentally unstable or something ridiculous.” She laughed nervously and turned around to face them, “They can’t do anything about what’s going to happen. Neither can you.” She said, coldly and walked out of the room, disappearing up the stairs. Harry Hermione and Ron watched her leave and decided to go back into the kitchen, feeling hope was lost with her.
“It’s no use.” Harry said to Lupin, with exhaustion in his voice.
“She’s bonkers.” Ron added as he entered.
“Sit down, you three.” Lupin said, sighing and they listened as he interrogated them.
“What really do you know about her? Or her family, for that matter?” He asked.
They thought for a moment, silently. “Nothing, I guess. Except that she’s close with Malfoy.” Hermione perked up.
Ron felt his blood boil as she mentioned that name.
“Do you know why?” Lupin folded his hands on the table.
They shook their heads, trying to remember seeing Pansy at School. All Ron could think about was Pansy following Draco like a lost puppy, swooning over him and everything.
Snape was hovering over Lupin as he explained,
“The Malfoy’s are nothing like The Parkinson’s. They’re only close because of their wealth. Now we all know the Malfoy’s have been dealing with You-Know-Who for many years. They have unsuccessfully tried to collect Pansy’s parents as death eaters. Her family’s been resisting for so long and they are the reason for the Voldemort’s outburst at the ministry. He's finally had enough of trying to gather them as his followers, and has decided to assemble them by force. Can’t you see, this is why Pansy is so upset.”
Ron looked at his best friends and didn’t know why but he felt worried for her. He felt something change inside of him when he saw her that day. She looked different. Helpless. Feelings began to build up within him. Feelings of protection.
“Although this house has more than enough rooms for each of you personally, we figure sticking together is more prudent for the time being. More safe.” they all got up, “You will find sleeping arrangements in the living room you were in earlier. We will be staying in the next room, taking shifts on guard duty.” Lupin walked to Snape as Harry, Hermione and Ron were leaving.
“Find Pansy.” He whispered to him and Ron’s eyes shot towards Snape, who puffed his chest out.
“Don’t hurt her.” Ron shot at him, not knowing how or why the words escaped his lips.
Snape and Lupin stared at him, as did Harry and Hermione.
“Oh, look, Lupin.” Snape said, eyeing Ron “Looks like you struck a nerve with your story after all.”
Ron glared at him and left the room, walking through the hall again, getting weird glances and stares from Hermione and Harry.
“Poor Pansy,” Hermione said to Harry, with a worried voice. “She must be blaming herself for everything.”
Ron pretended not to listen to her, he was already afraid enough for Pansy. They reached the living room to find the couch’s pushed to the outside of them room, making way for a handful of large cots. Fred, George and Ginny were already in the room, sitting by the fire, talking.
They joined them and before Ron sat down, they heard talking in the hallway.
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