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Old 08-29-2009, 03:16 PM   #41 (permalink)
carolyn jinn
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I can't really make up my mind as to whether I like or dislike the movie.

On the main dislike points there is
:-Harry and Ginny's relationship. This is supposed to be one of the main parts of the entire story, and what happens... They are lucky to have a kiss that lasts longer than two seconds. Ron got more action in this movie.
:- The ending was abit poor. I was really looking forward to a good battle scene but got a few Deatheaters walking through Hogwarts as if they owned the place. Also, a small cross fire between Harry and Snape.
:- AND Dumbledore's funeral was a main part of the entire story as that marked the beginning of the main fight for Harry. It was the pivotal point in the story that Harry decided to go and hunt for the horcruxes instead of finish school and than go.

The parts I liked the most were
:- Poor Ron's experence with the love potion. What a total hoot.
:- Aragog's funeral was quite good also.
:- The scene after the funeral when Hagrid and Slughorn were drinking and talking was very good also.
:- Harry's infatuation with Ginny and the awaking of his feelings for her.

When I really think about it, the good points of the movie DO out weigh the bad points. So I would probably rate the movie as a 7 out of 10.
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