~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. It wasn’t long before other students were filing into the lab. Noticing Vera, he returned her grin with a little wave. And at least Bry wasn’t completely ignoring him? She received a small smile but he decided not to make conversation lest that blow up in his face as well.
But soon they were starting and Adara was explaining what she expected of them. Ary paid rapt attention, placing unnecessary pressure on himself already, to follow in his dad’s and Aunt Lux’s footsteps. He knew that he would contact either of them for ideas and any other form of help he may need. Was he excited about this project? Of course. This is where he really got to test his skills of what he had learnt about ingredients so far.
Did Aryan know what sort of Potion he wanted to create? Yes. A Cure for Itchy Skin. But first… using his textbook, he checked out the list of Healing Potions and known antidotes. About ten minutes later, he determined there was no such potion/antidote. There was an Antidote for itchy mouth but that was about it. This seemed as though he could indeed go forth with his idea!
That aside, it meant that the next step would be researching ingredients. This aspect was going to be time consuming, he knew. This was why Ary was already turning the pages of the textbook for ideas. Armadillo bile first stuck out to him since it was used in the Wit Sharpening Potion. Could the ingredient also somehow aid in in heightening the body’s guard against annoying itches? Hmmm… |