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Old 04-16-2024, 03:59 PM   #226 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2024
Location: Washington State, US
Posts: 10
Default The Books, The Books, The Books

At my age, one learns to enjoy things for what they are, rather than what they are not.

For me, the books are always more detailed, and are the 'canon' from which all else springs, given they come first and define 'the rest of the story.'

Often however, I see many who hold themselves forth as a bit of 'book purists,' and are upset with changes in movies, etc. I find this unfortunate.

As with the Potter movies, there is so much so very well done, great scene settings, cinematography, acting, character development within the movies, etc. to be enjoyed - to deprive oneself from extracting from them all they have to offer is just unfortunate.

Answer to the thread's question: the books are my preference. But the World is incomplete without the movies as well.
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