Thread: Fourth Floor: Mirror
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Old 11-30-2023, 09:19 PM   #22 (permalink)

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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Apollonia Fergersnout

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurora Ackerly
Fifth Year

x12 x6
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more

Brandon needn’t worry about trying to find Aurora on the library to irritate for she had happened upon the group gathered around the mirror herself. She had no true reason for being present, perhaps it was a call from an unseen force or coincidence or maybe simply because it was on the way to the library and the gathering of Professors and students was obviously going to pique her interest.

However, Aurora hadn’t felt like socialising for a good few months now and the thought of there being so many around that were likely to bombard her with questions or annoy her with their actions and she wasn’t sure she even had the patience to deal with that. Instead she stood at the back of the group, arms folded across her chest as she awaited an opportunity to slip past. There were taking up a lot of the corridor after all just standing around.

“Excuuuuuse me” she heaved a response rather impatiently. “That dusty old mirror has been here for years and won’t age but I might if I can’t get past.”
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