Thread: Fourth Floor: Mirror
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Old 11-30-2023, 01:20 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brandon Fox
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Third Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Brandon hadn't been seen all day- he was skipping class, of course. But he was on his way to the library (he had been planning on annoying Aurora again) when he encountered a big group of people outside the fourth floor mirror. That was like... tooootally weird of them.

He strolled up to the fringes of the group, observing what they were doing. "What's so interesting about this old thing? It doesn't even work right!" He snorted. "I've touched it before, and nothing happened to me." He just didn't understand what the big deal was.
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