Thread: Ecological: Creature Holding Room
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Old 11-09-2023, 04:51 PM   #11 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emmeline Vance
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maria Kingstonsdottir Dolph
Seventh Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post

Once she was content that would be possible, she addressed the room at large. "Thank you all for your assistance. The creatures we have sent I imagine might be a bit confused and anxious due to the sudden displacement. We should only be casting defensive spells in the event it is necessary for any ministry employee protection or the protection of the creatures." Just a general warning in the event anyone got over reactive. "Everyone prepared?" She asked again, glancing over each face, before using her wand to lift the lid from the box. She imagined the more dangerous creatures were locked more securely within but for those that were not an immediate threat, it was possible they'd begin filtering out any moment. With any luck, someone would be able to locate a list too of any contents within.
"My boss Conley thought it'd be of use if I assisted with this if there is some notes or so in a foreign language that needs translating. I'm well versed in several languages." Sophie responded over to Sookie. She then started to fiddle with her wand, feeling a flashback to when she was a student at Hogwarts in COMC class waiting to see what creatures they were going to face in the next class. It felt comforting that there were some creatures employees distributed around the room to offer assistance if needed. Nobody knew what creatures were in the box which made Sophie feel anxious. Seeing Simon walk in through was reassuring since she knew she could count on him to have her back if things got hairy with whatever creatures came out of the box in the next minutes.

Looking over at the woman in charge; Sookie she nodded and affirmed "I'm ready!" Fixing her eyes, and full attention on the box Sophie regripped her wand and just waited. Creatures, come out, come out!
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