Hello all! I'm Chelle and this is 100 drabbles for my previous ministry character, Baek Ho-Sook or Sookie as she primarily goes by. I started playing Sook when she was already an adult and I wanted to do these snapshots into her past to connect further with her character and her voice. So thank you for peeking in and going on this journey with us!
For this challenge, I will be using the original SS 100 prompt list.
Disclaimer: While Sookie is an original character, the universe she lives in is not and was created by J.K. Rowling.
Currently completed: seven/one hundred 1. Herbology
“Appa, there is a plant that makes you breathe underwater!” Sookie’s feet swung back and forth as she sat on her father’s work table as he worked on a succulent arrangement for a customer. He was always happiest in his greenhouse, which was why Sook liked to spend time with him here, or in the sunshine.
He just smiled at his daughter, reaching a dirt covered hand to chuck under her chin, before grabbing a de-thorned rose and handing it to her. “That sounds magical. But don’t forget there’s beauty in normalcy too.”
It was much prettier than the gillyweed.