Thread: Scamander Zoo
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Old 01-13-2022, 07:40 PM   #24 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jocelyn Bryce
First Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Camilo Aguilar
Quality Quidditch Supplies

Diagon Alley Employee:
Tabatha Krauss
Janus Galloglass
books and cleverness | i like you a latte

Text Cut: formerly: angry ice cream lady, currently: lovely silly girlfriend!
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Since they both hadn’t visited the Zoo in a while, Anita was all in a bubble of happiness that she had chosen the spot for their date. Like Camillo, Annie was thrilled to be here and it was mainly due to his presence. His presence in her life took her happiness to an entire new level. Sometimes, she was still in awe that Camillo had made an impact this quickly on her.

Did her boyfriend think that he was being covert? She had no problem bursting his bubble as Annie had figured it out after she caught him sneaking glances at her. Not to mention sneaking glances at his handsome face was something which she enjoyed doing too. In fact, she enjoyed it as much as she did working on her designs. “Flattery will get you nowhere, Mister,” Annie remarked, giggling happily again. Oh, oh! He thought of her as a Jarvey?

“Then I’m a rabid jarvey! You’d better run for your life unless you want to be bitten!” Cue Anita baring her teeth and bugging out her eyes. Yep. She was totally being silly.

If he knew that Annie was marvelling at how quickly he made an impact on her, Camilo would have reciprocated with a list of all the changes she brought about in him after teasing her nonstop, of course. Just as a few examples, he was happier than ever, and dressed better than ever!

He did think he was being covert, but did not mind that his glances were noticed. After all, he never tried to hide how he felt about her. It was also nice that they kept making eye contact from simultaneously sneaking glances at each other. The covertness though, was just for an extra element of fun. Like his weird attempt at complimenting her by saying how unlike a gnome she was. "It's not flattery if it's the truth," he replied and took a bow like the gentleman he was.

But the next moment, they were back to being silly. Right on cue, Aguilar turned and began to run in slooooow moootiooon while commentating. "Ugly Gnome runs for his life. AAARGH. But wait, Ugly Gnome turns back ... and catches Rabid Jarvey!" He turned back and enveloped Anita in a hug. "The prey becomes the predator! Oops sorry," he apologised upon accidentally stepping on a passerby's foot.
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