Thread: Girls' Bathroom
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Old 05-22-2021, 01:56 AM   #25 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophia Svensson #556B2F
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eulalia Walles (#F48037)
Fourth Year
Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE!

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Misa moved closer to the other girl and examined her hair. "It depends on a few factors -- how often you wash it, how think it is, how dry or oily it gets, how quickly it gets that way, and what products you use. If can be rather complicated." she explained.

She lifted up a bit of the other girl's hair. "Explain your concerns."
Mamie tried not to fidget while Misa looked at her hair, but when the other lifted it, she couldn't help it. She wiggled her shoulders up and down and back and forth. But she did try to hold her hair and head steady, for better study.

"Erm..." Her concerns? With her hair? It was just hair. "It gets frizzy and tangled? And I wash it every other day." Because of sweat, and bugs, and sometimes it smelled weird after potions class.
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