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Old 01-08-2021, 02:31 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Ollivanders Counter

Ollivanders is a long and narrow shop, with impossibly tall and crooked shelves making up the majority of its space, but this is as far as the Wizarding public are permitted to go unaccompanied. Here is the counter, a thick, rustic slab of darkest mahogany, worn smooth from years of use. On top of the counter sits an old fashioned brass cash register which seems to have a mind of its own. It toots and whistles and lets off steam as purchases are entered into it and the drawer pops out jauntily to receive payment, and if anyone tries to get into it, an obnoxious caterwauling charm will go off. Best not to try, it knows how to defend itself.

On the wall next to the counter there is an inventory board, which lists every product sold and service provided at Ollivanders aside from the wands themselves. If you wish to buy a holster, or any polishes or wand care products, this is where you should look. The products themselves are displayed on the racks and in baskets attached to one side of the counter.

OOC: If you are here to receive a wand, please post in the Wand Fitting thread, where a member of Ollivanders staff will RP the process with you.
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