Thread: Staff Table
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Old 04-09-2019, 09:19 AM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default Staff Table

Hard terms lead to truly somber feasts and this term has likely been no exception. Following the war and the apprehension of many cult followers back in May, the school was allowed to remain open with the remainder of the school year already drawing ever closer. For those who stuck it out, this feast marks the final night in the castle and the beginning of what one can only hope will be a summer of healing. Those who still wished to were allowed to sit their exams on schedule but for those needing a little more time, the option remains for the summer at the Ministry of magic. Minor repairs have been handled thus far, the bulk to be taken care of once the students have left.

On a raised dais situated at the farthest point of the Great Hall stands a long table where the members of the Hogwarts staff sit and enjoy their meal while casting a watchful eye out on the four House tables. Each staff member has an assigned, cushioned chair to sit on throughout the duration of the feast, though the more notable out of them all is the throne-like golden chair in the centre reserved for the headmaster.

Keep in mind that you should not be wandering up to the staff table if you are not a staff member before the speech has been given. Doing so will result in the last-minute loss of points or worse before you even made it on the Hogwarts Express. If you wish to speak with someone who is seated up here, you will have to wait until after the speech has been said and there is food and drink on all of the tables. Make sure to keep your visit brief though -- the staff were also waiting on the food to appear and are just as hungry as you.

Photos!: Seating Arrangement