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Old 01-21-2020, 03:18 PM   #136 (permalink)
Mathys de Nostredame
Mathys de Nostredame's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 91
the sky is always there for me ☀ ☁ heavy hearts like heavy clouds

Mathys was rather engrossed observing the students interacting with the majestic beasts, so much so that he was neglecting to check the time and it was not until one of the phoenixes squawked gently at the French man as he made his third pass around the circle that he even thought to.

"Ah, oui. Zank you, Luminos. You are entirely correct," he chortled with the crimson bird before clapping his hands together thrice, loudly. "I am afraid zat ees all ze time we have for today. Please finish up ze task you are currently performing and return ze supplies to me." Mathys waited a few moments for this to be done, absently tapping his wrist as if doing so would make the students move faster. It would be in poor form for them to be late to their next lesson, but they were certainly tucking into the time between lessons at the moment. Hopefully none had Divination next period (they were unlikely to make it all the way to that tower on time).

The phoenixes, as if on cue, took flight once more and took turns circling the golden cage while one-by-one they swooped back inside and mounted their perches. Cooing softly with them, he closed the door and addressed the class while they were packing up.

"Ziss ees not ze last you will see of ze phoenixes. In fact, you will have ze opportunity to work intimately with ziss flock for ze remaindair of ze term. Details on ziss long term assignment will be forthcoming. Now, pack up your sings and hurry to your next subject."

OOC: class dismissed! Thank you for coming and participating (you may post your student leaving if you wish!). Long term assignment details will be posted in this thread at a later date.
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