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Old 08-14-2019, 11:37 PM
ArianaBlack ArianaBlack is offline
Default Rules and Expectations

IC Classroom Rules:
1. Please be punctual, I have to take points for late arrivals... And I don't think either one of us would like that very much.
2. Please refrain from using magic within this classroom! In order to learn about Muggles, we have to become one with the muggles.
3. Come dressed in your school uniform. It has a lot of pockets and is surprisingly comfortable.
4. Respect everyone, including fellow students and your professor. (Please).
5. Ask questions! Inquisitive minds are the most fertile minds! There is no such thing as a foolish question, the only fools are those who choose not to ask them.
OOC Rules:
1. All SSRPG Rules apply at ALL times!
1A. I repeat: All SSRPG Rules apply at ALL times!
2. Have FUN! If you're not having fun, that's an issue, so come talk to me privately & we can try to fix it because I really do want y'all to have a good time <3
3. There's a difference between OOC and IC, yeah? Professor Schmoe is not Ariana. Ariana is not Professor Schmoe (despite the uncanny resemblance).
4. Please, please, PLEEEAAASE no plagiarism!! It's okay not to know the answers. Funny, outlandish answers are very cool and very awesome. You will receive house points for ANY answer! Unless it's plagiarism because as previously stated, please do not do that.

One last OOC note: hi friends, my name is Ariana and I want you to know that if you have any questions and/or concerns related to Muggle Studies, you can reach out to me <3 It's really important to me that everyone has the best experience possible and if there's anything I can do to help with that I'd be more than happy to assist 'n offer my support AND LOVE.