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Old 01-03-2019, 05:11 PM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Why did you join Snitchseeker?

Why did you join Snitchseeker?

We all know that a mutual love of Harry Potter brought us here and lots of people seem to explore SnitchSeeker before they ever actually decide to become a member. But now that you're here, what made YOU sign up? Let us know what it was that attracted you to SnitchSeeker and made you want to become a member. Why this site and not another Harry Potter site?
Rules & Guidelines for this thread:
  1. Before posting, please make sure you have read through the Newbie Process, Snitchseeker's Rules & FAQ, and perused the Site Resources forum.
  2. This is not a questions thread. If you don't understand something and/or have a real question, go to The Question Thread.
  3. This is not a discussion thread. Rather, this is a place for you to share your personal experience and journey to joining our Snitchseeker community.
  4. Please do not limit your answer to 'BECAUSE I LOVE HARRY POTTER!" Snitchseeker site staff really want to know what made becoming a member on our site look so appealing so that we may continue to grow and cater to our members' interests.
  5. No spam. This means no posting off topic or posting multiple times in a row.
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