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Old 12-19-2017, 11:53 PM
NifflerFan NifflerFan is offline
Default Behind the Portrait: Transfiguration Practice Room

A perfectly ordinary door, situated down the corridor from the Transfiguration classroom, leads to the subject's practice room. After pushing the door open and stepping inside, students will find a rather standard-looking practice room. The room is mostly comprised of empty space, with a few mats here and there on the floor (just in case). A small table is shoved up against the wall on the far side of the room; a few basic reference books sit on top of it, along with a variety of inanimate objects that students can attempt to work their magic with.

There are only two remarkable things about this room, really: students may notice that the room feels rather small and cramped when compared to the practice rooms available for other wand-wielding classes. The only other thing of note in this room is the presence of a large portrait of the famous Transfiguration professor and Hogwarts Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall. Students who approach the formidable professor and ask for her advice on what they wish to practice may gain entrance to what lies beyond her portrait -- but only if the professor thinks their choice of spells to practice is sensible. Turning a matchstick into a needle doesn't really require additional resources, after all.

Once Professor McGonagall has granted a student her approval, her portrait swings forward to admit those who wish to study Transfiguration into a significantly larger chamber. The walls are adorned with smaller portraits of other famous Transfiguration experts, all of whom are prone to shouting out bits of unsolicited advice to working students. A small bookcase stands against the wall next to the portrait hole that students have just entered through; the reference books here are much more advanced than those found on the table outside. Students can read about anything from turning turnips into teacups to Animagi here. A few desks have been arrayed near the bookcase for just such a purpose.

Large cages align the walls containing a variety of animals on which to practice: ravens, frogs, rats, and hedgehogs are all available for careful practice if a student has Professor Grimsbane's permission to work with them. Another long table is stacked with random, larger inanimate objects than the table outside, including rather odd objects such as Quaffles and broken lunascopes. A small sign posted along the edge of the table warns students not to touch anything on the far right end of it without dragon-hide gloves.

Naturally, the majority of the room is a wide, open space for spell practice. The boundaries of this part of the room have been roped off; the ropes are enchanted to prevent stray spells from escaping into the rest of the room. Yet another sign has been posted on the wall nearest to this area, warning students NOT to practice human Transfiguration for any reason without their professor present. The sign also mentions that students may face...interesting difficulties if they attempt these spells without proper supervision.

Do be careful behind the portrait, won't you?