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Old 07-12-2017, 02:36 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Farah C Dubey
Seventh Year
Default All the professors and Zoryn
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.

Noelle just made it to Book Club before Mr. Kennedy started talking. Sorry Mr. Librarian. Prefect duties tangled her a bit from making it earlier. Her face was flushed from running and she brushed her hair out of her face as she sat down beside Zoryn. "hey there" she said softly because the librarian was already speaking.

She turned her attention to the Az related man as he began to talk about characters. It was hard to skim it down to one character. Like Professor Stewart, she had too many to really narrow it down.

"Umm...." Noelle started biting her lip in concentration. There were a few that stuck out for her.

"Lizzie Bennett in Pride and Prejudice." Oldie but goodie. "She didn't care that most women married for money or status. She wanted love and wouldn't stop for it." That was one of her favorites.

There was also.
"Hester from The Scarlet Letter." Another oldie but goodie. "She had a mind of her own and defied societies stance on things. She took ridicule in stride and proved to be such a strong woman."

But alsoooo...
"Cersei Lannister from “A Song of Ice and Fire” series" Noelle said before continuing. "Shes a proud woman and protected her horrible son no matter what he did which meant she was loyal. She had a crazy wicked mind that continued to surprise me."

Okay. Now she was done.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT

Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
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