Thread: High Street
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Old 02-23-2017, 09:01 PM   #62 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Farah C Dubey
Seventh Year
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Plans had to be made before Hady was able to make it to Hogsmeade to meet up with Noelle her not such a baby anymore sister. There was assignments for Uni she had to complete, make sure she was able to get the day off of interning at the zoo, check with Frankie that he didn't have plans for them and then arrange to pick up her baby siblings. There was also the matter of making sure all the animals she had at the apartment were cared for and that the band didn't want to get together today.

With everything taken care of and their meeting time quickly approaching the brunette had scooped up the toddlers having picked them up earlier and made her way to Hogsmeade. Reaching High Street with a set of two year old's left whom were surprisingly being very calm for the moment Hady glanced around for Noelle. It wasn't long before she spotted her and with a small smirk she knelt down and placed the little ones on the ground. "Go get her..." she whispered softly to the toddlers pointing at Noelle. "Hey Elle lookout!" Hady called out to the younger girl her usual grin on her face as she nodded at the two little ones that were currently hurrying towards their other 'big sister' with shouts of
"Elle! Elle!"
Where was she?
Noelle was still pacing, making a little track in the snow when she heard shouts. She giggled, knowing that voice. Or those voices rather. She bent down to grab the two in her arms. One on each side of her body. She picked them up and gave them each kisses. 'Look how big you are!" Okay, so she sounded like an old lady saying that but WOW! They'd grown! She remembered when they were born.

Noelle was not going to put her two love monkeys down so she headed down the snowy street to meet with Hady. She grinned way too wide. "Hady-belle!!!" She greeted, unsure how to hug her big sister. "How are you?? Why do you look so grown?" Again.. she was acting like an old woman.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT

Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
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