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Old 07-21-2015, 02:36 AM   #20 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

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Default Astronomy #3 - post 2
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich View Post

There weren’t many times this year that she had sent post to her family, it made her too sad to be missing family occasions. However her aunt’s birthdays were both in April, so she had cut a special occasion in her “no letters” policy and had sat down to write her aunts Boo and Leza a special birthday letter (their wife Mammy had also been included though her birthday wasn’t until July)...

However there was one problem.

Marsha didn’t own an owl - so she had to walk to the Owlery to GET an owl, to SENT the letter that made her home sick. Besides… who else could say that her Mum’s sister and her Dad’s cousin were married to their childhood sweetheart in the cutest trio to ever live? No-one more than likely; and she’d defend them until she was blue in the face if she had to. Hehe.

As she turned the last corner to the owlery, Marsha skidded her skipping to a hault. There was a box.

A bright red polka dotted box.

It looked so pretty, sneaking a look over both of her shoulder she checked to make sure no-one else was waiting to pick it up before she did just that. However, before she let herself open it; she ran up the tower and attached the letter to the leg of one of the school owls. As she watched it fly away, she skipped back down the steps and found somewhere to sit once she was at the bottom.

Grinning widely, she placed the box in her lap and began to open it up. How exciting was this? Her very own Astronomy box!
Inside the polka dotted box, Dot had taken great pleasure in choosing exactly the right things. The right LAYERING of gifts to create the best experience possible. First, when the lid was lifted, there was a little puff of smoke and glitter (charms! yay!), followed by a note that just said:

"The gift of IMAGINATION!"

And under that:

Just kidding... keep digging...

Beneath a life raft worth of tissue paper, there's a glittery pillow (for fabulous comfort), some bedazzled shades (for fabulous fabulousness), and a cupcake in a little plastic safety sleeve (for fabulous chocolateness). There wasn't a unifying theme, but there WAS plenty of glitter and good will.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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