Thread: The Room
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Old 06-27-2015, 11:45 AM   #64 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasper Hart
First Year

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Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy View Post
Uhhh... what did he think?


Was that not obvious?

"I think it's brilliant, that you are, brilliant," he said flat out. Reeeaaalllyyyy, he wasn't able to appreciate dance all that much. He could appreciate that she had a skill that he did not, and that she made it look exceptionally easy. But as for the technicalities of the... movements and things... he was clueless. Had she misstepped? Timed it wrongly? Missed something? He had no idea. "Looked great from where I was sitting." Quite literally.

And then she had to go and say all that. He had plenty of faith in himself, but he also had realistic expectations of himself, and he knew this was one area where he wasn't about to improve any time soon. "If I wanted to," he nodded, which he didn't... so that settled that. "I prefer spectating." He was sure he wasn't alone with this sentiment.

But then that begged the question... "What moves do you intend on teaching me before we go, you promised it would be easy." Easier than what they started with?

Brilliant. That was one word she wasn't expecting to here. Good, yes. Awesome, yeah that too. Interesting, hard, fun ect were all things she expected to hear and had heard from the very few people that saw her dance. Brilliant though had never once been used so this earned him a very Hady-ish grin.

"Thanks. It's been awhile since I've tried putting all that together. I'm surprised I didn't actually fall," she admitted with a small laugh. Honestly during one part she thought she would fall but luckily she hadn't. Falling wasn't good at anytime but this wouldn't have helped her want to get back into dancing.

Sipping her bottle of water she watched the look on his face before he spoke. Odds were she worded what she meant badly but that was normal for her. If dancing wasn't his style that was fine by her at least he understood it was hard work and he'd need to want to do it in order to do it. "Nothing at all wrong with just watching."

"Something slower. All you do is move to the music. Front and back or side to side." Simple enough, right?

He was beginning to feel more and more out of his depths. All this dance stuff was hard enough, but talking about dance stuff wasn't much easier. Was it just him though, or did Hady seem surprised by his assessment? He was hardly one to tell her she was off beat, or that her movements were sloppy or that her centre of gravity was all wrong... he wouldn't know what any of that looked like anyway.

"I suppose it's one of those things that's hard to forget," he commented. Muscle memory was easier than standard memory, right? Less flawed? Fewer synapses or something?

And no, there really was nothing wrong with spectating, it was the best.

Slower, to music, front and back or side to side. That sounded reasonable. "Side to side sounds good, I can't see what's behind me, so back might not be such a good idea." Just saying.

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