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Old 10-17-2014, 01:26 PM
masterofmystery masterofmystery is offline
Post Bonnie Wright set to costar in children's movie 'Who Killed Nelson Nutmeg?'

Bonnie Wright is set to costar in the film Who Killed Nelson Nutmeg?, which is currently filming in Freshwater Holiday Park, UK, and will finish later this month.

The story of Nelson Nutmeg focuses on four children on their annual summer holiday who suspect that their holiday park’s mascot is in danger.

[Co-director Danny] Stack added: “We thought Bonnie would be ideal for the role of Diane, the shady new manager of the camp in the story, as it’d be fun to play her against type and it’s brilliant to have such a successful child actress in one of the adult roles.

“We’re absolutely thrilled that Bonnie’s part of the film. She loved the script, and is keen to support children and family films, especially indie productions like ours.”
The film starring the Harry Potter actress is set to release in June 2015.
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