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Loranys Lilyfield
Leaping leprechauns! Did Ravaora hear that? DID she hear the way he was continuing to ramble despite the gentle care she had already bestowed upon him? Oh sweet Merlin he was getting WORSE. He might not even make it to their wedding day!
"Ooooooooooooooooooh my Meeeeeeeeeeeerlin, you fear that as well?" she gasped, both hands over her chest and hair looking especially frizzy. Only, unlike her bestie, Loranys had a better bedside manner and didn't outright tell her patients they were dying. "Oh PLEASE, you have to, you just have to. I know this is AWFULLY unprofessional...but I just KNOW. You know? YOU KNOW!" And of course her bestie would KNOW what she was talking about. "I am sure I brought some of my potions for the more extreme cases along with us. Use whatever you think is necessary."
"I need to go to the other examination point, but DON'T hesitate to contact me if things take a turn for the worst!"
Because she would totally be able to find someone to perform the wedding ceremony before he passed. Then she could be Mirs Loranys Lobelia McHotter.
She was just about to clip clop her way out of the room when Heart Throb McGav entered. She could TOTALLY afford a few more minutes here. Besides, she would need a backup in case Hottie McHotter didn't make it out.
You know things were nothing but serious when Loranys began yelling and nevermind she was usually loud, things were usually bad. In this world people were dropping dead like flies. Pardon her best friend for actually being able to understand this.
"Yes, just look at his eyes and the faint movements. How long has he been paralyzed?" Still not noticing the straps. So complacent, death tended to do that to you.
She would take care of him.
Wait, know? OHHHH!!!
KNOW!! "I DO! I DO KNOW! YES! This must be done, fear not Loranys I'll be picking up my gown and taking up the maid of honour spot by the weekend!" SHE KNEW! Knowing was important. What was this unprofessional to which she spoke? True love was happening!
And she brought some potion!
"Brilliant! I feared I was running out! Do you KNOW how many people have needed shots??" None that sat still to take them but that wasn't the important part.
SPOILER!!: Tiffany
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The brunette watched the healer carefully... She was a healer, right?
Anyways, why does she where them? At first, the younger woman raised an inquisitive brow, but then carefully followed the woman's stare to her feet. Her heels!? FINALLY someone noticed. "Don't you just looooooove them?!?!" Of course they weren't even in stock yet. She knew some people who knew some people who knew people, who had connections. "I know they're not practical and they do make my feet ache a bit, but beauty is pain, right?" She also added a dramatic wink here because it was like THE rule of feminism.
........ -_____-
This situation?? But she hadn't even answered properly. What was this- so to speak- situation? Could someone please let her in on this much? How serious this is? "Um... You are, like, qualified for this, right?" Because uh she didn't need some random person evaluating her. Even if it was just a routine checkup, which again wasn't really answered. Just as she opened her mouth to answer-- she abruptly moved back and looked at the woman for a moment in complete shock. What. The. Heck.
FLICKING?! First off that was her PRECIOUS FACE, HELLOOOO. "Uhm, ex-cuh-use me? What was that for??" They weren't soft flicks either, honey. Tiffany slowly raised her hand up to touch the spot on her head. Was it bleeding? Had the woman left a hideous mark?
Easily excitable....
"Rambling...." Ravaora noted, taking to her clipboard to get this written down. Don't mind her while she observed, she was only taking notes to make Miss Pryce healthier.
"Loquentes Ieiuniumtis, no doubt about it, can't be anything else. The stress, it's obviously caused a bout of verbal diarrhea." Now where did she put that syringe? Open and closed case this one.
But then the questions that spewed out as a result of the condition. These were a different case entirely......ah yes, yesss, she saw it now and it was just as tragic if not a little more deadly.
"Trelawnitis as well--tell me, how long ago did you stop trusting people?? You must not lose faith in the word, Love."
Not to mention the slow hand movement. Of course.
"Impaired motor skills. It only confirms it." No doubts in this Healer's mind.
SPOILER!!: Lawrence
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Great. Lawrence found that he was actually hoping that the appointment was not confirmed or cancelled so that he could go back to work. But that was a mere hope, because the healer said that she would see him right now. He did not need to check his watch to know that it was not exactly a quarter past eleven, but no one could be as perfect as him.
Lawrence inhaled deeply, but before he exhaled he heard about - worse cases than his? Have him fixed? Pinpoint what's wrong? Merlin. He stood where he was for a moment. These people were crazy, and it seemed that the other employees felt the same. But what could he do? It was best to do as he was told.
"Fine," he said. Not enjoying this situation at all, he followed the healer into the other room. He remained standing, his green eyes wandering around as he took in his surroundings. Lawrence was muttering "I love my job, I love my job.." over and over again in his brain. "What do you want me to do?" He asked.
That noisy clock on the wall was being annoying. Why was everything here so crazy?
Ravaora moved as close to the man as she possibly could. That muttering thing he was doing....was it a long term habit or...something contracted once he got here? Stupid question, this was the place of evil. He got it here. That was the only option.
"I need you to tell me the last time you had a vacation. Clearly you're too stressed for your line of work." Could it be? O.O.P.S maybe but she would hold that verdict just a little longer.
SPOILER!!: Derek and Ember
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Hey Ju
Derek didn't have much time to understand all the craziness that was going on when suddenly one of the Healers came over to him and
TACKLED HIM TO THE GROUND. "AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!" Derek fell onto his back and felt rather dizzy for hitting his head on the floor. Before he could do anything, the woman was pumping at his chest and MERLIN, SHE WAS GOING TO KILL HIM. "O-- OW!" The man didn't mean to be that loud, or make any noise at all, but it was IMPOSSIBLE because that Healer was about to break his ribs! "S-s-top!" Merlin, he couldn't even pronounce words anymore. And he was still dizzy and now going out of breath because-
WAS THAT EVEN RIGHT?? HE WAS ALIVE, FOR MERLIN'S SAKE. That thing was meant to be done to people whose hearts had-- AAHH, HE COULDN'T BREATHE PROPERLY ANYMORE!
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Ember had heard muuuuuch commotion from the tech lounge--and, she had been right. Good for her Pufffffer senses--or hearing--whichever, because she gazed upon the scene with wiiiiiide lavender eyes. AND DEREK. OH MY GOSH. DEREK.
Her best friend! Well, maybe not bessssst but she considered him her FIRST friend at the ministry! OH NO! Ember lunged forward--hissing madly at the STUPID HEALER KILLING DEREK GOSH. "You--YOU are giving him a heart attack!" the former badger shouted, VERY snappily for someone usually so calm. 'YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK HIS RIBS STOPPPPPPIT!" she stomped her foot and didn't DARE touch the killer healer, but she just flailed her arms around and triiiiiiied her best to get her OFF of Derek!
MERLIN'S SOGGY SOCKS THESE HEALERS WERE INSANE! They belonged in their own psych ward, they did! She did what she thought she HAD to do, which was reeaaaach deep into her bag, pull out a bag of CINNIMON GOLDFISH, and opened it, pOURING THE LOT ON THE HEALER'S HEAD! HAA! Take that! THey didn't like sweets?! ENJOY THE HAIR FULL OF GOLDFISH!
Maybe she'd save Derek. And properly do CPR. Maybe.
GOOD MERLIN he was losing vocal function!! HAD HE LOST THE ABILITY TO SPEAK??? Without ceasing her pumping she looked the overly excited man in the eyes.
"Speak to ME! Are you still with me?? You will not DIE?" Not while Ravaora Silverkin was on the case and judging by her current position, she was VERY MUCH on this case and SAVING HIS LIFE.
Just look how excited he was at the prospect of living! Hardly able to utter a word!!
But then the other one happened.
"ExcuuuuUuuuUse YOU!" Ravaora slowed her pumping but would NOT stop for this woman.
"I AM SAVING HIM AND YOU ARE BEING LOUD AND FRIGHTENING HIM. Take a number and wait to be addressed!!" How was she meant to save lives in this in these conditions.
"I'll need you to slow your breathing, Sir. It's not very comforting and I must concentrate..." Something in her hair, something from the woman who was obviously having a mental breakdown. In one calm, swift motion she jab a syringe into the woman's leg. Only a mild sedative....or had she not diluted that one?
Teehee silly her.
SPOILER!!: Simon
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Holmesian Feline
The door shut behind him with a slam, making him well aware of the closed-off feeling he now had. Simon just hoped that it didn't lean towards the bad like one being surrounded by an enemy. As an auror he was sensative to his surroundings in case of trouble. Like the device pressed to his neck, thankfully explained as something to measure blood pressure by the healer's own comment. At the smack, his own hand raised somewhat in reaction on instinct, lowering as she commented on his skin texture. Not like he gave too much attention to his skin, especially on his face, other then his usual shave.
It was as the healer circled him that his hackles were inwardly elevated, feeling somewhat like prey being inspected. And the question...Clowns? "Um...they're okay." Simon had nothing against them. Not that he dealt with them often. As for the joke, the auror looked slightly confused. "Hmm...what kind of joke would you like?" he asked, trying to think of one to give in answer to her request. Maybe something he remembered from a conversation with Josh.
"How about...Why is a snitch called a snitch?"
That was it? They were just okay? That hardly inspired confidence in the Healer and her tsking said as much.
"Limited sense of humour." She muttered. Not liking clowns well PFFFT to you Sir, they probably didn't like you either. It was a tough life for the painted faces amongst them and people like him did nothing to make it better. FOR SHAME.
Her sharp eyes fixed on him. Was he asking questions at a time like this? She asked for a joke, not an interrogation. This one was Law Enforcement. It figured everything was an investigation.
"Easily confused...asking questions when asked for jokes...." More muttering to herself really while she continued to jot, but sure, she'd throw him a bone.
"Why is it, Mr. Bennett?" If she wasn't laughing within the next five minutes she was smacking some green sticky notes on this one's head too
SPOILER!!: Alysson
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Had she just...had that woman just wagged her finger at her? Alysson wasn't a child. Though she didn't have much time to be taken aback by that, seeing as the next things she said made her forget everything else. INFECT. "I'm not scratching it. It just felt a bit...warm after you touched it." So she'd wanted to make sure her cheek was still okay. Was there something on it??? "I'm sorry, do you maybe have a mirror I could borrow?" Because she couldn't find one and was starting to get REALLY worried about her face.
And apparently there WAS something wrong with it. It was fixable though. Apparently.
Alysson just stared. And tried to stay calm. But having somebody tell you that you had a number of illnesses just made you feel anxious. No matter if you didn't feel ill before. If an authority figure tells you you're ill you're ill. Period. Not that she wasn't still questioning the woman's judgement. "Are you sure?" She tilted her head slightly, trying to sneak a peek at the clipboard without the Healer noticing.
Wait...she could leave? "How do you suggest we treat...this?" Was she supposed to take potions? Could she maybe ask another healer for a second opinion first?
A mirror? As it so happened, Ravaora DID have a mirror.
"Hold that thought." Crossing the room, the rummaged around in her bag for a minute then pulled up a small palm mirror.
"You have have a look for yourself." And as casual as anything else in the world she reached over and gave the woman a nice smack to the cheek and a pinch. There, nice and rosie and full of colour again. Here you go, Love.
"Well why wouldn't I be sure? I've seen these signs and symptoms before. Luckily you aren't the worst I've seen and you could certainly be worse but we're here to make sure that never happens." BEEEEAAAMMMM. Merlin, saving lives was such a fulfilling career. She could see herself doing this the rest of her life.
As for suggestions...
"That's the best part! Remember the reformation I spoke of earlier? We'll be running several little seminars to get everyone back on the right track. You will need to attend if you want these symptoms brought under control and I can have something prescribed. Now then, please leave so I can save someone else from the greedy clutches of death." ^___^
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Genevieve watched the Healer person approach, rising half out of her reclined position languidly when the woman was close enough to speak to her. Might as well be polite, even if she was in perfect physical condition. Healthy as an ox. Sound as... a brick wall, really. Very sound.
"I'm on your side," Genevieve agreed with a careful nod. Whatever side, she was on it. Anything not to get that big old needle that poor Vic had been forced to face. "But... I can hear just fine." Enunciated slowly back, in case the old dear was confused.
And since she was instructed to do so, she bounced to her feet and stretched like a cat. "Death chamber? Never been there. D'you suppose they serve tea?" She'd rather like a spot of tea if she was going to die soon.
Could it be? The first cooperative soul all morning??
"Oh myyyyyy, I do like the sound of that." It didn't seem like anyone in this place was on their side, despite how much they were here to HELP SAVE BLOODY LIVES. How hard was it to understand they were all dying?? Surely it wasn't so difficult they couldn't wrap their minds around it.
"Why are you talking like that, Love?" That slow, well enunciated method of speech? Was it possible she suffered the same speech defect as the person who'd swung by earlier?
"How long has that condition persisted? I'll need you to come with me." Again, she must have ben speaking too quickly. Gah, Ravaora when will you learn. To atone for her insensitivity she made gesturing motions that surely the young woman would understand.
While she walked she made other little jottings and notes.
"Nonsensical speech and a welcoming feel of death..." Mhm. Clearly a whack job. The 10th they'd have all day, yet so cooperative. The Healer feared she wouldn't even need her trusty needle this time around.
SPOILER!!: Tancred and William
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He had poor sight? The dragon commissioner continued to stare blankly at her, rather than open his mouth and tell her different. His eyesight was just fine, thank you very much. But a little voice inside his head told him that the odds were not in his favour. The healer would take whatever he said with a grain of salt. She was determined to label him with whatever O.O.P.S. was and ... get him a seeing crup? Remove his eyes? Replace them with sanitized golf balls? WHAT?!
"I want a second opinion," Tancred told her, right after she finally let go of his face and started going on about how he had been playing with death. Working with dragons was dangerous, but death wasn't a guarantee. And he could see just fine! "Preferably from a Ministry healer."
There was no way he was going to follow her. Even if someone paid him a large amount of galleons, he would never in a million years follow the healer. Tancred was determined to keep her as far away from his eyes as he possibly could. In fact, he was about to turn around and leave the technology centre. But then he saw a very familiar face be brought in on a stretcher.
"Merlin's beard!" he exclaimed, dashing over to his friend. "What the bloody hell have they done to you, Willy?" The man was his usual self earlier this morning, and now he was in a stretcher with two healers acting like he was on the verge of death. Rubbish.
When the one healer wandered off, he gave his friend a 'don't worry' look. He was going to get the both of them out of this nuthouse. Somehow.
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Oh for the love of--- THERE WERE MORE OF THEM?!?! MORE nutters like Lorcrazyeyes?!!!
William couldn't help the loud groan that escaped his lips now. There were TWO insane "Healer" women conspiring against him now! And he STILL couldn't breathe properly through all the gauze around his head now. SOMEBODY. HELP. HIM. PLEASE. He didn't need to be STRAPPED DOWN. If he were really dying, then what were the straps for, huh? Weak and dying people didn't fight back!
Willy's fingers started to twitch for his wand. Maybe if he bent his wrist juuuust right, he could trigger the wrist holster....
WAIT! A glint of light in this dark, dark tunnel! Tancred was here! Willy looked up at his friend and coworker through wide, but OBVIOUSLY ALERT AND FINE brown eyes. The pleading look in his eyes said it all, honestly, but Willy accentuated his need to get out of here with some rattling of the straps around him and more muffled groans:
Translation: She caught me eating a brownie!!!!!!
Honestly she wished this one would stop trying to assure himself that he was fine. Evidently he was not or he would not be needing a seeing crup but NO he wasn't thinking about that, too busy asking for a second opinion.
"I have NEVER been more OFFENDED in ALL MY LIFE." She informed him, eyes bright with something...something but what?
"Second opinion--oh...oh oh oh...." OooOoOOoo truthfully she should have seen this coming, Overwhelming Overtiredness Patient Syndrome wasn't the only thing this one was suffering from. His lack of trust made it all so clear.
"Trelawnitis. There's no mistaking it. The lack of trust, the denial, everything is there." They had come prepared for such cases as well ah but there he went worrying about another patient in HER care.
"We have this under control. I will not be letting Loranys' husband to be die on my watch, you have nothing to fea--"
Hang on....the incoherent speech...the twitching
even if it was to get his wand and all that rattling from side to side
that she wouldn't admit was a method os escape.
"HE'S HAVING A SEIZURE!! This is all YOUR fault." She flared at the first man.
"You frightened him!" Immediately she pulled a syringe from her coat pocket and jabbed him with it.
There. Oh wait. Wait. Hold the snitch. What did that one do again?
SPOILER!!: Kennedy
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Why was she doing that lip thing? Kennedy side-eyed his surroundings. It wasn't his fault. He didn't do anything to make her cry. Promise. Then he registered her words and he almost cracked a laugh. "You think," he pointed at himself. "No, no, I'm--"
Why was she holding his hands and looking at him like that and saying THAT? "Whoa, whoa, lady!" he said taking a step back. "I'm fine really--wait!" She was already marching away.
Kennedy followed.
"Wait, is this for some life insurance thing?" Was he being scammed here?
Disjointed speech. Hmmm. Very curious. Where had she seen this before? Possibly in someone from earlier which meant she clearly had ways of dealing with it and they could get to that the moment they were in the room and the proper exams could begin.
"Limited vocabulary." She commented idly, as if she'd just told him what colour his own hair was.
"Obviously comes and goes but for how much longer?" Always that question. How much longer indeed.
Highly suspicious as well. It must have come with the job. The stresses of Law Enforcement could get to anyone and this was much like his companion was crumbling under the weight.
"Insurance? Are you being haggard? You've been told before that you're dying, haven't you?" How did one live with SUCH STRAIN??
SPOILER!!: Bryce
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Sigh. Evals. SIGH.
The mere thought made Bryce squirm as he made his way towards the Technology Lounge. It wasn't exactly the Healers -- he didn't care much for them -- it was the needles. The thought of being injected with one of those made his skin crawl and if someone was going to pull one out on him, he was running out of he place before they could say 'St. Mungo's'.
So keep those away and they were good. Keep any dummies away too--
............. He had no words. No words for this place. None.
If he didn't know any better, he'd have thought that he had stepped into St Mungo's itself. Hazel eyes took in the room, a mildly incredulous look spreading acros his face. There were going to be scalpels and needles as Merlin knows what other kind of sharp objects you'd normally find in a hospital. No. Just...... no.
"Bryce Howell. Environmental Department Head." Let's get this over and done with? He had things to do and there was a delicious looking doughnut in a box in his bag that had his name on it.
Department Head? SHE WAS ON IT!!
"Ravaora Silverkin, Love, I'm here to save your possibly bleak and meaningless life and show you the joy of living once more. If you'd just come with me we can have you checked and injected and released in no time." Granted she didn't know whether or not she'd actually NEED her trusty syringe but heh, that hadn't stopped her today, just ask any of her other patients.
Without waiting for his consent, Ravaora grabbed hold and began tugging. These got priority and his face got him extra priority. Why did the pretty die young??
Not THIS one! Not if she had anything to do about it and him...and that other one...and Loranys' future husband....and the one with a heart attack. The Ministry was a gold mine.
SPOILER!!: Jasmine
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Jasmine was walking with the healer. She was nervous and hoped she was gonna pass this exam. She was normal and in full health. Her palms were sweating with nerves. She didn't want to come off as having a fever or anything. Uh oh...the door closed! Her heart was beating fast and she took a seat. She was fidgeting with her hands. It was something she did when she was nervous and out of place. I mean this stranger was examining her. She had a right to be nervous.
She heard the first question and cleared her throat, "Ermm I have worked here for year...So not that long" She still felt like a newbie after all but she knew around the Environmental department more than everyone else.
The fidgeting was nothing if not a tell tale sign and Ravaora was already scribbling.
"Are you uncomfortable? Is the seat not comfy enough? WHY ARE YOU SCRATCHING?" She was scratching because the Healer said so and the woman didn't have eyes like Ravaora so what would she know.
"A year's a long time. It's AGGGGEEESS and a wonder you haven't dropped dead in the mean time with everything going on." Weren't they all walking miracles? Defying the odds in ways she never thought they would. It was impressive and a little scary to think about as well.
"It must be the nerves. Fear of returning to poor working conditions." SPOILER!!: Ronnie
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Mole People. New York City. The Minister of Magic in... Czechoslovakia? Ronnie's eyes widened slightly and she looked to the floor, her mind racing for an answer to these questions. Was this a test? Was she really going mad? Should she know the answers to these questio-
But then the woman was poking at her. Her arms, face, and stomach. Which almost made her start giggling, but she forced herself not to. Figuring this was a... normal thing, she let the woman go about poking her while she tried to answer the questions in her head. "I'm afraid I-I don't know." she finally said after a while of racking her brain, which nearly had given her a headache. Merlin's beard, she didn't know this whole thing would cause stress on her! She thought it'd be simple and quick since she knew for a fact she was perfectly fine. But after what this woman was saying and asking her, perhaps Ronnie wasn't fine.
What did she MEAN she didn't know??? Ravaora's eyes widened to an astonishing level and the word panic could be seen across her face if someone looked hard enough.
"Oh no oh no oh no. Tragic! Worst than even I had imagined. You don't KNOW?? No no no!" She might have been the first confirmed case and what's worse...
No. Reactions.
"Limited to no reaction to stimulus." She commented as her poking and prodding came to an end. Sweet Merlin, this one was messed up in all the ways. Something...needed to be done....