MO & DMLE Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Dragonstone
Posts: 15,583
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lyric Bayliss-Black Slytherin Fourth Year x12 x12
| Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese SPOILER!!: Sherman! Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Oh, there was his boss! Hi boss! Sherman perked up and WAVED.
Wait... Mr. Cresswell? Another Department Head? But he hadn't even worn his GOOD tie today.
The elderly man's attention had been completely focused on his superior, and he'd not even noticed that the healer lady had been observing him until she grabbed onto the handles of his seat. Um..... why was she....? Gravely ill? Death's door? Err.... what was...? "Where am I going?" Where was she TAKING him? Sherman's eyes widened to the size of saucers. "I... I can walk, ma'am! With a cane! I... I have a cane!" It was right there, sticking out of the compartment that held it in the back of his wheelchair.
Was this woman sane? Aron. SAVE him. Merlin.
Anthony was rather fed up. Could you TELL he was fed up? Because MERLIN, he WAS FED UP!
Prepared to do battle with this woman, again...the term was used loosely, the Department Head stalked forward, pulling his wand. If they wanted to make something of it, they could take it up with the Minister himself. Mr. Sherman Clark suffered from old age. Not....whatever they'd said.
Merlin, they didn't even sound like legit illnesses.
...but they were already disappearing into a room. He took a moment...and a few breathes to compose himself. It was true. These Healers had the ability to drive one to insanity. SPOILER!!: Jose! Quote:
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow "oh sure thing" he followed the man right away as he took a seat and got comfortable. "so how does this all work?" he asked the man, wondering if they would just be starting right away or was there something else that he needed to do before they started. "It's going to be very straight forward. I'm going to do some vital checks...and then you'll be free to go." Nope, he wasn't subjecting people to whatever else. He had started to...but no. Not now. Too fed up. The Department Head wanted to be DONE here so he could attend to other business on his level. There were contracts he'd been meant to work on today.
There was simply NO TIME for this ridiculousness.
Anthony went ahead and slipped on some latex gloves. "Just get comfortable, Mr. Mora. I'll be quick."...and he could make up things for his file. That was Anthony's current level of caring. Zero. SPOILER!!: Nutter #2 Quote:
Originally Posted by Loranys Lilyfield Stretcher carrying Mr. Hottie McHotter (BanaBatGirl) floating behind her, Loranys FRANTICALLY kicked open the door to the technology lounge with her heels and let out a shrill banshee shriek for her bestest friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
"RAVAORA! Ravaora I need your assistance at ONCE. This is an emergency! This man is suffering from O.O.P.S, pruritusism, zuccherotosis, AND loquentes ieiuniumtis!"
And let's not even get started on his nutrition and choice of pet.
WHY was there ANOTHER St. Mungo's person down here? WHY?
Merlin, the screeching... SPOILER!!: Nutter #3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Wandastian Epitaph "Unfortunately, Healer Cresswell, a break is simply not feasible at the current time." Wandastian had materialized in the technology lounge, a gigantic notepad in hand. What exactly was on said notepad would remain a mystery, as he proceeded towards his St. Mungo's coworker. SPOILER!!: Nutter #1 Quote:
Originally Posted by Ravaora Silverkin "A break you say? No better break than giving me the chance to get your check up underway. It won't take long and surely you know you can't check yourself." Professionals such as themselves were above that level of thinking so yes Mr. Cresswell, we'd LOVE to have a go at you.
So tense, he seemed and she already had a few conclusions she'd drawn on. Just needed him alone in a room with a couple prodding equipment and the truth would be uncovered in no time. "Right this way if you will." But really he had no choice.
Wait, what?! "Excuse me, but I respectfully decline." He'd been in this same room with THAT woman for hours now. He had no doubts she was certifiable...and tackling people, hitting them in the head...Ahem. NOT for him, thank you very much!
Yes, Anthony refused to die that way. There was still so much to see... "I'll just get back to work..." Yep...just going to get right on that... SPOILER!!: Eliora! Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners If this thing got a definition in her head it would be stupid. She'd thought of pretending she was actually ill and unable to make it but then realised that that was the worst of ideas. Eliora had made darn sure she'd had a drink and eaten something before she even came to her appointment so she didn't get snippy and snappy with people and possibly die in the process.
But if they thought she was giving a pee sample, OH HELL THEY WERE GOING TO BE PUNCHED SO HARD THEIR ANCESTORS WOULD FEEL IT. She had THINGS to be doing. LISTS TO BE EDITING. She had decided last week that tomorrow would be the day that she put her male ranking list up around the whole Ministry (yes THE WHOLE MINISTRY) and now she'd been thrown off her plans because she was going to be driven insane by Healer drawl. The boring kind.
She was perfect, thank you very much.
Princess Aurora Eliora was in perfect health.
And she definitely thought the males around here were FIIIIIIIIIINE. (Fine specimen, that was) "Name and department?" Quickly...before you get snatched up by Nutter #1 and Nutter #2 over there.
...and WHY was that Epitaph guy down here? What was the purpose of THREE St. Mungo's Healers in one place? Was Bradley okay?
Merlin, could the employees SEE the utter panic in his eyes?! SPOILER!!: Edward! Quote:
Originally Posted by Edward Penguin Edward wandered up to Level 1. He felt like he wanted a hot pocket. He liked hot pockets. He was whistling as he rounded the doorway and headed in. He was thinking about the microwave and reading the heating instructions when he bumped into a table. He looked up hurriedly, ready to apologize when he noticed something kind of odd. It looked like a waiting room. He turned around and was ready to leave... NO, no...Get it over with now, mate. No need for them to be tracking you down later.
Anthony got the distinct feeling they would that sort of thing. Their combined crazy felt at about that level. "Name and department." Hurry. SPOILER!!: Erin! Quote:
Originally Posted by Talikins People were enough to make Erin feel slightly uneasy and cautious, but doctors..they were a whole lot worse. Again it wasn't a phobia of them, it was just the awkwardness and the jump off her comfort zone when it came to examining and health checks. They'd want to feel your forehead then see your throat, then this, then that and it was all just far from anything relaxing.
Yet work was work and she'd do it for that because her work was her passion. It was that, that had the brunette enter the newly transformed technology center. She was aghast at how different it looked and just slightly more anxious than before too.
This was going to be like a usual doctor visit by the looks of it...or was it? Would it be worse or better?
...She was hoping for the latter.
...and Merlin, did one that actually LOOKED an anxious mess have to show up? This was what they wanted! To make the Ministry look incapable and incompetent.
Maybe. Anthony didn't generally speak Nutter. "Relax. Name and department."...but QUICKLY, please. Please, before you're SEEN.
__________________ We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____